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We present a new molecular dynamics method for studying the dynamics of open systems. The method couples a classical system to a chemical potential reservior. In the formulation, following the extended system dynamics approach, we introduce a variable, v to represent the coupling to the chemical potential reservoir. The new variable governs the dynamics of the variation of number of particles in the system. The number of particles is determined by taking the integer part of v. The fractional part of the new variable is used to scale the potential energy and the kinetic energy of an additional particle: i.e., we introduce a fractional particle. We give the ansatz Lagrangians and equations of motion for both the isothermal and the adiabatic forms of grand molecular dynamics. The averages calculated over the trajectories generated by these equations of motion represent the classical grand canonical ensemble (μVT) and the constant chemical potential adiabatic ensemble (μVL) averages, respectively. The microcanonical phase space densities of the adiabatic and isothermal forms the molecular dynamics method are shown to be equivalent to adiabatic constant chemical potential ensemble, and grand canonical ensemble partition functions. We also discuss the extension to multi-component systems, molecular fluids, ionic solutions and the problems and solutions associated with the implementation of the method. The statistical expressions for thermodynamic functions such as specific heat; adiabatic bulk modulus, Grüneissen parameter and number fluctuations are derived. These expressions are used to analyse trajectories of constant chemical potential systems.  相似文献   
Effective tuberculosis (TB) control depends on case findings to discover infectious cases, investigation of contacts of those with TB, as well as appropriate treatment. Adherence and successful completion of the treatment are equally important. Unfortunately, due to a number of personal, psychosocial, economic, medical, and health service factors, a significant number of TB patients become irregular and default from treatment. In this paper, a mathematical model is developed to assess the impact of early therapy for latent TB and non-adherence on controlling TB transmission dynamics. Equilibrium states of the model are determined and their local stability is examined. With the aid of the center manifold theory, it is established that the model undergoes a backward bifurcation. Qualitative mathematical analysis of the model suggests that a high level of latent tuberculosis case findings, coupled with a decrease of defaulting rate, may be effective in controlling TB transmission dynamics in the community. Population-level effects of organized campaigns to improve early therapy and to guarantee successful completion of each treatment are evaluated through numerical simulations and presented in support of the analytical results.  相似文献   
Genetic variation is usually estimated empirically from statistics based on population gene frequencies, but alternative statistics based on allelic diversity (number of allelic types) can provide complementary information. There is a lack of knowledge, however, on the evolutionary implications attached to allelic-diversity measures, particularly in structured populations. In this article we simulated multiple scenarios of single and structured populations in which a quantitative trait subject to stabilizing selection is adapted to different fitness optima. By forcing a global change in the optima we evaluated which diversity variables are more strongly correlated with both short- and long-term adaptation to the new optima. We found that quantitative genetic variance components for the trait and gene-frequency-diversity measures are generally more strongly correlated with short-term response to selection, whereas allelic-diversity measures are more correlated with long-term and total response to selection. Thus, allelic-diversity variables are better predictors of long-term adaptation than gene-frequency variables. This observation is also extended to unlinked neutral markers as a result of the information they convey on the demographic population history. Diffusion approximations for the allelic-diversity measures in a finite island model under the infinite-allele neutral mutation model are also provided.  相似文献   
对青藏高原长花马先蒿9个居群的核型及细胞地理学进行研究,所有居群的染色体数目均为2n=16,染色体基数为x=8。现有的细胞学资料表明:分布于云南中甸的居群可能为较原始的类群,而分布于西藏日土和青海门源的居群较为进化。长花马先蒿的9个居群均为二倍体,并未出现多倍化现象,可能是由于在末次冰期青藏高原存在广泛的避难所,二倍体得到很好的保存,冰期对它们的影响不是很大; 也可能是对环境的选择压力造成的。  相似文献   
Nucleic acid quantification is a relevant issue for the characterization of mammalian recombinant cell lines and also for the registration of producer clones. Quantitative real-time PCR is a powerful tool to investigate nucleic acid levels but numerous different quantification strategies exist, which sometimes lead to misinterpretation of obtained qPCR data. In contrast to absolute quantification using amplicon- or plasmid standard curves, relative quantification strategies relate the gene of interest to an endogenous reference gene. The relative quantification methods also consider the amplification efficiency for the calculation of the gene copy number and thus more accurate results compared to absolute quantification methods are generated. In this study two recombinant Chinese hamster ovary cell lines were analysed for their transgene copy number using different relative quantification strategies. The individual calculation methods resulted in differences of relative gene copy numbers because efficiency calculations have strong impact on gene copy numbers. However, in context of comparing transgene copy numbers of two individual clones the influence of the calculation method is marginal. Therefore especially for the comparison of two cell lines with the identical transgene any of the relative qPCR methods was proven as powerful tool.  相似文献   
In this paper, we introduce a model of malaria, a disease that involves a complex life cycle of parasites, requiring both human and mosquito hosts. The novelty of the model is the introduction of periodic coefficients into the system of one-dimensional equations, which account for the seasonal variations (wet and dry seasons) in the mosquito birth and death rates. We define a basic reproduction number R 0 that depends on the periodic coefficients and prove that if R 0<1 then the disease becomes extinct, whereas if R 0>1 then the disease is endemic and may even be periodic.  相似文献   
In a previous study, carnitine supplementation to piglets during the suckling period resulted in an increased total muscle fibre number at weaning in piglets of low birth weight. The objective of the present study was to investigate whether this effect is maintained until market age and whether this would attenuate the negative consequences of low birth weight on carcass and meat quality. Using a split-plot design with litter as block, sex as whole plot and treatment as subplot, the effects of early-postnatal l-carnitine supplementation on female and castrated male piglets of low birth weight were investigated on a total of 56 German Landrace piglets from 14 litters. From days 7 to 27 of age piglets were orally supplemented once daily with 400 mg of l-carnitine dissolved in 1 ml of water or received an equal volume of water without carnitine. From weaning (day 28) until slaughter (day 166 of age) all pigs were fed standard diets. At weaning, carnitine-supplemented piglets had a twofold increased concentration of free carnitine (P < 0.001) and a lower concentration of non-esterified fatty acids (P < 0.05) in blood plasma indicating that carnitine became bioavailable and increased fatty acid utilization during the period of supplementation. Growth performance was not influenced by treatment in any growth period. Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry revealed no differences in body composition between groups in weeks 12, 16 and 20 of age. LW at slaughter, carcass weight, measures of meat yield and fat accretion, as well as body composition by chemical analyses and dissection of primal cuts did not differ between treatments. No differences between control and carnitine-treated pigs in total fibre number (P = 0.85) and fibre cross-sectional area (P = 0.68) in m. semitendinosus (ST) measured at slaughter could be observed. The carnitine group tended to exhibit a smaller proportion of slow-twitch oxidative fibres (P = 0.08), a greater proportion of fast-twitch glycolytic fibres (P = 0.11), and increased specific lactate dehydrogenase activity (P = 0.09) in ST indicating a more glycolytic muscle metabolism. Compared with the controls, a lower pH24 value was observed (P = 0.05) in ST muscle of carnitine-supplemented pigs, which – in castrates only – was associated with an increased drip loss (P < 0.01). Meat quality traits in m. longissimus were not influenced by treatment. In conclusion, our hypothesis that early-postnatal carnitine supplementation to piglets of low birth weight permanently increases myofibre number and improves later carcass and meat quality could not be confirmed by this experiment.  相似文献   
《Plant Ecology & Diversity》2013,6(2-3):105-113
Background: Seed mass is a life history trait that is related to invasiveness. Under limiting conditions, a trade-off is observed whereby an increase in seed mass occurs at the expense of seed numbers; if the above trade-off holds across climatic gradients it can provide an opportunity to assess the fitness/invasive potential of exotic plants.

