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Andean plant species are predicted to shift their distributions, or ‘migrate,’ upslope in response to future warming. The impacts of these shifts on species' population sizes and their abilities to persist in the face of climate change will depend on many factors including the distribution of individuals within species' ranges, the ability of species to migrate and remain at equilibrium with climate, and patterns of human land‐use. Human land‐use may be especially important in the Andes where anthropogenic activities above tree line may create a hard barrier to upward migrations, imperiling high‐elevation Andean biodiversity. In order to better understand how climate change may impact the Andean biodiversity hotspot, we predict the distributional responses of hundreds of plant species to changes in temperature incorporating population density distributions, migration rates, and patterns of human land‐use. We show that plant species from high Andean forests may increase their population sizes if able to migrate onto the expansive land areas above current tree line. However, if the pace of climate change exceeds species' abilities to migrate, all species will experience large population losses and consequently may face high risk of extinction. Using intermediate migration rates consistent with those observed for the region, most species are still predicted to experience population declines. Under a business‐as‐usual land‐use scenario, we find that all species will experience large population losses regardless of migration rate. The effect of human land‐use is most pronounced for high‐elevation species that switch from predicted increases in population sizes to predicted decreases. The overriding influence of land‐use on the predicted responses of Andean species to climate change can be viewed as encouraging since there is still time to initiate conservation programs that limit disturbances and/or facilitate the upward migration and persistence of Andean plant species.  相似文献   
地形对大兴安岭北坡林火迹地森林景观格局影响的梯度分析   总被引:20,自引:2,他引:20  
198 7年大兴安岭“5 .6”特大森林火灾 ,过火面积 1.33× 10 6 hm2 。火后 ,不同的火烧强度区和岛状的未火烧区形成了一个异质镶嵌体 ,然而在自然演替和人为干扰作用下 ,十几年过去之后这种异质镶嵌体格局已经发生了明显变化。以大兴安岭北坡 ,图强林业区的育英和奋斗两个林场为研究区 ,总面积 1.2× 10 5hm2 ,在景观尺度上 ,以遥感和地理信息系统为技术手段 ,将地形因子进行梯度划分 ,并运用分布指数和偏相关分析探讨了大兴安岭在 1987年大火后森林景观在地形梯度上的变化情况。研究结果表明 :森林景观在地形梯度上的格局发生了明显的变化 ,但是不同的景观斑块类型变化幅度不同 ,不同的地形因子对不同森林景观斑块类型变化的影响强度也迥异 ;偏相关分析表明地形对主要森林景观斑块类型之间的变化影响最大的是坡度 ,其次是海拔 ,坡向的影响不明显。  相似文献   
国产丽豆属2个种的比较形态及其生态学特性和地理分布   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对国产丽豆属间断分布的 2个种丽豆 Calophaca sinica 和新疆丽豆 C.soongorica 进行了形态、地理分布及其生态学特性的研究 ,其中包括叶表皮微观结构、花粉和果皮形态、种皮特征以及分布现状、生态学适应性等 ,结合古地理、气候、植被等的变迁 ,探讨了丽豆属的起源、形态分化及其环境解释以及现代分布式样的成因 ,并对其资源利用与保护方面的有关问题提出了相关措施和建议  相似文献   
海南岛不同地形上某些土壤化学性质的多样性分析   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
多样性指数长时间以来在生态学领域被用于分析不同生态体的发生规律.将类似手段用于某些土壤化学性质(土壤pH值、表层阳离子代换量和表层有机质含量)多样性的分析中,讨论了基于海南岛土壤一地体数字化数据库(SOTER),通过对不同地形上土壤pH值、表层阳离子代换量和表层有机质含量类别SOTER单元的丰富度指数(S)、多样性指数(Shannon指数H’)和均匀度指数(Pielou E)的计算,建立了类别多度分布模型,并在地理信息系统环境中实现了海南岛不同地形上土壤化学性质多样性分析的数字化表达.研究表明,上述研究路线具有可操作性。几种多样性指数和多度分布模型的建立可以较好地反映不同地形上土壤化学性质类别的空间变异特点.因此,SOTER单元作为土壤性质多样性的测度单元是可行的.  相似文献   
氮胁迫对水曲柳幼苗养分吸收、利用和生物量分配的影响   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
