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In a world of accelerating changes in environmental conditions driving tree growth, tradeoffs between tree growth rate and longevity could curtail the abundance of large old trees (LOTs), with potentially dire consequences for biodiversity and carbon storage. However, the influence of tree-level tradeoffs on forest structure at landscape scales will also depend on disturbances, which shape tree size and age distribution, and on whether LOTs can benefit from improved growing conditions due to climate warming. We analyzed temporal and spatial variation in radial growth patterns from ~5000 Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] H. Karst) live and dead trees from the Western Carpathian primary spruce forest stands. We applied mixed-linear modeling to quantify the importance of LOT growth histories and stand dynamics (i.e., competition and disturbance factors) on lifespan. Finally, we assessed regional synchronization in radial growth variability over the 20th century, and modeled the effects of stand dynamics and climate on LOTs recent growth trends. Tree age varied considerably among forest stands, implying an important role of disturbance as an age constraint. Slow juvenile growth and longer period of suppressed growth prolonged tree lifespan, while increasing disturbance severity and shorter time since last disturbance decreased it. The highest age was not achieved only by trees with continuous slow growth, but those with slow juvenile growth followed by subsequent growth releases. Growth trend analysis demonstrated an increase in absolute growth rates in response to climate warming, with late summer temperatures driving the recent growth trend. Contrary to our expectation that LOTs would eventually exhibit declining growth rates, the oldest LOTs (>400 years) continuously increase growth throughout their lives, indicating a high phenotypic plasticity of LOTs for increasing biomass, and a strong carbon sink role of primary spruce forests under rising temperatures, intensifying droughts, and increasing bark beetle outbreaks.  相似文献   
The increase in frequency and intensity of wildfires is seriously affecting forest ecosystems, especially in drought-prone areas. Trees’ recovery after fire is related to direct tree damage and is influenced by climate conditions, such as warm temperature and water shortage. In this study, we evaluate the post-fire effects on a Pinus pinaster Aiton forest growing in a hot and dry area of the Mediterranean region by comparing burned trees with severe crown reduction against unburned and not-defoliated trees. Inter-annual analyses of dendrochronology and stable isotopes in tree rings were combined with xylogenesis monitoring to investigate the effects of fire on tree growth, ecophysiological processes and wood formation. Tree-ring and isotope data showed a growth reduction and a decrease in photosynthetic activity in the burned trees, compared to control individuals, in the three years after fire. Further, the monitoring of cambial activity demonstrated a negative influence of warm and dry periods on wood formation, low xylem production, a delay in phenology and a reduction in xylem plasticity in burned trees. Our findings suggest that substantial photosynthetic limitations caused by crown defoliation and recurrent drought events could lead to severe growth decrease and reduction of trees ability to regain the pre-disturbance productivity rates.  相似文献   
The time course and nature of the pulmonary inflammatory and antioxidant responses, both during and after hyperoxic-induced acute lung injury were studied in the preterm guinea pig. Three-day preterm (65 days gestation) guinea pigs were randomly exposed to either 21% O2 (control) or 95% O2 (hyperoxia) for 72 hours. All pups were then maintained in ambient conditions for up to a further 11 days, during which time lung damage was monitored. In animals exposed to hyperoxia, evidence of acute lung injury and inflammation was characterized by a marked increase in microvascular permeability and elevated numbers of neutrophils in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid. Protein concentration, elastase-like activity and elastase-inhibitory capacity in lavage fluid were at a maximum at the end of the 72 hours hyperoxic exposure. Four days later, all values had returned to control levels. In contrast, increased numbers of neutrophils, macrophages and lymphocytes were recovered in the lavage fluid during this early recovery period. Coinciding with the influx of inflammatory cells, there was a significant increase in glutathione peroxidase, manganese superoxide dismutase and catalase activities in immature lung. Lung copper/zinc superoxide dismutase activity remained unchanged during both experimental periods. The strong temporal relationship between the influx of inflammatory cells to the lung and the induction of pulmonary antioxidant enzyme defences suggests that a common mechanism underlies both responses. These findings have led us to regard inflammation in the hyperoxic-injured immature lung as a beneficial event and not, as previously suggested, as part of the injurious process.  相似文献   
