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Inland salt lakes are widely distributed in southern Africa: they are particularly common in South Africa, but many occur in Namibia and Botswana. All are shallow, and most are ephemeral with salinities that are not very high (mostly < 50 g l−1). Fringing zones of halophytes or submerged macrophytes are neither well-developed nor taxonomically diverse. The Cyanobacteria, especially Nodularia spumigena, often dominate the phytoplankton. The fauna of the Makgadikgadi area (northeast Botswana) is diverse and is similar to that of East African salt lakes. The aquatic fauna of salt water south of the Makgadikgadi Basin, on the other hand, is extremely depauperate, has no well-defined assemblage confined to saline waters, and appears mostly to comprise tolerant freshwater forms. Lovenula falcifera and Metadiaptomus transvaalensis (diaptomid copepods), Moina micrura (Cladocera) and Brachionus plicatilis (Rotifera) are frequently encountered zooplankton species, a few species of insects (Anisops sp., beetles, chironomids and ephydrids) are the principal non-planktonic macroinvertebrates. Artemia ‘salina’ is occasionally present, but may be an introduced form. The avifauna, in contrast to the aquatic macroinvertebrate fauna, is rich, with the greater and lesser flamingo often common.  相似文献   
This study compares and contrasts the dynamics of phytoplankton, zooplankton, and nutrients in two of the largest shallow lakes in the USA (Lake Apopka, Florida) and Europe (Lago Trasimeno, Umbria, Italy) and considers particularly the biomass ratio of zooplankton to phytoplankton (BZ:BP) in relation to nutrient levels and in the context of data from other subtropical and temperate lakes. Lake Apopka is hypereutrophic with higher concentrations of total phosphorus (TP), nitrogen (TN), and nearly an order of magnitude higher BP than Lago Trasimeno. However, combined data from the two lakes can be fit to a single log–log regression model that explains 72% of the variability in BP based on TP. In contrast, BZ has a significant positive log–log relationship with TP only for Lago Trasimeno, and is much lower than expected based on the TP concentrations observed in Lake Apopka. Lake Apopka has a fish assemblage that includes high densities of gizzard shad (Dorosoma cepedianum) and threadfin shad (D. petenense), similar to other eutrophic Florida lakes that also have extreme low BZ. The ratio BZ:BP is below 0.01 in Lake Apopka, 10-fold lower than in Trasimeno and among the lowest values reported in the literature. Although stress of high water temperature and a greater proportion of inedible cyanobacteria may be contributing factors, the collective results support an emerging view that fish predation limits the biomass of crustacean zooplankton in subtropical lakes. Handling editor: S. I. Dodson  相似文献   
Antarctic subglacial lakes have, over the past few years, been hypothesised to house unique forms of life and hold detailed sedimentary records of past climate change. Testing this hypothesis requires in situ examinations. The direct measurement of subglacial lakes has been considered ever since the largest and best-known lake, named Lake Vostok, was identified as having a deep water-column. The Subglacial Antarctic Lake Environments (SALE) programme, set up by the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) to oversee subglacial lakes research, state that prior exploration of smaller lakes would be a “prudent way forward”. Over 145 subglacial lakes are known to exist in Antarctica, but one lake in West Antarctica, officially named Ellsworth Subglacial Lake (referred to hereafter as Lake Ellsworth), stands out as a candidate for early exploration. A consortium of over 20 scientists from seven countries and 14 institutions has been assembled to plan the exploration of Lake Ellsworth. An eight-year programme is envisaged: 3 years for a geophysical survey, 2 years for equipment development and testing, 1 year for field planning and operation, and 2 years for sample analysis and data interpretation. The science experiment is simple in concept but complex in execution. Lake Ellsworth will be accessed using hot water drilling. Once lake access is achieved, a probe will be lowered down the borehole and into the lake. The probe will contain a series of instruments to measure biological, chemical and physical characteristics of the lake water and sediments, and will utilise a tether to the ice surface through which power, communication and data will be transmitted. The probe will pass through the water column to the lake floor. The probe will then be pulled up and out of the lake, measuring its environment continually as this is done. Once at the ice surface, any water samples collected will be taken from the probe for laboratory analysis (to take place over subsequent years). The duration of the science mission, from deployment of the probe to its retrieval, is likely to take between 24 and 36 h. Measurements to be taken by the probe will provide data about the following: depth, pressure, conductivity and temperature; pH levels; biomolecules (using life marker chips); anions (using a chemical analyzer); visualisation of the environment (using cameras and light sources); dissolved gases (using chromatography); and morphology of the lake floor and sediment structures (using sonar). After the probe has been retrieved, a sediment corer may be dropped into the lake to recover material from the lake floor. Finally, if time permits, a thermistor string may be left in the lake water to take time-dependent measurements of the lake’s water column over subsequent years. Given that the comprehensive geophysical survey of the lake will take place in two seasons during 2007–2009, a two-year instrument and logistic development phase from 2008 (after the lake’s bathymetry has been assessed) makes it possible that the exploration of Lake Ellsworth could take place at the beginning of the next decade.  相似文献   
