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Chlamydophila pneumoniae displays surprisingly little genomic variation, as seen by comparisons of the published genomes from three different isolates and sequencing of four different genes from different isolates. We have in the present study, however, demonstrated genomic variation between 10 C. pneumoniae isolates in the 11690-bp region between the two outer membrane protein genes pmp1 and pmp2. This region of the C. pneumoniae CWL-029 isolate contains seven C. pneumoniae-specific open reading frames (hb1-7, encoding hydrophobic beta-sheet-containing proteins). We identified additionally 12 open reading frames in the C. pneumoniae CWL-029 genome encoding hypothetical proteins with similarity to the seven hypothetical Hb-proteins. Compared to other isolates, genomic variation is seen to cause frame-shifting of three of the 19 hb-open reading frames, which are proposed to be three full-length genes and eight frame-shifted pseudogenes. The hypothetical proteins encoded by these proposed genes contain an N-terminally located highly hydrophobic stretch of 50-60 residues. A similar motif is found in all identified Chlamydia inclusion membrane proteins and therefore the Hb-proteins are candidate inclusion proteins.  相似文献   
Growth of the young is an important part of the life history in birds. However, modelling methods have paid little attention to the choice of regression model used to describe its pattern. The aim of this study was to evaluate whether a single sigmoid model with an upper asymptote could describe avian growth adequately. We compared unified versions of five growth models of the Richards family (the four‐parameter U‐Richards and the three‐parameter U‐logistic, U‐Gompertz, U‐Bertalanffy and U4‐models) for three traits (body mass, tarsus‐length and wing‐length) for 50 passerine species, including species with varied morphologies and life histories. The U‐family models exhibit a unified set of parameters for all models. The four‐parameter U‐Richards model proved a good choice for fitting growth curves to various traits – its extra d‐parameter allows for a flexible placement of the inflection point. Which of the three‐parameter U‐models was the best performing varied greatly between species and between traits, as each three‐parameter model had a different fixed relative inflection value (fraction of the upper asymptote), implying a different growth pattern. Fixing the asymptotes to averages for adult trait value generally shifted the model preference towards one with lower relative inflection values. Our results illustrate an overlooked difficulty in the analysis of organismal growth, namely, that a single traditional three‐parameter model does not suit all growth data. This is mostly due to differences in inflection placement. Moreover, some biometric traits require more attention when estimating growth rates and other growth‐curve characteristics. We recommend fitting either several three‐parameter models from the U‐family, where the parameters are comparable between models, or only the U‐Richards model.  相似文献   
