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In polygynous birds, bright plumage is typically more extensive in the sexually competitive males and develops at or after sexual maturity. These patterns, coupled with the importance of male plumage in sexual displays, fostered the traditional hypothesis that bright plumages and sexual dichromatism develop through the actions of sexual selection on males. This view remains problematic for hummingbirds, all of which are polygynous, because their bright iridescent plumages are also important non-sexual signals associated with dominance at floral nectar sources. Here I show that female amethyst-throated sunangels [ Heliangelus amethysticollis (d'Orbigny & Lafresnaye)], moult from an immature plumage with an iridescent gorget to an adult plumage with a non-iridescent gorget. This 'reversed' ontogeny contradicts the notion that iridescent plumage has a sexual function because sexual selection in polygynous birds should be lowest among non-reproductive immature females. Moreover, loss of iridescent plumage in adult females indicates that adult sexual dichromatism in H. amethysticollis is due in large part to changes in female ontogeny. I suggest that both the ontogeny and sexual dichromatism evolved in response to competition for nectar.  相似文献   
Kotov  Alexey A. 《Hydrobiologia》1997,354(1-3):83-87
In the past there were doubts about the existence of a especialmoult after the release of an anomopod embryo from the maternalbrood pouch. This moult occurs in all studied anomopods and marksthe beginning of the first juvenile instar. The term neonata (orneanate) must be applied to the unexpanded animal (the terminalphase of embryogenesis) before this moult, and not to the earlyphase of the first postembryonic instar. The latter is the nextstage of development. Using knowledge of the presence of thismoult, it is possible to understand and explain the contradictionsin the periodization of postembryonic development as described bydifferent authors. Under normal conditions males of bosminids andevolutionarily advanced chydorids have only two juvenile instars(with specific morphology) in the course of development. This is anadditional argument to support the idea of close relationship ofthe families Chydoridae and Bosminidae.  相似文献   
Maung M. 1978. The occurrence of the second moult of Ascaris lumbricoides and Ascaris suum. International Journal for Parasitology 8: 371–378. Eggs of Ascaris lumbricoides and A. suum were cultured at 28°C and observed daily. Larvae were released by pressure, by artificial hatching with CO2, and by natural hatching after infection of laboratory mice. The early stages of development in the egg were observed to comprise two moults, one occurring immediately after the other. Both moults were initiated within the egg, but the time of completion of the second moult varied considerably, and in some instances was not completed until the larvae reached the liver of experimentally infected animals.  相似文献   
Domestic species provide a unique opportunity to examine the effects of selection on the genome. The myostatin gene ( GDF-8 ) has been under strong selection in a number of cattle breeds because of its influence on muscle conformation and association with the 'double-muscling' phenotype. This study examined genetic diversity near this gene in a set of breeds including some nearly fixed for the allele associated with double-muscling (MH), some where the allele is segregating at intermediate frequency and some where the allele is absent. A set of microsatellites and SNPs were used to examine patterns of diversity at the centromeric end of bovine chromosome 2, the region where GDF-8 is located, using various statistical methods. The putative position of a selected gene was moved across the genomic region to determine, by regression, a best position of reduced heterozygosity. Additional analyses examined extended homozygous regions and linkage disequilibrium patterns. While the SNP data was not found to be very informative for selection mapping in this dataset, analyses of the microsatellite data provided evidence of selection on GDF-8 in several breeds. These results suggested that, of the breeds examined, the allele was most recently introduced into the South Devon. Limitations to the selection-mapping approach were highlighted from the analysis of the SNP data and the situation where the MH allele was at intermediate frequency.  相似文献   

The shrimp Penaeus chinensis at moult stage Do were subjected to one of the three following treatments: bilateral eyestalk ablation, amputation of the fifth pair of pereiopods, and both of the above treatments. Two consecutive ecdyses after treatments were followed. Intact animals served as control. Precocious moulting was exhibited in all treated groups. Eyestalk ablation shortened the time to the first ecdysis more than does limb amputation. Additive effect was found in shrimps receiving both treatments. The duration between the first and second ecdyses in treated shrimps was shorter than that of intact animals, but the durations in the three treated groups were not significantly different from one another. Regenerates of limbs appeared after the second ecdysis following limb amputation. Further, change of body colour from black and green to red and white was observed in shrimps with eyestalk ablation.  相似文献   
