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The diverse large mammal communities found in Asian dry forests and savannas should segregate based on their diet selection. We examined the diet composition of sympatric ungulate species using metabarcoding to determine whether their diet was segregated and whether obvious attributes (i.e., body size, phylogeny, ecology) explained the structure. We collected fecal samples from eight ungulate species in Huai Kha Khaeng Wildlife Sanctuary in the western forest complex of Thailand. The fecal collections occurred around a plot where all woody species were codified within a genetic barcode library, and this library was supplemented with samples from plant species known to be consumed by these species. Of 273 plant species tested, at least 93 were found within the fecal samples. Over half of the identified species were not previously known by experts as forage species. All ungulate species showed a strong consumption of grasses and forbs. For the three species with sufficient sample size (sambar, banteng, and guar), there were seasonal differences in their diet, with each showing increased occurrence of woody plants during the dry season. The pattern of forage consumption did not follow obvious paradigms of body size or taxonomy, with significant diet differences found in two similar‐sized bovids (gaur, banteng), while the diet of sambar was more similar to bovids than to the other deer species. Asian ungulates differ in their forage consumption and metabarcoding should allow for testing of diet shifts in response to seasonal rains and fires which dominate the phenology of Asian dry forests and savannas.  相似文献   
Metabarcoding of environmental samples on second‐generation sequencing platforms has rapidly become a valuable tool for ecological studies. A fundamental assumption of this approach is the reliance on being able to track tagged amplicons back to the samples from which they originated. In this study, we address the problem of sequences in metabarcoding sequencing outputs with false combinations of used tags (tag jumps). Unless these sequences can be identified and excluded from downstream analyses, tag jumps creating sequences with false, but already used tag combinations, can cause incorrect assignment of sequences to samples and artificially inflate diversity. In this study, we document and investigate tag jumping in metabarcoding studies on Illumina sequencing platforms by amplifying mixed‐template extracts obtained from bat droppings and leech gut contents with tagged generic arthropod and mammal primers, respectively. We found that an average of 2.6% and 2.1% of sequences had tag combinations, which could be explained by tag jumping in the leech and bat diet study, respectively. We suggest that tag jumping can happen during blunt‐ending of pools of tagged amplicons during library build and as a consequence of chimera formation during bulk amplification of tagged amplicons during library index PCR. We argue that tag jumping and contamination between libraries represents a considerable challenge for Illumina‐based metabarcoding studies, and suggest measures to avoid false assignment of tag jumping‐derived sequences to samples.  相似文献   
Comprehending ecological dynamics requires not only knowledge of modern communities but also detailed reconstructions of ecosystem history. Ancient DNA (aDNA) metabarcoding allows biodiversity responses to major climatic change to be explored at different spatial and temporal scales. We extracted aDNA preserved in fossil rodent middens to reconstruct late Quaternary vegetation dynamics in the hyperarid Atacama Desert. By comparing our paleo‐informed millennial record with contemporary observations of interannual variations in diversity, we show local plant communities behave differentially at different timescales. In the interannual (years to decades) time frame, only annual herbaceous expand and contract their distributional ranges (emerging from persistent seed banks) in response to precipitation, whereas perennials distribution appears to be extraordinarily resilient. In contrast, at longer timescales (thousands of years) many perennial species were displaced up to 1,000 m downslope during pluvial events. Given ongoing and future natural and anthropogenically induced climate change, our results not only provide baselines for vegetation in the Atacama Desert, but also help to inform how these and other high mountain plant communities may respond to fluctuations of climate in the future.  相似文献   
Kelp forest ecosystems dominate 150,000 km of global temperate coastline, rivalling the coastal occurrence of coral reefs. Despite the astounding biological diversity and productive ecological communities associated with kelp forests, patterns of species richness and composition are difficult to monitor and compare. Crustose coralline algae are a critically important substrate for propagule settlement for a range of kelp forest species. Coralline‐covered cobbles are home to hundreds of species of benthic animals and algae and form a replicable unit for ecological assays. Here, we use DNA metabarcoding of bulk DNA extracts sampled from cobbles to explore patterns of species diversity in kelp forests of the central California coast. The data from 97 cobbles within kelp forest ecosystems at three sites in Central California show the presence of 752 molecular operational taxonomic units (MOTUs) and 53 MOTUs assigned up to the species level with >95% similarity to current databases. We are able to detect spatial patterns of important management targets such as abalone recruits, and localized abundance of sea stars in 2012. Comparison of classic ecological surveys of these sites reveals large differences in species targets for these two approaches. In order to make such comparisons more quantitative, we use Presence/Absence Metabarcoding, using the fraction of replicate cobbles showing a species as a measure of its local abundance. This approach provides a fast and repeatable survey method that can be applied for biodiversity assessments across systems to shed light on the impact of different ecological disturbances and the role played by marine protected areas.  相似文献   


To use a long-term collection of bulk plankton samples to test the capacity of DNA metabarcoding to characterize the spatial and seasonal patterns found within a range of zooplankton communities, and investigate links with concurrent abiotic data collected as part of Australia's Integrated Marine Observing System (IMOS) programme.