F. A. Comin  M. Alonso 《Hydrobiologia》1988,158(1):237-245
A large number of small saline lakes are distributed throughout Spain. Four main lake districts occur from sea level to 1000 m.a.s.l. Most lakes are temporary because of the arid conditions in the Spanish endorheic areas. Many lakes are situated in Tertiary depressions in NE. and S. Spain. Lake basins were formed in karstic areas by hydrologic and aeolian erosion. Saline lakes in NE. Spain occupy areas isolated between river basins. The major ions encountered in these lakes are usually sodium-chloride and magnesium-sulphate; sodium carbonate or sodium-sulphate rich waters also occur.The biota of Spanish salt lakes is related to that of a larger biogeographical region which includes the Mediterranean countries. The main types of salt lakes in Spain include: (1) temporarily mineralized but not highly saline lakes, salinity is less than 7 g l-1. Chara canescens, C. aspera, Zanichellia palustris, Daphnia atkinsoni, Mixodiaptomus incrassatus and Arctodiaptomus wierzejskii are the most characteristic organisms. (2) Temporary salt lakes, salinity fluctuates between 7 and 300 g l-1. Chara galioides, Lamprothamnion papulosum, Daphnia mediterranea, Arctodiaptomus salinus and Cletocamptus retrogressus are the most common species. (3) Permanent salt lakes, Ruppia maritima, Najas marina and Artemia salina are the characteristic organisms.  相似文献   
For each of the three species of leeches and four species of triclads inhabiting the stony littoral of 100 British lakes of diverse trophic status, numbers, biomass and mean weight were correlated against a wide range of physical, chemical and other variables. Very few significant correlations were found between the various biological variables and the non-chemical variables. Significant, positive correlations were obtained for all leech and triclad variables against all of the chemicals, with the exception of Erpobdella octoculata numbers, Helobdella stagnalis mean weight and all of the Polycelis nigra variables which did not correlate with any. Relationships between biological variables and calcium content are given special consideration. Over the range of lakes investigated, total triclad numbers exceeded leech numbers but the reverse was usually true for total biomass. Correlations between the various leech and triclad variables are examined.  相似文献   
Ecosystem Responses to Nitrogen Deposition in the Colorado Front Range   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
We asked whether 3–5 kg N y−1 atmospheric N deposition was sufficient to have influenced natural, otherwise undisturbed, terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems of the Colorado Front Range by comparing ecosystem processes and properties east and west of the Continental Divide. The eastern side receives elevated N deposition from urban, agricultural, and industrial sources, compared with 1–2 kg N y−1 on the western side. Foliage of east side old-growth Englemann spruce forests have significantly lower C:N and lignin:N ratios and greater N:Mg and N:P ratios. Soil % N is higher, and C:N ratios lower in the east side stands, and potential net N mineralization rates are greater. Lake NO3 concentrations are significantly higher in eastern lakes than western lakes. Two east side lakes studied paleolimnologically revealed rapid changes in diatom community composition and increased biovolumes and cell concentrations. The diatom flora is now representative of increased disturbance or eutrophication. Sediment nitrogen isotopic ratios have become progressively lighter over the past 50 years, coincident with the change in algal flora, possibly from an influx of isotopically light N volatilized from agricultural fields and feedlots. Seventy-five percent of the increased east side soil N pool can be accounted for by increased N deposition commensurate with human settlement. Nitrogen emissions from fixed, mobile, and agricultural sources have increased dramatically since approximately 1950 to the east of the Colorado Front Range, as they have in many parts of the world. Our findings indicate even slight increases in atmospheric deposition lead to measurable changes in ecosystem properties. Received 16 November 1999; accepted 8 February 2000.  相似文献   
Wind-induced sediment resuspension occurs frequently in the shallow and eutrophic Lake Arresø, Denmark. The impact of resuspension on internal phosphorus loading was investigated by laboratory experiments studying P-release from the undisturbed sediment surface and by experiments simulating resuspension events.Phosphorus release from undisturbed sediment sampled in May and August was 12 mg and 4 mg m–2 d–1, respectively. During experimental simulation of resuspension, soluble reactive phosphate (SRP) increased by 20–80 µg l–1, which indicates that a typical resuspension event in the lake would be accompanied by the release of 150 mg SRP m–2. The internal P loading induced by resuspension is estimated to be 60–70 mg m–2 d–1, or 20–30 times greater than the release from undisturbed sediment.SRP release during simulation of resuspension was mainly dependent on the equilibrium conditions in the water column and was basically independent of the increase in suspended solids and the duration of resuspension. A second simulation of resuspension conducted 26 hours later, did not result in any further release of SRP from sediment sampled in May. In contrast, there was an additional SRP release from sediment sampled in August, indicating that an exchangable P pool, capable of altering equilibrium conditions, is built up between resuspension events.It is concluded that resuspension, by increasing the P flux between sediment and water, plays a major role in the maintenance of the high nutrient level in Lake Arresø. A relatively high release rate is maintained during resuspension because of the low Fe:P ratio and the high concentration of NH4Cl-extractable P in the sediment.  相似文献   
