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Helicobacter pylori infection of the stomach is associated with the development of gastritis, peptic ulcers, and gastric adenocarcinomas, but the mechanisms are unknown. MUC1 is aberrantly overexpressed by more than 50% of stomach cancers, but its role in carcinogenesis remains to be defined. The current studies were undertaken to identify the genetic mechanisms regulating H. pylori-dependent MUC1 expression by gastric epithelial cells. Treatment of AGS cells with H. pylori increased MUC1 mRNA and protein levels, and augmented MUC1 gene promoter activity, compared with untreated cells. H. pylori increased binding of STAT3 and MUC1 itself to the MUC1 gene promoter within a region containing a STAT3 binding site, and decreased CpG methylation of the MUC1 promoter proximal to the STAT3 binding site, compared with untreated cells. These results suggest that H. pylori upregulates MUC1 expression in gastric cancer cells through STAT3 and CpG hypomethylation.  相似文献   
In studies of complex health conditions, mixtures of discrete outcomes (event time, count, binary, ordered categorical) are commonly collected. For example, studies of skin tumorigenesis record latency time prior to the first tumor, increases in the number of tumors at each week, and the occurrence of internal tumors at the time of death. Motivated by this application, we propose a general underlying Poisson variable framework for mixed discrete outcomes, accommodating dependency through an additive gamma frailty model for the Poisson means. The model has log-linear, complementary log-log, and proportional hazards forms for count, binary and discrete event time outcomes, respectively. Simple closed form expressions can be derived for the marginal expectations, variances, and correlations. Following a Bayesian approach to inference, conditionally-conjugate prior distributions are chosen that facilitate posterior computation via an MCMC algorithm. The methods are illustrated using data from a Tg.AC mouse bioassay study.  相似文献   
W D Davies  J Pittard  B E Davidson 《Gene》1985,33(3):323-331
Defective transducing phages carrying aroG, the structural gene for phenylalanine (phe)-inhibitable phospho-2-keto-heptonate aldolase (EC; previously known as 3-deoxy-D-arabinoheptulosonate-7-phosphate synthetase[phe]), have been isolated, and DNA from two of these phages has been used to construct a restriction map of the region from att lambda to aroG. A 7.6-kb PstI-HindIII fragment from one of these phages was cloned into pBR322 and shown to contain aroG. The location of aroG within the 7.6 kb was established by subcloning and Tn3 transpositional mutagenesis. A fragment carrying the aroG promoter and operator has been cloned into a high copy number promoter-cloning vector (pMC489), and the resulting aroGpo-LacZ' (alpha) fusion subcloned in a low copy number vector. Strains with this fusion on the low copy number vector exhibit negative regulation of beta-galactosidase expression by both phenylalanine and tryptophan and positive regulation by tyrosine in a tyrR+ background.  相似文献   
Marine Synechococcus spp and marine Prochlorococcus spp are numerically dominant photoautotrophs in the open oceans and contributors to the global carbon cycle. Syn5 is a short-tailed cyanophage isolated from the Sargasso Sea on Synechococcus strain WH8109. Syn5 has been grown in WH8109 to high titer in the laboratory and purified and concentrated retaining infectivity. Genome sequencing and annotation of Syn5 revealed that the linear genome is 46,214 bp with a 237 bp terminal direct repeat. Sixty-one open reading frames (ORFs) were identified. Based on genomic organization and sequence similarity to known protein sequences within GenBank, Syn5 shares features with T7-like phages. The presence of a putative integrase suggests access to a temperate life cycle. Assignment of 11 ORFs to structural proteins found within the phage virion was confirmed by mass-spectrometry and N-terminal sequencing. Eight of these identified structural proteins exhibited amino acid sequence similarity to enteric phage proteins. The remaining three virion proteins did not resemble any known phage sequences in GenBank as of August 2006. Cryo-electron micrographs of purified Syn5 virions revealed that the capsid has a single “horn”, a novel fibrous structure protruding from the opposing end of the capsid from the tail of the virion. The tail appendage displayed an apparent 3-fold rather than 6-fold symmetry. An 18 Å resolution icosahedral reconstruction of the capsid revealed a T = 7 lattice, but with an unusual pattern of surface knobs. This phage/host system should allow detailed investigation of the physiology and biochemistry of phage propagation in marine photosynthetic bacteria.  相似文献   
5-Iodouracil (IUra)-substituted progeny bacteriophage T4td8 were grown under conditions such that, upon CsCl equilibrium isopycnic gradient centrifugation, progeny with density distributions about the median similar to that of unsubstituted phage are obtained. In the absence of light a monotonie relationship exists between decreasing progeny viability and increasing percent IUra substitution. IUra is equivalent to thymine as a growth factor on a molar basis, and at concentrations of IUra plus thymine above that required for maximum particle production, the percent IUra substitution in phage DNA is determined by the mole fraction of IUra in the medium. The lethal effects of 5-iodo-2'-deoxyuridine (IdUrd) and IUra are equivalent, and are not produced by a direct effect on the phage particles. At equivalent percent substitution in phage DNA the order of lethality is IUra > 5-bromouracil (BrUra) > 5-chlorouracil (ClUra). There is no interference with the transfer of thymine from host cell to progeny phage by the presence of IUra in the medium, and IUra affects neither the time of lysis nor the content of phage DNA in the infected cells.  相似文献   
