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The Merkel cell–neurite (MCN) complex generates slowly adapting type 1 (SA1) response when mechanically stimulated. Both serotonin (5-HT) and glutamate have been implicated in the generation of normal SA1 responses, but previous studies have been inconclusive as to what their roles are or how synaptic transmission occurs. In this study, excised dorsal skin patches from common water frogs (Rana ridibunda) were stimulated by von Frey hairs during perfusion in a tissue bath, and single-unit spike activity was recorded from SA1 fibres. Serotonin had no significant effect on the SA1 response at low (10?µM) concentration, significantly increased activity in a force-independent manner at 100?µM, but decreased activity with reduced responsiveness to force at 1?mM. Glutamate showed no effect on the responsiveness to force at 100?µM. MDL 72222 (100?µM), an ionotropic 5-HT3 receptor antagonist, completely abolished the responsiveness to force, suggesting that serotonin is released from Merkel cells as a result of mechanical stimulation, and activated 5-HT3 receptors on the neurite. The metabotropic 5-HT2 receptor antagonist, ketanserin, greatly reduced the SA1 fibre's responsiveness to force, as did the non-specific glutamate receptor antagonist, kynurenic acid. This supports a role for serotonin and glutamate as neuromodulators in the MCN complex, possibly by activation and/or inhibition of signalling cascades in the Merkel cell associated with vesicle release. Additionally, it was observed that SA1 responses contained a force-independent component, similar to a dynamic response observed during mechanical vibrations.  相似文献   
The pyrophilous Australian “fire‐beetle” Merimna atrata strongly depends on the occurrence and localization of forest fires for its reproduction. As a special adaptation to its unusual biology, elaborate infrared (IR) organs have evolved in this species. The IR‐organs consist of a specialized cuticular portion, the absorbing area, innervated by a sensory complex. The sensory complex contains a thermosensitive multipolar neuron with a specialized dendritic region, the terminal dendritic mass, and a mechanosensitive unit represented by a chordotonal organ (CO). Evidence for the IR‐receptive function so far has only been provided for the multipolar neuron. Based on morphological data, it has been hypothesized that the CO could also be involved in IR‐reception by measuring minute thermal deformations of the absorbing area. To test this hypothesis, we investigated structural features like cuticle thickness, reduced Young's modulus and hardness of the absorbing area. The results were used in finite element simulations to analyze the thermomechanical behavior and performance of the IR‐organ. Our findings indicate that considerable thermal deformation of the absorbing area occurs, supporting the hypothesis that the CO could function as photomechanical IR‐receptor. Interestingly, at the innervation site of the CO the lowest relative displacements of the absorbing area were found. This may indicate that the CO as putative photomechanic IR‐receptor has not been adapted according to the requirements of highest sensitivity. Probable benefits of the bimodal innervation by a thermosensory and a mechanosensory unit and their possible interaction for an improved performance of the IR‐organ are discussed. J. Morphol. 275:991–1003, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
The frequency responses of 11 rapidly adapting (RA) fibers in cat were studied by representing the average firing rate as a function of sinusoidal stimulus amplitude and stimulus frequency. Specifically, rate-intensity functions at different stimulation frequencies were fitted by four-parameter (a0, a1, a2, a3), piece-wise linear functions using nonlinear regression (n = 59; R2 > 0.877). Rate-intensity functions at intermediate frequencies were found by linear interpolation. The result of this analysis is rate–amplitude–frequency functions plotted as two-dimensional surfaces. The surfaces consist of five regions separated and sufficiently defined by four space curves. At 14 different frequencies, the statistical distribution of each rate-intensity-function parameter could be approximated by a particular lognormal distribution (n = 56; R2 > 0.796). The Kolmogorov–Smirnov test fails to reject this hypothesis for each combination of frequency and parameter (56 tests; p > 0.39). Therefore, at a given frequency, the variation of the parameters can be represented by lognormal distributions with specific means and standard deviations. Responses of six RA fibers, which are different from the data-set used for modeling, were compared