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The community of Gamboa is located on Itacuruçá Island, Sepetiba Bay (State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) and includes 26 families, mostly of artisanal fishermen who use paddled or motor canoes, and encircling nets for fishing. In this study, predictions from optimal foraging theory (patch model), in particular of patch residence time, are compared to the observed behavior of fishermen on fishing trips. Fishermen's strategies differ depending on their intended prey. They spend more time in patches and use fewer patches for shrimp than for fish. Gamboa's fishermen tend to leave a patch later than predicted by the model. The difficulty in evaluating stock availability, the comparatively few patches available for shrimp, and the competitive aspects of fishing contribute to the explanation of this behavior.  相似文献   
Synopsis Experimental data on snapping behavior of laboratory reared zährte, Vimba elongata, indicate that this species chooses between different food searching methods. If visibility is good, mainly directed snaps are employed for immediate food location. However, under conditions of reduced visibility undirected snapping and sampling methods are adopted. In the field, zährte may use sampling to acquire foraging benefits from stochastically distributed, hidden resources, like sediment dwelling prey. In the experiments this species continued to sample the bottom even in situations without any chance of prey detection. It is therefore concluded that zährte's searching decisions, apart from incorporating external information on prey occurrence, are controlled by internal expectations of long term benefits derived from sampling.  相似文献   
  • 1 Habitat choice of some field-inhabiting carabid beetles was studied in the field, and included the adult-overwintering Bembidion lampros Herbst, Pterostichus cupreus L. and Agonum dorsale Pontoppidan, and the larval-overwintering Trechus secalis Paykull, Pterostichus melanarius Illiger, P.niger Schaller and Harpalus rufipes De Geer. These were compared to the forest-inhabiting and adult-overwintering species, Carabus nemoralis Müller.
  • 2 Marked beetles were released in the centre of a circular enclosure which was placed on the edge between a cereal field and a wood. The direction of movement in this circle was compared with that in a control circle placed entirely in the cereal field.
  • 3 In the field/wood circle, adult-overwinterers and the larval-overwin-terer H.rufipes choose to move into the cereal field. The majority of T.secalis. P.melanarius and C.nemoralis, however, moved into the wood, while P.niger exhibited no preference.
  • 4 In the field circle, adult-overwinterers moved towards the more sun-exposed parts of the circle, whereas the movements of larval-overwin-terers were random.
  • 5 Some species-specific characteristics considered important for habitat choice by these carabid beetles, and the relevance of these characteristics for their dispersal behaviour are discussed.
Lincomycin-resistant calli were induced from both Lycopersicon esculentum and Lycopersicon peruvianum using N-mitroso-N-methylurea (NMU) mutagenesis. From these calli lincomycin-resistant plants were regenerated. For L. peruvianum it was shown that the resistant plants could be divided in two classes with respect to their resistance to lincomycin and its derivative clindamycin. The first class comprised plants which were resistant to 500 mg/l lincomycin and showed no shoot or root formation in the presence of clindamycin; the second class consisted of plants resistant to 2000 mg/l lincomycin and these plants were able to form shoots and roots on clindamycin containing media. Lincomycin is an inhibitor of peptidyltransferase; chloroplast encoded parts of this enzymatic function are sensitive for this antibiotic. Reciprocal crosses between our lincomycin resistant and wild type L. peruvianum plants indicated a maternal inheritance of the mutation.  相似文献   
The 1st feature revealed typical for diapause phenomena inTrichogramma species is the interaction of environmental conditions in both parental and filial generations in induction of diapause in the latter. Lowered temperature during larval development is the ultimate factor evoking diapause in pronymphs but the norm of this thermal reaction is not fixed but varies depending on photoperiod and temperature in the previous generation due to maternal influence. Short day and in some cases high temperature in parental generation enhance tendency to diapause in the progeny. Unlike maternal influence the development to filial generation itself is not (or almost is not) governed by its own photoperiodic reaction. The 2nd typical feature revealed is the occurrence of endogenous process running in the sequence of generations and causing changes in the diapause tendency and underlying reaction norms even under constant rearing conditions.   相似文献   
Armaments and ornaments: an evolutionary explanation of traits of dual Utility   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
