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Analyses of spatial patterns and population processes of clonal plants   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The nonrandom spatial structure of terrestrial plants is formed by ecological interactions and reproduction with a limited dispersal range, and in turn this may strongly affect population dynamics and population genetics. The traditional method of modelling in population ecology is either to neglect spatial pattern (e.g. in transition matrix models) or to do straightforward computer simulation. We review here three analytical mothods to deal with plant populations in a lattice-structured habitat, which propagate both by seeds that scatter over the whole habitat and by vegetative reproduction (producing runners, rhizomes, etc.) to neighboring vacant sites. [1]Dynamics of global and local densities: Dynamical equations of population density considering nearest-neighbor correlation (spatial clumping) are developed as the joint dynamics of global average density and local density (comparable to mean crowding) based onpair approximation. If there is a linear trade-off between seed production and vegetative reproduction, the equilibrium abundance of the population may be maximized by engaging both means of reproduction. This result is accurately predicted by the pair approximation method, but not by mean-field approximation (neglect of spatial structure). [2]Cluster size distributions: Using global and local densities obtained by pair approximation, we predicted cluster size distribution, i.e. the number of clusters of occupied sites of various sizes. [3]Clonal identity probability decreasing with distance: Multi-locus measurement of allozymes or other neutral molecular markers tells us whether or not a given pair of individuals belong to the same clone. From the pattern of clonal identity probability decreasing with the distance between ramets, we can estimate the relative importance of two modes of reproduction: vegetative propagation and sexual seed production.  相似文献   
The host-parasite or host-pathogen system was analyzed from dynamical and evolutionary viewpoints using simple mathematical models incorporating vertical transmission, immunity and its loss. We first analyzed a model without density regulation of host population. In the analysis on dynamics, the condition for the pathogen to work as a density regulating factor was obtained. In the analysis on evolution, criteria for the evolution of host and pathogen were proposed. These criteria implies that the evolution of hosts should result in an increase in infected host density, whereas the evolution of pathogens a decrease in susceptible host density. The direction of evolution at some parameters of host and that of pathogen were examined when the parameters were independently and freely changeable. Among the parameters, only reduction in additional mortality due to infection was the evolutionary trend common to both host and pathogen. In all the other parameters examined, trend of evolution predicted in host is reversed in pathogen. We then analyzed whether the obtained criteria still hold in models with density regulation of hosts. Using randomly generated parameter sets, we obtained the result that the criteria should hold very likely though they do not always hold. We discussed evolution of virulence when there is a constraint between the traits.  相似文献   
Healthy subjects were asked to make a voluntary ramp and hold contraction. The duration of the ramp stage was 500 ms, and the torque increment in this period was set to 15 Nm. The contraction was made from a relaxed and from a 5 Nm background torque situation. Hoffmann (H-) reflexes were elicited during the voluntary contraction, mostly with 100 ms intervals. These experiments showed an increase (facilitation) in the H-reflex before the torque or the EMG started to increase. This facilitation of the H-reflex remained during all the stages of the voluntary movement and declined to normal levels again only at the very end of the hold phase, which lasted for one second. This specific pattern of facilitation during a voluntary contraction was modeled using a modeling language, that is specifically designed to calculate neuronal