with the stochastic model at different frequencies. The parameters of those fibers were tested against the null hypotheses that they were sampled from the particular parameter distributions dictated by the model. The Kolmogorov–Smirnov test fails to reject all the hypotheses at the α = 0.05 level (44 tests). At the α = 0.10 level, only a few test parameters were found to be departing from the model (a0 and a1 at 5?Hz; a2 at 20?Hz; a2 and a3 at 50?Hz). The remaining test parameters could be accurately described by the model. Having confirmed the validity of the model, the logarithmic means and the logarithmic standard deviations of the lognormally distributed rate-intensity-function parameters were estimated in the frequency range of 4–200?Hz. The rate–amplitude–frequency surfaces sampled from the established stochastic model completely characterize the rate responses of RA fibers to sinusoidal stimuli and are superior to tuning curves which require selecting criterion responses. The current rate-response model is promising for future computational work, especially on population modeling.  相似文献   
The effects of super high frequency (SHF) microwaves (34-78 GHz) on rates of spontaneous firing of the slowly adapting, stretch-receptor neurons of crayfish were studied. Initially, irradiation of continuously perfused, fluid-cooled preparations at power densities to 250 mW/cm2 caused a transient decrease in the rate of spontaneous firing (the dynamic response). Subsequently, with extinction of the SHF field, the rate of firing increased, finally stabilizing at pre-exposure levels (stationary phase). Rates of firing also increased when the receptor muscle was stretched, and they were inversely correlated with small, field-induced increases of temperature (approximately 1.5 degrees C). The response to SHF radiation did not depend on frequency if temperature of the medium was constant. No resonant peaks were found when the millimeter range of frequencies was scanned.  相似文献   
Abstract. Simple cupular organs similar to those described in Ciona intestinalis were observed in Corella eumyota. They consist of a macula containing the cell bodies of 20–30 primary sensory neurons whose cilia project into a dome‐ or finger‐shaped structure, the cupula. Rather than being found in the mantle lining as in C. intestinalis, the organs were located on the atrial surface of the branchial sac. The sensory innervation was examined in whole‐mount preparations using anti‐tubulin immunohistochemistry. Sensory neurons in C. eumyota showed no immunoreactivity with antisera raised against gonadotropin‐releasing hormone (GnRH). A novel, elongated sense organ termed the cupular strand was found in Corella inflata. It has the same basic components as the simple type of cupular organ but consists of a single, long structure containing ~1500 sensory cells. Located on the atrial surface of the branchial sac, it extends along the midline of the dorsal fold, from the gonoduct openings almost as far as the brain. Preparations were examined using optical and electron microscopy. Nerves and cilia were visualized by anti‐tubulin immunofluorescence microscopy. It was possible to follow the sensory axons from the macula of the cupular strand to points where they joined branches of the visceral nerve, which enters a nerve root at the back of the brain. In C. inflata the sensory cell bodies and their axons were immunoreactive not only with anti‐tubulin but also with an antiserum raised against Tunicate I GnRH. There was no immunoreactivity, however, with Chicken II and catfish GnRH antisera. All three GnRH antisera labeled the dorsal strand plexus, a structure associated with production of GnRH in its role as a reproductive hormone. We concluded that the GnRH‐like molecule labeled in sensory neurons differs from the form of GnRH found in the dorsal strand plexus, and may have a different function, perhaps in the neural control of ciliary activity. The function of the cupular organs in species of Corella has not yet been investigated physiologically, but by analogy with such structures in other metazoans, cupular organs are probably hydrodynamic sensors registering local disturbances or changes in water flow through the atrial cavity.  相似文献   
Hydration of an isolated rat tail tendon fiber was found to cause its torsion. A similar effect was observed upon changing the specimen temperature in the 12–38°C range. The direction and the angle of rotation of the distal end of the fiber did not depend on its length (12–80 mm). Rather, they depended on the prevalence of clockwise-or counterclockwise-driving collagen units, the distribution of which in the tendon fiber was apparently probabilistic. The phenomenon of collagen bundle rotation is considered in the context of the mechanism of mechanoreceptor stimulation by temperature shifts.  相似文献   