Mammalian cells grown in suspension produce waste metabolites such as lactate, alanine, and ammonia, which reduce the yield of cell mass and the desired product on the nutrients supplied. Previous studies (Cruz et al., 1999; Europa et al., 2000; Follstad et al., 1999) have shown that the cells can be made to alter their metabolism by starving them on their nutrients in continuous cultures at low dilution rates or starting the culture as a fed-batch. This leads to multiple steady states in continuous reactors, with some states being more favorable than others. Mathematical models that take into account the metabolic regulation that leads to these multiple steady states are invaluable tools for bioreactor control. In this article we present a cybernetic modeling strategy in which Metabolic Flux Analysis (MFA) is used to guide the cybernetic formulation. The hybridoma model presented as a result of this strategy considers the partially substitutable, partially complementary nature of glucose and glutamine. The choice of competitions within the network is guided by MFA and the model is successful in explaining the three multiple steady states observed. The cybernetic model though identified for the hybridoma experiments of Hu and others (Europa et al., 2000) seem generally applicable to mammalian systems as it captures the pathways that are common to mammalian cells grown in suspension. The model presented here could be used for start-up strategies for continuous reactors and model-based feedback control for maintaining high productivity of the reactor.  相似文献   
The integrated state of lambda in the host chromosome in lysogeny can be combined with its extrachromosomal replication in the lytic state to achieve high cloned gene productivities. Our previous studies on lambda expression systems(21,22) have shown 100% segregational stability of the cloned gene in lysogeny and cloned gene product levels up to 15% of total cell protein in a mutant lytic state. However, the expression phase of systems based on Escherichia coli JM109 and JM105 showed partial lysis of the productive culture despite a mutation in the lysis gene S of the lambda vector resulting in extracellular release of the cloned gene product. In the current study, we have eliminated partial lysis in the expression phase of lambda systems and conducted a detailed comparative analysis of these systems in relation to maximization of cloned gene productivity. The elimination of partial cell lysis by using a nonpermissive strain Y1089 did not enhance product yields vs. earlier systems that exhibited partial lysis. The elimination of nonessential lambda protein production by construction of a new vector NP326 did not yield higher product yields presumably because of the small fraction of these proteins in the lytic state. Temperature induction of the lysogen Y1089(NM1070) resulted in higher product levels than direct infection of Y1089 by the phage vector at a high multiplicity. Using infection experiments, we found the promoter lacUV5 in the vector lambdaZEQS to yield threefold higher product levels than lac in NM1070, suggesting possible further enhancement of productivity with stronger promoters. The occurrence or absence of partial lysis in lambda systems could be used beneficially to achieve extracellular or intracellular product as desired. The large capacity of lambda vectors for insert DNA suggests potential applications in obtaining highly amplified levels of operons and multienzyme systems. (c) 1992 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
Lee HJ  Su Y  Lui WY  Chau GY  Yin PH  Lee HC  Chi CW 《FEBS letters》2008,582(5):627-634
A R Davis  T Bos  M Ueda  D P Nayak  D Dowbenko  R W Compans 《Gene》1983,21(3):273-284
Cloned DNA fragments coding for parts of strain WSN (H1N1) influenza virus hemagglutinin (HA) were fused to a bacterial leader DNA derived from the Escherichia coli trp operon. Fusion proteins produced consisted of 190 amino acids of trpLE' protein at the amino terminus, and HA amino acids, either 1-308, 1-396, or 1-548 (complete HA), at the carboxyl terminus. These proteins were expressed at high levels (10-20% of total protein) in E. coli starved for tryptophan. A CNBr fragment (HA1-211) was derived from HA-308. Each of the proteins was purified and used for immunizing mice and rabbits. The antibody produced was shown to bind to (i) the HA fusion proteins, (ii) detergent-treated viral HA, (iii) HA, on intact virions, and (iv) the HA on the surface of cells infected with influenza virus. This shows that the HA fusion proteins expressed in bacteria can elicit antibodies that recognize at least some determinants of the native viral HA, and probably could lead to development of an anti-influenza vaccine.  相似文献   
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