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通过对圈养林麝(Moschusberezovskii)外周血淋巴细胞CD4~+、CD8~+亚群的检测,探讨林麝细胞免疫功能状态,并探索应用流式细胞仪分析其淋巴细胞亚群的方法,为研究林麝重大疾病的病理机制及诊断方法提供科学依据。本研究选取健康林麝和患呼吸道疾病林麝各5头,以双色流式细胞术检测其外周血淋巴细胞CD4~+、CD8~+亚群的含量,并进行比较。结果显示,羊源CD4、CD8的流式荧光抗体能够标记林麝细胞并有效检测;患病林麝与健康林麝相比,外周血CD4~+细胞含量无差异(P 0.05),CD8~+细胞含量则显著降低(P 0.01),CD4~+/CD8~+比值显著增高(P 0.01)。结果表明,患呼吸系统炎性疾病的林麝其外周血淋巴细胞CD8~+亚群变化显著,检测淋巴细胞亚群对林麝疾病的诊断有重要意义。  相似文献   
The recognition of phytophagous insects by plants induces a set of very specific responses aimed at deterring tissue consumption and reprogramming metabolism and development of the plant to tolerate the herbivore. The recognition of insects by plants requires the plant’s ability to perceive chemical cues generated by the insects and to distinguish a particular pattern of tissue disruption. Relatively little is known about the molecular basis of insect perception by plants and the signalling mechanisms directly associated with this perception. Importantly, the insect feeding behaviour (piercing‐sucking versus chewing) is a decisive determinant of the plant’s defence response, and the mechanisms used to perceive insects from different feeding guilds may be distinct. During insect feeding, components of the saliva of chewing or piercing‐sucking insects come into contact with plant cells, and elicitors or effectors present in this insect‐derived fluid are perceived by plant cells to initiate the activation of specific signalling cascades. Although receptor–ligand interactions controlling insect perception have yet not been molecularly described, a significant number of regulatory components acting downstream of receptors and involved in the activation of defence responses against insects has been reported. Some of these regulators mediate changes in the phytohormone network, while others directly control gene expression or the redox state of the cell. These processes are central in the orchestration of plant defence responses against insects.  相似文献   
Herbivory‐induced changes in photosynthesis have been documented in many plant species; however, the complexity of photosynthetic regulation and analysis has thwarted progress in understanding the mechanism involved, particularly those elicited by herbivore‐specific elicitors. Here, we analysed the early photosynthetic gas exchange responses in Nicotiana attenuata plants after wounding and elicitation with Manduca sexta oral secretions and the pathways regulating these responses. Elicitation with M. sexta oral secretions rapidly decreased photosynthetic carbon assimilation (AC) in treated and systemic (untreated, vascularly connected) leaves, which were associated with changes in stomatal conductance, rather than with changes in Rubisco activity and 1‐5 ribulose‐1,5‐bisphosphate turnover. Phytohormone profiling and gas exchange analysis of oral secretion‐elicited transgenic plants altered in phytohormone regulation, biosynthesis and perception, combined with micrografting techniques, revealed that the local photosynthetic responses were mediated by 12‐oxo‐phytodienoic acid, while the systemic responses involved interactions among jasmonates, cytokinins and abscisic acid signalling mediated by mitogen‐activated protein kinase 4. The analysis also revealed a role for cytokinins interacting with mitogen‐activated protein kinase 4 in CO2‐mediated stomatal regulation. Hence, oral secretions, while eliciting jasmonic acid‐mediated defence responses, also elicit 12‐oxo‐phytodienoic acid‐mediated changes in stomatal conductance and AC, an observation illustrating the complexity and economy of the signalling that regulates defence and carbon assimilation pathways in response to herbivore attack.  相似文献   
Laboratory training and testing of auditory recognition skills in animals is important for understanding animal communication systems that depend on auditory cues. Songbirds are commonly studied because of their exceptional ability to learn complex vocalizations. In recent years, mounting interest in the perceptual abilities of songbirds has increased the demand for laboratory behavioural training and testing paradigms. Here, we describe and demonstrate the success of a method for auditory discrimination experiments, including all the necessary hardware, training procedures and freely-available, versatile software. The system can run several behavioural training and testing paradigms, including operant (go-nogo, stimulus preference, and two-alternative forced choice) and classical conditioning tasks. The software and some hardware components can be used with any laboratory animal that learns and responds to sensory cues. The peripheral hardware and training procedures are designed for use with songbirds and auditory stimuli. Using the go-nogo paradigm of the training system, we show that adult zebra finches learn to recognize and correctly classify individual female calls and male songs. We also show that learning the task generalizes to new stimulus classes; birds that learned the task with calls subsequently learned to recognize songs faster than did birds that learned the task and songs at the same time.  相似文献   
