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Fast growing Atlantic salmon (upper modal group) exhibit a higher activity of muscle cytochrome c oxidase (CCO) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) than the slow growing salmon (lower modal group). The ratios of CCO/LDH activity, indicate a higher aerobic/anaerobic metabolic potential of the axial muscle in the upper modal group.  相似文献   
Abstract: The kinetic characteristics of [3H]adenosine uptake, the extent to which accumulated [3H]adenosine was metabolized, the effects such metabolism had on measurements of apparent Michaelis-Menten kinetic values of KT and Vmax, and the sensitivities with which nucleoside transport inhibitors blocked [3H]adenosine accumulations were determined in cultured human fetal astrocytes. KT and Vmax values for accumulations of [3H]-labeled purines using 15-s incubations in the absence of the adenosine deaminase inhibitor erythro-9-(2-hydroxy-3-nonyl)adenine (EHNA) and the adenosine kinase inhibitor 5′-iodotubercidin (ITU) were 6.2 µM and 0.15 nmol/min/mg of protein for the high-affinity and 2.6 mM and 21 nmol/min/mg of protein for the low-affinity components respectively. In the presence of EHNA and ITU, where <4% of accumulated [3H]adenosine was metabolized, transport per se was measured, and kinetic values for KT and Vmax were 179 µM and 5.2 nmol/min/mg of protein, respectively. In the absence of EHNA and ITU, accumulated [3H]adenosine was rapidly metabolized to AMP, ADP, and ATP, and caused an appearance of “concentrative” uptake in that the intracellular levels of [3H]-labeled purines (adenosine plus its metabolites) were 1.4-fold higher than in the medium. No apparent concentrative accumulations of [3H]adenosine were found when assays were conducted using short incubation times in the absence or presence of EHNA and ITU. The nucleoside transport inhibitors dipyridamole (DPR), nitrobenzylthioinosine (NBI), and dilazep biphasically inhibited [3H]adenosine transport; for the inhibitor-sensitive components the IC50 values were 0.7 nM for NBI, 1.3 nM for DPR, and 3.3 nM for dilazep, and for the inhibitor-resistant component the IC50 values were 2.5 µM for NBI, 5.1 µM for dilazep, and 39.0 µM for DPR. These findings, in cultured human fetal astrocytes, represent the first demonstration of inhibitor-sensitive and -resistant adenosine transporters in nontransformed human cells.  相似文献   
Abstract: 3,4-Dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (DOPAC) is commonly considered to be the main dopamine (DA) metabolite produced by monoamine oxidase (MAO); however, the initial product of DA oxidation is 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetaldehyde (DOPALD). Owing to technical difficulties in detecting DOPALD from a biological matrix, no studies have so far been performed to measure brain levels of this aldehyde in vivo. In this work, using transstriatal microdialysis in freely moving rats, we identified DOPALD by HPLC coupled to a coulometric detector. In chromatograms obtained from microdialysis samples, DOPALD appeared as a peak with a retention time coincident with that of the standards obtained via enzymatic and chemical synthesis. On the other hand, DOPALD was undetectable ex vivo from rat striatal homogenates. This discrepancy is probably due to the preferential extraneuronal localization together with the high reactivity of the aldehyde, which is rapidly removed by the dialysis probe, whereas the ex vivo procedure allows its condensation and enzymatic conversion. Measurement of DOPALD levels as a routine procedure might represent a reliable tool to evaluate DA oxidative metabolism directly, in vivo. Moreover, parallel detection of DOPALD and DOPAC levels in brain dialysate may make it possible to distinguish between the activity of MAO and aldehyde dehydrogenase. DOPALD, like many endogenous aldehydes, has been shown to be toxic to the cell in which it is formed. Therefore, in vivo measurement of DOPALD levels could highlight new aspects in the molecular mechanisms underlying both acute neurological insults and neurodegenerative diseases.  相似文献   
The effects of nitrogen starvation in the presence or absence of sodium in the culture medium were monitored in batch cultures of the marine diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum Bohlin. During nitrogen starvation in the presence of sodium, cell nitrogen and chlorophyll a decreased, mainly as a consequence of continued cell division. These decreases were accompanied by decreases in the rates of photosynthesis and respiration. There was no change in either cell volume or carbohydrate, but both carbon and lipid increased. During nitrogen starvation in the absence of sodium, cell division ceased. Cell nitrogen and chlorophyll a remained constant, and respiration did not decrease, but the changes in the photosynthetic rate and the lipid content per cell were similar to cultures that were nitrogen-starved in the presence of sodium. The carbon-to-nitrogen ratio increased in both cultures. Nitrogen, in the form of nitrate, and sodium were resupplied to cultures that had been preconditioned in nitrogen- and