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In the past great efforts have been made to gain a thorough understanding of the processes involved in carbon fixation but the fate of the acquired carbon has been somewhat neglected, although this aspect is crucial for improving yield performance without diminishing the quality of the harvested organs. To contribute to the crucial debate on that topic the aim of the present study was to propose some unbiased components concerning in particular grain legumes: ‘Is there any antagonism between high yield and increased nutritional quality, with a focus on protein content?’ An original approach has been used to study the impact of the modification of seed composition on the crop production, which combines theoretical calculations of energetic cost and field yield data. When applied to a wide range of species with varying seed composition, a plurispecific negative relationship between the theoretical carbon costs of seed production and the observed yields was demonstrated. The high-throughput of genetic markers could result in large-scale screening of seed quality parameters and such studies, while evaluating the impact of seed composition on crop yield, could also be used to provide data to forecast the economic impact of a new line with an original composition compared with its economically enhanced value.  相似文献   
Low temperature mortality of the peach-potato aphid Myzus persicae   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
  • 1 The mean supercooling points of first instar and adult Myzus persicae (Sulzer) maintained at 20°C and cooled at 1°C min?1 were ?26.6 and ?25.0°C respectively.
  • 2 The LT50 (temperature) of the same age groups drawn from the same population and cooled at the same rate were ?8.1 and ?6.9°C, indicating extensive pre-freeze mortality in M.persicae under laboratory conditions.
  • 3 Acclimation at 10 and 5°C did not affect supercooling but depressed the LT50 of both first instars and adult aphids.
  • 4 Freezing of leaves during feeding did not increase mortality above that expected from the direct effects of low temperature.
  • 5 The level of cold in different winters can be expressed in terms of the total number of frost days, and the frequency of abnormally cold days. Winter temperatures differ markedly in a vertical profile from the soil to the soil or grass surface, and then to the air (and foliage) above.
  • 6 The time of the first record of M.persicae in suction trap samples is correlated with January and February temperatures except in the west of England and Wales. Further north December and January temperatures are relatively more important.
  • 7 Winter temperatures and the resultant aphid mortality is a primary determinant of the timing of the spring migration.
A statistical method (based on the maximum likelihood principle) for estimating mortalities of skeletal populations is presented. The method can be applied both when osteological age groups are not overlapping as well as when they are. The results are presented as point estimates and as confidence intervals around these. The method is applied to two series from the Middle Ages: Westerhus and Helgeandsholmen.  相似文献   
An outbreak of the nemertean, Carcinonemertes epialti, was observed on Hemigrapsus oregonensis during October, 1982 at Campbell Cove, Bodega Harbor, California. Mean worm intensity (296 worms/crab) was the highest recorded for this nemertean egg predator on H. oregonensis. During the outbreak, male crabs were found to harbor more worms than both non-ovigerous and ovigerous females. Crab egg mortality was substantial; 83% of the ovigerous females experienced 75–100% brood mortality. The seasonal peak in worm abundance coincided with the seasonal low in crab reproduction at this locality. A method for estimating the impact of C. epialti on H. oregonensis natality was developed using crab size and fecundity, and worm prevalence and intensity. For a non-outbreak sampling period, a mean of 5.6% egg mortality was experienced by infested crabs for the period selected. Thus, brood mortality during the outbreak was much greater than that experienced at non-outbreak periods. Heavy fishing pressure on some commercially important crab species has been suggested as a possible factor inducing worm outbreaks and facilitating their continued persistence. These observations suggest that fisheries are not necessarily responsible for the outbreaks of nemerteans on commercially important crab species. However, fishing pressure may still be a sufficient condition to promote nemertean outbreaks.  相似文献   
Tannin-rich extracts were painted on leaves of Q. emoryi (Fagaceae) that contained first instar larvae of a leaf miner, Cameraria sp. (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae, Agrifoliella group), to test the role of tannins in increasing parasitism, while controlling for changes in protein content and physical damage. Miners from leaves that were treated with tannins had higher rates of parasitism by hymenopterans, but decreased mortality from other causes. The negative and positive effects of tannins balanced since overall larval survivorship was equivalent for leaf miners on tannin-enriched and control leaves. The tannin-rich extract also affected larval development because pupal weight was decreased for leaf miners in treated leaves. Tannins can have both adverse and beneficial effects on these phytophagous insects.
