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The primate adolescent period is characterized by a series of changes in physiology, behavior, and social relationships. Orangutans have the slowest life history and the longest period of dependency of all primates. As members of a semisolitary species with high levels of sexual coercion, adolescent female orangutans face a unique combination of challenges when achieving independence from their mother. This study examined the mating behavior of adolescent female orangutans and compared it with that of adult females to assess whether mating behavior reflects distinct strategies at these different points in the life cycle. Data were collected in Gunung Palung National Park on the island of Borneo over 20 years. Mating events from adolescent (n = 19) and adult females (n = 26) were scored and compared. Adolescent female mating events had significantly higher mating scores (indicating more proceptivity) than those of adult females (β = 1.948, p = .001). Adolescent females also engaged in elaborate sociosexual interactions with different flanged males, behaviors that were never observed during mating events of adult females. These interactions involved characteristic behavior on the part of both the adolescent females and the flanged males. Given these findings and the documentation of similar accounts of adolescent female–flanged male mating from the island of Sumatra, we propose that adolescent female orangutans display distinctive behavioral repertoires throughout the genus Pongo which serves to overcome male ambivalence toward nulliparous females, establish familiarity, and evaluate coercive tendencies in flanged males. We suggest that these behavioral patterns are an integral part of female social development in a female philopatric, but highly dispersed species where consistent social support is absent after ranging independence is achieved.  相似文献   
The fully aquatic lifestyle of dugongs means that direct observation of social tusk use is not usually possible. This study used body scarring as an indicator of tusk function by males. Tusk rake scars on 298 live wild dugongs, of both sexes and all sizes, were categorized and counted in over 1,000 photographs, and examined in relation to maturity and reproductive activity over seasons. All dugongs had tusk scars, but adults were the main recipients. Sexually active adults acquired the greatest number of fresh tusk wounds during the mating season. Subadults received fresh rakes at similar numbers year-round. Adult males had more scars on the mid and posterior dorsum, indicating that males direct combative force to these regions of the male body when competing for females. Adult females had heaviest scarring and more tusk puncture wounds on the anterior-mid dorsum and head, suggesting that male dugongs use tusks in sexual coercion. Heavy scarring sustained by solitary calves compared to dependent ones, suggests that mothers afford some protection. Body scarring caused by tusks may serve as an indicator of reproductive contribution of the recipients, providing that successful males are involved in more reproductive competitions, and successful females in more mating events.  相似文献   
Ferns that evolved from 400 million years ago show various functional traits and ecological strategies in extant species, over 80% of which belong to the youngest order Polypodiales. How the functional traits and strategies of ferns have changed during their evolutionary history remains unexplored. Here, we measured functional traits that are sensitive to environmental light and water availability in 345 fern species across fern phylogeny, and reconstructed their evolutionary histories. We found that ferns, mainly Polypodiales, have developed diversified functional traits in response to forest environments. Terrestrial species, especially Thelypteridaceae and Athyriaceae in eupolypods II, since the late Jurassic period, have shown decreased leaf mass per area (LMA) and area-based leaf nitrogen (Narea), but increased mass-based leaf nitrogen (Nmass) compared with early-derived polypods. Epiphytic species, mainly those in Polypodiaceae, have shown reductions in Nmass and individual leaf area (Area) since the late Cretaceous period. The adaption of functional traits of Polypodiales to forest environment may have played a crucial role in fern radiation since the late Jurassic period. Integrative analysis of functional traits, especially numerical ones, may shed new light on plant evolution.  相似文献   
入侵植物与同属本地植物的成功定植依赖于无机氮组成和水平外来植物的成功入侵常常表现为3种对策:逆境成功型、顺境成功型和两者兼备型。为了在植物群落水平探讨这些对策,我们研究了土壤无机氮组成和水平对入侵植物及其同属本地植物成功定植的影响。在实验中,我们选择21种植物(8种入侵植物、8种本地同属植物、5种本地非同属植物)构建人工植物群落,将每种群落置于3种氮组成(3:1、2:2、1:3硝铵比)和3种氮水平(低氮、中氮、高氮)构成的9种氮处理中。主要测定指标包括:总生物量、相对生物量(指示物种成功)、死亡率和死亡时间。当同时考虑9种氮环境时,入侵植物与同属本地植物具有相似的总生物量、相对生物量和死亡时间,但前者的死亡率较低。这种格局与两者间相似的生长和忍耐性有关。氮组成影响死亡时间,氮水平影响总生物量和相对生物量。最重要的是,物种来源、氮组成和氮水平共同影响总生物量、相对生物量和死亡时间。这些结果表明:生长在系列氮环境中的入侵植物与同属本地植物可能具有相似的成功定植,氮组成和氮水平共同决定外来植物的成功入侵。  相似文献   
