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In this work, the natural piperine moiety was utilised to develop two sets of piperine-based amides (5a–i) and ureas (8a–y) as potential anticancer agents. The anticancer action was assessed against triple negative breast cancer (TNBC) MDA-MB-231, ovarian A2780CP and hepatocellular HepG2 cancer cell lines. In particular, 8q stood out as the most potent anti-proliferative analogue against TNBC MDA-MB-231 cells with IC50 equals 18.7 µM, which is better than that of piperine (IC50 = 47.8 µM) and 5-FU (IC50 = 38.5 µM). Furthermore, 8q was investigated for its possible mechanism of action in MDA-MB-231 cells via Annexin V-FITC apoptosis assay and cell cycle analysis. Moreover, an in-silico analysis has proposed VEGFR-2 as a probable enzymatic target for piperine-based derivatives, and then has explored the binding interactions within VEGFR-2 active site (PDB:4ASD). Finally, an in vitro VEGFR-2 inhibition assay was performed to validate the in silico findings, where 8q showed good VEGFR-2 inhibitory activity with IC50 = 231 nM.  相似文献   
High-throughput sequencing enables rapid genome sequencing during infectious disease outbreaks and provides an opportunity to quantify the evolutionary dynamics of pathogens in near real-time. One difficulty of undertaking evolutionary analyses over short timescales is the dependency of the inferred evolutionary parameters on the timespan of observation. Crucially, there are an increasing number of molecular clock analyses using external evolutionary rate priors to infer evolutionary parameters. However, it is not clear which rate prior is appropriate for a given time window of observation due to the time-dependent nature of evolutionary rate estimates. Here, we characterize the molecular evolutionary dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 and 2009 pandemic H1N1 (pH1N1) influenza during the first 12 months of their respective pandemics. We use Bayesian phylogenetic methods to estimate the dates of emergence, evolutionary rates, and growth rates of SARS-CoV-2 and pH1N1 over time and investigate how varying sampling window and data set sizes affect the accuracy of parameter estimation. We further use a generalized McDonald–Kreitman test to estimate the number of segregating nonneutral sites over time. We find that the inferred evolutionary parameters for both pandemics are time dependent, and that the inferred rates of SARS-CoV-2 and pH1N1 decline by ∼50% and ∼100%, respectively, over the course of 1 year. After at least 4 months since the start of sequence sampling, inferred growth rates and emergence dates remain relatively stable and can be inferred reliably using a logistic growth coalescent model. We show that the time dependency of the mean substitution rate is due to elevated substitution rates at terminal branches which are 2–4 times higher than those of internal branches for both viruses. The elevated rate at terminal branches is strongly correlated with an increasing number of segregating nonneutral sites, demonstrating the role of purifying selection in generating the time dependency of evolutionary parameters during pandemics.  相似文献   
Human skin ageing is a complex and heterogeneous process, which is influenced by genetically determined intrinsic factors and accelerated by cumulative exposure to extrinsic stressors. In the current world ageing demographic, there is a requirement for a bioengineered ageing skin model, to further the understanding of the intricate molecular mechanisms of skin ageing, and provide a distinct and biologically relevant platform for testing actives and formulations. There have been many recent advances in the development of skin models that recapitulate aspects of the ageing phenotype in vitro. This review encompasses the features of skin ageing, the molecular mechanisms that drive the ageing phenotype, and tissue engineering strategies that have been utilised to bioengineer ageing skin in vitro.  相似文献   
