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Abstract: The total Ca2+-dependent release of glutamate induced by depolarization of cerebrocortical nerve terminals with KCl was analyzed into a fast and a slow component. The fast component exhibited a decay time of <1 s and accounted for 0.95 ± 0.10 nmol of glutamate, whereas the slow component, which exhibited a decay time of 52 ± 7 s, accounted for the release of 2.48 ± 0.19 nmol of glutamate. These two components were differentially affected by the Ca2+ chelator BAPTA, the divalent cation Sr2+, or the botulinum neurotoxin A. The adenosine A1 receptor agonist N 6-cyclohexyladenosine strongly reduced the fast component without altering the slow component. In contrast, the inhibitory effect of arachidonic acid and the facilitatory action of the metabotropic glutamate receptor agonist (1 S ,3 R )-1-aminocyclopentane-1,3-dicarboxylic acid were observed as a decrease and an increase, respectively, in the two components. It is concluded, first, that the fast and slow components correspond to the release of docked and mobilized vesicles, respectively, and second, that presynaptic modulation more significantly alters the fast component of release.  相似文献   
Abstract The variability of predominant Mycoplasma bovis surface antigens in the presence of specific immune pressure was analyzed in an in vitro assay to determine if M. bovis could escape immune destruction. We have shown that serum antibodies from immunized or experimentally infected calves and monoclonal antibodies which specifically react with previously characterized or as yet undefined major M. bovis membrane surface proteins cause repression of expression or shortening of the target protein, or induce switching to expression of an antigenically distinct variant protein. We have further demonstrated that removal of the inducing antibody results in reversion to the original phenotype. These results suggest that the level of expression and the length of M. bovis surface antigens in the host is modulated by cognate antibodies. According to the surface antigenic variation systems, random selection of preexisting variants resistant to antibody-mediated inhibition or direct regulation of gene expression may be means by which this organism evades host immune defences.  相似文献   
Focusing our effort on the importance of FUra scheduling we have tested the hypothesis that pulse and continuous infusion (CI) of the fluoropyrimidine have different mechanisms of cytotoxicity. Our initial approach was to compare the mechanism of resistance of a cell line resistant to a short term exposure to FUra (HCT-8/FU4hR) to that of a cell line resistant to a prolonged exposure to the fluoropyrimidine (HCT-8/FU7dR). Cytotoxicity studies showed that HCT-8/FU4hR cells were still sensitive to FUra given as a 7-d exposure, suggesting different mechanisms of resistance. Indeed, rapid recovery of TS activity after drug removal was evident in the HTC-8/FU7dR cell line while HCT-8/FU4hR cells were similar to the parental cell line with regard to both the degree of in situ TS inhibition by FUra and duration of inhibition after FUra removal. In contrast, labelling studies with [3H-6] FUra (4 h exposure, 100 M) showed that the incorporation of the fluoropyrimidine into RNA is significantly decreased in HCT-8/FU4hR cells as compared to parental HCT-8 cells.Given the lack of cross resistance between the two schedulesin vitro, a pilot trial was done on patients with colorectal cancer refractory to bolus FUra. On 15 patients failing after FUra+LV or FUra alone 1 PR, 3 MR, 3 SD and 8 P were observed, confirmng a certain degree of activity of CI FUra in patients clinically resistant to bolus FUra.Based on this rationale, a phase II trial of schedule-oriented biochemical modulation of FUra in advanced colorectal cancer patients was conducted, employing a hybrid regimen of 2 biweekly cycles of FUra bolus (600 mg/sqm), preceeded by (24 h interval) methotrexate, 200 mg/sqm (in order to maximize the RNA effect of the drug) alternating with FUra continuous infusion, 200 mg/sqm daily for 3 weeks, modulated by leucovorin, 20 mg/sqm weekly bolus (in order to maximize the DNA effect).Thirty-three consecutive patients (median ECOG PS 1) with advanced measurable colorectal cancer and no prior therapy for metastatic disease entered the study, from February 1992 to August 1993. Three complete and 13 partial responses were obtained among these 33 