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基于综合评价法的洞庭湖区绿地生态网络构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
绿地生态网络对于改善区域生态空间破碎化、生物多样性降低、生态系统服务供需不平衡及保障区域生态安全具有重要意义。本研究以洞庭湖区为例,在3S技术支持下,从生态系统服务功能、潜在生物多样性、形态空间格局的角度综合评价和识别生态源地及计算栅格单元的基本生态阻力;利用夜间灯光指数修正基本生态阻力;运用最小累积阻力模型识别生态廊道;构建加权评价模型,对源地的聚合度、离散度及廊道的生态连接贡献度进行评价;利用结构特征指数对综合网络、“源-汇”潜在网络及规划网络进行对比分析和评价。结果表明: 源地空间分布不均衡,林地、灌丛与水域三者面积之和占源地总面积的95.9%,位于研究区中部的洞庭湖湿地生态风险较高;源地离生态网络系统中心位置越近及到其他源地的平均最小累积阻力越小,聚合及离散的优势越强;高生态质量源地周围的中、高生态质量源地分布越密集,其聚合度、离散度越高;廊道离高生态质量的源地越近,表现为生态连接贡献度越大;林地、灌丛,尤其是河道在自然生态系统与人类社会系统之间起着非常重要的生态连接作用;“源-汇”规划绿道对“源-汇”潜在生态廊道形成了良好补充,与“源-汇”潜在网络相比,综合网络的αβγρ指数分别提高123.1%、25.8%、26.2%、74.6%;与“源-汇”规划网络相比,αβγρ指数分别提高了190.0%、31.1%、32.5%、114.6%。本研究结果能为洞庭湖区绿地生态网络构建、国土空间规划提供参考。  相似文献   
A key focus of ecologists is explaining the origin and maintenance of morphological diversity and its association with ecological success. We investigate potential benefits and costs of a common and varied morphological trait, cuticular spines, for foraging behavior, interspecific competition, and predator–prey interactions in naturally co‐occurring spiny ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Polyrhachis) in an experimental setting. We expect that a defensive trait like spines might be associated with more conspicuous foraging, a greater number of workers sent out to forage, and potentially increased competitive ability. Alternatively, consistent with the ecological trade‐off hypothesis, we expect that investment in spines for antipredator defense might be negatively correlated with these other ecological traits. We find little evidence for any costs to ecological traits, instead finding that species with longer spines either outperform or do not differ from species with shorter spines for all tested metrics, including resource discovery rate and foraging effort as well as competitive ability and antipredator defense. Spines appear to confer broad antipredator benefits and serve as a form of defense with undetectable costs to key ecological abilities like resource foraging and competitive ability, providing an explanation for both the ecological success of the study genus and the large number of evolutionary origins of this trait across all ants. This study also provides a rare quantitative empirical test of ecological effects related to a morphological trait in ants.  相似文献   
Darwin''s finches are a classic example of adaptive radiation, a process by which multiple ecologically distinct species rapidly evolve from a single ancestor. Such evolutionary diversification is typically explained by adaptation to new ecological opportunities. However, the ecological diversification of Darwin''s finches following their dispersal to Galápagos was not matched on the same archipelago by other lineages of colonizing land birds, which diversified very little in terms of both species number and morphology. To better understand the causes underlying the extraordinary variation in Darwin''s finches, we analyze the evolutionary dynamics of speciation and trait diversification in Thraupidae, including Coerebinae (Darwin''s finches and relatives) and, their closely related clade, Sporophilinae. For all traits, we observe an early pulse of speciation and morphological diversification followed by prolonged periods of slower steady‐state rates of change. The primary exception is the apparent recent increase in diversification rate in Darwin''s finches coupled with highly variable beak morphology, a potential key factor explaining this adaptive radiation. Our observations illustrate how the exploitation of ecological opportunity by contrasting means can produce clades with similarly high diversification rate yet strikingly different degrees of ecological and morphological differentiation.  相似文献   

In most European countries, the service tree (Sorbus domestica L.) is a rare and threatened species and its conservation has been recognised as a priority. The aim of this study was to asses its morphologic variation in the western and central part of the Balkan Peninsula and in southern Central Europe. Three populations were analysed: one in Serbia, one in Bosnia and Herzegovina and one in Slovenia. In each population 30 trees were selected, and from each tree 30 leaves were collected for morphometric analysis based on nine leaflet morphological traits. Univariate (ANOVA) and multivariate (MANOVA) analysis of variance were used to estimate the variation within- and between populations and a discriminant analysis was performed to examine the structure of the between-population differences. The values of particular morphological traits found in our study did not differ considerably from the values reported elsewhere. The results revealed significant within- and between population variation. Variation within populations was highly significant for all the scored leaf morphological traits, while variation between populations was significant for all the studied traits except for the leaflet length. The discrimination between the three populations was significant. High percentages of correctly classified samples demonstrate good discriminating employability of the analysed leaf morphological traits and indicate differentiation of the analysed populations.  相似文献   
