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1. 1.|In the freshwater fish Chalcalburnus chalcoides, an increase in the body (standard) size caused decreases in the upper LT-50 from 36.6° to 36.0°C and lower LT-50 from 6.3° to 5.3°C

2. 2.|The fish acclimated to constant temperatures between 10°C and 30°C showed reasonable heat acclimation and also reasonable cold acclimation. Thus, an increase in the acclimation temperature from 10°C to 30°C caused increases in the upper LT-50 from 34° to 36.2°C and the lower LT-50 from 1.25 to 6.5°C.

3. 3|The mean survival time — temperature curves of 10°, 20° and 30°C acclimated fish at various constant temperatures showed decreased in the survival tim ewith increasing lethal temperatures. Furthermore, an increase in the acclimation temperature causes a shift in the survival duration-temperature curve to the right, i.e., the fish become more heat resistant. Thus, the mean survival duration of 10°, 20° and 30°C acclimated fish at 35°C were 7.5, 79.6 and 530 minutes, respectively.

4. 4.|The effect of the thermal experience to changing lethal temperatures depends on the first lethal temperature to which the fish were exposed as well as the sequence of temperature changes. In the experiments in which the first lethal temperatures were between 32° and 34°C and the temperature was varied in an ascending order, their thermal resistance was increased and the fish required 114 to 174% of the expected lethal doses to die while in the experiments in which the starting temperature were between 38° and 40°C and the temperature varied in descending order, the fish become more sensitive to the upper lethal temperature and they died after receiving only 62 to 81% of the expected lethal doses. Thus, with a gradual increase in the lethal temperature, the fish show additional acclimation in the zone of resistance which in turn causes an increase in the thermal resistance. This may have ecological significance in nature.

Author Keywords: acclimation; lethal temperatures; temperature change; survival  相似文献   

