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A growing body of evidence suggests that resources invested in reproduction often come at the expense of the ability to mount an immune response. During mating, female sagebrush crickets, Cyphoderris strepitans, consume the ends of the male’s hind wings and ingest his haemolymph. Previous research has shown that this behaviour impairs the ability of males to secure additional matings. One hypothesis to account for this effect is that wing wounding triggers an energetically costly immune response, such that nonvirgin males are unable to sustain the costly acoustical signalling needed to attract additional females. To test this hypothesis, we injected virgin males with lipopolysaccharides (LPS) to provoke an immune response, and monitored their mating success in the field. LPS‐injected virgin males took significantly longer to mate than sham‐injected virgin males, and spent significantly less time calling. We also compared virgin, nonvirgin and experimentally wing‐wounded virgin males with respect to: (1) their ability to encapsulate a foreign invader via the accumulation of haemocytes and deposition of melanin and (2) baseline levels of phenoloxidase (PO), a key enzyme in the biochemical cascade leading to the production of melanin. Although encapsulation ability did not differ with reproductive experience, virgin males had significantly higher levels of PO than either nonvirgin or experimentally wing‐wounded virgin males. These results suggest that wing‐wounding alone is sufficient to impair male immunity, and that males trade‐off investment in reproduction and immunity.  相似文献   
It is widely accepted that the genetic divergence and reproductive incompat- ibility between closely related species and/or populations is often viewed as an important step toward speciation. In this study, sexual compatibility in crosses between the southern XS population and the northern TA population of the polyandrous cabbage beetle Co- laphellus bowringi was investigated by testing their mating preferences, mating latency, copulation duration, and reproductive performances of post-mating. In choice mating ex- periments, the percentages ofmatings were significantly higher in intra-population crosses than in inter-population crosses. Both isolation index (/) and index of pair sexual isolation (/PSi) indicated partial mating incompatibility or assortative mating in crosses between the two different geographical populations. In single pair mating experiments, XS females in inter-population crosses mated significantly later and copulated significantly shorter than those in intra-population crosses. However, TA females in inter-population crosses mated significantly earlier and copulated longer than those in intra-population crosses, suggesting that larger XS males may enhance heterotypic mating. The lifetime fecundity was highest in XS homotypic matings, lowest in TA homotypic matings, and intermedi- ate in heterotypic rnatings between their parents. The inter-population crosses resulted in significantly lower egg hatching rate and shorter female longevity than intra-population crosses. These results demonstrated that there exist some incompatibilities in premating, postmating-prezygotic, and postzygotic stages between the southern XS population and northern TA population of the cabbage beetle Colaphellus bowringi.  相似文献   
In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, mechanisms modulating the mating steps following cell cycle arrest are not well characterized. However, the N‐terminal domain of Ste2p, a G protein‐coupled pheromone receptor, was recently proposed to mediate events at this level. Toward deciphering receptor mechanisms associated with this mating functionality, scanning mutagenesis of targeted regions of the N‐terminal domain has been completed. Characterization of ste2 yeast overexpressing Ste2p variants indicated that residues Ile 24 and Ile 29 as well as Pro 15 are critical in mediating mating efficiency. This activity was shown to be independent of Ste2p mediated G1 arrest signaling. Further analysis of Ile 24 and Ile 29 highlight the residues' solvent accessibility, as well as the importance of the hydrophobic nature of the sites, and in the case of Ile 24 the specific size and shape of the side chain. Mutation of these Ile's led to arrest of mating after cell contact, but before completion of cell wall degradation. We speculate that these extracellular residues mediate novel receptor interactions with ligand or proteins, leading to stimulation of alternate signaling effector pathways. J. Cell. Biochem. 107: 630–638, 2009. © 2009 Crown in the right of Canada.  相似文献   
Assortative mating is a key aspect in the speciation process because it is important for both initial divergence and maintenance of distinct species. However, it remains a challenge to explain how assortative mating evolves when diverging populations are undergoing gene flow (e.g., during hybridization). Here I experimentally test how assortative mating is maintained with frequent gene flow between diverged head‐color morphs of the Gouldian finch (Erythrura gouldiae). Contrary to the predominant view on the development of sexual preferences in birds, cross‐fostered offspring did not imprint on the phenotype of their conspecific (red or black morphs) or heterospecific (Bengalese finch) foster parents. Instead, the mating preferences of F1 and F2 intermorph‐hybrids are consistent with inheritance on the Z chromosomes, which are also the location for genes controlling color expression and the genes causing low fitness of intermorph‐hybrids. Genetic associations between color signal and preference loci on the sex chromosomes may prevent recombination from breaking down these associations when the morphs interbreed, helping to maintain assortative mating in the face of gene flow. Although sex linkage of reproductively isolating traits is theoretically expected to promote speciation, social and ecological constraints may enforce frequent interbreeding between the morphs, thus preventing complete reproductive isolation.  相似文献   