p53家族成员在细胞生长、组织发育及肿瘤形成等方面都具有十分重要的生物学功能,其自身受到严格调控,泛素化修饰就是其中非常重要的方式之一,作为泛素化过程中决定底物特异性的泛素连接酶E3作用则更加突出.泛素连接酶E3可以分为两类:RING(really interesting new gene)类和HECT(homologous to E6AP C-terminus)类E3近年来,HECT类E3对p53家族的调控效应不断得到揭示.本文综述了HECT类E3在调控p53家族转录活性、稳定 性方面的重要作用、分子机制以及其作用对生物体肿瘤形成和生长发育等产生的影响,为进 一步完善p53家族调控网络,揭示HECT类E3在肿瘤发生发展及防治中的作用提供参考.  相似文献   
宽叶泽苔草居群内遗传多样性研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
(武汉大学生命科学学院植物系统学与进化生物学研究室,武汉430072)摘要:采用RAPD分子标记对宽叶泽苔草(Caldesiagrandis)湖南浪畔湖居群30个家系共180个子代样品进行了居群内家系间以及家系内的遗传多样性分析。从100个随机引物中筛选出12个有效引物,共产生112条带,其中79条表现出多态性,占总条带数的70.5%。宽叶泽苔草各个家系多态位点百分率(PPB)在7.1%–40.2%之间。各个家系基因多样性范围在0.02–0.14之间(家系水平的基因多样性为0.10),Shannon指数的范围在0.04–0.21之间(家系水平的Shannon指数为0.18)。对宽叶泽苔草30个家系的AMOVA分析结果显示,家系间的基因分化系数Gst=0.231,即总的变异中有23.1%的变异存在于家系间,家系内的遗传变异占总遗传变异的76.9%,家系间和家系内变异均极显著(P<0.001)。采用UPGMA法对宽叶泽苔草30个家系180个子代进行聚类的结果表明:同一家系的子代个体并不能完全聚在一起。基于家系间的遗传分化系数Gst对宽叶泽苔草30个家系间的基因流进行估测,结果显示:Nm=0.83,表明宽叶泽苔草各个家系之间有较高的基因流。  相似文献   
以中油四号油桃(Prunus persica var. nectarina)为研究对象, 利用MEGA 6.0、MEME、GSDS和DNAMAN 6.0等软件对桃ERF家族数据进行生物信息学分析, 鉴定得到102个ERF转录因子家族基因, 并通过构建系统进化树将这102个基因分为10个子家族(I-X)。基因结构分析表明, 有81个基因不含内含子, 20个基因含有1个内含子, 有1个基因与其它成员差异较大, 含有5个内含子。保守元件分析表明, ERF家族包含20个保守元件, 其中Motif 1、Motif 2和Motif 4都属于AP2/ERF结构域, 同一个保守元件主要出现在同一个子家族中, 并且大部分保守元件的功能未知。VIII子家族基因的荧光定量PCR分析表明, 在桃叶芽处于不同的发育状态时, PpeERF068的表达量存在较大差异, 光照培养箱中培养的桃芽在萌发过程中各时期表达量变化趋势进一步表明该基因可能与叶芽萌发有关, 将其命名为PpeEBB1。该研究为进一步揭示PpeEBB1的分子机制奠定了基础, 并为桃树的栽培管理和熟期调控了提供理论指导。  相似文献   
为了研究HDACs(组蛋白去乙酰化酶)在白菜型冬油菜响应低温胁迫中的影响,该研究采用强抗寒品种‘陇油7号’、耐寒品种‘天油4号’和弱抗寒品种Lenox等白菜型冬油菜,分析HDACs抑制剂曲古抑菌素A(TSA)处理后白菜型冬油菜种子的萌发,及低温胁迫下抗氧化酶活性和渗透调节物质含量变化,并全基因组鉴定HDACs的基因家族,分析其在不同抗寒性白菜型冬油菜中的表达特性。结果表明:(1)1μmol/L和3μmol/L的TSA对3个品种的根长均具有抑制作用,不同温度下外源喷施TSA均可增加抗氧化酶活性和渗透调节物质含量。(2)在白菜型冬油菜中共鉴定出21个HDACs;系统发育分析显示,HDACs可分为3个亚家族,所有基因不均等分布在8条染色体上,但7号和8号染色体上没有基因分布;HDACs启动子序列中包含胁迫响应、光响应、激素应答等相关的作用元件。(3)组织表达结果显示,大部分基因在生长锥中表达量明显高于其他组织部位,BrapaHDA19、BrapaHDA6-1、BrapaHDA8和BrapaHDA7-2在白菜型冬油菜花中表达量较高,且BrapaHDA5-2在‘天油4号’的茎生叶、角果、新基叶和老基叶中的表达量较高,而BrapaHDA7-2在Lenox的花中表达量较高。(4)低温胁迫表达结果显示,BrapaHDA8、BrapaHDA14、BrapaHDA2、BrapaHDT2-2和BrapaHDA15-1在3个抗寒性不同的材料中呈现出差异表达。研究推测,所鉴定的这些基因可能在白菜型冬油菜生长发育及抗寒性方面发挥重要功能。  相似文献   
Gymnocypris przewalskii, a cyprinid fish endemic to the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, has evolved unique morphological, physiological and genetic characteristics to adapt to the highland environment. Herein, we assembled a high-quality G. przewalskii tetraploid genome with a size of 2.03 Gb and scaffold N50 of 44.93 Mb, which was anchored onto 46 chromosomes. The comparative analysis suggested that gene families related to highland adaptation were significantly expanded in G. przewalskii. According to the G. przewalskii genome, we evaluated the phylogenetic relationship of 13 schizothoracine fishes, and inferred that the