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以浙江省天目山1 hm2常绿落叶阔叶混交林样地调查数据为基础,运用K-means聚类方法将DBH≥1 cm的个体根据树高划分为不同林层,研究比较了各个林层的物种多样性特点;利用通径分析方法和决策系数定量计算各个林层物种多样性对群落整体物种多样性的直接作用和间接作用,天目山常绿落叶阔叶林垂直结构对群落物种多样性构成的影响。结果表明:(1)天目山常绿落叶阔叶林群落层次结构丰富,树高由1.4-36.5 m依次可分为灌木层、亚冠层、林冠下层、林冠中层和林冠上层。(2)天目山常绿落叶阔叶林群落从灌木层依次往向上,物种丰富度、多度、特有种数量、Shannon-Weiner指数和Simpson指数均呈下降趋势。(3)灌木层对群落物种多样性的贡献最大且远高于其他四个林层,其中灌木层对群落整体物种多样性Shannon-Wiener指数、Pielou指数以及Simpson指数的决策系数分别为0.850、0.651、0.755。(4)林冠下层、林冠中层和林冠上层密度的大小对灌木层的物种数目有明显的影响,林冠层密度越大,灌木层群落的物种数目越少,复杂程度越低;偶见种和稀有种对群落物种多样性的维持具有特殊作用。综上,研究认为森林群落的垂直结构在维持森林群落整体物种多样性中具有关键作用,而灌木层在群落整体物种多样性构成中具有决定作用,森林群落中稀有种、偶见种多少在群落物种多样性构成中具有特殊作用。  相似文献   
We investigated the role of local and landscape environmental variables on anurans density classified as habitat specialists and generalists in grassland landscapes, known as South Brazilian grasslands (SBG). In this region, we surveyed 187 ponds distributed over 40 landscape sampling units. For each pond, 31 local environmental variables were measured. Each landscape sampling unit was embedded within a larger regional sampling unit with different landscape properties. For each landscape and regional sampling units, 16 landscape metrics were extracted from a land cover and use map. We recorded 35 species, eleven of which are specialists in the SBG. The specialists were affected by 11 local and 2 landscape environmental variables, while generalists were affected by 14 local and one landscape environmental variable. Thus, specialists and generalists presented different relationships with local and landscape variables, but in general local variables had a greater influence on the density of anurans than the landscape variables. However, the landscape indirectly influenced local variables because higher quality ponds were in landscapes with higher percentages of natural habitat. In conclusion, reproductive sites with higher local quality and located within landscapes with higher percentages of natural grasslands are essential to conserve anurans in this habitat. Effective conservation of such sites would benefit from further studies that assess effects of land use and biotic integrity of ponds, which can help to determine (a) the relative effects of local habitat quality of ponds and (b) the effectiveness of protecting ponds and their local surroundings for anuran conservation in SBG. Abstract in Portuguese is available with online material.  相似文献   
李勋  张艳  宋思梦  周扬  张健 《广西植物》2024,44(7):1205-1217
为了调整低效马尾松(Pinus massoniana,P)人工纯林的林分结构,探明其与乡土阔叶树种凋落叶混合分解过程中的可溶性有机碳(DOC)释放规律,该研究以马尾松、香樟(Cinnamomum camphora,C)和香椿(Toona sinensis,T)的凋落叶为研究对象,将其按照不同树种和质量比例组合为 15 个处理(3 个单一树种处理+12 个混合处理)后进行野外凋落叶分解实验,并探讨DOC释放最佳的凋落叶树种组合以及混合比例.结果表明:(1)马尾松和大部分混合处理凋落叶(除了PT64)在分解初期(0~6 个月)的DOC含量均显著升高,出现富集现象,之后随着分解时间的延长而降低,在分解中后期(12~18 个月)或分解末期(18~24 个月)再次出现小幅度的碳富集现象.阔叶所占比例越高,其后期DOC含量越低.(2)分解前期(0~6 个月)凋落叶DOC释放的拮抗效应较强(58.33%),仅有 8.33%(1/12)的混合处理表现出协同效应.之后(6~18个月)其协同效应逐渐增强(91.67%),分解末期(18~24 个月)凋落叶的协同效应有所减弱(66.67%).在所有混合处理中,PT64 在整个分解期间均出现协同效应,其次为PT73、PCT622 和PCT613 在大部分分解时期(3/4)出现协同效应.(3)偏最小二乘法(PLS)回归分析表明,凋落叶初始质量因子中N含量、P 含量、木质素含量、缩合单宁含量、C/N、C/P、木质素/N以及木质素/P是影响该研究区域中凋落物DOC释放的重要因素.总体而言,马尾松与阔叶凋落叶混合后的DOC释放受到树种、混合比例及分解时间的共同影响.相对于其他混合处理,阔叶占比大于等于 30.00%且含有香椿(T)的凋落叶混合处理(PT64、PT73、PCT622和PCT613)更能促进DOC的释放.  相似文献   
The differential reinforcement of low-rate 72 seconds schedule (DRL-72) is a standard behavioral test procedure for screening potential antidepressant compounds. The protocol for the DRL-72 experiment, proposed by Evenden et al. (1993), consists of using a crossover design for the experiment and one-way ANOVA for the statistical analysis. In this paper we discuss the choice of several crossover designs for the DRL-72 experiment and propose to estimate the treatment effects using either generalized linear mixed models (GLMM) or generalized estimating equation (GEE) models for clustered binary data.  相似文献   