Résumé Des extraits riches en tanins ont été étalés sur des feuilles de Quercus emoryi contenant des chenilles de ler stade de Cameraria sp., pour contrôler l'influence du tanin dans l'accroissement du parasitisme sans modifier la teneur en protéines ni provoquer de dommages physiques. Les mineuses de feuilles traitées avaient des taux plus élevés de parasitisme par les hyménoptères, mais une diminution des autres causes de mortalité. Les effets négatifs et positifs des tanins se sont équilibrés, puisque la survie des mineuses était la même pour les feuilles traitées que pour les témoins. Les extraits riches en tanin ont agi sur le développement larvaire puisque le poids des chrysalides des mineuses de feuilles traitées était plus faible. Les tanins peuvent ainsi avoir des effets nuisibles et bénéfiques sur ces insectes phytophages.
Respiration was measured in dauer stages of the insect-parasitic nematode Steinernema feltiae (= Neoaplectana carpocapsae) at 7, 17, and 27 C. Respiration, Q₁₀, and nematode viability were temperature dependent. Mean O₂ consumption for 5 × 10⁵ nematodes the first 24 hours was 0.27 ml at 7 C, 0.83 ml at 17 C, and 2.68 ml at 27 C. The Q₁₀ was 3.10 for 7-17 C and 3.24 for 17-27 C. Some nematodes died during 2, 14, and 21 days at 27, 17, and 7 C, respectively. The respiratory quotient was below 1 at all temperatures tested. A standard asymptotic model is expressed as oxygen consumed = 2.77 * {1 - exponent[-time * exponent(-B + C * temperature)]}; where 2.77 is the maximum response at 27 C. This model estimates nematode O₂ consumption and viability at storage temperatures between 7 and 27 C. The nematodes died when the O₂ concentration reached 0.5 ml/5 × 10⁵ nematodes. This model may be used to predict O₂ requirements of S. feltiae infective juveniles when stored as a waterless concentrate.  相似文献   
Dolan T. T., Young A.S., Losos G.J., McMillan I., Minder Ch.E. and Soulsby K. 1984. Dose dependent responses of Theileria parva stabilate. International Journal for Parasitology14: 89–95. A tick derived stabilate of Theileria parva (Maguga) was titrated in a large group of Boran (Bos indicus) cattle of the same age, sex and origin. The infectivity data was analysed using the independent action model. The cattle were identified as heterogeneous in their response to infection with 75% showing one ID50 (0.0014) and 25% showing another (0.01). The disease responses of the cattle given different dose levels were compared for a variety of parameters. The results obtained showed these parameters to be dose dependent including the time to onset of piroplasm parasitaemia. The stabilate is of large volume and can be used for controlled challenge in immunity studies and for comparison of susceptibility between cattle of different breeds and from different epidemiological backgrounds.  相似文献   
Analyses of human mortality data classified according to cause of death frequently are based on competing risk theory. In particular, the times to death for different causes often are assumed to be independent. In this paper, a competing risk model with a weaker assumption of conditional independence of the times to death, given an assumed stochastic covariate process, is developed and applied to cause specific mortality data from the Framingham Heart Study. The results generated under this conditional independence model are compared with analogous results under the standard marginal independence model. Under the assumption that this conditional independence model is valid, the comparison suggests that the standard model overestimates by 4% the effect on life expectancy at age 30 due to the hypothetical elimination of cancer and by 7% the effect for cardiovascular/cerebrovascular disease. By age 80 the overestimates were 11% for cancer and 16% for heart disease. These results suggest the importance of avoiding the marginal independence assumption when appropriate data are available — especially when focusing on mortality at advanced ages.  相似文献   
The incidental catch of northern sea lions ( Eumetopias jubatus ) in the walleye pollock ( Theragra chalcogramma ) joint-venture fishery in Shelikof Strait, Alaska, was studied during 1982–1984 to assess the nature and magnitude of the catch. Data were obtained by placing U.S. observers on foreign processing vessels. Dead sea lions recovered from trawl nets were counted, sexed and measured, teeth were removed for age determination by dental laminae; and stomach contents were analyzed. Although the fishery has continued to expand both in number of boats and estimated total catch (74,136 metric tons [t] in 1982 to 171,539 t in 1984), the estimated incidental catch of northern sea lions has declined (ranging from 958 to 1,436 in 1982, 216 to 324 in 1983 and 237 to 355 in 1984). Of the sea lions processed, 73 percent were caught between 2000 and 0500 h, probably during net retrieval. Most caught sea lions were females ranging in age from 1–25 yr with a mean age of 6.43 yr; 79 percent of the females were sexually mature and probably part of the reproducing population. Males had a mean age of 4.8 yr and only 12 percent were old enough to obtain and defend territories. Analysis of stomach contents showed that the sea lions consumed pollock the same size as that taken by the commercial fishery. The impact of the incidental catch on the Gulf of Alaska sea lion population is unknown.  相似文献   
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