systems with a high degree of reality (Ekeberg et al., 1991). Our model consisted of a motoneuron pool with 200 neurons connected to an EMG-model of the human soleus muscle and an extra group of higher-level neurons for controlling the amount of decrease of presynaptic inhibition. The model was used to simulate the observed modulation of the H-reflex with both a presynaptic and a postsynaptic mechanism. Simulations showed that a continuous change in the descending control signals is needed to make the model based on postsynaptic mechanism fit with the experimental data, whereas no extra control from the CNS over the excitatory drive to the motoneuron pool is needed when the decrease of presynaptic inhibition mechanism is applied.  相似文献   
The passive membrane properties of the tangential cells in the fly lobula plate (CH, HS, and VS cells, Fig. 1) were determined by combining compartmental modeling and current injection experiments. As a prerequisite, we built a digital base of the cells by 3D-reconstructing individual tangential cells from cobalt-stained material including both CH cells (VCH and DCH cells), all three HS cells (HSN, HSE, and HSS cells) and most members of the VS cell family (Figs. 2, 3). In a first series of experiments, hyperpolarizing and depolarizing currents were injected to determine steady-state I-V curves (Fig. 4). At potentials more negative than resting, a linear relationship holds, whereas at potentials more positive than resting, an outward rectification is observed. Therefore, in all subsequent experiments, when a sinusoidal current of variable frequency was injected, a negative DC current was superimposed to keep the neurons in a hyperpolarized state. The resulting amplitude and phase spectra revealed an average steady-state input resistance of 4 to 5 M and a cut-off frequency between 40 and 80 Hz (Fig. 5). To determine the passive membrane parameters R m (specific membrane resistance), R i (specific internal resistivity), and C m (specific membrane capacitance), the experiments were repeated in computer simulations on compartmental models of the cells (Fig. 6). Good fits between experimental and simulation data were obtained for the following values: R m = 2.5 kcm2, R i = 60 cm, and C m = 1.5 F/cm2 for CH cells; R m = 2.0 kcm2, R i = 40 cm, and C m = 0.9 F/cm2 for HS cells; R m = 2.0 kcm2, R i = 40 cm, and C m = 0.8 F/cm2 for VS cells. An error analysis of the fitting procedure revealed an area of confidence in the R m -R i plane within which the R m -R i value pairs are still compatible with the experimental data given the statistical fluctuations inherent in the experiments (Figs. 7, 8). We also investigated whether there exist characteristic differences between different members of the same cell class and how much the exact placement of the electrode (within ±100 m along the axon) influences the result of the simulation (Fig. 9). The membrane parameters were further examined by injection of a hyperpolarizing current pulse (Fig. 10). The resulting compartmental models (Fig. 11) based on the passive membrane parameters determined in this way form the basis of forthcoming studies on dendritic integration and signal propagation in the fly tangential cells (Haag et al., 1997; Haag and Borst, 1997).  相似文献   
升流厌氧污泥层反应器动力学模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用碘离子作示踪剂,采用矩形脉冲示踪法测定升流厌氧污泥层(UASB)反应器的流动分布。建立了申级返混加沟流模型。模型简单,能够反映反应器流动分布,具有较强的拟合能力和良好的适用性。运用流动模型和Monod方程,建立了UASB反应器稳态模型,并对模型参数进行了估计。通过灵敏度分析,进水基质浓度S。,废水流量Q,最大比基质降解速率,μmax 对出水基质浓度有较大影响。在稳态模型的基础上又建立了UASB反应器动态模态,利用此模型,对出水基质浓度序列Se,和产气量序列Qg进行计算预测,平均偏差分别5.40%和7.46%,标准偏差分别为7.02%和9.66%。  相似文献   
动态神经网络中的同步振荡   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目前有一种假设认为同一视觉对象是由一群神经元的同步振荡活动来表征的。这一神经元发放活动的时间特性,是解决视觉信息处理中“结合问题(Bindingproblem)”的可能机制。本文用我们所提出的一种简化现实性神经网络模型[1]所构造的时滞非线性振子网络[2],模拟生物神经网络的同步振荡活动。并考虑了振子各参数的设置与振荡活动的关系,以及网络振子间耦联对同步活动的影响.  相似文献   
采用我们以前提出的简化现实性神经网络模型[1]的一种修正形式,通过选定适当的参数,仿真了耳蜗核的类初级细胞(Primary-likecell),梳状反应细胞(Chopperresponsecell)以及给刺激反应细胞(Onsetresponsecell)对短纯青刺激的刺激后时间直方图。并通过分析参数配置和仿真行为的对应关系,指出模型在生理学上的合理性。  相似文献   
白玉兰播种苗年生长规律的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过对白玉兰一年生播种苗年生长进程的研究,阐明了苗高、地径的年变化规律,并拟合其生长模型,从而为生产上有效采取育苗措施提供科学依据.  相似文献   
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