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Chalcone synthase (CHS) genes in Petunia hybrida comprise a multigene family containing at least 7 complete members in the strain Violet 30 (V30). Based on a high sequence homology in both coding and non-coding sequence, a number of CHS genes can be placed into two subfamilies. By restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis it was shown that both chromosomes II and V carry one of these subfamilies, in addition to the other CHS genes identified so far. Members of a subfamily were found to be closely linked genetically. Analysis of the Petunia species that contributed to the hybrid nature of P. hybrida (P. axillaris, P. parodii, P. inflata and P. violacea) shows that none of the CHS gene clusters is specific for either one of the parents and therefore did not arise as a consequence of the hybridization. The number of CHS genes within a subfamily varies considerably among these Petunia species. From this we infer that the CHS subfamilies arose from very recent gene duplications.  相似文献   
Concanavalin A (Con A)-binding proteins obtained from solubilized synaptosomal membranes of bovine brain were analyzed by two-dimensional electrophoresis (2DE), and were identified by peroxidase conjugated Con A (Con A-peroxidase staining), after transfer from 2DE gel to nitrocellulose paper. The Con A-binding proteins were resolved up to 40 spots, ranging in isoelectric points (pI) from 4.5 to 8.0 and molecular weight (MW) from 10 kDa to 120 kDa. Most of the Con A-binding proteins were streaked across a pH gradient and/or exhibited as multiple spots, indicating broad charge and molecular weight heterogeneity. The presence of protein groups that showed high affinities for Con A were revealed. Most interesting group (named GP51), which consisted of seven spots separated horizontally in charge heterogeneity (pI5.85-7.5) with MW 51kDa, was characterized by its binding to an immobilized protein A gel. This implies that GP51 is related to immunoglobulins and/or GP51 may be a new member of the immunoglobulin supergene family.  相似文献   
Mouse strains which develop tumors at a high incidence with characteristics very similar to human cancers have been derived over the last 8 years. The tumors are caused by defined genetic alterations in the mouse genome. Three areas of research have contributed to the derivation of these mouse strains: (1) Molecular analysis of human tumors has shown that distinct oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes are consistently involved in a high percentage of primary tumors. (2) Regulatory enhancer-promoter sequences have been identified which direct gene expression to specific target cells, preferentially mammary epithelial cells. (3) The introduction of recombinant DNA molecules into fertilized mouse eggs by microinjection and integration of the injected DNA into the genome of injected cells has given rise to mutant mouse strains with unique and defined genetic alterations. Studies with different promoter-oncogene combinations introduced into transgenic mouse strains have led to the following general conclusions: (1) Oncogenes expressed in mammary gland cells predispose transgenic mice to mammary tumors. (2) The oncogenic potential of individual oncogenes in mammary epithelial cells differs. (3) Oncogene expression initially often causes a preneoplastic state affecting growth and differentiation parameters of cells. (4) The expression of different oncogenes synergizes to reduce tumor latency. Synergism can also be observed with physiological growth signals like estrogen or growth hormone. The oncogenes with a role in mammary carcinomas which have been investigated in transgenic mice will be described here. The phenotypic consequences of oncogene expression and the implications for the multistep carcinogenesis model will be discussed.  相似文献   
Summary Genes for the major storage protein of potato, patatin, have been mapped genetically and physically in both the potato and tomato genomes. In potato, all patatin genes detected by the cDNA clone pGM01 map to a single locus at the end of the long arm of chromosome 8. By means of pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) it was possible further to delimit this locus, containing 10–15 copies of the gene, to a maximum size of 1.4 million base pairs. Hybridizations with class-specific clones suggest that the locus is at least partially divided into domains containing the two major types of patatin genes, class I and II. In tomato, patatin-homologous sequences were found to reside at the orthologous locus at the end of chromosome 8. The approximately three copies in tomato were localized by PFGE to a single fragment of 300 kilobases. Whereas the class II-specific 5 promoter sequences reside in tomato at the same locus as the coding sequences, the single class I-specific copy of the 5 promoter sequences was localized on chromosome 3 with no coding sequence attached to it. A clone from this chromosome 3 locus of tomato was isolated and by restriction fragment length polymorphism mapping it could be further shown that a similar class I-specific sequence also exists on chromosome 3 of potato. As in tomato, this copy on chromosome 3 is not linked to a coding sequence for patatin. The results are discussed with respect to genome evolution and PFGE analysis of complex gene families.  相似文献   
Summary The Brassica napus rapeseed cultivar Topas contains an acetohydroxyacid synthase (AHAS) multigene family consisting of five members (AHAS 1–5). DNA sequence analysis indicate that AHAS1 and AHAS3 share extensive homology. They probably encode the AHAS enzymes essential for plant growth and development. AHAS2 has diverged significantly from AHAS1 and AHAS3 and has unique features in the coding region of the mature polypeptide, transit peptide and upstream non-coding DNA, which raises the possibility that it has a distinct function. AHAS4 and AHAS5 have interrupted coding regions and may be defective. The complexity of the AHAS multigene family in the allotetraploid species B. napus is much greater than reported for Arabidopsis thaliana and Nicotiana tabacum. Analysis of the presumptive progenitor diploid species B. campestris and B. oleracea indicated that AHAS2, AHAS3 and AHAS4 originate from the A genome, whereas AHAS1 and AHAS5 originate from the C genome. Further variation within each of the AHAS genes in these species was found.  相似文献   
