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抗杀螟硫磷二化螟的抗性遗传力研究   总被引:19,自引:3,他引:19  
韩启发  庄佩君 《昆虫学报》1995,38(4):402-406
应用数量遗传学的方法分析了水稻二化螟(chilo suppressalis)对杀螟硫磷抗药性的遗传力,并就遗传力和杀虫剂的杀死率对抗性发展速率的影响进行了预测。研究结果表明:二化螟对杀螟硫磷抗性的遗传力较低(h2=0.277),产生高抗性的潜力不大。即使在室内选择的条件下,要获得10倍的抗性约需要6-12代;在野外条件下则需要更长的时间(15-32代)。因此,结合抗性变化动态的监测结果,我们认为在野外条件下二化螟是不致于产生高抗性,杀螟硫磷仍不失为二化螟抗性治理系统中有效品种之一。  相似文献   
不同人工林生态系统林地土壤质量评价   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
利用定位研究方法,综合比较了第2代连栽杉木纯林、杉木与阔叶树混交林以及阔叶纯林3种人工林生态系统对林地土壤质量的影响.结果表明,与连栽杉木纯林相比,在杉阔混交和阔叶树轮栽两种经营模式下,土壤养分含量增加,物理性状改善,土壤生物活性提高.利用土壤质量评价体系在对土壤功能评价的基础上,直观评价了3种经营模式的土壤质量状况.在研究区内,杉木与阔叶树混交以及阔叶树轮栽的水分有效性、养分有效性和根系适宜性以及最终的土壤质量指数均处于中等水平,而连栽杉木林的水分有效性、养分有效性和根系适宜性较差,土壤质量指数处于较低水平.总有机C、阳离子交换量和微生物生物量C与其它土壤理化性质和生物学性质之间明显相关,可将其作为研究区土壤质量的指示指标;土壤微生物生物量C、N、P与土壤总有机C、土壤全N、土壤全P含量之间也存在较好的相关性。  相似文献   
单核苷酸多态性检测分析技术   总被引:17,自引:3,他引:17  
高秀丽  景奉香  杨剑波  赵建龙 《遗传》2005,27(1):110-122
单核苷酸多态性(SNP)作为第三代遗传标记已经广泛用于基因作图、疾病相关性分析、群体遗传学及药物研究等领域。 文中系统地介绍了目前国内外主要的SNP检测技术,任何一种SNP的检测方法都可将之看成由两部分组成,即区分SNP位点的原理方法和数据的检测分析手段,文章对这两部分做了较详细的介绍,并对SNP检测技术的发展进行了展望。 Abstract :As the third generation of genetic markers SNPs(single nucleotide polymorphisms)has been used extentively in gene mapping,disease-correlativity analysis ,population genetics and drug research.Here methods for detection are reviewed.Most SNP genotyping are a combination of method for interrogating SNPs and analysis tecnique.It described both parts and give a outlook for detection.  相似文献   
In recent years, liquid biofuels for transport have benefited from significant political support due to their potential role in curbing climate change and reducing our dependence on fossil fuels. They may also participate to rural development by providing new markets for agricultural production. However, the growth of energy crops has raised concerns due to their high consumption of conventional fuels, fertilizers and pesticides, their impacts on ecosystems and their competition for arable land with food crops. Low-input species such as Jatropha curcas , a perennial, inedible crop well adapted to semiarid regions, has received much interest as a new alternative for biofuel production, minimizing adverse effects on the environment and food supply. Here, we used life-cycle assessment to quantify the benefits of J. curcas biofuel production in West Africa in terms of greenhouse gas emissions and fossil energy use, compared with fossil diesel fuel and other biofuels. Biodiesel from J. curcas has a much higher performance than current biofuels, relative to oil-derived diesel fuels. Under West Africa conditions, J. curcas biodiesel allows a 72% saving in greenhouse gas emissions compared with conventional diesel fuel, and its energy yield (the ratio of biodiesel energy output to fossil energy input) is 4.7. J. curcas production studied is eco-compatible for the impacts under consideration and fits into the context of sustainable development.  相似文献   
A semi-quantitative electrofishing technique is described, which has applications for assessing distribution and densities of 0+ salmonids in streams. Linear regressions of logarithmically-transformed data satisfactorily described the relationship between numbers of 0+ Atlantic salmon ( Salmo salar L.) and 0+ brown trout ( Salmo trutta L.) captured in a standard 5 min fishing and quantitative population estimates obtained using a commonly used method. Applications of the semi-quantitative technique to management are discussed and a categorization system proposed.  相似文献   
