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Ecological Strategy of Bacteria: Specific Nature of the Problem   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
An attempt is made to sum up the results of the many years of using the conception of ecological strategy in bacterial ecology. Taking into account the specificities of microorganisms and their natural selection and the coevolution of microorganisms within evolving microbial communities, an inference is derived that the ecological strategy of most bacteria is the sum of a number of particular canonical strategies, some of which are common to higher organisms. It is proposed to call these particular strategies ecological tactics. The author considers this review to be a basis for a discussion.  相似文献   
Prietzel  Jörg  Weick  Corry  Korintenberg  Julia  Seybold  Gabriele  Thumerer  Thomas  Treml  Bernd 《Plant and Soil》2001,230(2):287-305
The effect of repeated (NH4)2SO4 applications (3 × 700 kg ha–1 in 1988, 1991, and 1994, respectively) on S pools in soil, soil microbial biomass, and ground vegetation was studied at two Norway spruce (Picea abies L. [Karst.]) sites in the Black Forest/Germany. In both eco-systems, most of the total S pool was located in the soil. The soil also was the predominant compartment for retention of applied SO4 2--S. The fractions of organic and inorganic S forms in the initial soil S content, and the retention of experimentally applied S was different for both sites. In the podzol Schluchsee, organic S accounted for 92% of total S. In the cambisol Villingen, the S pool consisted of 33% organic S and 67% inorganic S. The retention of applied S in various compartments of both ecosystems reflected these proportions. Only minor amounts of fertilized S (<1%) was retained in the spruce trees, ground vegetation, and soil microbial biomass. However, between 51% (Villingen) and 72% (Schluchsee) of the applied S was retained in the soil. In the Schluchsee podzol, 75% of retained fertilizer S was accumulated as ester sulfate, whereas SO4 2-adsorption and precipitation of Al hydroxy sulfates were restricted by dissolved organic matter in the soil solution. In the Villingen cambisol, SO4 2- adsorption was the dominant process of S retention, although 20% of the fertilized S again was retained as ester sulfate. The significant relevance of organic S forms in the retention of fertilizer S in both soils emphasizes the need for models which include the formation and re-mineralization of organic S compounds, especially of ester sulfates, for correctly simulating and predicting the retention and remobilization of S in acid forest soils subject to changing atmospheric N and S deposition.  相似文献   
In this work the susceptibility of mobile and cystic forms of Borrelia burgdorferi to hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) was studied. The minimal bactericidal concentration (MBC) of HCQ against the mobile spirochetes was >32 μg/ml at 37 °C, and >128 μg/ml at 30 °C. Incubation with HCQ significantly reduced the conversion of mobile spirochetes to cystic forms. When incubated at 37 °C, the MBC for young biologically active cysts (1-day old) was >8 μg/ml, but it was >32 μg/ml for old cysts (1-week old). Acridine orange staining, dark-field microscopy and transmission electron microscopy revealed that the contents of the cysts were partly degraded when the concentration of HCQ was ≥MBC. At high concentrations of HCQ (256 μg/ml) about 95% of the cysts were ruptured. When the concentration of HCQ was ≥MBC, core structures did not develop inside the cysts, and the amount of RNA in these cysts decreased significantly. Spirochetal structures inside the cysts dissolved in the presence of high concentrations of HCQ. When the concentration of HCQ was ≥MBC, the core structures inside the cysts were eliminated. These observations may be valuable in the treatment of resistant infections caused by B. burgdorferi, and suggest that a combination of HCQ and a macrolide antibiotic could eradicate both cystic and mobile forms of B. burgdorferi. Electronic Publication  相似文献   
According to logistic regressions derived for pike Esox lucius and burbot Lota lota , the probability of ingesting fishes in Lake Muddusjärvi, northern Finland, was 50% at 19·3 and 22·1 cm L T, whereas Arctic charr Salvelinus alpinus and brown trout Salmo trutta shifted to piscivory at the lengths of 25·7 and 26·4 cm L T. The specialist piscivores, pike and burbot, consumed more prey species and took a wider range of prey sizes than Arctic charr and brown trout. The prey length for all predators increased in relationship to predator length. Whitefish Coregonus lavaretus was the dominant prey species in the lake and in the diet of all the piscivorous species. The whitefish population was divided into three forms, of which the slow-growing, and the most numerous densely rakered whitefish form (DR), was selected by all predator species. This form also had the smallest average size and widest habitat range, utilizing both pelagic and epibenthic habitats. Two sparsely rakered whitefish forms (LSR and SSR) occupied only epibenthic habitats and had lower relative densities than DR. These forms, LSR and SSR, had a minor importance in the diet of predator species.  相似文献   