It is often assumed that the efficiency of selection for mutational robustness would be proportional to mutation rate and population size, thus being inefficient in small populations. However, Krakauer and Plotkin (2002) hypothesized that selection in small populations would favor robustness mechanisms, such as redundancy, that mask the effect of deleterious mutations. In large populations, by contrast, selection is more effective at removing deleterious mutants and fitness would be improved by eliminating mechanisms that mask the effect of deleterious mutations and thus impede their removal. Here, we test whether these predictions are supported in experiments with evolving populations of digital organisms. Digital organisms are self-replicating programs that inhabit a virtual world inside a computer. Like their organic counterparts, digital organisms mutate, compete, evolve, and adapt by natural selection to their environment. In this study, 160 populations evolved at different combinations of mutation rate and population size. After 10(4) generations, we measured the mutational robustness of the most abundant genotype in each population. Mutational robustness tended to increase with mutation rate and to decline with population size, although the dependence with population size was in part mediated by a negative relationship between fitness and robustness. These results are independent of whether genomes were constrained to their original length or allowed to change in size.  相似文献   
The potency of antiretroviral agents in AIDS clinical trials can be assessed on the basis of an early viral response such as viral decay rate or change in viral load (number of copies of HIV RNA) of the plasma. Linear, parametric nonlinear, and semiparametric nonlinear mixed‐effects models have been proposed to estimate viral decay rates in viral dynamic models. However, before applying these models to clinical data, a critical question that remains to be addressed is whether these models produce coherent estimates of viral decay rates, and if not, which model is appropriate and should be used in practice. In this paper, we applied these models to data from an AIDS clinical trial of potent antiviral treatments and found significant incongruity in the estimated rates of reduction in viral load. Simulation studies indicated that reliable estimates of viral decay rate were obtained by using the parametric and semiparametric nonlinear mixed‐effects models. Our analysis also indicated that the decay rates estimated by using linear mixed‐effects models should be interpreted differently from those estimated by using nonlinear mixed‐effects models. The semiparametric nonlinear mixed‐effects model is preferred to other models because arbitrary data truncation is not needed. Based on real data analysis and simulation studies, we provide guidelines for estimating viral decay rates from clinical data. (© 2004 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   
NMR spectroscopy of encapsulated proteins dissolved in low-viscosity fluids is emerging as a tool for biophysical studies of proteins in atomic detail in a variety of otherwise inaccessible contexts. The central element of the approach is the encapsulation of the protein of interest within the aqueous core of a reverse micelle with high structural fidelity. The process of encapsulation is highly dependent upon the nature of the surfactant(s) employed. Here we describe novel mixtures of surfactants that are capable of successfully encapsulating a range of types of proteins under a variety of conditions.  相似文献   