海洋氮循环中细菌的厌氧氨氧化   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
细菌厌氧氨氧化过程是在一类特殊细菌的厌氧氨氧化体内完成的以氨作为电子供体硝酸盐作为电子受体的一种新型脱氮反应.厌氧氨氧化菌的发现,改变人们对传统氮的生物地球化学循环的认识:反硝化细菌并不是大气中氮气产生的唯一生物类群.而且越来越多的证据表明,细菌厌氧氨氧化与全球的氮物质循环密切相关,估计海洋细菌的厌氧氨氧化过程占到全球海洋氮气产生的一半左右.由于氮与碳的循环密切相关,因此可以推测,细菌的厌氧氨氧化会影响大气中的二氧化碳浓度,从而对全球气候变化产生重要影响.另外,由于细菌厌氧氨氧化菌实现了氨氮的短程转化,缩短了氮素的转化过程,因此为开发更节约能源、更符合可持续发展要求的废水脱氮新技术提供了生物学基础.  相似文献   
Transgenic melon and squash containing the coat protein (CP) gene of the aphid transmissible strain WL of cucumber mosaic cucumovirus (CMV) were grown under field conditions to determine if they would assist the spread of the aphid non-transmissible strain C of CMV, possibly through heterologous encapsidation and recombination. Transgenic melon were susceptible to CMV strain C whereas transgenic squash were resistant although the latter occasionally developed chlorotic blotches on lower leaves. Transgenic squash line ZW-20, one of the parents of commercialized cultivar Freedom II, which expresses the CP genes of the aphid transmissible strains FL of zucchini yellow mosaic (ZYMV) and watermelon mosaic virus 2 (WMV 2) potyviruses was also tested. Line ZW-20 is resistant to ZYMV and WMV 2 but is susceptible to CMV. Field experiments conducted over two consecutive years showed that aphid-vectored spread of CMV strain C did not occur from any of the CMV strain C-challenge inoculated transgenic plants to any of the uninoculated CMV-susceptible non- transgenic plants. Although CMV was detected in 3% (22/764) of the uninoculated plants, several assays including ELISA, RT- PCR-RFLP, identification of CP amino acid at position 168, and aphid transmission tests demonstrated that these CMV isolates were distinct from strain C. Instead, they were non-targeted CMV isolates that came from outside the field plots. This is the first report on field experiments designed to determine the potential of transgenic plants expressing CP genes for triggering changes in virus-vector specificity. Our results indicate that transgenic plants expressing CP genes of aphid transmissible strains of CMV, ZYMV, and WMV 2 are unlikely to mediate the spread of aphid non-transmissible strains of CMV. This finding is of practical relevance because transgenic crops expressing the three CP genes are targeted for commercial release, and because CMV is economically important, has a wide host range, and is widespread worldwide.  相似文献   
图们江流域河流生态系统健康评价   总被引:11,自引:7,他引:11  
朱卫红  曹光兰  李莹  徐万玲  史敏  秦雷 《生态学报》2014,34(14):3969-3977
河流是重要的自然生态系统,也是重要的生态廊道之一,图们江流域河流生态系统的健康状况,对维护跨国界流域的水环境的管理和可持续发展有着重要的意义。基于河流水文、河流形态、河岸带状况、水体理化参数以及河流生物5个层面选取22个指标构建了图们江流域河流生态系统健康评价指标体系,运用层次分析法和加权平均法对其进行了健康评价。评价结果表明,虽然该地区处于"健康"级别,但也有28%的地区处于"亚健康"状态。河流健康综合指数(RHI`)与河流生物指标、水体理化指标、河流形态指标、河岸带指标等4项呈显著相关(P0.05),相关系数依次为0.847、0,757、0.740、0.547。研究结果表明图们江流域水生生物的生存环境遭到严重破坏、水体污染严重,河岸带生态退化、城市化影响严重等一系列影响河流健康的问题。  相似文献   
明确80%代森锰锌可湿性粉剂、50%啶酰菌胺水分散型粒剂、50%腐霉利可湿性粉剂、50%烯酰吗啉可湿性粉剂、100 g/L氰霜唑悬浮剂、20%叶枯唑可湿性粉剂、2%春雷毒素水剂、12.50%腈菌唑乳油、25%丙环唑乳油和15%咪鲜胺微乳剂等10种杀菌剂对中华蜜蜂Apis cerana cerana工蜂的急性毒性,并评价其对中华蜜蜂工蜂的风险性。在室内采用摄入法和点滴法测定10种杀菌剂对中华蜜蜂工蜂的急性经口和接触毒性。结果表明代森锰锌,啶酰菌胺,腐霉利等7种杀菌剂对中华蜜蜂的急性毒性均为低毒;腈菌唑和丙环唑对中华蜜蜂的急性经口毒性和急性接触毒性均为中毒,咪鲜胺对中华蜜蜂的急性经口毒性为高毒,急性接触毒性为中毒;这3种杀菌剂且均属于中等风险性。建议禁止咪鲜胺在蜜源作物开花授粉期施用,慎重选择中等毒性杀菌剂腈菌唑和丙环唑,尽量选择对蜜蜂低毒的杀菌剂,以保护中华蜜蜂的安全。  相似文献   
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