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Oocyte extracts of anautogenous Dipetalogaster maxima were chromatographed on an ion-exchange column in order to purify vitellin (Vt), the main insect yolk protein precursor. Purified Vt (Mr ~443 kDa) was composed of four subunits with approximate molecular weights of 174, 170, 50, and 44 kDa. Polyclonal anti-Vt antibody, which cross-reacted equally with fat body extracts and hemolymph vitellogenin (Vg), was used to measure the kinetics of Vg expression in the fat body and the levels in hemolymph. In addition, morphological and immunohistochemical changes that took place in the ovary during vitellogenesis were analyzed. The study was performed between 2 and 8 days post-ecdysis and between 2 and 25 days post-blood feeding. During the post-ecdysis period, D. maxima showed decreased synthesis of Vg and concomitantly, low levels of Vg in hemolymph (4.5 x 10(-3) microg/microl at day 4). After a blood meal, Vg synthesis in the fat body and its levels in hemolymph increased significantly, reaching an average of 19.5 microg/microl at day 20. The biochemical changes observed in the fat body and hemolymph were consistent with the histological and immunohistochemical finds. These studies showed noticeable remodeling of tissue after blood feeding.  相似文献   
利用全能量收支同步测定呼吸仪系统测定了三种不同蛋白源(鱼粉、豆粕、土豆蛋白)饲料对银鲫生长及能量收支各组分的影响。对照饲料全部以鱼粉为蛋白源,另两种饲料中30%的蛋白质分别来自豆粕和土豆蛋白。试验结果表明,银鲫对三种蛋白源的饲料的摄食率,食物转化效率均有显差异,以鱼粉组最高,豆粕其次,土豆蛋白最低。能量收支各组分也均有显差异,能量收支式如下:鱼粉88.1C=13.77F 2.95U 24.1G 41.8R 豆粕 102.3C=17.1F 2.8U 16.4G 55.4R土豆蛋白105.5C=14.9F 1.3U 14.4G 67.4R式中C、F、U、G、R分别代表摄食能、排粪能、排泄能、生长能、代谢能。  相似文献   
The present study demonstrates the effectiveness of X-ray radiation in strain improvement for defective lipase production by Bacillus sp. MR10 for further application in the fermentative production of manno-oligosaccharides (MOS) from agricultural by-product, defatted copra meal (DCM). The mutants obtained were screened based on their defective lipase activity together with their β-mannanase production performance. Among 10 selected mutants, the strain M7 was the highest promising mutant regarding the smallest lipase activity (0.05 U/ml) and the retained β-mannanase activity similar to the parental strain (22 U/ml) were detected. The mutant M7 effectively hydrolyzed DCM to MOS with low-degree of polymerization (DP) oligomers including mannotriose (M3), mannotetraose (M4), and mannopentose (M5) as the main products. Although the pattern of DCM hydrolysis products of mutant M7 was distinctly different from wild type, the biochemical and catalytic properties of purified β-mannanase of mutant were similar to those of wild type. Both purified β-mannanases with apparent molecular mass of 38?kDa displayed optimal activity at pH 5–7 and 45–55°C. Co2+ and Hg2+ nearly completely inhibited activities of both enzymes, whereas Ba2+, Fe3+, and 2-mercaptoethanol obviously activated enzyme activities. Both enzymes showed high specificity for locust bean gum, konjac mannan, DCM, and guar gum. Thus, the mutant M7 has a potential for commercial production of high-quality MOS from low-cost DCM for further application in the feed industry.  相似文献   
超声辅助低共熔溶剂提取沙棘籽粕多酚的工艺优化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以一系列低共熔溶剂为提取剂,采用超声波辅助法从沙棘籽粕中提取多酚。在单因素试验结果基础上,利用Box-Behnken实验设计,运用响应面分析法对影响沙棘籽粕多酚得率的主要因素(超声功率、超声时间、超声温度)进行优化。结果表明,沙棘籽粕多酚最佳提取工艺条件为:以含水量为30%的氯化胆碱-草酸低共熔溶剂为最佳提取剂,液料比为14∶1,超声功率420 W,超声时间56 min,超声温度44℃。在此条件下,多酚得率为3.31±0.008%。对比试验发现:氯化胆碱-草酸低共熔溶剂对沙棘籽粕多酚的得率明显优于传统溶剂;与热回流提取相比,超声提取法具有明显的优势。  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of dietary replacement of soya bean meal (SBM) with faba bean (FB) and a blend of non-starch polysaccharide (NSP) degrading enzymes on the gastrointestinal function, growth performance and welfare of young turkeys (1 to 56 days of age). An experiment with a 2×2 factorial design was performed to compare the efficacy of four diets: a SBM-based diet and a diet containing FB, with and without enzyme supplementation (C, FB, CE and FBE, respectively). In comparison with groups C, higher dry matter content and lower viscosity of the small intestinal digesta were noted in groups FB. The content of short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) in the small intestinal digesta was higher in groups FB, but SCFA concentrations in the caecal digesta were comparable in groups C and FB. In comparison with control groups, similar BW gains, higher feed conversion ratio (FCR), higher dry matter content of excreta and milder symptoms of footpad dermatitis (FPD) were noted in groups FB. Enzyme supplementation increased the concentrations of acetate, butyrate and total SCFAs, but it did not increase the SCFA pool in the caecal digesta. The enzymatic preparation significantly improved FCR, reduced excreta hydration and the severity of FPD in turkeys. It can be concluded that in comparison with the SBM-based diet, the diet containing 30% of FB enables to achieve comparable BW gains accompanied by lower feed efficiency during the first 8 weeks of rearing. Non-starch polysaccharide-degrading enzymes can be used to improve the nutritional value of diets for young turkeys, but more desirable results of enzyme supplementation were noted in the SBM-based diet than in the FB-based diet.  相似文献   
Promotion of plant and root growth by soybean meal degradation products   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The growth of Brassica campestris, Solanum tuberosum L., Lycopersicum esculentum and Brassica junce in the field were promoted by the degraded soybean meal products (DSP). The root hair number of Brassica campestris was increased when 10 l DSP (containing 30 mg peptides + amino acids ml–1) were added to 10 ml plant growth medium. A chemical fertilizer and an acid-hydrolyzed DSP did not show such an effect.  相似文献   