Mitochondrial alternative oxidase is an important protein involved in maintaining cellular metabolic and energy balance, especially under stress conditions. AOX genes knockout is aimed at revealing the functions of AOX genes. Under unfavourable conditions, AOX-suppressed plants (mainly based on Arabidopsis AOX1a-knockout lines) usually experience strong oxidative stress. However, a compensation effect, which consists of the absence of AOX1a leading to an increase in defence response mechanisms, concomitant with a decrease in ROS content, has also been demonstrated. This review briefly describes the possible mechanisms underlying the compensation effect upon the suppression of AOX1a. Information about mitochondrial retrograde regulation of AOX is given. The importance of ROS and mitochondrial membrane potential in triggering the signal transmission from mitochondria in the absence of AOX or disturbance of mitochondrial electron transport chain functions is indicated. The few available data on the response of the cell to the absence of AOX at the level of changes in the hormonal balance and the reactions of chloroplasts are presented. The decrease in the relative amount of reduced ascorbate at stable ROS levels as a result of compensation in AOX1a-suppressed plants is proposed as a sign of stress development. Obtaining direct evidence on the mechanisms and signalling pathways involved in AOX modulation in the genome should facilitate a deeper understanding of the role of AOX in the integration of cellular signalling pathways.  相似文献   
The effectiveness of command-and-control policies related to tobacco use has been studied in high-income countries. Still, there is limited evidence of their effects in low and middle-income countries. We explore the case of Colombia, a country that introduced a business-supported smoking ban in bars and restaurants and all public indoor spaces in 2010. This paper investigates the effect of smoking bans in bars and restaurants on smoking prevalence in Bogotá, Colombia. In this paper, we use the matching with triple-differences technique in analyzing household consumption data from the 2007 and 2011 quality of life surveys. This is done by exploiting their geographical proximity and variation in the density of commercial areas. We found that after the smoking ban implementation, smoking prevalence reduced in households near high-density commercial blocks compared to households near low-density commercial blocks (−10.8 pp.). The impact is larger for households with children and older household heads. Since households near high-density commercial blocks are more frequently exposed to smoking than households near low-density commercial blocks, the former would be more willing to internalize the smoking de-normalization process.  相似文献   
Although a major component of fitness, male reproductive success is generally extremely difficult to estimate. As a result, genetic methods and maximum likelihood models have been developed to estimate male parentage, but all are limited in practice by the degree of genetic variation observable. Scoring individuals phenotypically at a large number of random loci exhibiting dominance (e.g. RAPD markers) may provide a means of detecting sufficient genetic variation. Dominance, however, represents a loss of information and therefore greater variation in the estimate of paternity. A mixture model describing mating in a population is presented to quantify the trade-off between marker types when estimates of male fertility are sought. A sample size 1.5-2.0 times greater is required for dominant markers under some conditions to obtain the same confidence in fertility estimates as for codominant markers, although with large sample sizes the fertility estimates are similar for either marker type. Since the number of dominant DN A markers is not limited in the same manner as is the number of codominant protein markers, one's confidence in the estimates can be increased above that possible from proteins by surveying additional loci. However, for a fixed sample size a trade-off exists between the number of progeny assayed per female and the number of loci surveyed. In many cases more progeny per female provide better estimates of fertility than more loci.  相似文献   
BackgroundCellular free Zn2+ concentrations ([Zn2+]) are primarily coordinated by Zn2+-transporters, although their roles are not well established in cardiomyocytes. Since we previously showed the important contribution of a Zn2+-transporter ZnT7 to [Zn2+]i regulation in hyperglycemic cardiomyocytes, here, we aimed to examine a possible regulatory role of ZnT7 not only on [Zn2+]i but also both the mitochondrial-free Zn2+ and/or Ca2+ in cardiomyocytes, focusing on the contribution of its overexpression to the mitochondrial function.MethodsWe mimicked either hyperinsulinemia (by 50-μM palmitic acid, PA-cells, for 24-h) or overexpressed ZnT7 (ZnT7OE-cells) in H9c2 cardiomyoblasts.ResultsOpposite to PA-cells, the [Zn2+]i in ZnT7OE-cells was not different from untreated H9c2-cells. An investigation of immunofluorescence imaging by confocal microscopy demonstrated a ZnT7 localization on the mitochondrial matrix. We demonstrated the ZnT7 localization on the mitochondrial matrix by using immunofluorescence imaging. Later, we determined the mitochondrial levels of [Zn2+]Mit and [Ca2+]Mit by using the Zn2+ and Ca2+ sensitive FRET probe and a Ca2+-sensitive dye Fluo4, respectively. The [Zn2+]Mit was found to increase significantly in ZnT7OE-cells, similar to the PA-cells while no significant changes in the [Ca2+]Mit in these cells. To examine the contribution of ZnT7 overexpression on the mitochondria function, we determined the level of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and the mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP) in these cells in comparison to the