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豫东平原杨\|农复合系统凋落物的数量、组成及其动态   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
万猛  田大伦  樊巍 《生态学报》2009,29(5):2507-2513
农林复合系统的凋落物既是维持植被系统和土壤系统养分循环的关键,也是维持农林复合系统结构和功能的重要因子.通过对豫东平原农区4年生、9年生和12年生3个不同林龄杨-农复合系统杨树凋落物的数量、组成及季节动态的研究来为深入研究农林复合系统对大气中CO2的调节作用以及碳循环机理提供参考数据.结果表明,4a杨-农复合系统年凋落物总量为11 18 t·hm-2;9a杨-农间作复合系统年凋落物总量为12.86 t·hm-2;12a杨-农复合系统年凋落物总量为13.75 t·hm-2.3个不同林龄的杨-农复合系统凋落物总量月变化模式较为相似,均在8月和11月份出现峰值,而以11月份数量最大.其季节变化模式则为秋季>冬季>夏季>春季.  相似文献   
Varied strategies to alleviate the loss of farmland biodiversity have been tested, yet there is still insufficient evidence supporting their effectiveness, especially when considering phylogenetic and functional diversity alongside traditional taxonomic diversity metrics. This conservation challenge is accentuated in the Afrotropics by the rapid agricultural expansion and intensification for the production of cash crops and by a comparative lack of research. In this study, we assessed how farming practices influence avian phylogenetic and functional diversity. We conducted point‐count surveys to assess avian diversity in monocultures of tea and mixed crop farming systems surrounding the Nyungwe rainforest in south‐west Rwanda, allowing us to investigate the drivers of avian diversity at farm level. Species composition was found to be moderately different between farm types, with mixed crop farms supporting higher phylogenetic diversity than tea plantations. There were no significant seasonal differences in species composition, functional or phylogenetic diversity. Overall, functional diversity did not differ between farm types, but the dispersion of trophic‐related traits was significantly higher in mixed crop farms. Both functional and phylogenetic diversity were influenced by floristic diversity, vegetation height, tree number, and elevation to varying degrees. Our results also (i) highlight the role of farmland heterogeneity (e.g., crop species composition, height, and tree cover extent) in encouraging avian functional and phylogenetic diversity in the Afrotropics and (ii) indicate that the generally negative biodiversity impacts of monoculture agriculture can be partially alleviated by extensive agroforestry with an emphasis on indigenous tree species.  相似文献   
Land‐use change is the most important driver of biodiversity loss worldwide and particularly so in the tropics, where natural habitats are transformed into large‐scale monocultures or heterogeneous landscape mosaics of largely unknown conservation value. Using birds as an indicator taxon, we evaluated the conservation value of a landscape mosaic in northeastern Madagascar, a biodiversity hotspot and the center of global vanilla production. We assessed bird species richness and composition by conducting point counts across seven prevalent land‐use types (forest‐ and fallow‐derived vanilla agroforests, woody and herbaceous fallow that are part of a shifting cultivation system, rice paddy, forest fragment and contiguous old‐growth forest). We find that old‐growth forest had the highest species richness, driven by a high share of endemics. Species richness and community composition in forest‐derived vanilla agroforest were similar to forest fragment, whereas fallow‐derived vanilla agroforest was most comparable to woody fallow. The open land‐use types herbaceous fallow and rice paddy had fewest species. Across forest fragments, vanilla agroforests, and woody fallows, endemic bird species richness was positively correlated to landscape‐scale forest cover. We conclude that both fallow‐ and forest‐derived vanilla agroforests play an important but contrasting role for bird conservation: Fallow‐derived agroforests are less valuable but take fallow land out of the shifting cultivation cycle, possibly preventing further degradation. Conversely, forest‐derived agroforests contribute to forest degradation but may avoid total loss of tree cover from forest fragments. Considering the land‐use history of agroforests may thus be a promising avenue for future research beyond the case of vanilla. Abstract in Malagasay is available with online material  相似文献   
