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Bedrock erosional features in a small stream (Little Schultz Creek, Bibb County, Alabama) created a variety of habitats for epilithic growth. One suck habitat was illustrated by the occurrence of small falls (<0.3 m) in the main channel of the stream and blue-green algal mats associated with them. The cohesive, laminar algal mats were found at 15 such sites along a 250-m reach of the stream. The primary mat matrix consisted of the blue-green alga Oscillatoria submembranacea Ardissone and Strafforella. The uppermost portion of each mat consisted of a thin (<1 mm thick) green layer of biologically active filaments. The lower layers were thicker (up to 2 cm thick) and consisted of brown laminae of Oscillatoria filaments, and associated sediments. In addition, numerous diatoms mere associated with the mat surface. Some were loosely attached (e.g. Achnanthes); others (Cymbella tumida (Bréb.) V. H.) were stalked. These mats were present throughout the year and showed a bimodal annual distribution with maxima hi February and July. In February, total mat coverage was higher than in July. This winter maximum may have been related to a mode of growth dependent upon sedimentation from storm events and subsequent upward growth of the alga. Mat primary productivity on an areal basis (432 mg C · m?2· d?1 in March and 907 mg C · M?2· d?1 in April) was 2–12 times the maxima measured on epizoic and cobbles surfaces and other bedrock surfaces in the same stream. The limited areal coverage of the mats, when compared to other surfaces available for algal colonization, made them less important than other epilithic and epizoic surfaces in terms of total primary production in this stream reach. However, we propose that the combination of their unique structure and high primary productivity may make these algal mats sites of high algal and bacterial metabolic activity, which may include anaerobic processes in midchannel, where such activity would not be expected to occur.  相似文献   
The aims of this study were to investigate the diet and relative abundance of fruit bats in a lowland Malaysian rain forest and to test the hypothesis that the local assemblage structure of fruit bats varies significantly over time in relation to the availability of food. In total, 352 fruit bats of eight species were captured during 72,306 m2 mist‐net hours of sampling between February 1996 and September 1999. Three species of fruit bats (Balionycteris maculita, Chironax melanocephalus, and Cynopterus brachyotis) that fed on a wide range of “steady state” and “big bang” food resources were captured continuously throughout the study period, with no significant variation in capture rates over time. In contrast, five species that fed exclusively or almost exclusively on “big bang” food resources were sampled intermittently, with significant temporal variation in the capture rates of two species (Cynopterus horsfieldi and Megaerops ecaudatus). Significant variation in the capture rates of the remaining three species (Dyacopterus spadiceus, Eonycteris spelaea, and Rousettus amplexicaudatus) could not be detected due to small sample sizes. Since ephemeral “big bang” food resources were only sporadically available within the study area and were associated with large canopy trees and strangler figs, these results suggest that food abundance, or the availability of specific food items, may be important factors limiting local fruit bat species diversity in old‐growth Paleotropical rain forest. Thus, only three fruit bat species were locally resident within the forest throughout the study period. Therefore, further studies on the ranging behavior and habitat requirements of Malaysian fruit bats are required to assess the adequacy of existing reserves and protected areas.  相似文献   
Polysaccharide digestion by bacteria is an important activity in many ecosystems, and a number of bacterial genera can perform this function. Although many papers have been published about the properties of isolated polysaccharide-degrading enzymes, relatively little is known about how intact bacteria degrade polysaccharides. This review summarizes recent findings suggesting that there are at least three different strategies. the most familiar one is the excretion of extracellular polysaccharidases, which diffuse to and degrade nearby polysaccharides. An example of this type of strategy is provided by the plant pathogen,Erwinia spp. A second strategy is to have the enzyme exposed to the extracellular medium but attached to the surface of the cell. Examples of this strategy are provided by the pullulanase system ofKlebsiella oxytoca and the cellulosomes ofClostridium thermocellum. A strategy that could be seen as a combination of the extracellular enzyme strategy and the surface organelle strategy is provided byVibrio harveyi, which attaches to its substrate, chitin, via proteins that appear to be specialized for attachment and produces extracellular enzymes that attack the chitin. A third strategy is to import the polysaccharide, as appears to be done byBacteroides spp. In this instance, the polysaccharide is bound to an outer membrane receptor, then passes into the periplasm where the degradative enzymes are located. The ecological advantages and disadvantages of these systems are discussed, and areas where further research is needed are defined.  相似文献   
Using an Australian focus to explore theoretical and policy issues of wider concern, this article examines linkages between public policy and the science of ecology. This is done within the broader framework of sustainability, emphasizing the problem of decision making in the face of uncertainty. Insights from the ecological, risk, sustainability and policy literatures are used. The sustainability-uncertainty problem is characterized, and the adequacy of existing policy support techniques and approaches noted, particularly the precautionary principle. The problem is further defined using the notion of ignorance. The treatment of ignorance and uncertainty in ecology is discussed. We suggest that the science of ecology has had a limited influence on policy formulation and discuss the basis of this using biodiversity conservation and ecosystem management as examples. We conclude by considering challenges for handling risk, uncertainty and ignorance in ecological science for policy formulation. We emphasize the need for improved communication between the science and policy communities, greater recognition of the limits of quantitative techniques in addressing uncertainty, and contingency planning.  相似文献   