sodium-deficient medium for 5 d. Control cultures to which neither nitrate or sodium were added remained in a static state with respect to cell number, volume, and carbohydrate but showed slight increases in lipid. Cells in cultures to which 10 mM nitrate alone was added showed a similar response to cultures where no additions were made. Cells in cultures to which 50 mM sodium alone was added divided for 2 d, with concomitant small decreases in all measured constituents. Cell division resumed in cultures to which both sodium and nitrate were added. The lipid content fell dramatically in these cells and was correlated to metabolic oxidation via measured increases in the activity of the glyoxylate cycle enzyme, isocitrate lyase. We conclude that lipids are stored as a function of decreased growth rate and are metabolized to a small extent when cell division resumes. However, much higher rates of metabolism occur if cell division resumes in the presence of a nitrogen source.  相似文献   
Changes in the species composition, photosynthesis, calcification and size-fractionated carbon metabolism by natural phytoplankton assemblages were monitored in three mesocosms under different nutrient conditions during May 1993. In the 3 enclosures, the decline of the diatom-dominated assemblages was followed by the development of a bloom of the coccolithoporid Emiliania huxleyi. Highest growth of E. huxleyi was observed in the mesocosm with a high N : P ratio, suggesting this species is a good competitor at low phosphate concentrations. The transition from diatom- to E. huxleyi-dominated assemblages brought about a sharp reduction of the phytoplankton standing stock and carbon-specific photosynthetic rate. The relative contribution of the smaller size fraction to total photosynthesis increased as the succession progressed. Calcification rate and E. huxleyi cell-specified calcite production were highest during the early stages of development of the E. huxleyi bloom. Distinct changes in the patterns of 14C allocation into biomolecules were noticed during the diatom-E. huxleyi succession. The diatom-dominated assemblage showed high relative 14C incorporation into low molecular weight metabolites (LMWM), whereas proteins and, specially, lipids accounted for the largest proportion of carbon incorporation in the E. huxleyi bloom. The patterns of photoassimilated carbon metabolism proved to be strongly dependent on cellular size, as protein relative synthesis was significantly higher in the smaller than in the larger size fraction, irrespective of the nutrient regime and the successional stage. These results are discussed in relation to the ecological and physiological features of small phytoplankton.  相似文献   
It has been suggested that two groups ofEscherichia coli genes, theccm genes located in the 47-min region and thenrfEFG genes in the 92-min region of the chromosome, are involved in cytochromec biosynthesis during anaerobic growth. The involvement of the products of these genes in cytochromec synthesis, assembly and secretion has now been investigated. Despite their similarity to other bacterial cytochromec assembly proteins, NrfE, F and G were found not to be required for the biosynthesis of any of thec-type cytochromes inE. coli. Furthermore, these proteins were not required for the secretion of the periplasmic cytochromes, cytochromec 550 and cytochromec 552, or for the correct targeting of the NapC and NrfB cytochromes to the cytoplasmic membrane. NrfE and NrfG are required for formate-dependent nitrite reduction (the Nrf pathway), which involves at least twoc-type cytochromes, cytochromec 552 and NrfB, but NrfF is not essential for this pathway. Genes similar tonrfE, nrfF andnrfG are present in theE. coli nap-ccm locus at minute 47. CcmF is similar to NrfE, the N-terminal region of CcmH is similar to NrfF and the C-terminal portion of CcmH is similar to NrfG. In contrast to NrfF, the N-terminal, NrfF-like portion of CcmH is essential for the synthesis of allc-type cytochromes. Conversely, the NrfG-like C-terminal region of CcmH is not essential for cytochromec biosynthesis. The data are consistent with proposals from this and other laboratories that CcmF and CcmH form part of a haem lyase complex required to attach haemc to C-X-X-C-H haem-binding domains. In contrast, NrfE and NrfG are proposed to fulfill a more specialised role in the assembly of the formate-dependent nitrite reductase.  相似文献   
As with most amino acid biosynthetic pathways in streptomycetes, enzymes of arginine biosynthesis inStreptomyces coelicolor show only slight derepression in minimal medium without, as opposed to with, exogenous arginine. However, when an arginine auxotroph was cultured in limiting arginine, ornithine carbamoyltransferase (OCT) activities rose by as much as 100-fold. The response was not due to a general starvation effect. To elucidate the repression-derepression mechanism, a DNA fragment containing the upstream region of the previously isolatedS. coelicolor argCJB cluster was cloned into a multicopy vector and transformed into wild-typeS. coelicolor; a slight transient derepression of OCT was observed in minimal medium without, though not with, added arginine, consistent with titration by the insert of a negatively acting macromolecule such as a repressor. A sub-fragment carrying the 5 end ofargC and the region immediately upstream showed specific binding, in mobility shift assays, to purified AhrC, the repressor/activator of genes of arginine metabolism inBacillus subtilis. It is therefore likely that inS. coelicolor, expression of arginine biosynthesis genes is controlled by a protein homologous to the well-characterisedB. subtilis andEscherichia coli repressors.  相似文献   