The decommissioning of offshore oil and gas platforms typically involves removing some or all of the associated infrastructure and the consequent destruction of the associated marine ecosystem that has developed over decades. There is increasing evidence of the important ecological role played by offshore platforms. Concepts such as novel ecosystems allow stakeholders to consider the ecological role played by each platform in the decommissioning process. This study focused on the Wandoo field in Northwest Australia as a case study for the application of the novel ecosystem concept to the decommissioning of offshore platforms. Stereo‐baited remote underwater video systems were used to assess the habitat composition and fish communities at Wandoo, as well as two control sites: a sandy one that resembled the Wandoo site pre‐installation, and one characterized by a natural reef as a control for natural hard substrate and vertical relief. We found denser macrobenthos habitat at the Wandoo site than at either of the control sites, which we attributed to the exclusion of seabed trawling around the Wandoo infrastructure. We also found that the demersal and pelagic taxonomic assemblages at Wandoo more closely resemble those at a natural reef than those which would likely have been present pre‐installation, but these assemblages are still unique in a regional context. The demersal assemblage is characterized by reef‐associated species with higher diversity than those at the sand control and natural reef control sites, with the pelagic community characterized by species associated with oil platforms in other regions. These findings suggest that a novel ecosystem has emerged in the Wandoo field. It is likely that many of the novel qualities of this ecosystem would be lost under decommissioning scenarios that involve partial or complete removal. This study provides an example for classifying offshore platforms as novel ecosystems.  相似文献   
Whole-genome duplication (polyploidization) is among the most dramatic mutational processes in nature, so understanding how natural selection differs in polyploids relative to diploids is an important goal. Population genetics theory predicts that recessive deleterious mutations accumulate faster in allopolyploids than diploids due to the masking effect of redundant gene copies, but this prediction is hitherto unconfirmed. Here, we use the cotton genus (Gossypium), which contains seven allopolyploids derived from a single polyploidization event 1–2 Million years ago, to investigate deleterious mutation accumulation. We use two methods of identifying deleterious mutations at the nucleotide and amino acid level, along with whole-genome resequencing of 43 individuals spanning six allopolyploid species and their two diploid progenitors, to demonstrate that deleterious mutations accumulate faster in allopolyploids than in their diploid progenitors. We find that, unlike what would be expected under models of demographic changes alone, strongly deleterious mutations show the biggest difference between ploidy levels, and this effect diminishes for moderately and mildly deleterious mutations. We further show that the proportion of nonsynonymous mutations that are deleterious differs between the two coresident subgenomes in the allopolyploids, suggesting that homoeologous masking acts unequally between subgenomes. Our results provide a genome-wide perspective on classic notions of the significance of gene duplication that likely are broadly applicable to allopolyploids, with implications for our understanding of the evolutionary fate of deleterious mutations. Finally, we note that some measures of selection (e.g., dN/dS, πN/πS) may be biased when species of different ploidy levels are compared.  相似文献   