patients (RR=48%, 95% confidence limis, 31–66%). After a median follow-up time of 23 months, 16 patients are still alive. The median progression free survival and overall survival were 9.6 and 20.8 months, respectively. No toxic deaths or grade 4 toxicity occurred. The incidence of grade 3 toxicity per patient in any cycle was: mucositis 6%, diarrhea 3% and vomiting 3% for the bolus part and 21%, 3% and 6% respectively, for the continuous infusion part of the regimen. Hand-foot syndrome occurred in 27% of the patients treated with the continuous infusion regimen.In conclusion, this experimental and clinical project has generated a novel regimen of schedule oriented biochemical modulation that is twice as active and half as toxic compared to bolus FU+LV given with either the daily x 5 or the weekly schedule. This high clinical activity is very encouraging, especially considering that 1) consecutive patients were entered, 2) the responses were independently reviewed, 3) the progression free survival and survival were much longer than those actually reported for this disease, 4) the toxicity of the program, in particular the bolus regimen, was relatively low allowing further intensification.  相似文献   
A group of serotonergic cells, located in the pedal ganglia ofHelix lucorum, modulates synaptic responses of neurons involved in withdrawal behavior. Extracellular or intracellular stimulation of these serotonergic cells leads to facilitation of spike responses to noxious stimuli in the putative command neurons for withdrawal behavior. Noxious tactile stimuli elicit an increase in background spiking frequency in the modulatory neurons and a corresponding increase in stimulus-evoked spike responses in withdrawal interneurons. The serotonergic neurons have processes in the neuropil of the parieto-visceral ganglia complex, consistent with their putative role in modulating the activity of giant parietal interneurons, which send processes to the same neuropil and to the pedal ganglia. The serotonergic cells respond to noxious tactile and chemical stimuli. Although the group as a whole respond to noxious stimuli applied to any part of the body, most cells respond more to ipsilateral than contralateral stimulation, and exhibit differences in receptive areas. Intracellular investigation revealed electrical coupling between serotonergic neurons which could underlie the recruitment of members of the group not responding to a given noxious stimulus.  相似文献   
We have analyzed the distribution of putative cholinergic neurons in whole-mount preparations of adult Drosophila melanogaster. Putative cholinergic neurons were visualized by X-gal staining of P-element transformed flies carrying a fusion gene consisting of 5′ flanking DNA from the choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) gene and a lacZ reporter gene. We have previously demonstrated that cryostat sections of transgenic flies carrying 7.4 kb of ChAT 5′ flanking DNA show reporter gene expression in a pattern essentially similar to the known distribution of ChAT protein. Whole-mount staining of these same flies by X-gal should thus represent the overall distribution of ChAT-positive neurons. Extensive staining was observed in the cephalic, thoracic, and stomodeal ganglia, primary sensory neurons in antenna, maxillary palps, labial palps, leg, wing, and male genitalia. Primary sensory neurons associated with photoreceptors and tactile receptors were not stained. We also examined the effects of partial deletions of the 7.4 kb fragment on reporter gene expression. Deletion of the 7.4 kb fragment to 1.2 kb resulted in a dramatic reduction of X-gal staining in the peripheral nervous system (PNS). This indicates that important regulatory elements for ChAT expression in the PNS exist in the distal region of the 7.4 kb fragment. The distal parts of the 7.4 kb fragment, when fused to a basal heterologous promoter, can independently confer gene expression in subsets of putative cholinergic neurons. With these constructs, however, strong ectopic expression was also observed in several non-neuronal tissues. © 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
Megakaryocytes from normal persons and from patients with immune thrombocytopenic purpura, myelodysplastic disorders, Hypersplenism, and essential thrombocythemia displayed vivid magenta metachromatic staining of the cytoplasm when stained with basic black MSP followed by brief exposure to dilute hydrochloric acid. Under the same conditions, other hematopoietic cells were completely decolorized. Acid fast metachromasia of megakaryocytes facilitates their identification, particularly in cases of small and atypical megakaryocytes found in disease states.  相似文献   