Three members have been isolated of an additional glutelin gene subfamily, named subfamily B, consisting of about five members per haploid rice genome. Restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis showed major differences between Japonica and Indica lines, indicating the divergence of the subfamily since the split between the two varieties. While corresponding exons of the subfamily B showed 80 to 88% nucleotide sequence homology, those exons were only 60–65% homologous to those of the glutelin A subfamily [15, 19, 24], distinguishing them from the subfamily A. Intron position and derived polypeptide structure, in addition to the nucleotide sequence, confirm the subfamily B members as glutelins. Analysis of RNA from seeds of different stages of development showed that the subfamily B members were expressed at the same time as those of subfamily A, demonstrating coordinated regulation of the two subfamilies.  相似文献   
We have isolated and characterized the genomic clone CHN50 corresponding to tobacco basic endochitinase (E.C. DNA sequence and blotting analysis reveal that the coding sequence of the gene present on CHN50 is identical to that of the cDNA clone pCHN50 and, moreover, the CHN50 gene has its origin in the progenitor of tobacco, Nicotiana sylvestris. Tobacco basic chitinases are encoded by a small gene family that consists of at least two members, the CHN50 gene and a closely related CHN17 gene which was characterized previously. By northern blot analysis, it is shown that the CHN50 gene is highly expressed in suspension-cultured tobacco cells and the mRNA accumulates at late logarithmic growth phase. To identify cis-DNA elements involved in the expression of the CHN50 gene in suspensioncultured cells, the chimeric gene consisting of 1.1 kb CHN50 5 upstream region fused to the coding sequence of -glucuronidase (GUS) was introduced by electroporation into protoplasts isolated from suspension-cultured tobacco cells. Transient GUS activity was found to be dependent on the growth phase of the cultured cells, from which protoplasts had been prepared. Functional analysis of 5 deletions suggests that the distal region between -788 and -345 contains sequences that potentiate the high-level expression in tobacco protoplasts and the region (-68 to -47) proximal to the TATA box functions as a putative silencer.  相似文献   
Summary Each one of at least three unlinked STA loci (STA1, STA2 and STA3), in the genome of Saccharomyces diastaticus controls starch hydrolysis by coding for an extracellular glucoamylase. Cloned STA2 sequences were used as hybridization probes to investigate the physical structure of the family of STA genes in the genomes of different Saccharomyces strains. Sta+ strains, each carrying a single genetically defined STA locus, were crossed with a Sta strain and the segregation behavior of the functional locus (i.e. Sta+) and sequences homologous to a cloned STA2 glucoamylase structural gene at that locus were analyzed. The results indicate that in all strains examined there is a multiplicity of sequences that are homologous to STA2 DNA but that only the functional STA loci contain extensive 5 and 3 homology to each other and can be identified as residing on unique fragments of DNA; that all laboratory yeast strains examined contain extensive regions of the glucoamylase gene sequences at or closely linked to the STA1 chromosomal position; that the STA1 locus contains two distinct glucoamylase gene sequences that are closely linked to each other; and that all laboratory strains examined also contain another ubiquitous sequence that is not allelic to STA1 and is nonfunctional (Sta), but has retained extensive sequence homology to the 5 end of the cloned STA2 gene. It was also determined that the DEX genes (which control dextrin hydrolysis in S. diastaticus), MAL5 (a gene once thought to control maltose metabolism in yeast) and the STA genes are allelic to each other in the following manner: STA1 and DEX2, STA1 and MAL5, and STA2 and DEX1 and STA3 and DEX3.  相似文献   
Summary DNA clones that encode the group-II subunits of soybean glycinin were identified and compared with clones for group-I subunits. The group-I clones hybridize weakly to those from group-II at low stringency, but fail to hybridize with them at moderate or high stringency. The genes for the group-II subunits are contained in 13 and 9 kb EcoRI fragments of genomic DNA in cultivar CX635-1-1-1. These fragments contain genes for subunits A5A4B3 and A3B4, respectively. The larger size of mature group-II subunits compared with group-I subunits is correlated with a larger sized mRNA. However, the gross arrangement of introns and exons within the group-II coding regions appears to be the same as for the genes which encode group-I subunits. Messenger RNA for both groups of glycinin subunits appear in the seed at the same developmental interval, and their appearance lags slightly behind that of mRNAs for the a/a subunits of -conglycinin. These data indicate that the glycinin gene family is more complex than previously thought.Abbreviations bp base pairs - kb kilobase pairs - SDS sodium dodecyl sulfate Cooperative research between USDA/ARS and the Indiana Agric. Expt. Station. This work was supported in part by grants from the USDA Competitive Grants Program and the American Soybean Association Research Foundation. This is Journal Paper No. 10,078 from the Purdue Agricultural Experiment Station  相似文献   
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