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Inbreeding under a cyclical mating system   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary General recursion formulae for the coefficient of inbreeding under a cyclical mating system were derived in which one male and one female are selected from each of the n families per generation (population size N = 2 n). Each male is given the family number of his sire in each generation, while his mate comes from another family, varying systematically in different generations. Males of the r-th family in generations 1, 2, 3,..., t = n–1 within each cycle mate with females from families r+1, r+2, r+3,..., r+t to produce generations 2, 3, 4,..., t+1=1, respectively. The change in heterozygosity shows a cyclical pattern of rises and falls, repeating in cycles of n–1 generations. The rate of inbreeding oscillates between <-3% to >6% in different generations within each cycle, irrespective of the population size. The average rate of inbreeding per generation is approximately 1/[4 N-(Log2N+1)], which is the rate for the maximum avoidance of inbreeding. The average inbreeding effective population size is approximately 2 N–2.  相似文献   
The hypothesis of optimal host species selection predicts that when a parasitoid has the choice between two host species, it will choose the species thay gives the best survival chances for its progeny. We confirmed this hypothesis by laboratory experiments with Leptopilina boulardi Barb. et al., a cynipid parasitoid which prefers Drosophila melanogaster Meigen (the host species most suitable for parasitoid survival) above D. simulans Sturt. As far as fitness parameters are concerned, the fertility of L. boulardi is higher with D. melanogaster; the egg laying can be spread out over a long period when this host is relatively scarce. This does not occur with D. simulans in which parasitic oviposition stops soon when this host is not abundant.Investigations of this foraging strategy were done under more complex natural conditions. We found that L. boulardi has a type III functional response with D. melanogaster only; furthermore, it seems that a switching effect may exist with this host. Parasitoid females appear to distribute their eggs more regularly on D. melanogaster, thus avoiding superparasitism. This seems to be independent of the relative frequency of this host. However, superparasitism of D. simulans did occur more frequently when this host was scarce.
Stratégie de ponte de Leptopilina boulardi (hyménoptère parasite de drosophiles) dans les conditions naturelles
Résumé Le concept de réponse optimale d'un parasite vis-à-vis de l'hôte le plus favorable pour son développement demeure surtout théorique et n'a pu être vérifié que dans les conditions de laboratoire. Nous avons montré que Drosophila melanogaster s'avère être, par rapport à D. simulans, l'hôte le plus favorable pour le développement du cynipide parasite Leptopilina boulardi. Une étude sur le terrain a démontré que ce parasite présente une réponse fonctionnelle densité dépendante vis-à-vis de D. melanogaster et non vis-à-vis de D. simulans, avec un effet de bascule. D'autre part, il s'avère que ce parasite exploite beaucoup mieux son hôte, en évitant le superparasitisme, ceci étant démontré au laboratoire et dans la nature. Enfin, il apparaît qu'il est capable d'allonger sa période de ponte lorsque cet hôte est rare, ce qui ne se produit pas avec D. simulans.
The egg laying pattern of the spotted stalk borer on sorghum and maize, Chilo partellus (Swinhoe) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) was studied during the first three nights of oviposition under laboratory conditions. More than 50% of both eggs and egg batches are laid during the first night of oviposition. Batch size decreases with time, whereas mean egg weight remains constant.Larger females lay both larger eggs and egg batches than smaller ones. They are also more fecund but it is only the second night of oviposition that contributes significantly to this difference.The reproductive effort decreases much with time. Allocation of reproductive reserves to early eggs seems more important than having eggs evenly distributed over time. Larger females use proportionally more resources to the production of late eggs. Large eggs are likely to contain more yolk which could be of importance for the ballooning behaviour of newly hatched larvae.
Résumé La ponte de C. partellus Swinhoe a été étudiée au laboratoire pendant les trois premières nuits de la ponte. Plus de 50% des ooplaques et des oefs ont été pondus pendant la première nuit. La taille des ooplaques diminue avec le temps, tandis que le poids moyen des oeufs reste constant.Les grosses femelles pondent des ooplaques et des oeufs plus grands que les petites. Elles sont aussi plus fécondes, mais c'est seulement à la seconde nuit de ponte qu'est due cette différence.Le reproduction diminue beaucoup avec le temps. L'affectation aux premiers oeufs des réserves utilizées pour la reprodution semble plus importante que l'émission d'oeufs régulièrement répartis dans le temps. Les grosses femelles utilisent proportionnellement plus de ressources à la production d'oeufstardifs. Les gros oeufs contiennent vraisemblablement plus de vitellus que pourrait être nécessaire pour le comportement aérostatique des chenilles néonates.