Aims: To examine the variation in the life history traits of Eschscholzia californica populations across climatic gradients and to relate these traits to observed invasiveness.

Methods: We examined 19 populations in Chile. For each population we related seed mass, seed number, the slope of trade-off between seed mass and number and plant density with annual precipitation and mean annual temperature.

Results: Seed number and the coefficient of variation in seed mass were positively correlated with climatic variables. Trade-off was detected in 26% of the populations and no relationship was detected with climatic gradient. Plant density was negatively associated with precipitation.

Conclusions: The results suggest that for E. californica producing seeds with a variety of sizes is an optimal strategy to face geographic heterogeneity and hence to increase its invasiveness. Increased production of seeds at the cool and wet southern limit of the current range of the species does not contribute to an increase in its invasiveness.  相似文献   
Melanoma is a paradigm of aggressive tumors with a complex and heterogeneous genetic background. Still, melanoma cells frequently retain developmental traits that trace back to lineage specification programs. In particular, lysosome-associated vesicular trafficking is emerging as a melanoma-enriched lineage dependency. However, the contribution of other lysosomal functions such as autophagy to melanoma progression is unclear, particularly in the context of metastasis and resistance to targeted therapy. Here we mined a broad spectrum of cancers for a meta-analysis of mRNA expression, copy number variation and prognostic value of 13 core autophagy genes. This strategy identified heterozygous loss of ATG5 at chromosome band 6q21 as a distinctive feature of advanced melanomas. Importantly, partial ATG5 loss predicted poor overall patient survival in a manner not shared by other autophagy factors and not recapitulated in other tumor types. This prognostic relevance of ATG5 copy number was not evident for other 6q21 neighboring genes. Melanocyte-specific mouse models confirmed that heterozygous (but not homozygous) deletion of Atg5 enhanced melanoma metastasis and compromised the response to targeted therapy (exemplified by dabrafenib, a BRAF inhibitor in clinical use). Collectively, our results support ATG5 as a therapeutically relevant dose-dependent rheostat of melanoma progression. Moreover, these data have important translational implications in drug design, as partial blockade of autophagy genes may worsen (instead of counteracting) the malignant behavior of metastatic melanomas.  相似文献   
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