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解磷微生物的研究进展   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
磷是植物生长必需的矿质元素之一,而土壤中可溶性磷的含量比较低。土壤中有大量的微生物存在,其中有一些微生物能够将土壤中的不溶性磷转化成可溶性磷,主要对解磷微生物的种类、数量、分布、解磷机制及应用方面的有关情况进行综述。  相似文献   
不同类型拌种剂对花生及其根际微生物的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘登望  周山  刘升锐  吴佳宝  李林 《生态学报》2011,31(22):6777-6787
拌种处理对于花生一播全苗和稳定高产非常重要.选用不同类型的4种拌种剂即哈茨木霉菌剂(真菌拮抗剂)、甲基托布津(杀真菌剂)、适乐时(杀真菌剂)、好安威(化学杀虫剂)处理花生种子,通过测定花生农艺性状、品质指标、根际土壤微生物动态等来评价其对花生和环境的综合效应.结果表明:1)各种杀菌剂拌种均能提高花生成苗率,而好安威略差;各拌种剂促进花生株高、叶绿素含量,而单株叶片数适乐时增多,好安威减少,单株分枝数盛花期有所增多(好安威除外),结果期均略减少;单株烂、虫、芽果数均减少,单株秕果数增加,单株饱果数降低(好安威除外),百果重和百仁重提高(哈茨木霉除外),而饱满度降低;最终荚果产量除哈茨木霉略低,其余拌种剂增产效果极显著,甲基托布津、适乐时、好安威比对照分别增产34.58%、25.90%、22.82%.2)哈茨木霉拌种使蛋白质含量、亚油酸含量增幅最大,油份含量增幅较大,油亚比值降幅最大;甲基托布津处理的蛋白质和油份含量降幅最大;适乐时对提高油份含量、油亚比值效果最佳;好安威对品质指标的影响有限.3)从细菌及放线菌与真菌的比值来看,甲基托布津促细菌、抑真菌的效果好且长,对放线菌/真菌比值影响较小;哈茨木霉在前中期促细菌与放线菌、抑真菌的效果明显,但后期效果趋反;适乐时促细菌、抑真菌的效果短促,且一直强烈抑制放线菌;而好安威相比影响较小.4)好安威对根瘤菌具有显著的抑制作用,而哈茨木霉、适乐时、甲基托布津均极显著增加根瘤数量.结论:各拌种剂对花生产量、品质、根瘤、根际微生物产生了较大差异的综合效应,须因地、因时选用;化学杀菌剂甲基托布津的农艺效应、环境微生物效应均最好,唯蛋白质含量、油份含量略有降低,是一种较理想的综合优良拌种剂.  相似文献   
胡永飞 《微生物学报》2019,59(9):1631-1634
人体及动物肠道中生存着数量庞大的共生微生物;这些微生物无时无刻不参与着宿主的生命活动。揭示这些共生微生物在宿主体内的变化规律、与宿主之间的依存和博弈关系等,将使人类更加全面的认知高等生物体的生命本质。本专刊从肠道微生物与疾病、肠道微生物群落结构、肠道微生物与宿主互作、肠道微生物资源和肠道微生物研究方法 5个层面展示了我国科研工作者在肠道微生物研究领域的新进展及新观点。  相似文献   
不同生境草鱼肠道微生物组成和群落特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的]分析不同生境来源的草鱼前肠、中肠和后肠的微生物组成和群落特征.[方法]利用16S rRNA高通量测序技术比较河流、湖泊、高密度池塘养殖与水库低密度养殖4种不同生境来源的草鱼其前、中、后肠的微生物组成和群落特征.[结果]Venn图、稀释性曲线和Alpha指数分析结果显示,前肠微生物群落多样性以养殖生境草鱼更高,而...  相似文献   
动物及其肠道菌群的协同进化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
动物自身合成一些关键营养物质的能力缺失,转而依赖体内的共生物来完成相应功能,如动物体内共生细菌能帮助宿主从食物中提取营养物质,并能合成一些关键代谢反应的化合物。结合国内外在动物及其肠道菌群的协同进化的研究进展,从三个方面进行了归纳:(1)动物及其肠道微生物组成与功能的协同进化研究;(2)动物行为与肠道微生物的关系;(3)共生肠道微生物在人类或动物自身消化食物、营养获取、健康和疾病方面发挥的重要作用。  相似文献   
Virgin cores and production fluids were obtained from seven wells, ranging in depth from 805 ft to 14 492 ft, and examined for the presence of sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) using Rosenfeld's sulfate-reducing medium modified by using crude oil in place of lactate. Cores from an additional six wells, ranging in depth from 1160 ft to 13 337 ft were tested for SRB using the modified Rosenfeld medium and API-sulfate-reducing medium. Produced waters from five of the six wells were tested also. All of the eleven produced water samples were positive for SRB while H2S production was not detected from the core samples.  相似文献   
Honey bees obtain nutrients from pollen they collect and store in the hive as beebread. We developed methods to control the pollen source that bees collect and convert to beebread by placing colonies in a specially constructed enclosed flight area. Methods were developed to analyze the protein and amino acid composition of the pollen and beebread. We also describe how consumption of the beebread was measured and methods used to determine adult worker bee hemolymph protein titers after feeding on beebread for 4, 7 and 11 days after emergence. Methods were applied to determine if genotype affects the conversion of pollen to beebread and the rate that bees consume and acquire protein from it. Two subspecies (European and Africanized honey bees; EHB and AHB respectively) were provided with the same pollen source. Based on the developed methods, beebread made by both subspecies had lower protein concentrations and pH values than the pollen. In general, amino acid concentrations in beebread made by either EHB or AHB were similar and occurred at higher levels in beebread than in pollen. Both AHB and EHB consumed significantly more of the beebread made by AHB than by EHB. Though EHB and AHB consumed similar amounts of each type of beebread, hemolymph protein concentrations in AHB were higher than in EHB. Differences in protein acquisition between AHB and EHB might reflect environmental adaptations related to the geographic region where each subspecies evolved. These differences could contribute to the successful establishment of AHB populations in the New World because of the effects on brood rearing and colony growth.  相似文献   
