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Glucocorticoids regulate the expression of many liver-specific genes via glucocorticoid receptors. The presence of glucocorticoid receptors in liver has been reported in many mammalian species but not in nude mice. In the present study, we demonstrate the presence of specific glucocorticoid receptors in nude mouse liver. The binding of ligands to these receptors could be completely inhibited by RU486, and partially blocked by hydrocortisone and progesterone, whereas estrogen and testosterone had no effect. Hydrocortisone down-regulated the level of glucocorticoid receptors in livers of nude mice and correspondingly enhanced the activities of tyrosine aminotransferase and -glutamyltransferase. Our results indicate that glucocorticoid receptors in nude mouse liver are specific, fully functional, and present at levels 28.5-fold higher than in the liver of normal inbred mice. We suggest that the nude mouse is a valuable model for studies of hepatic glucocorticoid action and may provide a clue to a putative hepatic-thymic interaction.  相似文献   
Abstract: The effect of Ginkgo biloba extract (EGb 761) treatment (100 mg/kg/day, per os, for 14 days) on electroconvulsive shock (ECS)-induced accumulation of free fatty acids (FFA) and diacylglycerols (DAG) was analyzed in rat cerebral cortex and hippocampus. EGb 761 reduced the FFA pool size by 33% and increased the DAG pool by 36% in the hippocampus. These endogenous lipids were unaffected in cerebral cortex. During the tonic seizure (10 s after ECS) the fast accumulation of FFA, mainly 20:4, was similar in sham- and EGb 761 -treated rats, in both the cerebral cortex and hippocampus. However, further accumulation of free 18:0 and 20:4, observed in the hippocampus of sham-treated rats during clonic seizures (30 s to 2 min after ECS), did not occur in EGb 761-treated animals. The rise in DAG content triggered in the cortex and hippocampus by ECS was delayed by EGb 761 treatment from 10 s to 1 min, when values similar to those in sham animals were attained. Moreover, in the hippocampus the size of the total DAG pool was decreased by 19% during the tonic seizure. At later times, DAG content showed a faster decrease in EGb 761-treated rats. By 2 min levels of all DAG acyl groups decreased to values significantly lower than in sham animals in both cortex and hippocampus. This study shows that EGb 761 treatment affects, with high selectivity, lipid metabolism and lipid-derived second messenger release and removal in the hippocampus, while affecting to a lesser extent the cerebral cortex.  相似文献   
Abstract: We have analyzed free chiral amino acids (aspartate and serine) in the human frontal cortex at different ontogenic stages (from 14 weeks of gestation to 101 years of age) by HPLC with fluorometric detection after derivatization with N-tert -butyl-oxycarbonyl- l -cysteine and o -phthaldialdehyde. Exceptionally high levels of free d -aspartate and d -serine were demonstrated in the fetal cortex at gestational week 14. The ratios of d -aspartate and of d -serine to the total corresponding amino acids were also high, at 0.63 and 0.27, respectively. The concentration of d -aspartate dramatically decreased to a trace level by gestational week 41 and then remained very low during all postnatal stages. In contrast, the frontal tip contained persistently high levels of d -serine throughout embryonic and postnatal life, whereas the d -amino acid content in adolescents and aged individuals was about half of that in the fetuses. Because d -aspartate and d -serine are known to have selective actions at the NMDA-type excitatory amino acid receptor, the present data suggest that these d -amino acids might play a pivotal role in cerebral development and functions that are related to the NMDA receptor.  相似文献   
Nobuo Takagi 《Genetica》1993,88(2-3):107-117
For the cytogenetic study of X chromosome inactivation as an X chromosome dosage compensation mechanism, we isolated a number of XXXX, XXX, and XXY near-tetraploid mouse hybrid cell clones by fusing XX or XO embryonal carcinoma cells with lymphocytes carrying a structurally altered X chromosome(s). The inactive X chromosome from the female lymphocyte was reactivated in these hybrid clones which retained embryonal carcinoma morphology so far as they were cultured on the collagen-coated plastic surface in the medium supplemented with leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF) and betamercaptoethanol (BME). Some of these clones developed balloon-like cystic embryoid bodies when they were allowed to form cell aggregates in medium without LIF and BME in bacteriological petri dishes to which they do not adhere. X chromosome inactivation occurring during this process detected by the incorporation of 5-bromodeoxyuridine did not conform to the expected pattern leaving two X chromosomes active in every tetraploid cells. This may suggest either that the X-inactivation mechanism evolved primarily, for the diploid cell is unable to deal with tetraploid conditions efficiently, or that the present system ofin vitro differentiation represents an anomalous situation never encounteredin vivo.  相似文献   
