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杨祝良 《菌物学报》2023,42(1):179-186
基于形态特征和此前发表的DNA序列数据,本文报道了地锤菌属Cudonia的2个新种,它们采自中国东喜马拉雅和横断山的亚高山地区。棒状地锤菌C. claviformis具子实层的部分鲜黄色、棒状,菌柄污白色至淡褐色、光滑。鳞柄地锤菌C. furfuracea具子实层的部分头状、鲜黄色,菌柄被污白色至淡褐色糠麸状鳞片。两种真菌都生长于杜鹃和柳树组成的矮灌丛下苔藓丛中。  相似文献   
To address aspects of the evolution and natural history of green turtles, we assayed mitochondrial (mt) DNA genotypes from 226 specimens representing 15 major rookeries around the world. Phylogenetic analyses of these data revealed (1) a comparatively low level of mtDNA variability and a slow mtDNA evolutionary rate (relative to estimates for many other vertebrates); (2) a fundamental phylogenetic split distinguishing all green turtles in the Atlantic-Mediterranean from those in the Indian-Pacific Oceans; (3) no evidence for matrilineal distinctiveness of a commonly recognized taxonomic form in the East Pacific (the black turtle C.m. agassizi or C. agassizi); (4) in opposition to published hypotheses, a recent origin for the Ascension Island rookery, and its close genetic relationship to a geographically proximate rookery in Brazil; and (5) a geographic population substructure within each ocean basin (typically involving fixed or nearly fixed genotypic differences between nesting populations) that suggests a strong propensity for natal homing by females. Overall, the global matriarchal phylogeny of Chelonia mydas appears to have been shaped by both geography (ocean basin separations) and behavior (natal homing on regional or rookery-specific scales). The shallow evolutionary population structure within ocean basins likely results from demographic turnover (extinction and colonization) of rookeries over time frames that are short by evolutionary standards but long by ecological standards.  相似文献   
First principal components extracted from covariance matrices of log-transformed craniodental measurements closely approximate general size factors within field-collected samples representing 14 species in seven Neotropical muroid genera; because these samples are mixed-cross-sectional, scores are age-correlated and coefficients reflect postweaning growth allometries. Compared between congeners, sample first principal component coefficients are very similar, an observation that implies a nearly parallel orientation of ontogenetic trajectories in log-measurement space. On the assumption that a common general size factor (estimated as the first principal component of the pooled-within covariance matrix) accounts for most of the observed measurement covariance within samples, size-adjusted differences between congeneric species were estimated variable-by-variable in separate analyses of covariance; these differences reflect developmental adjustments of craniodental morphology that precede the measured interval of postweaning ontogeny. Vectors of size-adjusted difference coefficients are not similar from genus to genus, and a diversity of causal mechanisms is probably responsible. Analyses of captive-bred samples from two “species” of Zygodontomys provide prima facie evidence that size-adjusted differences estimated from field-collected samples have a genetic basis. Postweaning growth allometries in the muroid head skeleton may be conserved due to the biomechanical constraints of masticatory function; the apparent evolutionary plasticity of earlier ontogenetic adjustments may reflect the absence of such constraints in the fetus or suckling pup. The relevance of these results for current theories concerning the developmental genetics of mammalian morphometric evolution is discussed.  相似文献   
A systematic investigation of the genus Sphaeroplea was conducted using cladistic analyses of both structural and isozyme characters for the same set of taxa. The structural data were not able to fully resolve some of the taxa while the isozyme data did produce a tree in which all nodes were supported by data. The structural characters were relatively consistent with one another, whereas the isozyme characters were much less internally consistent. Results from independent, cladistic analyses of both data sets support the concept that among those Sphaeroplea species investigated, S. fragilis Buchheim et Hoffman had an early divergence. The two data sets differed primarily in that the structural data support monophyly of the genus Sphaeroplea and the isozyme data do not. The greater relative consistency of the structural data suggests better support for trees inferred from its analysis. Furthermore, searches for character congruence between the two data sets revealed isozyme data which support monophyly of the genus Sphaeroplea, but had been overwhelmed by conflicting isozyme characters.  相似文献   
Pseudochorda gracilis sp. Nov. (Pseudochordacease, Laminariales) is described from the Japan Sea coast of Hokkaido/ the species is subtidal, epilithic and annual, appearing in spring and maturing in winter. Erect thalli grow solitary or in tufts on a small discoid holdfast. They are simple, cord-shaped and hollow, with inner hyphal filaments, cylindrical medullary cells and paraphyses consisting of 3–6 cells. Hair tufts are observed only in young thalli. Unilocular sporangia are sessile and narrowly ovate. In culture, P. gracilis shows a heteromorphic life history with oogamy, characteristic of the order Laminariales. Gametophytes are dioecious and dimorphic. Gametophytes mature under lower temperature conditions (usually below 10°C), and sporophytes mature under low temperature and short-day conditions (5°C, SD). The seasonal growth pattern of the species results from the photoperiod-temperature conditions controlling saprophyte maturation.  相似文献   
