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The preTa subfamily of long interspersed elements (LINEs) is characterized by a three base-pair "ACG" sequence in the 3' untranslated region, contains approximately 400 members in the human genome, and has low level of nucleotide divergence with an estimated average age of 2.34 million years old suggesting that expansion of the L1 preTa subfamily occurred just after the divergence of humans and African apes. We have identified 362 preTa L1 elements from the draft human genomic sequence, investigated the genomic characteristics of preTa L1 insertions, and screened individual elements across diverse human populations and various non-human primate species using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assays to determine the phylogenetic origin and levels of human genomic diversity associated with the L1 elements. All of the preTa L1 elements analyzed by PCR were absent from the orthologous positions in non-human primate genomes with 33 (14%) of the L1 elements being polymorphic with respect to insertion presence or absence in the human genome. The newly identified L1 insertion polymorphisms will prove useful as identical by descent genetic markers for the study of human population genetics. We provide evidence that preTa L1 elements show an integration site preference for genomic regions with low GC content. Computational analysis of the preTa L1 elements revealed that 29% of the elements amenable to complete sequence analysis have apparently escaped 5' truncation and are essentially full-length (approximately 6kb). In all, 29 have two intact open reading frames and may be capable of retrotransposition.  相似文献   
This study sought to clarify the effects of exposure to electromagnetic waves (EMW) used in cellular phones on learning and memory processes. Sprague-Dawley rats were exposed for either 1 h daily for 4 days or for 4 weeks to a pulsed 1439 MHz time division multiple access (TDMA) field in a carousel type exposure system. At the brain, average specific absorption rate (SAR) was 7.5 W/kg, and the whole body average SAR was 1.7 W/kg. Other subjects were exposed at the brain average SAR of 25 W/kg and the whole body average SAR of 5.7 W/kg for 45 min daily for 4 days. Learning and memory were evaluated by reversal learning in a food rewarded T-maze, in which rats learned the location of food (right or left) by using environmental cues. The animals exposed to EMW with the brain average SAR of 25 W/kg for 4 days showed statistically significant decreases in the transition in number of correct choices in the reversal task, compared to sham exposed or cage control animals. However, rats exposed to the brain average SAR of 7.5 W/kg for either 4 days or for 4 weeks showed no T-maze performance impairments. Intraperitoneal temperatures, as measured by a fiber optic thermometer, increased in the rats exposed to the brain average SAR of 25 W/kg but remained the same for the brain average SAR of 7.5 W/kg. The SAR of a standard cellular phone is restricted to a maximum of 2 W/kg averaged over 10 g tissue. These results suggest that the exposure to a TDMA field at levels about four times stronger than emitted by cellular phones does not affect the learning and memory processes when there are no thermal effects.  相似文献   
Bick. A. 2001. The morphology and ecology of Dipolydora armata (Polychaeta, Spionidae) from the western Mediterranean Sea. — Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 82 : 177–187
The cosmopolitan spionid Dipolydora armata is a dominant species of epifauna on Thais haemastoma shells in the western Mediterranean Sea. Some characters, particularly number, thickness and arrangement of notopodial spines, were extremely variable among specimens. Three morphological forms were distinguished based on the general appearance of the bundles of spines; one form possesses at least one bundle of stout spines, whereas bundles of medium spines or thinner acicular spines characterise the other forms. Differences in prostomial shape, as well as in the extension and form of the caruncle, were artefacts (preservation or angle of observation). The present study supports D. rogeri as a junior synonym of D. armata. D. armata was regularly found on shells inhabited by hermit crabs ( Calcinus tubularis , Clibanarius erythropus ) and on damaged, empty shells. Abundance, dominance, size frequency, occurrence of larvae and occurrence of regenerated specimens varied, possibly as a result of fouling strategy and recurrent settlements.  相似文献   
Hostens  K.  Hamerlynck  O. 《Hydrobiologia》1994,282(1):479-496
Data on the mobile epifauna of the Oosterschelde estuary, collected by beam trawl, were compiled from several studies. Multivariate statistical techniques brought out the fact that the Oosterschelde, when compared with neighbouring areas, has a characteristic epibenthic fauna. Diversity as measured by Hill's diversity numbers N through N + , is higher for the Oosterschelde (N1 = 4.5) than for the Voordelta (N1 = 3.5) and the Westerschelde (N1 = 2.2).Four epifaunal communities can be distinguished within the Oosterschelde, the two most seaward communities being the richest. Annual production is estimated at about 6 gADW m–2 yr–1, annual consumption is estimated at over 25 gADW m–2 yr–1. These results are highly dependent on the assumptions. Over 85% of the epibenthic production and consumption in the Oosterschelde is accounted for by only six species: starfish Asterias rubens, plaice Pleuronectes platessa, bib Trisopterus luscus, brown shrimp Crangon crangon, shore crab Carcinus maenas and dab Limanda limanda. In spite of its abundance, the sand goby Pomatoschistus minutus contributes little to the production.From the available data it is difficult to assess the impact of the construction of the storm-surge barrier and the compartmentalization dams on the epibenthic fauna. The increase in flatfish in the Hammen area is probably linked to the decrease in current velocities in that area. On the other hand the increase in the gadoids bib and whiting Merlangius merlangus is predominantly due to the stronger year classes in the post-barrier time period. Lower nutrient inputs through the Northern branch, in combination with the increase of the gadoids, may have caused the decline of the brown shrimp in the Oosterschelde. A decrease has also been observed in the sandeel Ammodytes tobianus and the hooknose Agonus cataphractus.  相似文献   