Eicosanoids have been demonstrated to play a central role in immune regulation in mammals brought about by their direct effects on cells such as macrophages and lymphocytes or by their indirect effects via cytokines. Studies have shown that fish mononuclear phagocytes, granulocytes and thrombocytes synthesize and release both cyclooxygenase- and lipoxygenase-derived products such as prostaglandin E2, leukotriene B4 and lipoxin A4. Whether lymphocytes have the ability to generate leukotrienes and lipoxins is still unclear but they do appear to have 12-lipoxygenase activity that leads to the generation of 12-hydroxy fatty acid derivatives. As in mammals, leukotriene and lipoxin biosynthesis requires the presence of a 5-lipoxygenase activating protein-like molecule that is sensitive to the action of the specific inhibitor, MK-886. The prostaglandin-generating ability of trout macrophages can be altered by incubation with lipopolysaccharide suggesting the possible presence of an inducible cyclooxygenase activity. Prostaglandins have been found to suppress the mitogen-induced proliferation of trout leucocytes and the generation of humoral antibody and plasma cells both in vivo and in vitro. The lipoxygenase products, leukotriene B4 and lipoxin A4 have more variable effects ranging from inhibition to stimulation depending on the assay system employed. Overall, there is clear evidence that eicosanoids play a role in immune regulation in fish in a similar way to that reported in mammals.  相似文献   
There has been much speculation that the evolutionary precursors of vertebrate lymphocytes may exist in the ascidians (proto chordates), but conclusive evidence has remained elusive especially as membrane bound immunoglobulin has not been detected in any invertebrate. This paper reviews new evidence which indicates that the ‘lymphocyte-like’ cells in ascidians have functional, as well as morphological, similarities with vertebrate lymphocytes. Firstly, these cells have been linked with in vivo non-self recognition events such as allograft rejection in solitary ascidians and non-fusion reactions between colonial ascidians. Secondly, they have been shown to be cytotoxic towards xenogenic targets in vitro and to use cytolytic mechanisms similar to those of cytotoxic T-cells. Thirdly, they are able to proliferate in vitro in response to mitogens or allogeneic cells. It is therefore suggested that, apart from immunoglobulin production and clonal selection, there is persuasive evidence that the ‘lymphocyte-like’ cells of ascidians constitute a primordial form of vertebrate lymphocyte.  相似文献   
In SDS-PAGE the immune complexes (IC) of kala-azar patient sera showed intense bands at 55 kDa and 20 kDa corresponding to heavy and light chains of immunoglobulins. In immunoblot experiment, kala-azar and normal IC after treatment with patient sera showed multiple bands of which the band at 55 kDa was most prominent in kala-azar IC. It is known that in kala-azar sera antihuman IgG is present, so the heavy band at 55 kDa region may be due to higher amount of IgG and/or other antigen(s) present at that region. Immunoblot experiments of kala-azar IC with anti gp63 also developed a major band at 55 kDa. It suggests that the antigen (55 kDa) and gp63 have common antigenic epitope (s). Normal IC did not react with anti gp63 indicating absence of this antigen in normal IC. Antigenic similarity between the IC antigen (55 kDa) and gp63 indicated that the former antigen may have been processed from gp63. In summary, identification of a parasite antigen (55 kDa) in IC of kala-azar patients sera may be useful in developing a serodiagnostic assay for visceral leishmaniasis. (Mol Cell Biochem130: 11–17, 1994)Abbreviations IC Immune Complexes - PEG Polyethylene Glycol (Mol wt 8000) - PBS Phosphate Buffer Saline - VL Visceral Leishmaniasis - AVL American Visceral Leishmaniasis - IgG Immunoglobulin G - TBS Tris Buffer Saline - SDS-PAGE Sodium Dodecyl Sulphate Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis - gp63 A leishmanial surface glycoprotein of molecular mass 63,000 - TEMED N,N,N,N-Tetramethylethylenediamine  相似文献   
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