This study analysed the levels of genetic differentiation within and among the six Italian species of the fairy shrimp genus Chirocephalus by analysing electrophoretic polymorphisms at 22 enzymatic loci and by sequencing a 665‐bp fragment of the mitochondrial gene encoding for subunit I of cytochrome oxidase. The allozyme data revealed different levels of intra‐specific differentiation; mean θ estimates were low in Chirocephalus salinus, higher and comparable in C. diaphanus and C. kerkyrensis, while C. ruffoi was the most genetically structured species. At the inter‐specific level, C. marchesonii was the most differentiated species, both for allozymes and mtDNA. Phylogenetic relationships deduced from allozymes and mtDNA were not always consistent with each other. This highlights the differences in performance of the two classes of molecular markers and the need of different independent strategies of data analysis to search for possible incongruence. Neither allozymes nor mtDNA supported monophyly of the diaphanus‐group, previously recognized on the basis of the morphology of appendages (antennae and penes). In contrast the molecular results were consistent with the great heterogeneity in resting egg morphology among representatives of the diaphanus‐group.  相似文献   
Horacio Paz 《Biotropica》2003,35(3):318-332
I analyzed patterns of variation in root mass allocation and root morphology among seedlings of woody species in relation to environmental factors in four Neotropical forests. Among forests, I explored the response of root traits to sites varying in water or nutrient availability. Within each forest, I explored the plastic response of species to different microhabitats: gaps and understory. Additionally, I explored evidence for life history correlation of root and shoot traits by comparing species differing in their successional group (light‐demanding [22 spp.] or shade tolerant [27 spp.]) and germination type (species with photosynthetic cotyledons or species with reserve cotyledons). At each forest site, young seedlings from 10 to 20 species were excavated. A total of 55 species was collected in understory conditions and 31 of them were also collected in gaps. From each seedling, six morphological ratios were determined. Allocation to roots was higher in forest sites with the lowest soil resources. Roots were finer and longer in the most infertile site, while roots were deeper in the site with the longest dry season. Seedling traits did not differ between germination types. Shade tolerant species allocated more to roots and developed thicker roots than light‐demanding species. Light‐demanding species showed stronger plastic responses to habitat than shade tolerant species, and species with photo‐synthetic cotyledons showed lower plasticity than species with reserve cotyledons. Overall, these results suggest that among Neotropical species, root allocation and root morphology of seedlings reflect plant adjustments to water or nutrient availability at geographic and microhabitat scales. In addition, life history specialization to light environments is suggested by differences among groups of species in their allocation to roots and in their root morphology.  相似文献   
Temporal variability in certain morphological and taxonomically important features was quantified for Sargassum polyceratium Mont. from a population in the Content Keys, Florida (U.S.A.). Patterns of blade development, senescence, and loss caused pronounced seasonal changes in blade length-width ratios. Blade length and width were maximal early in the growing season (August-November) and decreased as the annual stems matured. Early in the growing season, plants had broader blades with randomly distributed cryptostomata. Late in the growing season (February-April), plants had more linear blades with cryptostomata approximately arranged in two rows, one on each side of the midrib. The length-width ratio of blades increased acropetally along the stems and were directly correlated to the size of the cryptostomatal opening and inversely correlated with the number of cryptostomata. The branching pattern of the annual stems ranged from short spur branches to well-developed, lateral axillary branches. The frequency of bifurcated blades increased significantly late in the growing season. Vesicle shape and size and pedicel length were temporally stable. Alated pedicels and mucronate vesicles occurred in low frequencies. The variability of the morphological features used to delineate species within the genus Sargassum on the tropical eastern coasts of the Americas is poorly understood.  相似文献   
The possible alliance between Gaertnera and Pagamea (Rubiaceae-Rubioideae), two genera from the Old and New World, respectively, is investigated on the basis of wood anatomy and pollen morphology. Nowadays, the main point of discussion about the taxonomic position of these genera is whether they belong to the Psychotrieae or constitute a tribe Gaertnereae characterised by their secondarily superior ovary and sheathing stipules. Both the wood and pollen of the genus pair are found to show specific features absent in other genera of the Psychotrieae, e.g. parenchyma bands in the xylem and endexine thickenings on the polar sites of the pollen apertures. Nevertheless Gaertnera and Pagamea share many other characters with the Psychotrieae. Wood and pollen convincingly demonstrate the very close affinity of the two genera. The sister pair differs in so many features from other Psychotrieae, that Gaertnera and Pagamea should constitute at least a subtribe Gaertnerinae, formally recognized here. The general lack of profound studies on the affinities within the very large tribe Psychotrieae makes further comments on the taxonomic relationships of the Gaertnerinae difficult.  相似文献   
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