Understanding the tradeoffs faced by organisms is a major goal of evolutionary biology. One of the main approaches for identifying these tradeoffs is Pareto task inference (ParTI). Two recent papers claim that results obtained in ParTI studies are spurious due to phylogenetic dependence (Mikami T, Iwasaki W. 2021. The flipping t-ratio test: phylogenetically informed assessment of the Pareto theory for phenotypic evolution. Methods Ecol Evol. 12(4):696–706) or hypothetical p-hacking and population-structure concerns (Sun M, Zhang J. 2021. Rampant false detection of adaptive phenotypic optimization by ParTI-based Pareto front inference. Mol Biol Evol. 38(4):1653–1664). Here, we show that these claims are baseless. We present a new method to control for phylogenetic dependence, called SibSwap, and show that published ParTI inference is robust to phylogenetic dependence. We show how researchers avoided p-hacking by testing for the robustness of preprocessing choices. We also provide new methods to control for population structure and detail the experimental tests of ParTI in systems ranging from ammonites to cancer gene expression. The methods presented here may help to improve future ParTI studies.  相似文献   
Crop parasites of the Striga genera are a major biological deterrent to food security in Africa and are one of the largest obstacles to poverty alleviation on the continent. Striga seeds germinate by sensing small-molecule hormones, strigolactones (SLs), that emanate from host roots. Although SL receptors (Striga hermonthica HYPOSENSITIVE TO LIGHT [ShHTL]) have been identified, discerning their function has been difficult because these parasites cannot be easily grown under laboratory conditions. Moreover, many Striga species are obligate outcrossers that are not transformable, hence not amenable to genetic analysis. By combining phenotypic screening with ShHTL structural information and hybrid drug discovery methods, we discovered a potent SL perception inhibitor for Striga, dormirazine (DOZ). Structural analysis of this piperazine-based antagonist reveals a novel binding mechanism, distinct from that of known SLs, blocking access of the hormone to its receptor. Furthermore, DOZ reduces the flexibility of protein–protein interaction domains important for receptor signaling to downstream partners. In planta, we show, via temporal additions of DOZ, that SL receptors are required at a specific time during seed conditioning. This conditioning is essential to prime seed germination at the right time; thus, this SL-sensitive stage appears to be critical for adequate receptor signaling. Aside from uncovering a function for ShHTL during seed conditioning, these results suggest that future Ag-Biotech Solutions to Striga infestations will need to carefully time the application of antagonists to exploit receptor availability and outcompete natural SLs, critical elements for successful parasitic plant invasions.  相似文献   
现有主流猕猴桃品种的遗传背景相对单一,亲本来源地理分布狭窄,亲缘关系不清晰。为充分利用杂种优势,该研究以广西植物研究所猕猴桃种质资源圃收集的53个猕猴桃品种(品系)叶片为材料,使用SCoT分子标记进行遗传多样性分析。结果表明:(1)10条引物在53份猕猴桃供试材料中共扩增出110条条带,各引物扩增的条带在8~15条之间,引物平均扩增条带数为11条;其中多态性条带101条,引物平均扩增多态性条带数为10.1条,多态性比例为91.81%。(2)聚类分析显示猕猴桃品种(品系)没有按类型、倍性或选育地等形成明显有规律的聚类关系。但相对来说,同一杂交后代个体之间的亲缘关系比亲本与后代个体之间的亲缘关系更近;芽变品种与原品种并没有表现出特别近的遗传距离,说明芽变材料的突变可能在基因组或染色体层面发生了较大范围的重组、复制或丢失;‘楚红’‘桂红’‘湘吉红’和‘龙藏红’4个红肉品种与‘红阳’亲缘关系明显较远,说明其可能由不同亲本衍生而来;初步验证了‘桂海四号’可能为‘Hort16A’亲本之一的推测。  相似文献   
New records of marine Tardigrada in the Mediterranean Sea   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Meiofauna from Chafarinas archipelago (western Mediterranean, N. Africa) were studied, and marine Tardigrada were identified to species level. A total of 15 species, belonging to families Stygarctidae, Halechiniscidac (Subfamilies Halechiniscinae, Florarctinae, Styraconyxinae and Tanarctinae), Batillipedidae, and Echiniscoididae, were found for the first time from the Alboran Sea and southwestern Mediterranean area. Four species and one subspecies are new records for the Mediterranean Sea: I'ioractus acer, F. asper, P. stellatus, Actinarctus doryphorus and Echiniscoides sigismundi hispaniensis. The male of Floractus stellatus , previously unknown to science, is described. Many species have been recorded for the first time in different sedimentary environments, such as midlittoral pools, very shallow gravels, pools in a mixed rocky environment or between Posidonia oceanica meadows, 'Amphioxus' gravels, and coastal detritic.  相似文献   
对鸡腿蘑多糖的结构进行检测,并在此基础上探讨结构与活性的关系,对深度发掘鸡腿蘑多糖的功效具有重要意义.制备发酵时间为72 h、96 h和120 h的鸡腿蘑胞外粗多糖,采用PMP柱前衍生化-HPLC法分析其单糖组成,结果表明发酵72 h、96 h和120 h胞外多糖均由D-甘露糖、L-鼠李糖、D-葡萄糖、D-半乳糖、D-...  相似文献   
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