PA-cells. There were significantly increased production of ROS and depolarization in MMP and increases in marker proteins of mitochondria-associated apoptosis and autophagy in ZnT7-OE cells, similar to the PA-cells, parallel to increases in K-acetylation. Moreover, we determined significant increases in trimethylation of histone H3 lysine27, H3K27me3, and the mono-methylation of histone H3 lysine36, H3K36 in the ZnT7OE-cells, demonstrating the role of [Zn2+]Mit in epigenetic regulation of cardiomyocytes under hyperinsulinemia through histone modification.ConclusionsOverall, our data have shown an important contribution of high expression of ZnT7-OE, through its buffering and muffling capacity in cardiomyocytes, on the regulation of not only [Zn2+]i but also both [Zn2+]Mit and [Ca2+]Mit affecting mitochondria function, in part, via histone modification.  相似文献   
Amphibians and reptiles are sensitive to changes in the thermal environment, which varies considerably in human-modified landscapes. Although it is known that thermal traits of species influence their distribution in modified landscapes, how herpetofauna respond specifically to shifts in ambient temperature along forest edges remains unclear. This may be because most studies focus on local-scale metrics of edge exposure, which only account for a single edge or habitat patch. We predicted that accounting for the combined effect of multiple habitat edges in a landscape would best explain herpetofaunal response to thermally mediated edge effects. We (1) surveyed herpetofauna at two lowland, fragmented forest sites in central Colombia, (2) measured the critical thermal maximum (CTmax) of the species sampled, (3) measured their edge exposure at both local and landscape scales, and (4) created a thermal profile of the landscape itself. We found that species with low CTmax occurred both further from forest edges and in areas of denser vegetation, but were unaffected by the landscape-scale configuration of habitat edges. Variation in the thermal landscape was driven primarily by changes in vegetation density. Our results suggest that amphibians and reptiles with low CTmax are limited by both canopy gaps and proximity to edge, making them especially vulnerable to human modification of tropical forest. Abstract in Spanish is available with online material.  相似文献   
Coastal kelp forests produce substantial marine carbon due to high annual net primary production (NPP) rates, but upscaling of NPP estimates over time and space remains difficult. We investigated the impact of variable underwater photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) and photosynthetic parameters on photosynthetic oxygen production of Laminaria hyperborea, the dominant NE-Atlantic kelp species, throughout summer 2014. Collection depth of kelp had no effect on chlorophyll a content, pointing to a high photoacclimation potential of L. hyperborea towards incident light. However, chlorophyll a and photosynthesis versus irradiance parameters differed significantly along the blade gradient when normalized to fresh mass, potentially introducing large uncertainties in NPP upscaling to whole thalli. Therefore, we recommend a normalization to kelp tissue area, which is stable over the blade gradient. Continuous PAR measurements revealed a highly variable underwater light climate at our study site (Helgoland, North Sea) in summer 2014, reflected by PAR attenuation coefficients (Kd) between 0.28 and 0.87 m−1. Our data highlight the importance of continuous underwater light measurements or representative average values using a weighted Kd to account for large PAR variability in NPP calculations. Strong winds in August increased turbidity, resulting in a negative carbon balance at depths >3–4 m over several weeks, considerably impacting kelp productivity. Estimated daily summer NPP over all four depths was 1.48 ± 0.97 g C · m−2 seafloor · d−1 for the Helgolandic kelp forest, which is in the range of other kelp forests along European coastlines.  相似文献   
Promiscuous mating systems provide the opportunity for females to bias fertilization toward particular males. However, distinguishing between male sperm competition and active female sperm choice is difficult for species with internal fertilization. Nevertheless, species that store and use sperm of different males in different storing structures and species where females are able to expel all or part of the ejaculates after copulation may be able to bias fertilization. We report a series of experiments aimed at providing evidence of female sperm choice in Euxesta eluta (Hendel), a species of ulidiid fly that expels and consumes ejaculates after copulation. We found no evidence of greater reproductive success for females mated singly, multiply with the same male, or mated multiply with different males. Female E. eluta possesses two spherical spermathecae and a bursa copulatrix for sperm storage, with a ventral receptacle. There was no significant difference in storing more sperm in spermathecae 24 h after copulation than immediately after copulation. Females mated with protein-fed males had greater reproductive success than similar females mated to protein-deprived males. Protein-fed females prevented to consume the ejaculate, retained more sperm when mated to protein-fed males than when mated to protein-deprived males. Our results suggest that female E. eluta can exert control of sperm retention of higher quality males through ejaculate ejection.  相似文献   
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