The extractability of α-galactosidase activity from mature Vicia faba seeds and the conversion of the low molecular weight form II to the larger oligomer I, was examined over a range of salt concentrations. Specific and total activities of the preparations were high when strong salt solutions were used. Extraction of α-galactosidase I, in comparison with II, requires solutions with a high ionic strength (e.g. 0.5 M NaCl). Interpretation of gel filtration patterns are, however, complicated by conversion of II to I which occurs under these conditions. This conversion is also enhanced by routine procedures used for enzyme purification, such as citric acid precipitation.  相似文献   
A survey of a range of plant tissues showed that the hydroxycinnamate CoA ligase in crude extracts of pea shoots had a high relative activity towards sinapic and other methoxycinnamic acids, together with high activity with p-coumaric acid. The pea enzyme has been resolved by chromatography on DEAE-cellulose into two peaks which differ in their substrate specificity. The form which elutes at relatively low salt concentrations has a ratio activity towards p-coumaric and sinapic acids of about 1.8:1 while the form eluting at higher salt concentrations, although showing very high activity with p-coumaric acid, is inactive towards sinapic acid. The pattern of elution of these forms following gel filtration on Ultragel AcA 34 and Sephadex G100 suggests that these two isoenzymes which differ in ionic properties and substrate specificity can exist in two or three molecular weight forms and there is evidence that these forms are under certain circumstances interconvertible.  相似文献   
A simple method of making a type of orthogonal contrasts among treatments for unbalanced two-way classification data has been described. The method begins with the direct use of absorbing equations, derived from normal equations. Then it is shown that the single components of the treatment sum of squares, adjusted for blocks, are independently distributed.  相似文献   
The uptake of nitrate by plant roots causes a pH increment in rhizosphere and leads to iron (Fe) deficiency in rice. However, little is known about the mechanism how the nitrate uptake‐induced high rhizosphere pH causes Fe deficiency. Here, we found that rice showed severe leaf chlorosis and large amounts of Fe plaque were aggregated on the root surface and intercellular space outside the exodermis in a form of ferrihydrite under alkaline conditions. In this case, there was significantly decreased Fe concentration in shoots, and the Fe deficiency responsive genes were strongly induced in the roots. The high rhizosphere pH induced excess hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) production in the epidermis due to the increasing expression of NADPH‐oxidase respiratory burst oxidase homolog 1, which enhanced root oxidation ability and improved the Fe plaque formation in rhizosphere. Further, the concentrated H2O2 regulated the phenylpropanoid metabolism with increased lignin biosynthesis and decreased phenolics secretion, which blocked apoplast Fe mobilization efficiency. These factors coordinately repressed the Fe utilization in rhizosphere and led to Fe deficiency in rice under high pH. In conclusion, our results demonstrate that nitrate uptake‐induced rhizosphere alkalization led to Fe deficiency in rice, through H2O2‐dependent manners of root oxidation ability and phenylpropanoid metabolism.  相似文献   
Abstract. Studies were conducted on 41 five yr-old common beech (Fagus sylvatica) saplings collected in an old-growth beech wood (Fontainebleau forest, biological reserve of La Tillaie, France), under varying humus and light conditions, following gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar) caterpillar injuries. Aerial and subterranean parts of each sapling were described by means of 34 parameters and environmental conditions at the microsite, where each sapling was excavated, were characterized by 23 parameters. The development of beech saplings is strongly affected by microsite conditions. An increase in sapling size was associated with darkness of the A-horizon, typical of zones with poor mineralization of organic matter. Light conditions were more important in influencing the development of the root system than that of the aerial parts. Rooting depth was shallower and rate of mycorrhiza development by the black ascomycete Cenococcum geophilum was lower in microsites receiving incident light during the morning than in those never receiving incident light during this period. Results are discussed in the frame of survival of young beech individuals in varying environmental conditions, when submitted to competition by other vegetation and adverse climate conditions.  相似文献   
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