最近在几种生物体中连续发现了蛋白质剪接现象,由于它与通常所说的RNA剪接的区别,人们称这些在蛋白质水平被剪切掉的部分为“蛋白质内含子”.有些蛋白质内含子具有核酸内切酶功能,编码蛋白质内含子的DNA片段是一类新的可移动遗传因子.文中介绍了目前发现的几例蛋白质剪接现象,讨论了蛋白质剪接的可能机理,分析了蛋白质内含子的进化及其生物学意义.  相似文献   
Catabolic transposons   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
The structure and function of transposable elements that code for catabolic pathways involved in the biodegradation of organic compounds are reviewed. Seven of these catabolic transposons have structural features that place them in the Class I (composite) or Class II (Tn3-family) bacterial elements. One is a conjugative transposon. Another three have been found to have properties of transposable elements but have not been characterized sufficiently to assign to a known class. Structural features of the toluene (Tn4651/Tn4653) and naphthalene (Tn4655) elements that illustrate the enormous potential for acquisition, deletion and rearrangement of DNA within catabolic transposons are discussed. The recently characterized chlorobenzoate (Tn5271) and chlorobenzene (Tn5280) catabolic transposons encode different aromatic ring dioxygenases, however they both illustrate the constraints that must be overcome when recipients of catabolic transposons assemble and regulate complete metabolic pathways for environmental pollutants. The structures of the chlorobenzoate catabolic transposon Tn5271 and the related haloacetate dehalogenase catabolic element of plasmid pUO1 are compared and a hypothesis for their formation is discussed. The structures and activities of catabolic transposons of unknown class coding for the catabolism of halogenated alkanoic acids (DEH) and chlorobiphenyl (Tn4371) are also reviewed.  相似文献   
A negatively charged derivative of β-cyclodextrin, sulphobutyl ether-β-cyclodextrin (SBE-β-CD), was examined as a chiral mobile phase additive in reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography for the enantiomeric resolution of the calcium channel blocker rac-amlodipine. Theoretical and practical aspects are discussed for setting up a central composite design applicable to any analytical method. These include the correct location of factor points for maintaining orthogonality within the design and the augmentation of centrepoint experiments to allow a larger factor space by increasing the distance of axial star points. Optimised separation was achieved using a reverse-phase column with eluent comprising: acetonitrile (ACN)—potassium dihydrogen phosphate (pH 3.93) containing 2.66 mM SBE-bgr;-CD (26.5:73.5% v/v) at a flow rate of 1.0 ml/min. This yielded a Kaiser peak separation index, Pi = 0.96, at tR2 = 52 min with satisfactory reproducibility, relative standard deviation values: tR1, 0.39%; tR2, 0.47% (n = 5). These experimental results were in excellent agreement with those predicted by the SAS software package for a chromatographic response function model. Multiple regression analysis in four dimensions, with three response models based on Rs, Pi, and a function of Pi, produced response surfaces which revealed zones of optimum robustness and illustrated the interactions involved between the key chromatographic factors. Putative proposals for a mechanism involving the interaction of each of the positively charged enantiomers with the negatively charged cyclodextrin are also discussed. These examine the possibility of ion-pairing and inclusion phenomena to account for the excellent resolution observed. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
This paper describes the enantiorecognition of (±)nicotine and (±)nornicotine by high-performance liquid chromatography using two derivatized cellulose chiral stationary phases (CSPs) operated in the normal phase mode. It was found that different substituents linked to the cellulose backbone significantly influence the chiral selectivity of the derivatized CSP. The results showed that, in general, the tris(4-methylbenzoyl) cellulose CSP (Chiralcel OJ) surpasses tris(3,5-dimethylphenyl carbamoyl) cellulose CSP (Chiralcel OD). On the former column, the resolution (±)nicotine and (±)nornicotine enantiomers depended largely on mobile phase compositions. For the separation of the nicotine enantiomers, the addition of trifluoroacetic acid to a 95:5 hexane/alcohol mobile phase greatly improved the enantioresolution, probably due to enhanced hydrogen bonding interactions between the protonated analytes and the CSP. For (±)nornicotine separation, a reduction in the concentration of alcohol in the mobile phase was more effective than the addition of trifluoroacetic acid. Possible solute-mobile phase-stationary phase interactions are discussed to explain how different additives in the mobile phase and different substituents on the cellulose glucose units of the CSPs affect the separation of both pairs of enantiomers. Chirality 10:364–369, 1998. Published 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
  • 1 This article is a US Government work and, as such, is in the public domain in the United States of America.
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    Locomotion ability, efficiency and reliability are key targets for a good robot. The linkage mechanism for robot locomotion is a discontinuous-constraint metamorphic mechanism. Here we set up equations to present the discontinuous-constraint, point out that driving and controlling are the key points to improve the performance and efficiency of the linkage mechanism. Inspired by controlling strategy of the motor nervous system in peripheral vertebrae to the locomotion, we draw off motor control and drive strategy.  相似文献   
    Molecular Mechanisms of Epigenetics   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
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