宋成军  孙锋 《生物多样性》2021,29(10):1348-16
随着全球气候变暖, 我国岷江上游干旱区面积呈现增加的趋势。花椒(Zanthoxylum bungeanum)是岷江上游重要的经济树种之一, 对当地经济和社会发展起着重要作用, 提高花椒生态系统应对干旱干扰已成为迫切的问题。本研究设置了花椒单作、花椒-苜蓿(Medicago sativa)间作和花椒-大豆(Glycine max)间作3种种植模式, 在2015年8月对每种种植模式模拟干旱30 d, 每种种植模式包括干旱和对照处理, 在模拟干旱结束后、恢复15 d、30 d和45 d后分别采集土壤样品, 分析土壤化学性质、土壤微生物和线虫群落, 以探究花椒林下豆科植物能否缓和干旱的遗留效应对土壤化学性质和土壤生物的影响。重复测量方差分析表明: 在花椒单作模式下, 干旱恢复45 d后土壤硝态氮含量显著高于对照, 微生物量和真菌/细菌比与对照无显著差异, 线虫密度与对照无显著差异, 但线虫功能团没有恢复到对照水平; 在花椒-苜蓿间作模式下, 干旱恢复45 d后土壤含水量、铵态氮、硝态氮、溶解性有机碳、溶解性有机氮、微生物量、真菌/细菌比、线虫密度和线虫功能团组成与对照无显著差异, 但植食性线虫属Boleodorus相对多度显著高于对照; 在花椒-大豆间作模式下, 干旱恢复45 d后土壤含水量、铵态氮、硝态氮、溶解性有机碳、溶解性有机氮、微生物量和真菌/细菌比与对照无显著差异, 但线虫密度和功能团组成与对照有显著差异。在3种花椒种植模式中, 花椒-苜蓿间作模式下干旱的遗留效应对土壤养分和生物的影响最小。因此, 在干旱背景下, 花椒林下间作豆科植物可以加快土壤养分、土壤微生物和线虫群落的恢复, 进而有利于目标作物生长。  相似文献   
Zehui Jiang 《Plant biosystems》2013,147(2):127-131

A pollen diagram from a small lake, Kutulahdenlampi, in northern Finland is interpreted in terms of the development of forest vegetation during the Holocene. The abundance of each of the forest taxa is considered independently by means of pollen accumulation rates (PARs), using as the reference material, long term average pollen deposition values monitored by a network of pollen traps. Particular attention is paid to the arrival of spruce and to the species in the original forests that this newcomer replaces. A model of pollen dispersal and deposition developed by Sugita is used to estimate the area around the lake that the pollen assemblage is most clearly reflecting. This relevant source area of pollen (RSAP), for the present day situations is c. 1,500 m. Pollen loadings calculated for a simulated landscape that mimics (i) that of the present day and (ii) for the situation at 8,000 BP (as deduced from the PARs) are compared with the pollen assemblages from the diagram at those points in time, and are seen to be compatible. The advantages of combining PAR and modelling to look at the spatial scale of vegetation reconstructions are discussed.  相似文献   
Upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) is the world's largest source of natural fibre and dominates the global textile industry. Hybrid cotton varieties exhibit strong heterosis that confers high fibre yields, yet the genome‐wide effects of artificial selection that have influenced Upland cotton during its breeding history are poorly understood. Here, we resequenced Upland cotton genomes and constructed a variation map of an intact breeding pedigree comprising seven elite and 19 backbone parents. Compared to wild accessions, the 26 pedigree accessions underwent strong artificial selection during domestication that has resulted in reduced genetic diversity but stronger linkage disequilibrium and higher extents of selective sweeps. In contrast to the backbone parents, the elite parents have acquired significantly improved agronomic traits, with an especially pronounced increase in the lint percentage. Notably, identify by descent (IBD) tracking revealed that the elite parents inherited abundant beneficial trait segments and loci from the backbone parents and our combined analyses led to the identification of a core genomic segment which was inherited in the elite lines from the parents Zhong 7263 and Ejing 1 and that was strongly associated with lint percentage. Additionally, SNP correlation analysis of this core segment showed that a non‐synonymous SNP (A‐to‐G) site in a gene encoding the cell wall‐associated receptor‐like kinase 3 (GhWAKL3) protein was highly correlated with increased lint percentage. Our results substantially increase the valuable genomics resources available for future genetic and functional genomics studies of cotton and reveal insights that will facilitate yield increases in the molecular breeding of cotton.  相似文献   