Male sailfin mollies Poecilia latipinna were tested in five different treatments that varied in the relative frequency of heterospecific gynogens (Amazon molly Poecilia formosa) to conspecific females to determine whether social interactions among males within a population causes some males to mate with heterospecific females. Male P. latipinna inseminated a significantly higher proportion of conspecific females and fertilized a significantly higher number of conspecific eggs regardless of the treatment. Nonetheless, preference for conspecific females was not exclusive as a range of 20 to 50% of heterospecific females were fertilized. Social interactions among males may best explain the results and may therefore play an important role in the maintenance of unisexual--bisexual mating complexes.  相似文献   
Luttbeg  Barney 《Behavioral ecology》2004,15(2):239-247
Explanations for the existence of alternative male mating tacticsfocus primarily on male–male competition. Mating systems,however, are composed of interactions both within and betweenthe sexes, and the role of female behavior in shaping male matingtactics should not be overlooked. By using a dynamic state variablegame model, I examine how female mate assessment and choicebehavior affect the frequency of alternative male mating tactics.When females can accurately assess the quality of males, onlymales with high quality are likely to be chosen as mates, andthus, lower-quality males gain little fitness from courtingfemales. This leads lower-quality males to switch to an alternativemating tactic that attempts to circumvent female mate choice.In contrast, if the abilities of females to accurately assessmales are constrained by assessment costs, imperfect information,or time constraints, or if the pool of available males is smaller,then lower-quality males are increasingly chosen as mates andthey less often use alternative mating tactics. Thus, femalebehavior shapes the frequency of alternative male mating tactics.A consequence of this game between the sexes is that male behavior(i.e., increased alternative mating tactics) decreases the benefitsfemales might otherwise gain from lower assessment costs, clearersignals of male quality, more time to choose a male, and moremales from which to choose a mate.  相似文献   
The sessile (Quercus petraea [Matt.] Liebl.) and pedunculate (Quercus robur L.) oaks are two closely related species having a wide sympatric distribution over Europe. Under natural conditions, they frequently form mixed forests, where hybridization is suspected to occur. In this paper, two different approaches have been applied to the study of the mating system and the interspecific gene flow in a mixed stand formed by the two species. The mating systems of both species have been studied separately by means of the mixed-mating model. The relative contribution of the parental species to the progenies have been estimated with two different methods. The first uses the admixture model. The second is an extension of the mixed-mating model and subdivides the outcrossing rate into intra- and interspecific components. The two species were almost completely outcrossing. This high level of outcrossing and interspecific gene flow could play an important role in the maintenance of the genetic diversity in these long-lived forest tree species. The contribution of the sessile oak to the pedunculate oak progenies varied from 17% to 48%. In contrast, ovules of sessile oak trees appear to be preferentially fertilized by other extreme sessile genotypes. We suggest that interspecific and directional gene flow was responsible for such patterns. Pedunculate oak is considered as a pioneer species and is progressively replaced by sessile oak. Our present findings add a further genetic component to this succession scheme, suggesting that unidirectional gene flow reinforces succession between the two species.  相似文献   
Sex appears to be a rather prosaic and casual event in the life of most social Hymenoptera. In contrast, mating in the ant genus Cardiocondyla is regularly preceded by a prolonged and stereotypic courtship display. Pummeling the head of the female with mandibles and / or antennae and vibrations of the gaster, presumably stridulation, are essential parts of male courtship. The overall structure of the mating pattern is conserved throughout species and between winged and wingless, “ergatoid” males, but exhibits species-specific idiosyncrasies. For example, C. elegans males regularly end the interaction with a female with a short mouth-to-mouth contact. Variation in the duration of the precopulatory phase and the copulation itself might reflect different degrees of inter- and intrasexual selection. More information on the dynamics of sperm transfer and the risk and intensity of sperm competition are needed to better understand the evolution of the complex mating behavior in this genus. Received 15 December 2006; revised 25 June 2007; accepted 11 September 2007.  相似文献   
张泽  罗泽伟 《遗传学报》1999,26(2):119-125
探讨了因子和巢式交配设计群体近交率的形成机理,结果表明,这两种交配设计群体结构本身并不导致基近交率累积的差异。在育种选择情况下因子交配设计比巢式设计群体的近交率上升慢,而在完全随机留种和限制随机种情形这两种酱地群体近交率的影响没有差异,但在交配设计情况下,限制随机留种比完全随机留有有交地控制群体近交率的提高。这一结果显示,在动物的家畜遗传留种比完全随机留各 效地控制群体近交率的提高。这一结果显示,  相似文献   
Anthropogenic perturbations including habitat loss and emerging disease are changing pollinator communities and generating novel selection pressures on plant populations. Disruption of plant-pollinator relationships is predicted to cause plant mating system evolution, although this process has not been directly observed. This study demonstrates the immediate evolutionary effects of pollinator loss within experimental populations of a predominately outcrossing wildflower. Initially equivalent populations evolved for five generations within two pollination treatments: abundant bumblebee pollinators versus no pollinators. The populations without pollinators suffered greatly reduced fitness in early generations but rebounded as they evolved an improved ability to self-fertilize. All populations diverged in floral, developmental, and life-history traits, but only a subset of characters showed clear association with pollination treatment. Pronounced treatment effects were noted for anther-stigma separation and autogamous seed set. Dramatic allele frequency changes at two chromosomal polymorphisms occurred in the no pollinator populations, explaining a large fraction of divergence in pollen viability. The pattern of phenotypic and genetic changes in this experiment favors a sequential model for the evolution of the multitrait "selfing syndrome" observed throughout angiosperms.  相似文献   
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