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Germination, growth, and physiological responses of hybridizing Carpobrotus from coastal California to soil salinity were studied. Hybrids are presumably the result of hybridization and introgression between the exotic Carpobrotus edulis, a succulent perennial invading coastal habitats, and the native or long-naturalized C. chilensis. Germination responses were investigated at 0, 10, 20, and 50% seawater. Seedling growth and physiology were compared by irrigating seedlings with solutions of the same seawater concentrations and in low and high nutrients. Germination was inhibited in the presence of salt, but recovered after transferring the seeds to fresh water. Seeds exposed to salt had higher final germination rates than control. Growth of Carpobrotus was slightly enhanced by low seawater concentrations but reduced at high salinity at both nutrient regimes. Leaf cell sap osmolarity increased with increasing soil salinity, and taxa did not differ significantly in this physiological adjustment. Leaf carbon isotope ratios (∂13C) ranged from −28 to −22‰ and became less negative at higher salinities, indicating an improved water use efficiency in the seedlings at high salt concentrations. In addition, ∂13C values were generally less negative at high than at low nutrients. Differences among taxa were generally small. The results show that salinity affects both establishment and growth of hybridizing Carpobrotus. The overall weak species differences in salt tolerance indicate that the exotic C. edulis can occupy the same sites as C. chilensis in terms of salinity. The similarity of hybrids in their response to salinity suggests that they may contribute to the invasion by Carpobrotus.  相似文献   
Microhabitat selection and seasonal activity of the snake-eyed skink, Ablephaus kitaibelii fitzingeri, are compared to the two lacertid lizards (Lacerta viridis and Podarcis muralis) that co-occur in many of its habitats. The food composition of A. k. fitzingeri is also described. Significant differences in microhabitat selection and seasonal activity among the three species were found. The snake-eyed skink was associated with open grasslands, and with a low level of scrub, bare soil and rock cover. The microhabitat preference of L. viridis was quite similar to that of the skink, but with a higher preference for scrub. P. muralis occurred in places with greater rock and bare soil cover, and more scrub than A. k. fitzingeri. Activity of the snake-eyed skink decreased dramatically in summer, probably because of the reduced thermal inertia originating from the extremely small size of this species, but its seasonal activity overlapped with those of the lacertids. Stomach content analysis of the snake-eyed skink suggests that it is a generalist predator of small, mainly flightless arthropod prey. Competition with juvenile lacertids and predation by adult L. viridis are conceivable for the snake-eyed skink.  相似文献   
Three diploid (Triticum boeoticum, AA; Aegilops speltoides, BB and Ae. tauschii, DD), two tetraplold (T. dlcoccoides,AABB and T. dicoccon, AABB) and one hexaploid (T. vulgare, AABBDD) varieties of wheat, which are very important in the evolution of wheat were chosen in this study. A pot experiment was carried out on the wheat under different water and nutrient conditions (i) to understand the differences in biomass, yield, water use efficiency (WUE), and nutrient (N, P and K) use efficiency (uptake and utilization efficiency) among ploldles in the evolution of wheat; (ii) to clarify the effect of water and nutrient conditions on water and nutrient use efficiency; and (iii) to assess the relationship of water and nutrient use efficiency in the evolution of wheat. Our results showed that from diploid to tetraploid then to hexaploid during the evolution of wheat, both root biomass and above-ground biomass increased initially and then decreased. Water consumption for transpiration decreased remarkably, correlating with the decline of the growth period, while grain yield, harvest index, WUE, N, P and K uptake efficiency, and N, P and K utilization efficiency increased significantly. Grain yield, harvest index and WUE decreased in the same order: T.vulgare > T. dicoccon > T. dicoccoides > Ae. tauschii > