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Desulfovibrio alaskensis G20 biofilms were cultivated on 316 steel, 1018 steel, or borosilicate glass under steady-state conditions in electron-acceptor limiting (EAL) and electron-donor limiting (EDL) conditions with lactate and sulfate in a defined medium. Increased corrosion was observed on 1018 steel under EDL conditions compared to 316 steel, and biofilms on 1018 carbon steel under the EDL condition had at least twofold higher corrosion rates compared to the EAL condition. Protecting the 1018 metal coupon from biofilm colonization significantly reduced corrosion, suggesting that the corrosion mechanism was enhanced through attachment between the material and the biofilm. Metabolomic mass spectrometry analyses demonstrated an increase in a flavin-like molecule under the 1018 EDL condition and sulfonates under the 1018 EAL condition. These data indicate the importance of S-cycling under the EAL condition, and that the EDL is associated with increased biocorrosion via indirect extracellular electron transfer mediated by endogenously produced flavin-like molecules.  相似文献   
Appropriate application of techniques for detection andmonitoring of microbiologically influenced corrosion isessential for understanding the mechanistic nature of theinteractions and for obtaining control methods. This paperreviews techniques and methods applied tomicrobiologically influenced corrosion in recent years.The techniques presented in this paper includeelectrochemical noise measurement, concentric electrodes,scanning vibrating electrode mapping, electrochemicalimpedance spectroscopy, atomic force microscopy,confocal laser microscopy, Fourier transform infraredspectroscopy, x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, Augerelectron spectroscopy, extended x-ray absorption finestructure and utilization of piezoelectric materials. Thesetechniques are reviewed regarding the heterogeneouscharacteristics of microbial consortia and their possibleinfluences on metal substrata. We hope this review willmotivate application and combination of new techniquesfor practical detection and on-line monitoring of theimpact of biofilms on engineering alloys.  相似文献   
氯盐型融雪剂的环境影响及其替代材料研发进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
传统氯盐型融雪剂对环境的负面影响日益凸显,亟需研发价格低廉、环境影响较弱、融雪效果良好的环境友好型融雪替代材料。论文综述了现有氯盐型融雪剂应用现状,及其对土壤环境、水环境、植物和交通基础设施等的影响机理,并详细阐述了非氯型和混合型融雪剂替代材料的研发状况与应用成效。针对目前替代融雪材料开发和应用中所存在的问题,提出了环境友好融雪剂的研制发展方向以及减轻其环境危害行之有效的对策。  相似文献   
【背景】饱水木质文物易受到微生物侵害,目前国外围绕饱水木质文物微生物病害已开展多方面研究,并取得阶段性进展,而国内在饱水木质文物微生物学技术方面的报道比较少。【目的】研究保藏水环境中出土饱水木漆器F446及水中细菌的种类,以及对木材的腐蚀作用。【方法】采用16S rRNA基因序列分析方法及生理生化试验,对饱水木漆器F446及水环境中细菌进行鉴定,并选取典型菌按5×10~8个/瓶菌量接种马尾松心材(悬于无菌自来水中),37°C培养120 d,测试木材的损失率。【结果】从F446文物和水样中分离的53株细菌中,21株被鉴定为芽孢杆菌属(Bacillus),为优势菌属,其中蜡样芽孢杆菌(B.cereus)19株,病研所芽孢杆菌(B.idriensis)和苏云金芽孢杆菌(B.thuringiensis)各1株;11株菌被鉴定为短杆菌属(Brevibacterium),此外还有4株短波单孢菌属(Brevundimonas),5株粪产碱杆菌(Alcaligenes faecalis),5株Altererythrobacter,2株水氏黄杆菌(Flavobacterium mizutaii);另外,还有解糖假苍白杆菌(Pseudochrobactrum saccharolyticum)、梭型芽孢杆菌(Lysinibacillus fusiformis)、Leucobacter aridicollis、Ochrobactrum pseudogrignonense、类芽孢杆菌属(Paenibacillus)菌株各1株。菌株A5、A6分别为类芽孢杆菌(Paenibacillus)和Altererythrobacter属中的疑似新种。从典型菌中选取15株菌回接木材进行腐蚀试验,结果显示,9株细菌与对照组比较存在极显著差异,说明这些菌对马尾松木材有一定的腐蚀作用,但是腐蚀率非常低,最高仅1.38%,表明这些细菌对试验木材马尾松腐蚀并不严重。【结论】F446木漆器文物样品中优势菌属为芽孢杆菌属(Bacillus),水样中优势菌属依次为短杆菌属(Brevibacterium)、短波单孢菌属(Brevundimonas)和Altererythrobacter。从F446木漆器文物和水样中分离出的细菌对木材的降解非常缓慢,短期内腐蚀作用有限。  相似文献   
Tests were conducted on the performance of UNS S31600 stainless steel (SS) in a natural day/night cycle vs full darkness under conditions of natural marine biofilm accumulation. In quiescent flowing seawater tests in the laboratory as well as under natural immersion in the sea, diffuse sunlight (~10% of natural) counteracted the influence of marine biofilms and produced substantial inhibition of the corrosion of SS. Thus, the probabilities (percentage attack) and propagation rates (depths of attack) in multiple crevice tests were substantially lower in the day/night cycle than in the dark. A benefit was also observed for welded SS in terms of the time to corrosion initiation and the mass loss. SS in the passive state showed broader passive regions, well-defined breakdown potentials and markedly smaller anodic and cathodic current densities under the diurnal cycle. The overall reduction in corrosion is attributed to a combination of electrochemical photoinhibition and simultaneous photoinactivation of microbially mediated metal redox reactions linked to cathodic kinetics. These data offer fresh insights into the behaviour of SS under practical seawater situations and the proposed potential use of illumination in the mitigation of biologically influenced consequences.  相似文献   
The corrosion behaviour of galvanized steel in cooling tower water containing a biocide and a corrosion inhibitor was investigated over a 10-month period in a hotel. Planktonic and sessile numbers of sulphate reducing bacteria (SRB) and heterotrophic bacteria were monitored. The corrosion rate was determined by the weight loss method. The corrosion products were analyzed by energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction. A mineralized, heterogeneous biofilm was observed on the coupons. Although a biocide and a corrosion inhibitor were regularly added to the cooling water, the results showed that microorganisms, such as SRB in the mixed species biofilm, caused corrosion of galvanized steel. It was observed that Zn layers on the test coupons were completely depleted after 3?months. The Fe concentrations in the biofilm showed significant correlations with the weight loss and carbohydrate concentration (respectively, p?<?0.01 and p?<?0.01).  相似文献   
Crystalline tryptophanase prepared from the cells of Proteus rettgeri is inactive in the absence of added pyridoxal phosphate. Half-maximal enzyme activity is obtained at a concentration of 1.81 µm. Binding of pyridoxal phosphate to the apoenzyme is accompanied by pronounced increase in absorbance at 340 and 420 nm. Holotryptophanase requires K+ or for its maximal activity, but Na+ is inactive. No appreciable spectral change was observed on changing the ionic environments.

The amount of pyridoxal phosphate bound to the enzyme was determined by equilibrium dialysis and spectrophotometric titration to be 4 moles per mole of enzyme. Reduction of holoenzyme with sodium borohydride results in a shift of the absorption peak at 420 to 336 nm. ?-Pyridoxyllysine was isolated from the acid hydrolyzate of the reduced holoenzyme by paper chromatography and electrophoresis.

Addition of the substrate, l-tryptophan, or the competitive inhibitor, l-alanine, to the holoenzyme causes appearance of a new peak near 500 nm which disappears as the substrate is decomposed but remains unchanged in the presence of the inhibitor. The similar spectral change was observed by the addition of pyruvate, ammonia and indole to the holoenzyme.  相似文献   
Lithium metal is considered to be the most promising anode for the next generation of batteries if the issues related to safety and low coulombic efficiency can be overcome. It is known that the initial morphology of the lithium metal anode has a great influence on the cycling characteristics of a lithium metal battery (LMB). Lithium‐powder‐based electrodes (Lip‐electrodes) are reported to diminish the occurrence of high surface area lithium deposits. Usually, ultra‐thin lithium foils (<50 µm) and Lip‐electrodes are prepared on a copper substrate, thus a metal–metal contact area is generated. The combination of these two metals in the presence of an electrolyte, however, can lead to galvanic corrosion. Herein, the corrosion behavior of Lip‐electrodes is studied. The porosity of such electrodes leads to a high amount of accessible Cu surface in contact with electrolyte. As a consequence, Lip‐electrodes aged for 1 week in the electrolyte show spontaneous lithium dissolution near the junction to copper and void formation on the lithium‐powder particles. This corrosion process affects the delivered capacity of Lip‐electrodes and increases the overvoltage of the lithium electrodissolution process. The occurrence of corrosion at the Cu|Lip interface raises concerns about the practicality of multi‐metallic component systems for LMBs.  相似文献   
Two myo-inositol phosphates, myo-inositol 1,2,3-tris(dihydrogen phosphate) and myo-inositol 1,2,3,5-tetrakis(dihydrogen phosphate), have been synthesised in several steps from myo-inositol (in Chem. Abstr.: d-myo-inositol) in the form of their sodium salts. They were shown to prevent iron-gall-ink decay in cellulose items at the same level as phytic acid dodecasodium salt.  相似文献   
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