In order to analyze risk perception related to the use and handling of organochlorine pesticides (OCP) in agricultural and livestock activities among Maya communities of Yucatan, Mexico, and to study their impact on public health and the environment, we conducted an analytical study applying 274 semi-structured interviews in 11 municipalities in the zone called “Ring of Cenotes.” The harmful effects of agrochemicals on water supplies, soils, air, and human health were considered, including the indoor use of pesticides to preserve harvest products. Recent studies showed high levels of OCP in groundwater. A generalized low risk perception related to human health and the environment due to pesticide use was found. Likewise, social parameters were analyzed, including the educational level, as well as risk factors related to groundwater karst vulnerability. Pesticides that have been banned by international conventions are still in use. The occurrence of some diseases such as cervical cancer, with a very high prevalence at the national level, and the practice of obtaining drinking water from polluted wells and sinkholes, may be associated with this low risk perception and with poor social conditions. Establishing programs on health education, agro-ecological production alternatives, and water chemical quality monitoring is recommended.  相似文献   
本文利用13对微卫星标记,对我国3个核心种源地(巴山、秦岭、川西高原)圈养林麝种群进行遗传多样性和遗传结构分析。在167份样品中共检测到142个等位基因(Na),每个位点等位基因数介于7~16,均值为10.92,平均有效等位基因数(Ne)为6.3730,期望杂合度(He)和观测杂合度(Ho)均值分别为0.8302和0.3897。这些圈养林麝种群遗传多样性水平较高,但较低的观测杂合度表明圈养群体存在近交现象。两两群体间的Fst 值和AMOVA分析结果均表明种群之间分化程度不明显。群体遗传结构分析显示,全部样本聚为3个遗传簇(最佳K值=3),其主体与3个地理来源相符,但种群间存在基因渗透现象。本研究中的秦岭种群遗传变异最为丰富,可以作为种质改良的基因池。  相似文献   
双组分系统——细胞识别渗透胁迫信号的感应器   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
双组分系统是广泛存在于原核和真核细胞中的信号转导系统.主要由组氨酸蛋白激酶(HPK)和响应调节蛋白(RR)两个组分组成. 双组分系统信号通路一般包括信号的输入、HPK自身磷酸化、RR磷酸化、信号输出等环节.对双组分系统信号转导机制及其在渗透胁迫信号识别和传导中的作用进行了综述.  相似文献   
The major histocompatibility complex (MHC) is one of the most important elements in immune system for nearly all vertebrates, and is thought to be essential for an organism to recognize foreign molecules. In this study, we investigated the MHC variation in 51 forest musk deer (Moschus berezovskii) collected from three captive populations in Sichuan Province, China. Seventeen haplotypes were isolated from the 51 samples. A total of 51 mutation sites were identified and yielded a nucleotide diversity of 0.056. These haplotype sequences possessed 83 putative amino acid sites, including 24 PBR sites (peptide binding region) and 59 non-PBR sites. Out of 24 PBR sites, 15 codons showed variation (0.625), while 12 codons showed variation (0.203) in 59 non-PBR sites. Non-synonymous substitutions primarily occurred in PBR, with analyses suggesting that the Mobe-DRB gene had undergone strong positive selection during their evolution. Compared with that of some other endangered species, the forest musk deer had relatively high level of MHC diversity. Our results suggested that the MHC diversity characteristic of captive forest musk deer populations might be not responsible for their high morbidity of abscess disease.  相似文献   
马艳艳  赵雪雁  兰海霞  薛冰 《生态学报》2020,40(5):1810-1824
重点生态功能区承担着保护与修复生态环境、提供生态产品的重要任务,农户作为该区最重要的生态保护主体,面临着多重风险的冲击,其对生计风险的多维感知不仅会影响其生产行为决策,更关系到重点生态功能区主体功能的发挥,因此,急需准确地了解农户的生计风险多维感知及影响因素,为制定有效的生计风险防范体系提供借鉴。以甘南黄河水源补给区为例,基于多维度生计风险感知测量框架,利用入户调查数据,分析了农户的生计风险感知,并采用经济计量模型分析了影响农户生计风险感知的关键因素。结果表明:①甘南黄河水源补给区农户面临的主要生计风险为家庭发展需求风险、健康风险、社会风险,且重点保护区农户面临环境风险、家庭发展需求风险、政策风险的比例均显著高于恢复治理区和经济示范区农户。②农户对家庭发展需求风险的熟悉性、自愿性、持续性感知均最高,对健康风险的恐慌性、严重性及可能性感知均最高,对社会风险的可控性感知最高。其中,重点保护区农户对政策、市场及健康风险的可控性感知均高于其他区域。③人力资本对可能性感知、严重性感知、恐慌性感知、熟悉性感知产生了显著影响;物质资本对自愿性感知产生了显著影响。最后,提出了农户防范生计风险的对策建议...  相似文献   
The kinetics of gravitropism and of amyloplast sedimentation were studied in dark-grown protonemata of the moss Ceratodon purpureus (Hedw.) Brid. The protonemata grew straight up at a rate of 20–25 m·h in nutrient-supplemented agar. After they were oriented to the horizontal, upward curvature was first detected after 1–1.5 h and reached 84° by 24 h. The tip cells exhibited an amyloplast zonation, with a tip cluster of nonsedimenting amyloplasts, an amyloplast-free zone, and a zone with pronounced amyloplast sedimentation. This latter zone appears specialized more for lateral than for axial sedimentation since amyloplasts sediment to the lower wall in horizontal protonemata but do not fall to the basal wall in vertical protonemata. Amyloplast sedimentation started within 15 min of gravistimulation; this is within the 12–17-min presentation time. The data support the hypothesis that some amyloplasts function as statoliths in these cells.This work was supported by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration grant NAGW-780. We thank Professor E. Hartmann and J. Schwuchow for providing Ceratodon cultures, Dr. John Z. Kiss and Jeff Young for valuable discussions, and Professor Rainer Hertel (University of Freiburg, FRG) for bringing this material to our attention.  相似文献   
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