树木受到环境胁迫时发生形态和生理上的改变,以便获取对其生长发育限制最严重的资源.在东北林区凋落物因受温度影响分解速度和有机物矿质化过程缓慢,森林树木常受到氮营养胁迫.通过温室栽培试验,对氮胁迫下水曲柳幼苗生长的生理学和形态学指标进行了研究.结果表明,在氮胁迫下,水曲柳幼苗的净氮吸收速率和净磷吸收速率都会减少,但在生长前期氮利用效率和磷利用效率高于氮供给充足(8mmol·L^-1)和过量(16mmol·L^-1)时的氮利用效率和磷利用效率.当氮供给浓度不足时,叶重比减少,而特定叶面积和根重比增加.相对生长速率随氮供给浓度增加而增加.在氮胁迫下净同化速率下降,导致总生物量下降.在幼苗生长前期,水曲柳幼苗处于氮胁迫时根/茎比显著大于氮供给充足或过量时的根/茎比。而在生长后期。根/茎比没有显著差别.  相似文献   
人为干扰对大兴安岭北坡兴安落叶松林粗木质残体的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
比较了兴安落叶松天然林和两种不同干扰类型兴安落叶松林(一次干扰林、二次干扰林)之间活立木蓄积、粗木质残体(CWD)蓄积和组成的差异.结果表明:天然林、一次干扰林和二次干扰林的活立木蓄积量分别为161.6、138.3和114.8 m3·hm-2,粗木质残体的蓄积量分别为69.77、36.64和32.61 m3·hm-2.天然林粗木质残体大部分径级在20~40 cm,其中倒木、枯立木分别占总材积的72%和28%;一次干扰林和二次干扰林粗木质残体大部分径级在10~30 cm,其中倒木、枯立木和伐桩分别占各自总材积的70%、14%、16%和57%、15%、28%.人为干扰造成兴安落叶松林粗木质残体蓄积减少,改变了粗木质残体的组成.  相似文献   
光照和不同药剂浸种对龙葵种子发芽率的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为探索超富集植物龙葵种子的快速发芽方法,以滤纸为发芽基质,采用恒温培养箱及温室培养的方法,对龙葵种子进行不同浸种处理,探讨光照及不同浸种液对龙葵种子发芽的影响.结果表明: 光照条件是龙葵种子发芽的重要条件之一,光照条件下的发芽率约为无光照条件下发芽率的5倍(P<0.05);不同浸种液均能显著提高龙葵种子的发芽率,其中以双氧水的处理效果最好,发芽时间最短(P<0.05);浸种后不经清洗处理的龙葵种子发芽率约为浸种后再经清洗处理发芽率的2~3倍(P<0.05).  相似文献   
We studied the nest site selection and distribution pattern at landscape level of the German Osprey population, and demonstrated how to test the predictions of the ideal free distribution theory and its derivatives on such an expanding population. Information about the location and breeding success of each Osprey nest site between 1995 and 2005 was collected through a long-term monitoring programme. Data of land cover types were acquired from the administrations of each federal state and the CORINE Land Cover database. The results showed that Ospreys preferred landscapes with more water bodies and forests. Such sites were also occupied earlier and had higher local population density. However, in the study period of 11 years, there was a gradual shift from forest-dominated landscapes to agricultural land-dominated landscapes. The breeding success increased over time, with no difference in the breeding success between pairs nesting on trees and poles, whereas there was higher breeding success at nest sites surrounded by more agricultural land and less forest. The more efficient foraging in eutrophic lakes in agricultural landscapes was the most likely cause for the higher breeding success. The distribution pattern of the Ospreys did not match the resource allocation, which deviated from the models tested. We suggested that the proximate cues used for nest site selection mismatched site quality due to anthropogenic environmental changes.  相似文献   
In order to determine the factors controlling the distribution of planktonic foraminifera as a proxy for reconstruction of paleoenvironments, we present data on live assemblages collected in the Southern Ocean. Plankton tows and hydrographic measurements were taken in the upper 400 m of the water column at different sites in the Ross Sea (site B) and at the Polar Front of the Pacific Ocean (site O) during austral summers from 1998 to 2003.Based on qualitative micropaleontological observations we discriminated between Neogloboquadrina pachyderma dextral (dex) and N. pachyderma sinistral (sin). In addition for N. pachyderma (sin) we distinguished four morphs: the first one (1) has a thickened test and depressed sutures; the second morph (2) is represented by specimens characterized by a subspheric and heavily encrusted test; the third morph (3) has a thin and lobate walled test; the fourth one (4) represent the juvenile stage of