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为探讨荒漠草地沙漠化对“土壤-微生物-胞外酶”系统生态化学计量的影响机理, 该研究采用空间序列代替时间演替的方法, 研究了宁夏盐池荒漠草地沙漠化过程中土壤、土壤微生物及土壤胞外酶碳(C)、氮(N)、磷(P)生态化学计量的变异特征。结果表明: (1)随着荒漠草地沙漠化的不断加剧, 土壤C、N、P含量和土壤C:P、N:P均呈降低趋势, 而土壤C:N逐渐增加。(2)荒漠草地沙漠化过程中, 土壤微生物生物量C (MBC):微生物生物量P (MBP)、微生物生物量N (MBN):MBP和土壤β-葡萄糖苷酶(BG):N-乙酰氨基葡萄糖苷酶(NAG)逐渐降低, 而土壤BG:磷酸酶(AP)和NAG:AP基本表现为增加趋势。(3)随着荒漠草地沙漠化程度的加剧, 土壤微生物C利用效率CUEC:NCUEC:P与土壤微生物N利用效率NUEN:C和土壤微生物P利用效率PUEP:C的变化趋势相反。(4)荒漠草地土壤、土壤微生物生物量和土壤胞外酶C:N化学计量(C:N, MBC:MBN, BG:NAG)与土壤、土壤微生物生物量和土壤胞外酶N:P化学计量(N:P, MBN:MBP, NAG:AP)显著负相关, 而土壤和胞外酶C:N化学计量(C:N, BG:NAG)与土壤和胞外酶C:P化学计量(C:P, BG:AP)显著正相关。土壤N:P与土壤MBN:MBP显著正相关, 而与土壤NAG:AP显著负相关。分析表明, 荒漠草地沙漠化过程中土壤微生物生物量及胞外酶活性随着土壤养分的变化而发生变化; 微生物-胞外酶C:N:P生态化学计量与土壤养分存在协变关系, 为理解荒漠草地土壤-微生物系统C、N、P循环机制提供理论依据。  相似文献   
Input of labile organic carbon can enhance decomposition of extant soil organic carbon (SOC) through priming. We hypothesized that long‐term nitrogen (N) input in different chemical forms alters SOC pools by altering priming effects associated with N‐mediated changes in plants and soil microbes. The hypothesis was tested by integrating field experimental data of plants, soil microbes and two incubation experiments with soils that had experienced 10 years of N enrichment with three chemical forms (ammonium, nitrate and both ammonium and nitrate) in an alpine meadow on the Tibetan Plateau. Incubations with glucose–13C addition at three rates were used to quantify effects of exogenous organic carbon input on the priming of SOC. Incubations with microbial inocula extracted from soils that had experienced different long‐term N treatments were conducted to detect effects of N‐mediated changes in soil microbes on priming effects. We found strong evidence and a mechanistic explanation for alteration of SOC pools following 10 years of N enrichment with different chemical forms. We detected significant negative priming effects both in soils collected from ammonium‐addition plots and in sterilized soils inoculated with soil microbes extracted from ammonium‐addition plots. In contrast, significant positive priming effects were found both in soils collected from nitrate‐addition plots and in sterilized soils inoculated with soil microbes extracted from nitrate‐addition plots. Meanwhile, the abundance and richness of graminoids were higher and the abundance of soil microbes was lower in ammonium‐addition than in nitrate‐addition plots. Our findings provide evidence that shifts toward higher graminoid abundance and changes in soil microbial abundance mediated by N chemical forms are key drivers for priming effects and SOC pool changes, thereby linking human interference with the N cycle to climate change.  相似文献   
福建和溪亚热带雨林地表微生物的数量动态   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
分枯枝落叶层、腐解层和表土层(0—20cm深)三个层次研究福建和溪亚热带雨林的细菌、真菌和放线菌三大微生物类群的数量和月变化。结果表明:三个层次的微生物数量均以细菌最多,次为真菌,后为放线菌。比较三个层次,各微生物类群在各月份都是枯枝落叶层和腐解层数量较多。同一微生物类群在三个层次的数量均有明显而相似的季节变化;不同类群变化规律不尽相同,但基本只有一个高峰。细菌的高峰值在4月份,真菌约滞后一个月在5月份,放线菌则在8月份才出现高峰。各层次的细菌数和真菌数与月凋落物量、月降雨量和月平均气温各有显著的线性正相关(p<0.01或0.05),而放线菌则仅与月平均气温显著相关。  相似文献   
Soil moisture constrains the activity of decomposer soil microorganisms, and in turn the rate at which soil carbon returns to the atmosphere. While increases in soil moisture are generally associated with increased microbial activity, historical climate may constrain current microbial responses to moisture. However, it is not known if variation in the shape and magnitude of microbial functional responses to soil moisture can be predicted from historical climate at regional scales. To address this problem, we measured soil enzyme activity at 12 sites across a broad climate gradient spanning 442–887 mm mean annual precipitation. Measurements were made eight times over 21 months to maximize sampling during different moisture conditions. We then fit saturating functions of enzyme activity to soil moisture and extracted half saturation and maximum activity parameter values from model fits. We found that 50% of the variation in maximum activity parameters across sites could be predicted by 30‐year mean annual precipitation, an indicator of historical climate, and that the effect is independent of variation in temperature, soil texture, or soil carbon concentration. Based on this finding, we suggest that variation in the shape and magnitude of soil microbial response to soil moisture due to historical climate may be remarkably predictable at regional scales, and this approach may extend to other systems. If historical contingencies on microbial activities prove to be persistent in the face of environmental change, this approach also provides a framework for incorporating historical climate effects into biogeochemical models simulating future global change scenarios.  相似文献   