Annual production of crop residues has reached nearly 4 billion metric tons globally. Retention of this large amount of residues on agricultural land can be beneficial to soil C sequestration. Such potential impacts, however, may be offset if residue retention substantially increases soil emissions of N2O, a potent greenhouse gas and ozone depletion substance. Residue effects on soil N2O emissions have gained considerable attention since early 1990s; yet, it is still a great challenge to predict the magnitude and direction of soil N2O emissions following residue amendment. Here, we used a meta‐analysis to assess residue impacts on soil N2O emissions in relation to soil and residue attributes, i.e., soil pH, soil texture, soil water content, residue C and N input, and residue C : N ratio. Residue effects were negatively associated with C : N ratios, but generally residue amendment could not reduce soil N2O emissions, even for C : N ratios well above ca. 30, the threshold for net N immobilization. Residue effects were also comparable to, if not greater than, those of synthetic N fertilizers. In addition, residue effects on soil N2O emissions were positively related to the amounts of residue C input as well as residue effects on soil CO2 respiration. Furthermore, most significant and stimulatory effects occurred at 60–90% soil water‐filled pore space and soil pH 7.1–7.8. Stimulatory effects were also present for all soil textures except sand or clay content ≤10%. However, inhibitory effects were found for soils with >90% water‐filled pore space. Altogether, our meta‐analysis suggests that crop residues played roles beyond N supply for N2O production. Perhaps, by stimulating microbial respiration, crop residues enhanced oxygen depletion and therefore promoted anaerobic conditions for denitrification and N2O production. Our meta‐analysis highlights the necessity to connect the quantity and quality of crop residues with soil properties for predicting soil N2O emissions.  相似文献   
The rubber hand illusion (RHI) is a popular experimental paradigm. Participants view touch on an artificial rubber hand while the participants'' own hidden hand is touched. If the viewed and felt touches are given at the same time then this is sufficient to induce the compelling experience that the rubber hand is one''s own hand. The RHI can be used to investigate exactly how the brain constructs distinct body representations for one''s own body. Such representations are crucial for successful interactions with the external world. To obtain a subjective measure of the RHI, researchers typically ask participants to rate statements such as "I felt as if the rubber hand were my hand". Here we demonstrate how the crossmodal congruency task can be used to obtain an objective behavioral measure within this paradigm.The variant of the crossmodal congruency task we employ involves the presentation of tactile targets and visual distractors. Targets and distractors are spatially congruent (i.e. same finger) on some trials and incongruent (i.e. different finger) on others. The difference in performance between incongruent and congruent trials - the crossmodal congruency effect (CCE) - indexes multisensory interactions. Importantly, the CCE is modulated both by viewing a hand as well as the synchrony of viewed and felt touch which are both crucial factors for the RHI.The use of the crossmodal congruency task within the RHI paradigm has several advantages. It is a simple behavioral measure which can be repeated many times and which can be obtained during the illusion while participants view the artificial hand. Furthermore, this measure is not susceptible to observer and experimenter biases. The combination of the RHI paradigm with the crossmodal congruency task allows in particular for the investigation of multisensory processes which are critical for modulations of body representations as in the RHI.  相似文献   
This study correlates the device performance of organic solar cells and the electronic charge transport within polymer/fullerene films, directly to the optical order of the polymer. The optical order was measured by spectroscopic ellipsometry and evaluated by our previously derived model. We were able to determine the in‐depth distribution of higher and lower ordered poly(3‐hexylthiophene) (P3HT) domains within an [6,6]‐phenyl‐C61‐butyric acid methyl ester (PCBM) matrix. The over the film thickness integrated volume fraction of highly ordered P3HT domains could be directly correlated to the corresponding solar cell device performance. We are able to describe various thermally annealing conditions between room‐temperature and 200 °C.  相似文献   
Although the evolution and diversification of flowers is often attributed to pollinator-mediated selection, interactions between co-occurring plant species can alter patterns of selection mediated by pollinators and other agents. The extent to which both floral density and congeneric species richness affect patterns of net and pollinator-mediated selection on multiple co-occurring species in a community is unknown and is likely to depend on whether co-occurring plants experience competition or facilitation for reproduction. We conducted an observational study of selection on four species of Clarkia (Onagraceae) and tested for pollinator-mediated selection on two Clarkia species in communities differing in congeneric species richness and local floral density. When selection varied with community context, selection was generally stronger in communities with fewer species, where local conspecific floral density was higher, and where local heterospecific floral density was lower. These patterns suggest that intraspecific competition at high densities and interspecific competition at low densities may affect the evolution of floral traits. However, selection on floral traits was not pollinator mediated in Clarkia cylindrica or Clarkia xantiana, despite variation in pollinator visitation and the extent of pollen limitation across communities for C. cylindrica. As such, interactions between co-occurring species may alter patterns of selection mediated by abiotic agents of selection.  相似文献   
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