Secondary sexual characters in many species function both in male-male competition and as cues for female choice. Based on a literature compilation of existing knowledge of traits with this dual function, we propose that they commonly arise through intersexual selection processes and serve as honest signals to other males regarding fighting ability or dominance. Faking these traits, here called armaments, (i.e. weapons and status badges) is difficult, as they are constantly put to trial in male-male contests. Females that subsequently utilize them as indicators of male phenotypic quality when selecting a partner will benefit by acquiring males of higher quality to father their offspring. Thus, evolution of armaments through male-male competition is seen as a usually initiating process, whereas female choice later may assume a role as an additional selective factor. The reverse, that males use information from traits evolved through female choice, is, however, also possible. The traditional view of independently evolved and temporarily unordered intra- and intersexual selection processes fails to explain dual trait functions. Moreover, our model may more satisfyingly than traditional ones explain how trait honesty and trait genetic variance are maintained: theoretical and empirical evidence suggests that such honesty and variation are more easily maintained under male-male competition than under female choice.  相似文献   
We tested the hypothesis that locomotor speed and endurance show a negative genetic correlation using a genetically variable laboratory strain of house mice (Hsd:ICR: Mus domesticus). A negative genetic correlation would qualify as an evolutionary “constraint,” because both aspects of locomotor performance are generally expected to be under positive directional selection in wild populations. We also tested whether speed or endurance showed any genetic correlation with body mass. For all traits, residuals from multiple regression equations were computed to remove effects of possible confounding variables such as age at testing, measurement block, observer, and sex. Estimates of quantitative genetic parameters were then obtained using Shaw's (1987) restricted maximum-likelihood programs, modified to account for our breeding design, which incorporated cross-fostering. Both speed and endurance were measured on two consecutive trial days, and both were repeatable. We initially analyzed performances on each trial day and the maximal value. For endurance, the three estimates of narrow-sense heritabilities ranged from 0.17 to 0.33 (full ADCE model), and some were statistically significantly different from zero using likelihood ratio tests. The heritability estimate for sprint speed measured on trial day 1 was 0.17, but negative for all other measures. Moreover, the additive genetic covariance between speeds measured on the two days was near zero, indicating that the two measures are to some extent different traits. The additive genetic covariance between speed on trial day 1 and any of the four measures of endurance was negative, large, and always statistically significant. None of the measures of speed or endurance was significantly genetically correlated with body mass. Thus, we predict that artificial selection for increased locomotor speed in these mice would result in a decrease in endurance, but no change in body mass. Such experiments could lead to a better understanding of the physiological mechanisms leading to trade-offs in aspects of locomotor abilities.  相似文献   
A model is used to study quantitatively the impact of a good genes process and direct natural selection on the evolution of a mating preference. The expression of a male display trait is proportional to genetic quality, which is determined by the number of deleterious mutations a male carries throughout his genome. Genetic variances and covariances, including the covariance between the preference and male trait that drives the good genes process, are allowed to evolve under an infinitesimal model. Results suggest that the good genes process generates only weak indirect selection on preferences, with an effective selection intensity of a few percent or less. If preferences are subject to direct natural selection of the intensity observed for other characters, the good genes process alone is not expected to exaggerate the male trait by more than a few phenotypic standard deviations, contrary to what is observed in highly sexually selected species. Good genes can, however, cause substantial exaggeration if preference genes are nearly selectively neutral. Alternatively, direct selection on preference genes, acting on mating behavior itself or on the genes' pleiotropic effects, can cause mating preferences and male display traits to be exaggerated by any degree. Direct selection of preference genes may therefore play an important role in species that show extreme sexual selection.  相似文献   
The functional anatomy of the genitalia of Nemasoma varicorne (Nemasomatidae), Brachyiulus lusitanus, Unciger foehdus and Cylindroiulus boleti (Julidae) was investigated by shock freezing of animals in copula followed by serial semithin sectioning of the engaged genitalia. The species show conspicuous differences in the functional mechanism of their genitalia. In M varicorne and B. lusitanus the vulvae remain within the vulval sac during copulation while in U.foetidus and C. boleti parts of the gonopods (promerite and mesomerite) form clasper-like structures that pull out the vulvae from the vulval sacs. With the exception of C. boleti all investigated species have a 'central funnel' on the vulva which leads into the receptaculum seminis. The sperm-transferring part of the male gonopods (solenomerite) is introduced into this funnel during copulation. In B. lusitanus and C. boleti a projection of the posterior gonopods (end-projection, brachite) fits into a slit anterior to the openings of the receptacula. The results are discussed with regard to sexual selection theory and a hypothesis is proposed that explains the evolutionary change of millipede genitalia by a combination of female choice and sperm competition phenomena.  相似文献   
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