Recent years have seen a dramatic increase in our understanding of the social behaviour of microbes. Here, we take advantage of these developments to present an undergraduate laboratory exercise that uses the cooperative flocculating behaviour of yeast (Saccharomyces sp.) to introduce the concept of inclusive fitness and teach the genetics of cooperation. Students generate their own data using co-cultures of various yeast strains and perform statistical analyses to test whether kin selection or greenbeard effects determine the cooperative flocculating behaviour. The lab has run successfully for two consecutive years in a second year course with some 1, 200 students per year at the University of Toronto, Canada. We discuss the benefits of using microbes to teach social evolution, describe the set-up and learning outcomes of the laboratory exercise, and then outline possible extension and variants of the lab. In addition to providing students with the opportunity to use a model organism to study social behaviour, students are also taught common laboratory skills, such as replica plating and sterile techniques. Ultimately, while the genetics of cooperation has traditionally been taught through computer simulations and evolutionary games, this exercise demonstrates a way to experimentally introduce the topic.  相似文献   
Aims Changes in soil microbial communities after occupation by invasive alien plants can represent legacy effects of invasion that may limit recolonization and establishment of native plant species in soils previously occupied by the invader. In this study, for three sites in southern Germany, we investigated whether invasion by giant goldenrod (Solidago gigantea) leads to changes in soil biota that result in reduced growth of native plants compared with neighbouring uninvaded soils.Methods We grew four native plant species as a community and treated those plants with soil solutions from invaded or uninvaded soils that were sterilized, or live, with live solutions containing different fractions of the soil biota using a decreasing sieve mesh-size approach. We measured aboveground biomass of the plants in the communities after a 10-week growth period.Main Findings Across all three sites and regardless of invasion, communities treated with <20 μm soil biota or sterilized soil solutions had significantly greater biomass than communities treated with the complete soil biota solution. This indicates that soil biota>20 μm are more pathogenic to the native plants than smaller organisms in these soils. Across all three sites, there was only a non-significant tendency for the native community biomass to differ among soil solution types, depending on whether or not the soil was invaded. Only one site showed significant differences in community biomass among soil solution types, depending on whether or not the soil was invaded; community biomass was significantly lower when treated with the complete soil biota solution than with soil biota <20 μm or sterilized soil solutions, but only for the invaded soil. Our findings suggest that efforts to restore native communities on soils previously invaded by Solidago gigantea are unlikely to be hindered by changes in soil microbial community composition as a result of previous invasion.  相似文献   
COI序列:影响动物分类学与生态学的DNA barcode   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
DNA barcode是一段特殊的、可用于物种鉴定的DNA序列.目前在动物中最常用的DNA barcode是细胞色素C氧化酶1号基因(COI)的部分序列.随着标准数据库的建立,基于COI基因的DNA barcode在动物分类学和生态学中得到了广泛应用.但是,采用COI基因作为DNA barcode所隐含的涉及线粒体的进化历史、遗传特性和物种成种时间的默认前提,并非完全成立,由此引发了许多问题.本文阐述了基于COI基因的DNA barcode对分类学和生态学的影响,目前存在的问题,以及可能的研究方向.  相似文献   
Actinomycetes were isolated from the indoor air of the church of Saint Katherin Monastery during different visiting hours. Fifty air samples collected over one year by using automated air sampler were plated on four different media. The low nutrient-content medium 1/10 SC was significantly effective in recovery of actinomycetes compared to the other formula of rich media. Average counts of bacteria, actinomycetes and fungi were 487, 65 and 90 cfu/m3, respectively. Fifty-six morphologically different actinomycetes isolates were recovered during this study assigned into five different genera, in addition to three unidentified isolates. Tentative identification of the isolates indicated predominance of genus Streptomyces, representing 59% of the isolates. Isolates were screened for resistance to 11 antibiotics, antimicrobial activities towards seven microbial strains, Growth on 12 different carbon source, acid production and pigmentation. About 77% of actinomycete isolates were resistant to the antibiotics with different resistance patterns. 12.5% of the airborne actinomycetes exhibited antinmicrobial activities. The isolates showed wide variation in carbon source usage. Forty percent of the isolates were able to utilize all tested carbon sources while 80% were acid producers. Melanin production was produced by 34% of the isolates. While 45% of the isolates were able to produce other diffusible pigments, the majority of the pigments were brown in color however; yellow, orange and green pigments were produced by a number of isolates. The impact of these activities on the historical objects of the church and the tourist’s health is discussed.  相似文献   
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