demographic history of G. przewalskii was strongly associated with geographic and eco-environmental alterations. We noticed that G. przewalskii experienced whole-genome duplication, and genes preserved post duplication were functionally associated with adaptation to high salinity and alkalinity. In conclusion, a chromosome-scale G. przewalskii genome provides an important genomic resource for teleost fish, and will particularly promote our understanding of the molecular evolution and speciation of fish in the highland environment.  相似文献   
Second messengers are small rapidly diffusing molecules or ions that relay signals between receptors and effector proteins to produce a physiological effect. Lipid messengers constitute one of the four major classes of second messengers. The hydrolysis of two main classes of lipids, glycerophospholipids and sphingolipids, generate parallel profiles of lipid second messengers: phosphatidic acid (PA), diacylglycerol (DAG), and lysophosphatidic acid versus ceramide, ceramide-1-phosphate, sphingosine, and sphingosine-1-phosphate, respectively. In this review, we examine the mechanisms by which these lipid second messengers modulate aldosterone production at multiple levels. Aldosterone is a mineralocorticoid hormone responsible for maintaining fluid volume, electrolyte balance, and blood pressure homeostasis. Primary aldosteronism is a frequent endocrine cause of secondary hypertension. A thorough understanding of the signaling events regulating aldosterone biosynthesis may lead to the identification of novel therapeutic targets. The cumulative evidence in this literature emphasizes the critical roles of PA, DAG, and sphingolipid metabolites in aldosterone synthesis and secretion. However, it also highlights the gaps in our knowledge, such as the preference for phospholipase D-generated PA or DAG, as well as the need for further investigation to elucidate the precise mechanisms by which these lipid second messengers regulate optimal aldosterone production.  相似文献   
从斜带石斑鱼垂体提取总。RNA,再取其50ng合成SMART cDNA。从所构建的垂体SMART cDNA质粒文库中筛选到生长激素/催乳素基因家族的2个成员的全长cDNA片段:生长激素(GH)基因全长为938bp,编码204个氨基酸;催乳素基因(PRI.)全长为1429bp,编码212个氨基酸。采用计算机软件Mega 2和CLUSTAL W1.64b对9种鱼的生长激素/催乳素基因家族的3个成员(GH、PRL和生长催乳素SL)的氨基酸序列进行系统分析,构建NJ分支系统树,对于序列中的插入/缺失位点则采用Pairaise Deletion,1000次自展(Bootstrap)分析计算各节点支持率。根据3个基因的氨基酸序列构建的系统树表明,石斑鱼与金头鲷、金鲈和牙鲆聚成一类,虹鳟与大马哈鱼聚成一类,鲫鱼与鲶鱼聚成一类,鳗鲡成另外一类。根据石斑鱼全长cDNA推断的氨基酸序列比较表明,SL相对GH和PRL有较高的保守性。石斑鱼的GH、PRL和SL的氨基酸同源性在24%~31%,但其C-端的氨基酸同源性较高,尤其是C-端的3个Cys是严格保守的。其中SL与GH的同源性(30.8%)高于与PRL的同源性(25.6%),GH和PRL的同源性最低(24.1%)。  相似文献   
西北干旱荒漠区种子植物科的区系分析   总被引:21,自引:4,他引:21  
西北干旱荒漠区分布有种子植物82科、484属、1704种,优势现象明显,优势科11个,它们是菊科、豆科、禾本科、藜科,十字花科、蓼科,莎草科、毛莨科、蔷薇科、唇形科和百合科;表征科8个,它们是香蒲科,麻黄科,柽柳科、蒺藜科,胡颓子科、藜科、眼子菜科和蓼科。地理成分多样,其中以世界广布成分为主,共37科,占总科数的45.12%,其次为温带成分(包括热带至温带,亚热带至温带,温带,温带至寒带),共有31科,占总科数的37.80%,热带成分,热带致亚热带成分较少,共14科,占总科数的17.07%。这些反映出植物的分布与本地区气候相适应的特点。  相似文献   
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