Life-history characteristics of the double-ended pipefish, Syngnathoides biaculeatus (Bloch), were investigated to determine growth rate, degree of sexual dimorphism, size at maturity, and reproductive biology. Growth rates of wild juveniles and adults calculated from monthly progression of length-frequency modes ranged from 0.8mmd–1 (fish lengths 120–145mm standard length (SL)) in summer to 0.2mmd–1 in winter (185–200mm SL). Growth of laboratory-reared juveniles up to 63d old was greater, ranging from 0.8 to 2.3mmd-1. The von Bertalanffy growth constant K was estimated at 0.0076d- 1, or 2.8year–1. Morphological differentiation between the sexes based upon abdominal pattern was possible for fish larger than 120mm SL, with females possessing a zigzag pattern on the abdomen. The association between this pattern and sex was confirmed by histological gonad analysis. Males were significantly longer than females during four of seven seasons examined, and a 1:1 sex ratio was determined for all seasons except autumn when the ratio was female biased. The breeding season was marked by the appearance of pregnant males between October and April, and during courtship both species exhibited increased pigmentation. The minimum paternal size at maturity was 185mm, the maximum length recorded 260mm. Clutch size ranged between 60 and 200 eggs, with a mean of 153. Ovaries had a sequential pattern of egg development, resulting in egg batches that approximated the number of eggs carried by brooding males. Additionally, all eggs in a brood were at the same developmental stage. This suggests that one female provides all of the eggs for one male per breeding event in a monogamous mating system.  相似文献   
Female multiple mating (polyandry) is widespread across Insecta, even if mating can be costly to females. To explain the evolution and maintenance of polyandry, several hypotheses, mainly focusing on the material (direct) and/or the genetic (indirect) benefits, have been proposed and empirically tested in many species. Considering only the direct benefits, repeatedly‐mated females are expected to exhibit the same fitness as multiply‐mated females under the same mating frequency. In the present study, we compare the fitness of females received monandrous repeated mating (MM) and polyandrous multiple mating (PM) in a polyandrous leaf beetle Galerucella birmanica and assess female mate preference with regard to polyandry or monandry. Our data indicate that the longevity and the egg‐laying duration of MM females are significantly longer than that of PM females. MM females produce significantly more hatched eggs than PM females over their lifetime under the same mating frequency, which results from the high hatching rate of eggs produced by MM females. PM females mated with novel virgin males in the second mating suffer decreased longevity and lifetime fecundity compared with PM females mated with novel mated males in the second mating. Once‐mated females are more likely to re‐mate with familiar males than novel males. By contrast to expectations, the results of the present study suggest that repeated mating provides females with more direct benefits than multiple mating in G. birmanica, and females prefer to re‐mate with familiar males. The possible causes of this finding are discussed.  相似文献   
王宗琰  王凯  姜涛  曹鹏  孙菊  王道涵 《植物研究》2018,38(3):460-466
为探讨干旱胁迫对油松非结构性碳水化合物(NSC)的影响及其响应机制,以2年生油松幼苗为对象,设置适宜水分、轻度、中度和重度干旱胁迫处理(即80%、60%、40%和20%田间持水量),比较幼苗在不同胁迫时间(15、30、45和60 d)各器官NSC含量的变化规律。结果表明:不同干旱胁迫处理程度与时间对油松幼苗当年生叶、1年生叶、茎、粗根和细根的可溶性糖、淀粉及总NSC含量均具有显著交互作用。干旱胁迫15 d时,当年生叶NSC含量在干旱胁迫处理显著低于适宜水分处理,细根NSC含量在轻度和重度胁迫处理显著高于适宜水分处理。干旱胁迫45 d时,随着胁迫程度增加,当年生叶、1年生叶、茎、粗根和细根淀粉含量均呈增加趋势。干旱胁迫60 d时,随着胁迫程度增加,细根淀粉含量呈下降趋势,细根可溶性糖及NSC含量在胁迫处理显著低于适宜水分处理。综上所述,油松幼苗胁迫初期,NSC优先供给细根以促进吸收水分,而长期胁迫,将导致NSC向下运输受阻,根系生长和吸收功能下降。这种NSC对干旱胁迫阶段性响应策略的揭示为东北地区油松幼苗造林最佳时间选择及水分管理提供数据支持。  相似文献   
Crops producing insecticidal toxins derived from the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) are widely planted to manage insect pests. Bt crops can provide an effective tool for pest management; however, the evolution of Bt resistance can diminish this benefit. The European corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis Hübner, is a significant pest of maize and is widely managed with Bt maize in the Midwest of the United States. When Bt crops are grown in conjunction with non‐Bt refuges, fitness costs of Bt resistance can delay the evolution of resistance. Importantly, fitness costs often vary with ecological factors, including host‐plant genotype and diapause. In this study, we examined fitness costs associated with Cry1F resistance in O. nubilalis when insects were reared on three maize lines. Fitness costs were tested in two experiments. One experiment assessed the fitness costs when Cry1F‐resistant and Cry1F‐susceptible insects were reared on plants as larvae and experienced diapause. The second experiment tested resistant, susceptible and F1 heterozygotes that were reared on plants but did not experience diapause. Despite some evidence of greater adult longevity for Cry1F‐resistant insects, these insects produced fewer fertile eggs than Cry1F‐susceptible insects, and this occurred independent of diapause. Reduced fecundity was not detected among heterozygous individuals, which indicated that this fitness cost was recessive. Additionally, maize lines did not affect the magnitude of this fitness cost. The lower fitness of Cry1F‐resistant O. nubilalis may contribute to the maintenance of Cry1F susceptibility in field populations more than a decade after Cry1F maize was commercialized.  相似文献   
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