The roles of sulfhydryl and disulfide groups in the specific binding of synthetic cannabinoid CP-55,940 to the cannabinoid receptor in membrane preparations from the rat cerebral cortex have been examined. Various sulfhydryl blocking reagents including p-chloromercuribenzoic acid (p-CMB), N-ethylmaleimide (NEM), o-iodosobenzoic acid (o-ISB), and methyl methanethiosulfonate (MMTS) inhibited the specific binding of [3H]CP-55,940 to the cannabinoid receptor in a dose-dependent manner. About 80–95% inhibition was obtained at a 0.1 mM concentration of these reagents. Scatchard analysis of saturation experiments indicates that most of these sulfhydryl modifying reagents reduce both the binding affinity (Kd) and capacity (Bmax). On the other hand, DL-dithiothreitol (DTT), a disulfide reducing agent, also irreversibly inhibited the specific binding of [3H]CP-55,940 to the receptor and about 50% inhibition was obtained at a 5 mM concentration. Furthermore, 5mM DTT was abelt to dissociate 50% of the bound ligand from the ligand-receptor complex. The marked inhibition of [3H]CP-55,940 binding by sulfhydryl reagents suggests that at least one free sulfhydryl group is essential to the binding of the ligand to the receptor. In addition, the inhibition of the binding by DTT implies that besides free sulfhydryl group(s), the integrity of a disulfide bridge is also important for [3H]CP-55,940 binding to the cannabinoid receptor.  相似文献   
本文研究探讨了进化地位不同的三种动物的短时空间记忆功能及其与前额叶背侧部进化水平的相关性。结果表明,在延缓反应作业中,经1000次训练后,7只恒河猴对空间位置的记忆时间平均为7.7±3.2min,懒猴为3.8±0.44min,而树鼩即使在延缓时间几乎为零秒的延缓反应中,其正确反应率也未达到90%标准。一种延缓时间仅测试一个单元,即不经训练的实验表明,恒河猴在延缓期为“0”—5min的各测试单元中,正确反应率稳定在80%以上;懒猴在延缓时间为“0”—4min的各测试单元中,平均正确反应率与恒河猴无明显差异,而当延缓时间增加到5min时,在延缓反应作业中取得的成绩显著下降;树鼩在延缓时间为1—5min的作业中取得的正确反应率在70%以下。3种动物在视觉辨别学习作业中却无明显差异。形态学研究表明,灵长类大脑前额叶的面积和结构的复杂性在进化过程中逐渐增大,如恒河猴大脑前额叶的表面积占大脑半球表面积的11.5%(Brodmann,1929),其内颗粒层发达,背侧部明显凸起,主沟区发达;懒猴的前额叶表面积占其大脑半球表面积的8.3%,背侧部凸起不显著,主沟未形成,额极内颗粒层分化明显,背侧部的内颗粒层较内侧部的发达程度差(Sanides,1967);树鼩的前额叶表面积占7.5%,额极的内颗粒层分化不明显,为非颗粒化区,此区之后为颗粒区  相似文献   
Regional regulation of glutaminase by phosphate and calcium was examined in the temporal cortex (TCX), striatum (STR) and hippocampus (HIPP) from adult and aged male F344 rats. Phosphate-dependent glutaminase activity in adult rats was significantly lower (35–43%) in the HIPP (100 and 150 mM) and STR (150 mM) compared to PAG activity in the TCX. Phosphate activation in aged rats was 50–60% lower in the HIPP at concentrations greater than 25 mM compared to the aged TCX or STR. PAG activity in the TCX and STR was unaffected by age, but was significantly reduced (30–50%) in the HIPP from aged rats at phosphate concentrations of 25 mM and greater when compared to adult rats. In adult rats at concentrations of CaCl2 above 1 mM, PAG activity was significantly lower (60–75%) in the STR and HIPP when compared to the TCX. In aged rats, PAG activity (1 mM CaCl2) in the HIPP was significantly less (50%) than STR PAG activity in aged rats. Diminished PAG activity was seen only in the TCX (2.5 mM; 32%), and the HIPP (0.5 mM; 25% and 1 mM; 38%) at higher calcium concentrations compared to adult. Phosphate-independent calcium activation of PAG occurred in the HIPP but not in either the TCX or the STR. Addition of phosphate resulted in a synergistic activation of PAG in the STR and TCX, but not in the HIPP. These findings suggest that PAG is regionally regulated by phosphate and calcium, and this regulation is impaired in aged rats. These data also support the hypothesis that isozymes of PAG exist with different regulatory properties.Abbreviation PAG Phosphate-activated glutaminase - L-glutamine amidohydrolase EC - TCX temporal cortex - STR striatum - HIPP hippocampus - F344 Fischer-344 rat  相似文献   
After the intracisternal injection of three protease inhibitors which prevent the degradation of methionine enkephalin (amastatin, Des-Pro2-bradykinin, and phosphoramidon) and a mixture of these protease inhibitors, we investigated the effect on convulsive seizures in the seizure-susceptible El mouse. We also measured the cerebral methionine enkephalin content by high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with radioimmunoassay. Protease inhibitors significantly decreased both the incidence of seizures and the seizure score in El mice in a dose-dependent manner. This anticonvulsant effect was reversed by naloxone (2 mg/kg, sc). The cerebral methionine enkephalin content increased significantly after the administration of protease inhibitors in comparison with saline injection. These findings suggest that it was not protease inhibitors but instead increase of endogenous methionine enkephalin that reduced the incidence of seizures and the seizure score in El mice. Together with our previous data, the present findings support our hypothesis that a deficit in anticonvulsant endogenous methionine enkephalin is involved in the pathogenesis of seizures in the El mouse.  相似文献   
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