Aspergillus sp. NR-4201 was assessed by degrading glucosinolates in brownmustard seed meal (Brassica juncea). A liquid culture of the strain, in a medium derived from the meal, produced total degradation of glucosinolates at 32 h. Under these conditions, the glucosinolate-breakdown product, allylcyanide, was formed inculture filtrates. In a plate culture under sterile conditions, the growth of the strain inheat-treated meal media was shown to be effective at 30 °C with 51% moisture,as determined by the measurement of the colony growth rate. On the laboratory scale,solid-state culture under the same conditions gave rise to total glucosinolate degradationwithin 48 h. In comparison, under non-sterile conditions in either heat-treated or nonheat-treated meal samples, the degradations were complete after 60 and 96 h, respectively.In these cases, growth was associated with some out-growths of contaminating fungi,mainly Rhizopus sp. and Mucor sp. The glucosinolate-breakdown product,allylcyanide, was not detected in the solid-state meal-media culture presumably due toevaporative loss from the fermentation matrix.  相似文献   
We report efficient germ-line transformation in the yellow fever mosquito Aedes aegypti accomplished using the piggyBac transposable element vector pBac[3xP3-EGFP afm]. Two transgenic lines were established and characterized; each contained the Vg-Defensin A transgene with strong eye-specific expression of the enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) marker gene regulated by the artificial 3xP3 promoter. Southern blot hybridization and inverse PCR analyses of genomic DNA demonstrated a precise piggyBac-mediated, single copy insertion of the pBac[3xP3-EGFP afm,Vg-DefA] transposon in each transgenic line. For each line, genetic analysis confirmed stability and integrity of the entire transposon construct in the mosquito genome through the G2–G6 generations. Successful establishment of homozygous transgenic lines indicated that in both cases a non-lethal integration of the transposon into the mosquito genome had occurred. The 3xP3-EGFP marker was tested in mosquitoes with different genetic backgrounds. In white-eyed transgenic mosquitoes, the strong eye-specific expression of GFP was observed throughout all stages of development, starting from newly hatched first instar larvae to adults. A similar level and pattern of fluorescence was observed in red-eyed mosquitoes that were generated by crossing the 3xP3-EGFP transformants with the khw white-eye mosquitoes transformed with the Drosophila cinnabar gene. Importantly, the utility of the 3xP3-EGFP, as marker gene for transformation of wild type mosquitoes, was demonstrated by strong eye-specific GFP expression in larval and pupal stages of black-eyed hybrids of the 3xP3-EGFP white-eye transformants and the wild type Rockefeller/UGAL strain. Finally, analysis of the Vg-DefA transgene expression in transformants from two established lines demonstrated strong blood-meal activation and fat-body-specific expression regulated by the Vg 1.8-kb 5′ upstream region.  相似文献   
A small Mr, protein from linseed meal has been isolated by CM-Sephadex chromatography. The protein was found to be homogeneous by the techniques of gel filtration, polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and ultracentrifugation. It had S20,w value of 1.6S. Amino acid composition of the protein revealed a high amount of glutamic acid, cystine, arginine and glycine. The absorption spectrum of the protein consisted of a peak at 280 nm with a shoulder at 290 nm. The fluorescence emission maximum was at 340 nm. The protein contained large amounts of α-helix and β-structure. SDS-PAGE showed the protein to consist of a single polypeptide chain. The Mr estimated by Archibald's method, sedimentation-diffusion method and gel filtration was 17 000,16 000 and 15 000 respectively. Difference spectra studies as a function of pH and temperature showed no variation in the conformation of the protein, probably due to disulphide bridges.  相似文献   
Diversity and composition of lepidopteran microbiotas are poorly investigated, especially across the different developmental stages. To improve this knowledge, we characterize the microbiota among different developmental stages of the Indian meal moth, Plodia interpunctella, which is considered one of the major pest of commodities world-wide. Using culture-independent approach based on Illumina 16S rRNA gene sequencing we characterized the microbiota of four developmental stages: eggs, first-, and last-instar larvae, and adult. A total of 1022 bacterial OTUs were obtained, showing a quite diversified microbiota associated to all the analyzed stages. The microbiotas associated with P. interpunctella resulted almost constant throughout the developmental stages, with approximately 77% of bacterial OTUs belonging to the phylum of Proteobacteria. The dominant bacterial genus is represented by Burkholderia (?64%), followed by Propionibacterium, Delftia, Pseudomonas, and Stenotrophomonas. A core bacterial community, composed of 139 OTUs, was detected in all the developmental stages, among which 112 OTUs were assigned to the genus Burkholderia. A phylogenetic reconstruction, based on the 16S rRNA, revealed that our Burkholderia OTUs clustered with Burkholderia cepacia complex, in the same group of those isolated from the hemipterans Gossyparia spuria and Acanthococcus aceris. The functional profiling, predicted on the base of the bacterial 16S rRNA, indicates differences in the metabolic pathways related to metabolism of amino acids between preimaginal and adult stages. We can hypothesize that bacteria may support the insect host during preimaginal stages.  相似文献   
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