Samples were sourced seasonally for 3 years from nine Pan-Australian marine sites (n = 90).


Here, we apply a multi-assay metabarcoding approach to environmental DNA extracted from bulk plankton samples. Six assays (targeting 16SrRNA and COI genes) were used to target, amplify and sequence the zooplankton diversity found within each sample. The data generated from each assay were filtered and clustered into OTUs prior to analysis. Abiotic IMOS data collected contemporaneously enabled us to explore the physical and chemical drivers of community composition.


From over 25 million sequences, we identified in excess of 500 distinct taxa and detected clear spatial differences. We found that site and sea surface temperature are the most consistent predictors of differences between zooplankton communities. We detected endangered and invasive species such as the bryozoan Membranipora membranacea and the mollusc Maoricolpus roseus, and seasonal occurrences of species such as humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae). We also estimated the number of samples required to detect any significant seasonal changes. For OTU richness, this was found to be assay dependent and for OTU assemblage, a minimum of nine samples per season would be required.

Main Conclusion

Our results demonstrate the ability of DNA to capture and map zooplankton community changes in response to seasonal and spatial stressors and provide vital evidence to environmental stakeholders. We confirm that a metabarcoding method offers a practical opportunity for an ecosystem-wide approach to long-term biomonitoring and understanding marine biomes where morphological analysis is not feasible.  相似文献   
Typified by ancient soils and unique assemblages of flora, Australia provides opportunities to expand our understanding of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi. Despite their ubiquity, key aspects of Australian AM fungal ecology remain buried due to our limited knowledge of their biogeography and their potential adaptation to Australia's environmental conditions. This knowledge gap is particularly extraordinary given that the characteristics of the Australian environment are likely to provide unique insights into AM fungal ecology and evolution. Extensive exploration of the diversity and distribution of AM fungi across the continent is overdue. In pursuit of this goal, ecologists should employ the most effective and pragmatic molecular approaches, while making use of well-curated databases. We urge researchers to examine the biogeography of Australian AM fungi meaningfully, leveraging the distinctive attributes of Australian landscapes, such as the demographics of plant mycorrhizal types and the characteristic interplay with fire. Documenting AM fungal communities across Australia will not only provide unique insights into their ecology but is also pivotal to being able to incorporate these organisms into land management for conservation, restoration and sustainable agriculture.  相似文献   
DNA metabarcoding is routinely used for biodiversity assessment, in particular targeting highly diverse groups for which limited taxonomic expertise is available. Various protocols are currently in use, although standardization is key to its application in large-scale monitoring. DNA metabarcoding of arthropod bulk samples can be conducted either destructively from sample tissue, or nondestructively from sample fixative or lysis buffer. Nondestructive methods are highly desirable for the preservation of sample integrity but have yet to be experimentally evaluated in detail. Here, we compare diversity estimates from 14 size-sorted Malaise trap samples processed consecutively with three nondestructive approaches (one using fixative ethanol and two using lysis buffers) and one destructive approach (using homogenized tissue). Extraction from commercial lysis buffer yielded comparable species richness and high overlap in species composition to the ground tissue extracts. A significantly divergent community was detected from preservative ethanol-based DNA extraction. No consistent trend in species richness was found with increasing incubation time in lysis buffer. These results indicate that nondestructive DNA extraction from incubation in lysis buffer could provide a comparable alternative to destructive approaches with the added advantage of preserving the specimens for postmetabarcoding taxonomic work but at a higher cost per sample.  相似文献   
Clustering approaches are pivotal to handle the many sequence variants obtained in DNA metabarcoding data sets, and therefore they have become a key step of metabarcoding analysis pipelines. Clustering often relies on a sequence similarity threshold to gather sequences into molecular operational taxonomic units (MOTUs), each of which ideally represents a homogeneous taxonomic entity (e.g., a species or a genus). However, the choice of the clustering threshold is rarely justified, and its impact on MOTU over-splitting or over-merging even less tested. Here, we evaluated clustering threshold values for several metabarcoding markers under different criteria: limitation of MOTU over-merging, limitation of MOTU over-splitting, and trade-off between over-merging and over-splitting. We extracted sequences from a public database for nine markers, ranging from generalist markers targeting Bacteria or Eukaryota, to more specific markers targeting a class or a subclass (e.g., Insecta, Oligochaeta). Based on the distributions of pairwise sequence similarities within species and within genera, and on the rates of over-splitting and over-merging across different clustering thresholds, we were able to propose threshold values minimizing the risk of over-splitting, that of over-merging, or offering a trade-off between the two risks. For generalist markers, high similarity thresholds (0.96–0.99) are generally appropriate, while more specific markers require lower values (0.85–0.96). These results do not support the use of a fixed clustering threshold. Instead, we advocate careful examination of the most appropriate threshold based on the research objectives, the potential costs of over-splitting and over-merging, and the features of the studied markers.  相似文献   
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