N. pachyderma (sin) and is characterized by a smaller average size.The microfauna collected in the Ross Sea (site B) is characterized by the dominance of N. pachyderma (sin) (morphs 1 and 2), whereas low occurrences of Turborotalia quinqueloba, N. pachyderma (dex) and Neogloboquadrina dutertrei were noted in the first 50 m of the water column. The water column at this station is characterized by a marked and shallow stratification and a marked thermocline during the sampling season.At the ocean station (site O), the assemblage shows increasing diversification: T. quinqueloba, G. bulloides, N. pachyderma (dex) and few specimens of Globigerinita uvula characterize the planktonic microfauna. There is a predominance of non-encrusted morphs and juvenile specimens (3 and 4). At this station the mixed surface layer is deeper than in the Ross Sea (60–70 m), the pycnocline and the thermocline less marked.The depth and the intensity of the Deep Chlorophyll Maximum (DCM) influence foraminiferal distribution: N. pachyderma (sin) shows abundance peaks at or just below the DCM while G. bulloides peaks above the DCM. Coiling direction of N. pachyderma seems to be not controlled exclusively by Sea Surface Temperature (SST): probably the two coiling types are genetically different.Results document that diversity of planktonic foraminifera, number of specimens and variations in test morphology are related to regional differences in water properties (temperature, salinity, and DCM depth).  相似文献   
Although the deep-sea sediments harbor diverse and novel bacteria with important ecological and environmental functions, a comprehensive view of their community characteristics is still lacking, considering the vast area and volume of the deep-sea sedimentary environments. Sediment bacteria vertical distribution and community structure were studied of the E272 site in the East Pacific Ocean with the molecular methods of 16S rRNA gene T-RFLP (terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism) and clone library analyses. Layered distribution of the bacterial assemblages was detected by both methods, indicating that the shallow sediments (40 cm in depth) harbored a diverse and distinct bacterial composition with fine-scale spatial heterogeneity. Substantial bacterial diversity was detected and nine major bacterial lineages were obtained, including Acidobacteria, Actinobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Chloroflexi, Nitrospirae, Planctomycetes, Proteobacteria, and the candidate divisions OP8 and TM6. Three subdivisions of the Proteobacteria presented in our libraries, including the α-, γ- and δ-Proteobacteria. Most of our sequences have low similarity with known bacterial 16S rRNA genes, indicating that these sequences may represent as-yet-uncultivated novel bacteria. Most of our sequences were related to the GenBank nearest neighboring sequences retrieved from marine sediments, especially from deep-sea methane seep, gas hydrate or mud volcano environments. Several sequences were related to the sequences recovered from the deep-sea hydrothermal vent or basalt glasses-bearing sediments, indicating that our deep-sea sampling site might be influenced to certain degree by the nearby hydrothermal field of the East Pacific Rise at 13°N. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
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