The endolithic environment is a ubiquitous microbial habitat for microorganisms, such as lichens, Cyanobacteria and fungi, and it provides mineral nutrients and growth surfaces. In extremely environments, such as hot and cold desert, endolithic communities are often the main form of life. More recently, endolithic microbial communities have been observed inhabiting a variety of rock types ranging from hard granite to porous rocks such as basalt, dolomite, limestone, sandstone and granites. Regardless of geographic location and rock type, each of these habitats is characterized by a subsurface microclimate that prevents endolithic microorganisms growth. Photosynthesis-based endolithic microbial communities commonly inhabit the outer millimeters to centimeters of rocks exposed to the surface. The ability to fix carbon dioxide and in some cases atmospheric dinitrogen, gives the Cyanobacteria a clear competitive advantage over heterotrophic bacteria, so it is been called the main primary producer. Light quality and intensity appear to be the main determinant of the maximum depth to which growth occurs in endolithic phototrophic communities. Valleys of Fantastic Rocks in Bole is close to Alashankou Port of Xinjiang which belongs to extreme continental climate. In order to investigate the structure, composition and diversity of endolithic bacterial community in exposed granitic porphyry in the Valleys of Fantastic Rocks, environmental DNA was directly extracted from granite rock, the 16S rRNA genes were amplified from the total DNA by PCR with bacterial-specific primers, and an endolithic bacterial clone library was constructed. Positive clones were randomly selected from the library and identified by Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (RFLP). The unique rRNA types clones were sequenced, analysised and then constructed phylogenetic tree. In total, 129 positive clones were screened and grouped into 46 operational taxonomic unites (OTUs). The clone coverage C value was 89.15%, indicating that most of the estimated endolithic bacterial diversity was sampled. BLAST analysis indicated that 46 OTUs were divided into seven phyla (Acidobacteria, Actinobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Chloroflexi, Cyanobacteria, Planctomycetes, Proteobacteria) and five unknown groups. Cyanobacteria (43%), especially the Gp I, form the functional basis for an endolithic bacteria community which contain a wide spectrum species of chemotrophic bacteria (33%) with mainly Actinobacteria, α-Proteobacteria, Acidobacteria. Additionally, most clones that derived from the endolithic bacteria clone library showed high similarity to the sequence deposited in GenBank database with 97%–99%. Besides, 35% of the clones showed less than 97% of sequence similarity, of which 12% sequences were affiliated to genus Rubrobacter. The results suggested that endolithic bacteria in Valleys of Fantastic Rocks in Xinjiang were highly diverse in species richness, and maybe have a diversity of potential novel species and lineages.  相似文献   
Litter decomposition, a fundamental process of nutrient cycling and energy flow in freshwater ecosystems, is driven by a diverse array of decomposers. As an important component of the heterotrophic food web, meiofauna can provide a trophic link between leaf‐associated microbes (i.e., bacteria and fungi)/plant detritus and macroinvertebrates, though their contribution to litter decomposition is not well understood. To investigate the role of different decomposer communities in litter decomposition, especially meiofauna, we compared the litter decomposition of three leaf species with different lignin to nitrogen ratios in litter bags with different mesh sizes (0.05, 0.25, and 2 mm) in a forested stream, in China for 78 days. The meiofauna significantly enhanced the decomposition of leaves of high‐and medium‐ quality, while decreasing (negative effect) or increasing (positive effect) the fungal biomass and diversity. Macrofauna and meiofauna together contributed to the decomposition of low‐quality leaf species. The presence of meiofauna and macrofauna triggered different aspects of the microbial community, with their effects on litter decomposition varying as a function of leaf quality. This study reveals that the meiofauna increased the trophic complexity and modulated their interactions with microbes, highlighting the important yet underestimated role of meiofauna in detritus‐based ecosystems.  相似文献   
以1年生刨花楠幼苗为研究对象,通过不同的氮磷配施实验,采用扫描根系法和磷脂脂肪酸法,研究不同氮磷配施处理对刨花楠幼苗1—4级细根根序形态特征及其土壤微生物的影响。结果表明:(1)4种氮磷配施处理均显著增加了刨花楠1—2级根的比根长和比根面积(P0.05),降低了3—4级根的比根面积(P0.05);(2)通过不同梯度的氮磷配施,1—2级细根的根组织密度呈下降态势,而3—4级根的组织密度则显著增加(P0.05),体现低级根与高级根之间的权衡;(3)4种氮磷配施处理都显著降低刨花楠1—4级细根的平均直径(P0.05);(4)随着氮磷比的增加,微生物总量及细菌、真菌与放线菌数量等均呈现先增加后降低的趋势,并均在N∶P为10∶1时达到最大;(5)氮磷配施条件下,细菌、真菌等与1—2级细根的比根长和比根面积呈显著正相关,而与4级根的比根长和比根面积则呈显著负相关,革兰氏阳性菌、真菌等与3—4级根的组织密度存在显著正相关,而与1—2级根的组织密度无显著相关性。各级根序的平均直径均与土壤微生物无显著相关性。研究结果表明,短期氮磷配施以N∶P为10∶1的效果最好,其最有利于提高刨花楠苗木细根的养分吸收能力与养分吸收效率,苗木通过调整细根形态来适应氮沉降,其地下生物群落如土壤微生物及其与细根的关系也发生变化,进而影响地下生态系统碳氮循环和养分流动。  相似文献   
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