Anaerobic bioprocessing of organic wastes   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Anaerobic digestion of dissolved, suspended and solid organics has rapidly evolved in the last decades but nevertheless still faces several scientific unknowns. In this review, some fundamentals of bacterial conversions and adhesion are addressed initially. It is argued in the light of G-values of reactions, and in view of the minimum energy quantum per mol, that anaerobic syntrophs must have special survival strategies in order to support their existence: redistributing the available energy between the partners, reduced end-product fermentation reactions and special cell-to-cell physiological interactions. In terms of kinetics, it appears that both reaction rates and residual substrate thresholds are strongly related to minimum G-values. These new fundamental insights open perspectives for efficient design and operation of anaerobic bioprocesses. Subsequently, an overview is given of the current anaerobic biotechnology. For treating wastewaters, a novel and high performance new system has been introduced during the last decade; the upflow anaerobic sludge blanket system (UASB). This reactor concept requires anaerobic consortia to grow in a dense and eco-physiologically well-organized way. The microbial principles of such granular sludge growth are presented. Using a thermodynamic approach, the formation of different types of aggregates is explained. The application of this bioprocess in worldwide wastewater treatment is indicated. Due to the long retention times of the active biomass, the UASB is also suitable for the development of bacterial consortia capable of degrading xenobiotics. Operating granular sludge reactors at high upflow velocities (5–6 m/h) in expanded granular sludge bed (EGSB) systems enlarges the application field to very low strength wastewaters (chemical oxygen demand < 1 g/l) and psychrophilic temperatures (10°C). For the treatment of organic suspensions, there is currently a tendency to evolve from the conventional mesophilic continuously stirred tank system to the thermophilic configuration, as the latter permits higher conversion rates and easier sanitation. Integration of ultrafiltration in anaerobic slurry digestion facilitates operation at higher volumetric loading rates and at shorter residence times. With respect to organic solids, the recent trend in society towards source separated collection of biowaste has opened a broad range of new application areas for solid state anaerobic fermentation.W. Verstraete and D. de Beer are with the Center for Environmental Sanitation, University of Gent, Coupure L 653, B-9000 Gent, Belgium; D. de Beer is also with the Max Plank Institut für Marine Mikrobiologie-Microzensor Group, Fahrenstrasse 1, 28359 Bremen, Germany. M. Pena is with the Groupo de Biotechnologia Ambiental, Departamento de Ingenieria Quimica, Universidad de Valladolid, Prado de la Magdalena, 47005 Valladolid, Spain. G. Lettinga is with the Department of Environmental Technology, Wageningen Agricultural University, Bomenweg 2, 6703 HD Wageningen, The Netherlands. P. Lens is with the Environmental Research Unit. Department of Microbiology, University College Galway, Galway, Ireland.  相似文献   
Managing the pattern of forest harvest: lessons from wildfire   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Managing forests for sustainable use requires that both the biological diversity of the forests and a viable forest industry be maintained. A current approach towards maintaining biological diversity is to pattern forest management practices after those of natural disturbance events. This paradigm hypothesizes that ecological processes will be maintained best where active management approximates natural disturbance events. The forest management model now used in most sub-boreal and boreal forests calls for regularly dispersed clearcuts no greater than 60–100 ha in size. However, the spatial characteristics of the landscape produced by this model are distinctly different from the historic pattern generated by wildfire, which was heretofore the dominant stand-replacing process in these forests. Wildfire creates a more complex landscape spatial pattern with greater range in patch size and more irregular disturbance boundaries. Individual wildfires are often over 500 ha but leave patches of unburned forest within them. The combination of these attributes is not present in recent clearcuts. Allowing a proportion of larger (i.e.>500ha) harvest units may provide distinct economic advantages that could outweight the opportunity costs of leaving some patches of forest behind. For the forest type examined, further evaluation of modelling forest harvest patterns more closely after the patterns created by wildfire is required as it may achieve a good balance and strike a suitable compromise between certain ecological and economic objectives of sustainable development.  相似文献   
12个树种草种生态学特性研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Ewald W. Roessler 《Hydrobiologia》1995,298(1-3):125-132
This study gives an overview of our current knowledge of the ecology and distribution patterns of Colombian conchostracans. Colombian euphyllopods are generally restricted to the warm tropical lowlands. OnlyCyclestheria hislopi can be found year-round in larger semipermanent waters and living sympatrically with abundant predators, such as planktivorous fish. The other conchostracans are restricted to the typical habitat of temporary waters.Eulimnadia magadalenensis is especially adapted to very short-term temporary ponds in relatively arid zones andE. colombiensis prefers somewhat cooler ponds of a longer duration. The two species can be found sympatrically in intermediate climatic conditions. A third form,Eulimnadia cf. geayi cohabits with the two other species in the lower Magdalena Valley, its ecological role is not clear.Limnadia orinoquiensis is the selvatic substitute of the open savannah conchostracan fauna (mainlyEulimnadia forms) living in pools in forest clearings in the vicinity of the Upper Orinoco.Four species of Lynceidae were found, twoLynceus and twoParalimnetis. Their distribution patterns are not yet clear, they prefer smaller temporary ponds of moderated temperatures. Two undescribed species ofLeptestheria were found, one restricted to the banks of the Orinoco and the other to one locality in the upper Magdalena Valley, living in ponds with a muddy bottom.Metalimnadia serratura was found in special rock pools of the Guiana Shield in the vicinity of the Orinoco, cohabiting with several other conchostracan species, with differential adaptations to very high water temperatures.  相似文献   
Geoffrey Fryer 《Hydrobiologia》1995,307(1-3):57-68
The distinctness of the Anomopoda and the polyphyletic nature of the so-called Cladocera are emphasized.An attempt is made to reconstruct the ancestral anomopod, which probably lived in Palaeozoic times. This task is facilitated by the availability of detailed information on extant forms, which includes functional as well as purely morphological considerations and enables us to understand the means whereby complex mechanisms were transformed during evolution. Comparative studies on the ecology and habits of extant forms also throw light on the probable way of life of the ancestral anomopod.Adaptive radiation within the Anomopoda is briefly surveyed and an outline of the suggested phylogeny of the order is indicated.Institute of Environmental and Biological Sciences, University of Lancaster  相似文献   
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