Globally, climate is changing rapidly, which causes shifts in many species' distributions, stressing the need to understand their response to changing environmental conditions to inform conservation and management. Northern latitudes are expected to experience strongest changes in climate, with milder winters and decreasing snow cover. The wolverine (Gulo gulo) is a circumpolar, threatened carnivore distributed in northern tundra, boreal, and subboreal habitats. Previous studies have suggested that wolverine distribution and reproduction are constrained by a strong association with persistent spring snow cover. We assess this hypothesis by relating spatial distribution of 1589 reproductive events, a fitness-related proxy for female reproduction and survival, to snow cover over two decades. Wolverine distribution has increased and number of reproductive events increased 20 times in areas lacking spring snow cover during our study period, despite low monitoring effort where snow is sparse. Thus, the relationship between reproductive events and persistent spring snow cover weakened during this period. These findings show that wolverine reproductive success and hence distribution are less dependent on spring snow cover than expected. This has important implications for projections of future habitat availability, and thus distribution, of this threatened species. Our study also illustrates how past persecution, or other factors, that have restricted species distribution to remote areas can mask actual effects of environmental parameters, whose importance reveals when populations expand beyond previously restricted ranges. Overwhelming evidence shows that climate change is affecting many species and ecological processes, but forecasting potential consequences on a given species requires longitudinal data to revisit hypotheses and reassess the direction and magnitude of climate effects with new data. This is especially important for conservation-oriented management of species inhabiting dynamic systems where environmental factors and human activities interact, a common scenario for many species in different ecosystems around the globe.  相似文献   
刘佳  肖玉  张昌顺  黄孟冬 《生态学报》2023,43(15):6099-6116
喀斯特区域水循环过程与其他地区存在显著区别,其水供给服务也具有独特的空间分布特征。然而,目前针对喀斯特地区产水量的时空变化研究较少考虑喀斯特生态系统的特殊性,导致产水量的空间模拟结果存在一定偏差。根据喀斯特地貌形态和地下水补径排泄特征提出了一种产水量分割方法,并基于水量平衡原理建立了地表水与地下水分割校正概念模型。选取喀斯特山区典型区域漓江流域为研究区,通过上述方法校正了InVEST模型产水量模拟结果,从栅格、地貌分区和子流域3个尺度分析了漓江流域2000—2020年产水量校正前与校正后时空分布格局。研究结果表明:(1)漓江流域2000—2020年InVEST模型产水量呈现先减后增再减的趋势,水供给服务空间分布格局为北高南低。产水深度在岩溶区和非岩溶区几乎没有差异,但在岩溶区内部差异明显:裸露型岩溶区产水深度高于覆盖型和埋藏型,峰林平原产水深度高于峰丛洼地。子流域分区平均产水深度排序为漓江上游区>漓江中游区>恭城河区>荔浦河区>漓江下游区。(2)利用地表与地下水分割校正后,水供给服务空间分布格局为四周高于中部,西北部高于东南部。非岩溶区产水深度明显高于岩溶区,埋...  相似文献   
Vandvik  V.  Birks  H.J.B. 《Plant Ecology》2004,170(2):203-222
This paper discusses vegetation types and diversity patterns in relation to environment and land-use at summer farms, a characteristic cultural landscape in the Norwegian mountains. Floristic data (189 taxa) were collected in 130 4-m2 sample plots within 12 summer farms in Røldal, western Norway. The study was designed to sample as fully as possible the range of floristic, environmental, and land-use conditions. Vegetation types delimited by two-way indicator species analysis were consistent with results from earlier phytosociological studies. Detrended correspondence analysis and canonical correspondence analysis show that rather than being distinct vegetation types, the major floristic variation is structured along a spatial gradient from summer farm to the surrounding heathland vegetation. Species richness (alpha diversity) was modelled against environmental variables by generalized linear modelling and compositional turnover (beta diversity) by canonical correspondence analysis. Most environmental factors made significant contributions, but the spatial distance-to-farm gradient was the best predictor of both species richness and turnover. While summer farms reduce mean species richness at the plot scale, the compositional heterogeneity of the upland landscapes is increased, thereby creating ‘ecological room’ for additional vegetation types and species. Within an overall similarity across scales, soil variables (pH, base saturation, LOI, phosphate and nitrogen) differed considerably in their explanatory power for richness and turnover. A difference between ‘productivity limiting’ factors and ‘environmental sieves’ is proposed as an explanation. Species turnover with altitude is relatively low in grasslands as compared to heaths.  相似文献   
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