Spatial studies of colonization and succession of soil algae and chemical analyses of the various soils on the cinde cone of Kilauea Iki in Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, Hawaii are outlined. There is a positive correlation between the diversity and quantity of soil algae with nutrient levels and organic matter accumulation in each locale. Three distinct edaphic-biotic zones existing in this area are differentially revealed by the soil chemical composition, quantity and diversity of soil algae, and as evident variations in higher plant growth and colonization. Varying colonization and successional phases of higher plant growth around standing and fallen tree snags killed by volcanic activity also reflect variations in the soil algal flora. These variations appear largely as a function of differential water interception, absorption, and retention as well as differential accumulation of organic matter, and the initiation of various biogeochemical cycles.  相似文献   
There has been a proliferation of books and papers dealing with the indigenous fermented foods/beverages of the world. It is anticipated that these foods/beverages will play an ever-increasingly important role in feeding both the developing and the developed world as population increases from approximately 4.5 billion to 6 billion by the year 2000 and to 8 to 12 billion people in the 21st century. The indigenous fermented foods consist of microbial protein grown on edible substrates. Microbial or single cell protein (SCP) per se continues to receive research and development attention. It is likely to play an important role in feeding animals in the future when it becomes competitive with soy protein. It may play a direct role in feeding humans in the future after its safety for feeding animals has been adequately demonstrated and it has been shown that it can be processed into foods acceptable to humans. At the present time, mushrooms, a form of microbial protein highly acceptable to humans, which can be grown readily on ligno-cellulosic and other agricultural and food processing wastes, offer considerable opportunity for expanding man's food supply.  相似文献   
The stoichiometry and kinetics of the spontaneous, chemical reaction between pyrite and ferric iron was studied at 30, 45, and 70 degrees C in shake flasks at pH 1.5 by monitoring the ferrous iron, total iron, elemental sulfur, and sulfate concentration profiles in time. It was found that the sulfur moiety of pyrite was oxidized completely to sulfate. Elemental sulfur was not produced in detectable amounts. The iron moiety of pyrite was released as ferrous iron. All observed initial reaction rates could be fitted into an empirical equation. This equation includes the concentrations of ferric iron and pyrite, and a constant which is dependent on the temperature and the nature of the main anion present. It was observed that ferrous iron formed during the reaction slowed down the oxidation of pyrite by ferric iron. The extent of this effect decreased with increasing temperature. With the aid of the empirical equation, the contribution of the chemical oxidation of pyrite by ferric iron to the overall oxidation in a hypothetical plug-flow reactor, in which biologically mediated oxdidation of pyrite and ferrous iron by oxygen also takes place, can be assessed. At 30, 45, and 70 degrees C, respectively, 2, 8-17, and 43% of the pyrite was oxidized chemically by ferric iron. Therefore, it is expected that only in reactors operating at high temperatures with extremely thermophilic bacteria, will chemical oxidation cause a significant deviation from the apparent first order overall kinetics of biological pyrite oxidation.  相似文献   
Suspensions of yeast cell (zygo Saccharomyces bailii) in a phosphate buffer solution were subjected to conventional (hot water) and ohmic (electric current) heating under identical temperature histories. Experiments were also conducted with cells of Escherichia coli to compare the lethal effect of combination of sublethal electrical preteatment and conventional heating with conventional heating. The kinetic parameters (D,Z,K and E(a)) were determined for both organisms during different treatments. There was no significant difference in the death rate of yeast cells during conventional and ohmic heating at the voltage range used in this study. Results of electrical pretreatment and conventional heating on E. coli indicated differences under certain conditions when compared with pure conventional heating. Thus it is concluded that microbial death during ohmic heating was due primarily to thermal effects with no significant effect of electric current per se. Sublethal electrical pretreatment appears to offer potential for increased bacterial inactivation in certain cases.  相似文献   
The effects of root-zone salinity (0, 30, and 60 mmol L–1 of NaCl) and root-zone temperature (10, 15, 20, and 25°C) and their interactions on the number of tillers, total dry matter production, and the concentration of nutrients in the roots and tops of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) were studied. Experiments were conducted in growth chambers (day/night photoperiod of 16/8 h and constant air temperature of 20°C) and under water-culture conditions. Salinity and root temperature affected all the parameters tested. Interactions between salinity and temperature were significant (p<0.05) for the number of tillers, growth of tops and roots, and the concentration of Na, K, P in the tops and the concentration of P in the roots. Maximum number of tillers and the highest dry matter were produced when the root temperature was at the intermediate levels of 15 to 20°C. Effect of salinity on most parameters tested strongly depended on the prevailing root temperature. For example, at root temperature of 10°C addition of 30 mmol L–1 NaCl to the nutrient solution stimulated the growth of barley roots; at root temperature of 25°C, however, the same NaCl concentration inhibited the root growth. At 60 mmol L–1, root and shoot growth were maximum when root temperature was kept at the intermediate level of 15°C; most inhibition of salinity occurred at both low (10°C) and high (25°C) root temperatures. As the root temperature was raised from 10 to 25°C, the concentration of Na generally decreased in the tops and increased in the roots. At a given Na concentration in the tops or in the roots, respective growth of tops or roots was much less inhibited if the roots were grown at 15–20°C. It is concluded that the tolerance of barley plant to NaCl salinity of the rooting media appears to be altered by the root temperature and is highest if the root temperature is kept at 15 to 20°C.  相似文献   
The recovery of soil biochemical properties under grazed, grass-clover pasture, after simulated lignite mining, was studied over a 5-year period in a mesic Typic Dystrochrept soil at Waimumu, Southland, New Zealand. The restoration procedures involved four replacement treatments, after A, B, and C horizon materials had been separately removed, from all except the control, and stockpiled for 2–3 weeks. In each replacement treatment, the effects of ripping to 1.8 m depth, mole drainage, and the use of fertilizer nitrogen were also investigated.Replacement treatment markedly influenced the recovery of herbage production and soil organic C and total N contents, N mineralization, microbial biomass (as indicated by mineral-N flush) and invertase and sulphatase activities. The effectiveness of replacement treatments decreased in the order: 1. control (no stripping or replacement). 2 A, B, and C horizon materials replaced in the same order. 3. A, B, and C horizon materials each mixed with an equal amount of siltstone overburden and replaced in order, 4. A and B horizon materials mixed before replacing over C horizon material.Ripping increased herbage production, net N mineralization, and to some extent microbial biomass. Drainage had little, if any, effect.Fertilizer N also stimulated herbage production, but depressed clover growth. Over 2.5 years, it had little detectable effect on the soil properties.Increases in soil invertase and, to a lesser extent, sulphatase activity during the trial were closely related to changes in herbage production. Microbial biomass increased more rapidly than did soil organic C in the early stages of the trial.Rates of net N mineralization strongly suggest that N availability would have limited pasture growth, especially in the treatments with mixed soil materials.  相似文献   
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