Parasites usurp indispensable resources for birds during a moult, and this is particularly relevant for those parasites residing in host intestines. This might compromise the nutritionally demanding moult and, thus, feather functionality. Although lower feather quality has profound and multifaceted adverse effects on residual fitness, surprisingly, little is known about parasites' effect on feather traits, especially over the longer term. We conducted an aviary experiment by medicating half of a group of naturally infested house sparrows Passer domesticus against intestinal coccidians for 15 months, spanning two consecutive postnuptial moults, whereas the other half was kept infested (i.e. without medication). Coccidian infestation significantly and negatively affected the size of the uropygial gland during the second moulting period compared to the medicated group. Furthermore, wing length was significantly shorter after the second moulting in the non‐medicated compared to the medicated female birds, which indicates that the negative effects of coccidians emerge only after a prolonged exposure to parasite infestation. Non‐medicated birds grew poorer quality flight feathers detected in a large number of feather traits both after the first and second moults. In the case of non‐medicated birds, the primaries were lighter and shorter, and had a smaller vane area, thinner rachis and decreased stiffness, although a higher barb and barbule density, which may have various consequences for fitness through reducing flight performance. Our findings demonstrate that, besides the well‐known immediate consequences for host breeding success, parasites might also have serious, long‐lasting effects through influencing feather quality and, ultimately, fitness of the host. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   
From August to December, thousands of Black‐necked Grebes Podiceps nigricollis concentrate during the flightless moult period in salt ponds in the Odiel Marshes, southern Spain, where they feed on the brine shrimp Artemia parthenogenetica. We predicted that because Black‐necked Grebes moulted in a food‐rich, predator‐free environment, there would be no net loss of body mass caused by the use of fat stored to meet energy needs during remigial feather replacement (as is the case for some other diving waterbirds). However, because the food resource disappears in winter, we predicted that grebes moulting later in the season would put on more body mass prior to moult because of the increasing risk of an Artemia population crash before the moult period is completed. Body mass determinations of thousands of birds captured during 2000–2010 showed that grebes in active wing‐moult showed greater mass with date of capture. Early‐moulting grebes were significantly lighter at all stages than late‐moulting birds. Grebes captured with new feathers post‐moult were significantly lighter than those in moult. This is the first study to support the hypothesis that individual waterbirds adopt different strategies in body mass accumulation according to timing of moult: early‐season grebes were able to acquire an excess of energy over expenditure and accumulate fat stores while moulting. Delayed moulters acquired greater fat stores in advance of moult to contribute to energy expenditure for feather replacement and retained extra stores later, most likely as a bet hedge against the increasing probability of failing food supply and higher thermoregulatory demands late in the season. An alternative hypothesis, that mass change is affected by a trophically transmitted cestode using brine shrimps as an intermediate host and Black‐necked Grebes as final host, was not supported by the data.  相似文献   
Understanding the environmental parameters that drive adaptation among populations is important in predicting how species may respond to global climatic changes and how gene pools might be managed to conserve adaptive genetic diversity. Here, we used Bayesian FST outlier tests and allele–climate association analyses to reveal two Eucalyptus EST‐SSR loci as strong candidates for diversifying selection in natural populations of a southwestern Australian forest tree, Eucalyptus gomphocephala (Myrtaceae). The Eucalyptus homolog of a CONSTANS‐like gene was an FST outlier, and allelic variation showed significant latitudinal clinal associations with annual and winter solar radiation, potential evaporation, summer precipitation and aridity. A second FST outlier locus, homologous to quinone oxidoreductase, was significantly associated with measures of temperature range, high summer temperature and summer solar radiation, with important implications for predicting the effect of temperature on natural populations in the context of climate change. We complemented these data with investigations into neutral population genetic structure and diversity throughout the species range. This study provides an investigation into selection signatures at gene‐homologous EST‐SSRs in natural Eucalyptus populations, and contributes to our understanding of the relationship between climate and adaptive genetic variation, informing the conservation of both putatively neutral and adaptive components of genetic diversity.  相似文献   
The ability to identify social partners can play a key role in the coordination of social behaviours in group‐living animals. Coordinating social behaviours over long distances becomes problematic, as cues to identity are often limited to one or two sensory modalities. This limitation can often select for strong individuality in those cues used for long‐distance communication. Pied babblers, Turdoides bicolor, produce a number of different types of ‘loud calls’ which are frequently used to signal to individuals beyond the range of visual or olfactory pathways of communication. Here, we show that three of these ‘loud call’ types, the v‐shaped chatter, the double note ascending chatter and the atonal chatter, are each individually distinct. We hypothesise that individuality in the three loud call types tested here may represent a possible pathway to social recognition in this species that may have important consequences for social interactions. However, we also found that the atonal chatter was unstable between years suggesting that this particular call type may not be a reliable long‐term indicator to identity which may affect long‐term recognition in this species.  相似文献   
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