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Summary The fate in water ofEscherichia coli K-12 strain LBB269, both plasmid-free and carrying the recombinant plasmid pBGH1, was studied.E. coli K-12 strain LBB269 (pBGH1) is a nalidixic acid resistant derivative of W3110G (pBGH1), the microorganism used by Monsanto Company for the commercial production of bovine somatotropin. Water samples were obtained from the Missouri River and from the Monsanto Life Sciences Research Center aqueous waste basin. Strains LBB269 and LBB269 (pBGH1) were grown in fermentation vessel under bovine somatotropin (BST) production conditions, and inoculated into the water samples. The inoculated water samples were incubated, at 26°C, and the number of viableE. coli cells was determined as a function of time. In sterile water from both sources, the two strains remained, at a constant level for at least 28 days; LBB269 (pBGH1) remained at a constant level in sterile water for at least 300 days. In non-sterile water from both sources, the two strains declined from an initial concentration of about 3.0×106 cells per ml to less than 10 cells per ml in 147 h. The study conditions did not adversely affect the populations of indigenous microorganisms. The selective loss of strains LBB269 and LBB269 (pBGH1) demonstrates that theseE. coli strains do not survive in environmental sources of water. In addition, it was observed that the presence of pBGH1 had essentially no effect on the disappearance of strain LBB269 from either source of water.  相似文献   
Four agro-industrial wastes were assayed as substrates for microbial solubilization of rock phosphate (RP). Sugar beet wastes (SB), olive cake (OC) and olive mill wastewaters (OMWW) were treated by Aspergillus niger, and dry olive cake (DOC) was treated by Phanerochaete chrysosporium. In conditions of solid-state fermentation 46% of SB and 21% of OC were mineralized by A. niger while 16% of DOC was mineralized by P. chrysosporium. Repeated-batch mode of fermentation was employed for treatment of OMWW by immobilized A. niger, which resulted in conversion of 80% of the fermentable sugars. Acidification of all media treated by A. niger was registered with a simultaneous solubilization of 59.7% (SB), 42.6% (OC), and 36.4% (OMWW) of the total P present in the RP. The same mechanism of RP solubilization was observed in DOC-based medium inoculated with P. chrysosporium but other mechanisms were probably involved during the process. A series of microcosm experiments were then performed in the greenhouse to evaluate the effectiveness of the resulting fermented products. All amendments improved plant growth and P acquisition, which were further enhanced by mycorrhizal inoculation. The level of all studied parameters including the root mycorrhizal colonization depended on the substrate characteristics. The reported biotechnological schemes offer a potential application particularly for degraded soils.  相似文献   
Pick up any textbook with ‘Microbiology’ in the title and observe the scant to nonexistent treatment of animal cells in culture. Viruses do not suffer from such an exclusion. Chapters abound regaling the molecular niceties of the complex dances their components undergo while infecting bacteria or animal cells in culture. Indeed, it is normally in the latter sense only that any recognition is given to the existence of animal cells in culture. Such views pervade even the minds of those who initiate and direct activities of societies whoseraison d’être is the growth and exploitation of animal cells in culture. The author of this editorial was appointed to a Chair in Microbiology at the University of Surrey in 1983 and has worked on the growth and use of animal cells in culture continuously since 1970; he, therefore, had to reconcile his position in the university with his chosen calling. In this he was helped by undergraduates too numerous to mention who struggled mightily with essays which asked the question; are animal cells in culture microorganisms? What follows is a digest of their efforts and the views of the author.  相似文献   
由结核分枝杆菌感染引起的结核病是人类重要传染病之一。临床上结核菌耐药性日趋严重,不断出现的耐多药及广泛耐药结核病患者,使现有的一线至五线药物不能满足结核病防控需求。微生物来源的天然产物是药物先导化合物的重要来源。环境中存在大量常规培养条件下未培养微生物,同时微生物基因组中也存在大量未被表达的"沉默代谢途径"。运用各种方法对未培养微生物进行再培养,同时激活微生物的沉默代谢途径,进而获得潜在的新型抗生素药物已成为目前研究热点。文中系统阐述了近年来获取天然化合物所采用的微生物非常规培养技术及沉默代谢途径激活策略,同时总结了利用这两种方法获得的新型抗结核天然产物,并展望了这些方法在抗结核药物进一步研发中的应用前景。  相似文献   
Rubber is commonly used in recreational equipment and devicesforsampling in lakes, but there have been few studies of theeffectsof rubber on planktonic organisms. We investigated the toxiceffects of rubber on the microbial food webs of a mesotrophiclakeand a eutrophic lake. Lake water was collected by pumping via,(i) a polyvinylchloride hose and, (ii) a rubber hose. Samplesoflake water collected by each method were incubated insitu in4.25 l enclosures for four days. The lake water was sampledbeforeand after incubation to determine the concentrations ofinorganicnutrients, chlorophyll a, microorganisms (bacteria,picophytoplankton, flagellates, ciliates) and zooplankton.In the mesotrophic lake, momentary exposure (ten seconds) oflakewater to the rubber hose significantly lowered theconcentrationsof chlorophyll a, bacteria, picophytoplankton and somespecies of zooplankton (Boeckella hamata, Bosmina,androtifers), relative to those in water exposed to the plastichose;flagellates, ciliates and Ceriodaphnia dubia were notsignificantly affected. In the eutrophic lake, the effects oftherubber hose on components of the microbial food web were muchlesssevere, and were consistent with the lake's high levels ofdissolved organic carbon (DOC), which is known to chelatetoxicmetals in water.  相似文献   
Abstract. Hydrophobic organic matter accumulates under the surface film of water bodies to form the surface microlayers. Heterotrophic microorganisms use this organic matter for growth, and they, in turn, are fed upon by Anopheles mosquito larvae and other animals. From laboratory experiments we show that two species of mosquito larvae, Anopheles gambiae and An.quadrimaculatus , grew most rapidly where surface micro-layers were present and, especially, where labile dissolved organic matter was added to promote growth of microorganisms. The importance of microorganisms was confirmed by the addition of gentamicin antibiotic, which suppressed the microbiota and reduced the growth of larvae feeding on surface microlayers. Anopheles larvae grew well on a suspension of finely ground fish food to which the antibiotic had been added, showing that reduced growth was not due to gentamicin itself. Because sub-surface microorganisms are the components of the larval diet that most affect growth, we discuss their relevance to strategies for larval control of Anopheles mosquitoes.  相似文献   
Spores and parasporal crystals of a Bacillus thuringiensis var. aizawai H-serotype 7, strain HD137, streptomycin-resistant mutant, were added to normal and autoclaved aliquots of pH 5 soil incubated at 25°C and ?0.10 MPa water availability. Viable B. thuringiensis in soil samples were estimated by dilution-plating on a streptomycin-based medium, and combined spore and crystal insecticidal activity was bioassayed with larvae of Galleria mellonella. Populations of B. thuringiensis in both soil treatments suffered exponential rates of mortality, which were represented by segmented linear regression. Mortality was far greater in natural than autoclaved soil. Potency also fell in both soil treatments. This loss of potency was greater in natural soil, although the rates of potency loss in either soil treatment correlated poorly with the respective mortality rates of the B. thuringiensis populations, as potency losses were not exponential functions. The results suggest that the presence of indigenous microorganisms in natural soil accelerated the rate of mortality and loss of potency of B. thuringiensis.  相似文献   
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