To study effects of altitude, monthly sampling was undertaken from June 1993 to May 1996 in the upper Kodayar reservoir (1312 m ASL), the lower Kodayar (92 m ASL) and Azhakia Pandiapuram (plain) (Tamilnadu, India). Temperature decreased with elevation at a rate of 1 °C per 240 m; the thermal range also decreased with increasing altitude. The number of days and quantity of precipitation decreased from 161 days and 366 cm yr-1 in the upper Kodayar to 92 days and 127 cm yr-1 at the Azhakia Pandiapuram (APP). Transparency decreased from 1.5 m at the upper Kodayar to about 0.5 m at the APP. Dissolved oxygen increased with decreasing altitude but remained high (>7 mg l-1) in all the three systems. Throughout the investigation, the upper Kodayar reservoir (<6.8) and lower Kodayar lake (<7.0) remained acidic, while the APP was always alkaline. Trends for CO2 and alkalinity of the three Kodayar systems were parallel to those for pH. Though widely oscillating across calendar months, nitrate averaged c. 30 g l-1, while phosphate increased from 8 g l-1 in the upper Kodayar to 18 g l-1 at the APP. Wide oscillations in nitrate suggest that it may be limiting productivity more than phosphorus. Chlorophyll-a values were c. 1.9 g l-1 throughout the year in the upper Kodayar, and between 10 and 20 g l-1 in the other two ecosystems; values peaked during the dry season, from January to April. Chlorophyll-a concentrations correlated positively with productivity; every g increase in chlorophyll-a caused 0.15 gC m-3 d-1 more production. The pristine water of the fragile upper Kodayar had the lowest productivity, and poorest diversity and population density. The species richness was assessed using organisms larger than 75 m filtered by a plankton net. There were five species (Staurastrum spp., Staurodesmus spp., Botryococcus) of phytoplankton, and three species of cladocerans and five species of copepods; population density averaged to 159 l-1 for phytoplankton, 0.3 l-1 for zooplankton. The lower Kodayar proved to be the richest for species diversity; there were 14 species of phytoplankton and six species of cladocerans and six species of copepods. Population density averaged to 203 l-1 for phytoplankton and 0.44 l-1 for zooplankton. The APP displayed moderate species richness; there were seven species of phytoplankton and six species of cladocerans, eight species of copepods and three species of rotifer; but the population density was comparatively higher than the upper and lower Kodayar; it averaged 412 l-1 for phytoplankton and 5.9 l-1 for zooplankton. These values fell within the range of values reported for other tropical and temperate lakes. Staurastrum, Ceriodaphnia cornuta, Tropocyclops, Thermocyclops and Mesocyclops sp. were present in all the aquatic systems and tolerated wide range pH between 6.5 and 8.0. APP was the most productive (4.4 gC m-3 d-1). Productivity holds positive correlation with pH and temperature; for every 1 °C increase in temperature it increased by 0.39 gC m-3 d-1 in these aquatic systems.  相似文献   
Organisms continuously release DNA into their environments via shed cells, excreta, gametes and decaying material. Analysis of this ‘environmental DNA’ (eDNA) is revolutionizing biodiversity monitoring. eDNA outperforms many established survey methods for targeted detection of single species, but few studies have investigated how well eDNA reflects whole communities of organisms in natural environments. We investigated whether eDNA can recover accurate qualitative and quantitative information about fish communities in large lakes, by comparison to the most comprehensive long‐term gill‐net data set available in the UK. Seventy‐eight 2L water samples were collected along depth profile transects, gill‐net sites and from the shoreline in three large, deep lakes (Windermere, Bassenthwaite Lake and Derwent Water) in the English Lake District. Water samples were assayed by eDNA metabarcoding of the mitochondrial 12S and cytochrome b regions. Fourteen of the 16 species historically recorded in Windermere were detected using eDNA, compared to four species in the most recent gill‐net survey, demonstrating eDNA is extremely sensitive for detecting species. A key question for biodiversity monitoring is whether eDNA can accurately estimate abundance. To test this, we used the number of sequence reads per species and the proportion of sampling sites in which a species was detected with eDNA (i.e. site occupancy) as proxies for abundance. eDNA abundance data consistently correlated with rank abundance estimates from established surveys. These results demonstrate that eDNA metabarcoding can describe fish communities in large lakes, both qualitatively and quantitatively, and has great potential as a complementary tool to established monitoring methods.  相似文献   
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