Aims Deforestation and biodiversity loss are two alarming, closely related problems, and the main factors triggering changes in land use. Indigenous agricultural practices in the western Amazon Basin are known as chakras, and their structure and dynamics are seemingly optimal for forest management. However, the variability in tree species and the degree of forest recovery after abandonment is poorly documented in this agroforestry system (AFS). The goals of this study were: (i) to investigate whether the different AFSs (chakras) preserve similar levels of forest diversity, (ii) to determine the effect of transformation of mature forests (MF) to chakras, in particular, forest alpha and beta diversity levels, and (iii) to investigate whether native tree species recovery leads to the original forest structure following chakra abandonment.  相似文献   
It has been proposed that a multiregional model could describe how Homo sapiens evolved in Africa beginning 300,000 years ago. Multiregionalism would require enduring morphological or behavioral differences among African regions and morphological or behavioral continuity within each. African fossils, archeology, and genetics do not comply with either requirement and are unlikely to, because climatic change periodically disrupted continuity and reshuffled populations. As an alternative to multiregionalism, I suggest that reshuffling produced novel gene constellations, including one in which the additive or cumulative effect of newly associated genes enhanced cognitive or communicative potential. Eventual fixation of such a constellation in the lineage leading to modern H. sapiens would explain the abrupt appearance of the African Later Stone Age 50–45 thousand years ago, its nearly simultaneous expansion to Eurasia in the form of the Upper Paleolithic, and the ability of fully modern Upper Paleolithic people to swamp or replace non‐modern Eurasians.  相似文献   
Analyses of molecular genetic data have added a new dimension to human evolutionary research. Pioneering studies of variation in human populations were based on analyses of blood groups1 and electromorphs,2 both of which represent qualitative multistate phenotypes. With the development of recombinant DNA methods in the 1970s and 1980s, the focus shifted from gene products to a new and plentiful source of human variability, restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs).3,4 Finally, the addition of DNA sequencining survey data to the rapidly growing RFLP data base made it feasible for the first time to determine the exact number of nucleotide substitutions between different alleles, as well as to construct gene trees and reconstruct the phylogenetic history of populations.5–7  相似文献   
Since the nineteenth century, researchers have noted that Neandertal and modern human adults differ in mental foramen position, although the ontogenetic changes in the position of this feature have only recently come under the scrutiny of paleoanthropologists. Research on mental foramen position has focused on whether this feature is inferior to a particular tooth. However, tooth position may not be a reliable indicator of mental foramen position because of variability in tooth size within and between taxa and during eruption events. As opposed to observing the mental foramen with respect to the postcanine teeth, we examined linear distances from the mental foramen to other mandibular landmarks. Modern human adults may appear truncated, or paedomorphic, in mental foramen position with respect to Neandertal adults. However, infants of the two taxa differ substantially in anterior mandibular form. The initial differences in the shape of the mental region may be related to the embryological position of the mental foramen in modern humans and its role in the development of the mental trigone. The shape changes that accrue thereafter, possibly from faster mandibular growth rates in Neandertals, further distinguish the adults from one another. Although mandibular shape differences exist from early infancy onwards, adults of the two taxa are broadly similar in bi-mental foramen breadth with respect to mandibular size. For this reason, qualitative assessments of mental foramen position may provide less taxonomic information than previously thought.  相似文献   
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