Abstract. The objectives of this study were to determine whether adult Mediterranean fruit flies, Ceratitis capitata Wiedeman (Diptera: Tephritidae), are capable of synthesizing lipids, and whether adult diet affects this ability.Lipid levels in females fed protein and carbohydrate or carbohydrate alone declined significantly from emergence to the fourth day of life and then rose back to teneral levels on the fifth day, before oviposition took place on the sixth day.In males fed protein and carbohydrate, lipid levels initially declined as males aged and then stabilized.In carbohydrate-fed males lipid levels declined following emergence and recovered somewhat by the sixth day.Lipid levels declined significantly when flies underwent post-emergence starvation, but after substantial feeding on the above-mentioned diets they eventually (within 6–7 days) reached teneral levels in all experimental groups.Multivariate analysis of variance revealed that differences in lipid contents are primarily related to the flies' age, which corresponds to the various sex-specific activities these flies exhibit.Average lipid investment in eggs was found to equal teneral lipid levels in females.Without lipogenic abilities, oviposition would completely deplete female lipid reserves.We conclude that adult medflies are capaple of lipid synthesis, and that this capability is modulated by individual and sex-specific activity patterns.  相似文献   
The interactions between the omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids and peroxisomal function have been reviewed, in order to update and integrate knowledge in this area. Following a brief retrospective of the major clinical involvements of these fatty acids, the participation of the peroxisome in their metabolism has been appraised - the peroxisome being shown to exert a major influence on both the synthesis and degradation of the omega-3 fatty acids, with these effects flowing on to the widespread physiological implications of the derivative eicosanoids. Interactions between the omega-3 and omega-6 families of fatty acids have been discussed, as have the interdependent phenomena of peroxisome proliferation, membrane remodelling and cellular signalling. Amongst the signalling involvements covered were those of steroid hormone receptor superfamily, the phosphatidy1choline cycle, and the regulatory influences of oxygen free radicals. Comment has also been included on the separate biological roles of the individual omega-3 fatty acids, their influence on differential gene function, and on the molecular mechanisms of their pharmacological effects. It is concluded that the peroxisome is intimately involved in directing the metabolism and physiological influence of the omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids, and that this organelle merits much greater emphasis in future research aimed at unravelling the profound biological effects of these unique and multipotent compounds.  相似文献   
Because vitamin B12 and Ni are known to interact and because of the similar metabolic roles of vitamin B12 and folate, an experiment was performed to determine the effect of dietary folate on Ni deprivation in rats. A 2×2 factorially arranged experiment used groups of nine weanling Sprague-Dawley rats. Dietary variables were Ni, as NiCl2·6H2O, 0 or 1 μg/g; and folic acid, 0 or 2 mg/kg. The basal diet, based on skim milk, contained less than 20 ng Ni/g. After 54 d, an interaction between dietary Ni and folate affected several variables including erythrocyte folate, plasma amino acids, and femur trace elements. For example, folate deprivation decreased erythrocyte folate; folate supplementation to the Ni-supplemented rats caused a larger increase in erythrocyte folate concentration than did folate supplementation to the Ni-deprived rats. Also, dietary Ni affected several plasma amino acids important in one-carbon metabolism (e.g., Ni deprivation increased the plasma concentrations of glycine and serine). This study shows that dietary Ni, folate, and their interaction can affect variables associated with one-carbon metabolism. This study does not show a specific site of action of Ni but it indicates that Ni may be important in processes related to the vitamin B12-dependent pathway in methionine metabolism, possibly one-carbon metabolism. US Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Northern Plans Area is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer and all agency services are available without discrimination.  相似文献   
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