Abstract The phototropic response in stems of higher plants is brought about by blue/UV light. The problem studied here is to what extent long-wavelength light, which is absorbed by phytochrome, affects the phototropic response. A refined measurement of phototropism — a curvature index — was applied to the hypocotyl of the sesame seedling (Sesamum indicum L.). The time course of the phototropic response was followed in continuous unilateral weak blue light (B, 460 nm, 8 mW m?2). Long term red light (R) pretreatments, operating through phytochrome, strongly increase the rate and extent of the phototropic response once it is elicited by unilateral B, while the pretreatments decrease the sensitivity towards B. If a R pulse is given immediately prior to the onset of unilateral B, the rate of the response is strongly reduced compared to the time course of curvature observed when the pretreatment was terminated with a long wavelength far-red light (FR) pulse. R and FR were then applied simultaneously with unilateral B to manipulate the status of the phytochrome system during actual curvature. It was found that a low Pfr/P ratio (established by FR) stimulates the phototropic response far above the control (B alone), while a high Pfr/P ratio (established by R) reduces the response below the control. During bending a positive effect of phytochrome on the rate and extent of the phototropic response, which is saturated at a low level of Pfr, appears to be counteracted by an inhibitory effect which dominates at higher levels of Pfr, such as established by omnilateral R. However, if R is applied unilaterally from the same direction as B, R increases the rate of curvature. Apparently the sesame seedling is capable of detecting the direction of R relative to the direction of B. While a mechanistic explanation of these effects cannot be advanced at present, it is clear that the seedling is capable of super-imposing information about the actual light conditions during bending on a ‘memory’ of the light conditions prior to the onset of bending. Thus, the previous as well as the actual light conditions determine its phototropic responsiveness.  相似文献   
Summary We describe a circadian rhythm in the surface density of receptors that play a dominant role in the mating process of the unicellular green alga Chlamydomonas eugametos.These receptors — called agglutinins — are large glycoproteins extrinsically bound to the membrane of gamete flagella. We found circadian fluctuations in their density. Since inhibition of protein synthesis affected the agglutinin density without a lag period at any time,we conclude that the density was dependent on de novo synthesis and that the fluctuations in density are caused by circadian oscillations in the rate of agglutinin synthesis. This phenomenon evidently underlies the pronounced endogenous rhythm in mating competence that we described previously (Demets et al. 1987). Finally, we speculate on the nature of the time keeping mechanism that is generating these rhythmic events.  相似文献   
Mating system of Bracon hebetor (Hymenoptera: Braconidae)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
  • 1 We report on the mating system of a field population of the parasitic wasp, Bracon hebetor, on a corn pile infested by the Indian meal moth, Plodia interpunctella. We demonstrate that the mating system is based upon male scramble competition polygyny with male aggregations on high places on the corn.
  • 2 The sex ratio among adults was greater than 80% males on the surface of the corn, whereas below the surface the sex ratio was less than 45%. Males actively courted females on the surface, but there were no aggressive interactions among males during courtship or mating.
  • 3 Approximately 20% of the females found on the surface of the corn had no sperm in their spermathecae, regardless of age, but the numbers of unmated females decreased later during the day.
  • 4 In laboratory studies we showed that females from this population oviposit a female biassed sex ratio, and that only 14% of females were mated before dispersing from their place of emergence.
  • 5 Thus sib-mating is unlikely in this gregarious parasitoid. This outcrossing mating system probably arose because of severe inbreeding depression that B.hebetor suffers via a sex locus: diploids that are heterozygous at the sex locus develop into females, but homozygous diploids are male and are generally inviable. The female biassed sex ratio may have evolved in B. hebetor in response to males being the more expensive sex, females dispersing more frequently from the population than males, or a fraction of females remaining unmated in the population.
This study investigated the morphological, physiological, and behavioral components of social dominance important for mate attraction in male green iguanas (Iguana iguana). A group of 9 male and 11 female adult green iguanas was studied in a large semi-natural enclosure during one reproductive season (October–January). Four of the nine males never initiated aggressive encounters; the other five were observed to display aggressively toward each other and were ranked in a linear dominance hierarchy. Head size was the most important factor influencing fighting success. Head size and display frequency were positively correlated with plasma testosterone levels. Dominance rank directly influenced ability to monopolize areas containing resources used by females. The quality of a male's home range, measured as his access to a large basking rock in the enclosure, was related to the proportion of potential mates found within his home range. One male greatly surpassed the others in his ability to defend a home range of high quality and attract potential mates. These data suggest that physiological and morphological factors, through their influence on social behavior, may ultimately affect male reproductive fitness. © 1992 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Mate recognition for the leafhopper Graminella nigrifrons(Forbes) occurs when a male spontaneously emits a multisectional vibrational calling song to which females respond by emitting simple pulses. Significant differences were found among males in the duration, number of chirps, and chirp rate within sections of the song and the total song. Repeatability (proportion of total variation due to differences among males) of call features ranged from very low (0.04 for total chirps in song) to high (0.67 for section 3 chirp rate). However, song modification and playback experiments revealed that the variation in the measured song features was not important in determining whether a female will respond. Rather, female response depended only on the presence of two of the three types of pulses which comprise a chirp. These essential pulses were found within chirps of all call sections that contain chirps. Manipulation of chirp rates from 0.58 to 2.70 times the normal rate did not affect female response, nor did changing the period of silence between the essential pulse types from 0.25 to 1.75 times the normal period. These results suggest that components of the male calling song function in mate recognition but are not used by females to discriminate among conspecific males.  相似文献   
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