Stimuli with spherically curved surfaces were presented passively to the fingerpads of human subjects. There were 28 stimuli, consisting of all combinations of 4 different curvatures and 7 different contact forces; these were presented in random order. Subjects scaled their perceived magnitude of the contact force using magnitude estimation. Perceived force increased markedly with an increase in experimentally applied contact force. An increase in curvature resulted in a slight increase in perceived contact force. Thus, when humans are passively presented with objects changing in both shape and contact force, they are able to extract information about the force. Because of the passive nature of the task, all such information must be conveyed to the brain by the cutaneous mechanoreceptors.  相似文献   
刺激家兔肾内感受器的传入神经活动观察   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
马戈  何瑞荣 《生理学报》1990,42(3):269-276
在44只麻醉家兔观察肾机械和化学感受器刺激对肾传入神经放电活动的影响。结果如下:(1)输尿管压增高20.20±1.09mmHg 引起肾传入神经放电的积分值增加175.13±22.41,(P<0.001)。(2)经输尿管向肾盂内逆向灌注0.15mol/L KCl 和 1mol/L NaCl 溶液时,肾传入神经放电积分值分别增加253.79±21.64%和172.17±15.19%(P<0.001)。(3)肾传入神经纤维的单位放电至少有四种类型:无自发放电活动,自发规则放电,自发规则的猝发放电和不规则放电。(4)输尿管压增高可诱发无自发活动的肾传入神经出现明显的放电,而有自发放电的单位对此种刺激不敏感。(5)向肾盂内逆向灌流0.15mol/L KCl 和1mol/L NaCl 溶液时,肾传入神经自发放电单位的电活动分别增加210.70±23.40%,6和140.07±15.72%(P<0.001),并有新的单位被激活。(6)夹闭肾动脉可诱发无自发活动的肾传入神经单位的放电活动。以上结果提示,家兔肾脏内存在机械和 R_1, R_2化学感受器,分别感受输尿管压、肾缺血和肾盂浸浴液中 Na~+,K~+浓度的变化。  相似文献   
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The xylem plays an important role in strengthening plant bodies. Past studies on xylem formation in tension woods in poplar and also in clinorotated Prunus tree stems lead to the suggestion that changes in the gravitational conditions affect morphology and mechanical properties of xylem vessels. The aim of this study was to examine effects of hypergravity stimulus on morphology and development of primary xylem vessels and on mechanical properties of isolated secondary wall preparations in inflorescence stems of arabidopsis. METHODS: Morphology of primary xylem was examined under a light microscope on cross-sections of inflorescence stems of arabidopsis plants, which had been grown for 3-5 d after exposure to hypergravity at 300 g for 24 h. Extensibility of secondary cell wall preparation, isolated from inflorescence stems by enzyme digestion of primary cell wall components (mainly composed of metaxylem elements), was examined. Plants were treated with gadolinium chloride, a blocker of mechanoreceptors, to test the involvement of mechanoreceptors in the responses to hypergravity. KEY RESULTS: Number of metaxylem elements per xylem, apparent thickness of the secondary thickenings, and cross-section area of metaxylem elements in inflorescence stems increased in response to hypergravity. Gadolinium chloride suppressed the effect of hypergravity on the increase both in the thickness of secondary thickenings and in the cross-section area of metaxylem elements, while it did not suppress the effect of hypergravity on the increase in the number of metaxylem elements. Extensibility of secondary cell wall preparation decreased in response to hypergravity. Gadolinium chloride suppressed the effect of hypergravity on cell wall extensibility. CONCLUSIONS: Hypergravity stimulus promotes metaxylem development and decreases extensibility of secondary cell walls, and mechanoreceptors were suggested to be involved in these processes.  相似文献   
Touch sense     
Cutaneous mechanoreceptors are localized in the various layers of the skin where they detect a wide range of mechanical stimuli, including light brush, stretch, vibration and noxious pressure. This variety of stimuli is matched by a diverse array of specialized mechanoreceptors that respond to cutaneous deformation in a specific way and relay these stimuli to higher brain structures. Studies across mechanoreceptors and genetically tractable sensory nerve endings are beginning to uncover touch sensation mechanisms. Work in this field has provided researchers with a more thorough understanding of the circuit organization underlying the perception of touch. Novel ion channels have emerged as candidates for transduction molecules and properties of mechanically gated currents improved our understanding of the mechanisms of adaptation to tactile stimuli. This review highlights the progress made in characterizing functional properties of mechanoreceptors in hairy and glabrous skin and ion channels that detect mechanical inputs and shape mechanoreceptor adaptation.  相似文献   
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