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Abstract. 1. The hypotheses that genetic variation in host plant resistance of the arroyo willow affected leaf folder ( Phyllocolpa sp.) (Hymenoptera: Tenthredinidae) density and that genetic variation in shoot length and leaf length was correlated with resistance were tested.
2. Willows grown in pots and exposed to ovipojsition by the leaf folding sawfly in cages had significantly different densities among clones, indicating variation in resistance caused by genetic differences among conspecific host plants.
3. There was a general correspondence between leaf folder density on potted cuttings and on the plants in the field that were the sources of cuttings.
4. In behavioural choice experiments, susceptible clones (with highest leaf fold densities) had the highest oviposition activity of female leaf folders compared to clones that were resistant to the leaf folder.
5. Clones differed significantly in shoot length and leaf length among clones grown in pots, among clones in the field, and between shoots with galls and shoots without galls on clones in the field.
6. Leaf folder density was significantly positively correlated with mean shoot length on field clones in 1985 and 1986, but was not correlated with leaf length, although leaf length and shoot length were correlated.
7. Leaf length variation among willow clones accounted for a significant portion of the variation in resistance of potted willows, but shoot length was unimportant.  相似文献   
The construction and use of two novel transposon(Tn)-delivery vectors is described. These vectors carry Inc.W or Inc.N broad-host-range transfer functions cloned next to the narrow-host-range replicon of pBR329. The host specificities of pSLX10 and pSLX23 both complement and extend the host specificities of existing Tn delivery vectors. Plasmids pSLX10 and pSLX23 were shown to transfer at high frequency in intergeneric matings. The lux genes which are present on each vector permit the visual monitoring of transconjugants which have retained a Tn element, but are devoid of plasmid molecules. pSLX10 and pLSX23 were efficiently used to generate a range of auxotrophic mutants in various strains of Pseudomonas as well as to clone genes from Serratia liquefaciens. These vectors may have general applicability to identify and clone genes in a wide range of Gram-negative bacteria.  相似文献   
Leaf thionins, a novel class of putative defence factors   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Leaf thionins of barley have been identified as a novel class of highly abundant polypeptides with antifungal activity, which are present in walls and vacuoles of barley leaf cells. Similar thionins occur not only in monocotyledonous but also in various dicotyledonous plants. The leaf thionins of barley are encoded by a complex multigene family, which consists of at least 50–100 members per haploid genome. The toxicity of these thionins for plant pathogenic fungi and the fact that their synthesis can also be triggered by pathogens strongly suggest that leaf thionins are involved in the mechanism of plant defence against microbiol infection.  相似文献   
Summary Three types of experiments indicate that the functional organization of the mountain birch may influence the ways in which the tree responds to simulated or natural herbivory. The first experiment showed that herbivory to both short and long shoot leaves affects plant development but, because growth largely proceeds by resources of the previous year, is manifested only in the year following the damage. The second experiment showed that even partial damage to a single long shoot leaf caused the axillary bud of that leaf to produce a shorter shoot the next year. Therefore, the value of a leaf depends also on the organ which it is subtending. In the third experiment we manipulated the apical dominance of shoots in ramets and caused improvement to leaf quality in extant shoots. Ramets within a tree responded individually, probably mediated by disturbance of the hormonal control because removal of apical buds elicited the response although removal of the same number of basal buds did not. Induced amelioration is a different response to induced resistance. The two responses are triggered by different cues and may occur in the same plant. By altering hormonal balance of shoots it is potentially possible for herbivores to induce amelioration of food quality. The ways in which herbivory is simulated may explain variability of results obtained when herbivory-induced responses in plants have been studied.  相似文献   
The ubiquitous grapevine-associated octopine/cucumopine Ti plasmids of biotype III Agrobacterium tumefaciens strains carry two T regions, TA and TB, with a complex oncogene arrangement. Within the octopine/cucumopine group, two main strain types were identified: large TA strains with a TA region resembling the TL region of the biotype I octopine strain Ach5 and small TA strains with a similar T region organization as the large TA strains but with a large internal TA deletion. Structural and functional studies of the representative large TA strain Tm4 revealed six oncogenes. Each oncogene was inserted in a disarmed vector and tested for biological activity using the corresponding oncogenes of Ach5 as standards. Five Tm4 oncogenes, TA-iaaM, T-ipt, T-6b, TB-iaaH and TB-iaaM, were shown to be active, the IS-interrupted TA-iaaH gene was inactive. To study the role of each gene in the pTiTm4 context, several single and multiple pTiTm4 mutations were constructed. It was shown that whereas TA-iaaM and TB-iaaH are essential for tumour formation on grapevine, T-ipt, T-6b and TB-iaaM are not. The avirulence of the TA-iaaM - mutant was shown to be due to an inhibitory effect of the T-ipt gene, since a TA-iaaM - /T-ipt - double mutant was fully virulent. We conclude that the TA-iaaM gene of large TA strains is specifically required to counteract the tumour growth inhibiting activity of the T-ipt gene. Both TA-iaaM and T-ipt are absent from the small TA strains. A model on the roles and interactions of the different oncogenes in large TA and small TA strains is presented.  相似文献   
黄连木五倍子的生态研究与利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、产地自然概况黄连木五倍子最早发现于河南省南部信阳市郊贤山脚下(东经114°0′,,北纬32°10′)。该地为低山丘陵,海拔90一320m,南部紧连鸡公山厂傍依南湾水库和狮河。  相似文献   
本文记述寄螨亚科(Parasitinae)三新种。模式标本保存于吉林省地方病第一防治研究所。文内测量单位为微米,括号内为测量平均值。  相似文献   
The biology and host specificity of the seed-feeding bruchids,Acanthoscelides quadridentatus (Schaeffer) andA. puniceus Johnson, from Mexico were studied in quarantine facilities in Australia. Distinguishing characters in the genitalia of each species are illustrated. Oviposition was recorded on 16 of 73 species of plants tested but larvae died without entering pods or seeds, except onMimosa invisa K. F. P. von Martius andM. pigra L. Larvae entering seeds ofM. invisa died in the first instar. The bruchids were clearly specific toM. pigra and were subsequently released as part of a program for biological control of this weed in the Northern Territory, Australia in April 1983 and thailand in July 1984.   相似文献   
Rearing techniques and results of preliminary host range tests are reported forHadena perplexa (Denis & Schiffermuller) (Lep.: Phalaenidae) a candidate biocontrol agent against the weed bladder campion,Silene vulgaris (Moench) Garcke, in Manitoba, Canada. In the laboratory, it was necessary to pipette a 15% honey solution in water into the flowers as food for the adult moths. When reared singly to avoid cannibalism, 56% of the 1st instar larvae developed to pupae. Larvae fed on a natural diet for 10 days can then be reared on either one of 2 artificial diets. Choice oviposition tests and no-choice larval feeding tests were conducted with plant species closely related toS. vulgaris in the generaSilene, Dianthus, Gypsophila, Lychnis, Saponaria. Species in 4 of 5 of these genera were accepted for oviposition, and species in all 5 genera supported the development of 1st instar larvae to the pupal stage.H. perplexa should not be introduced into Canada.   相似文献   
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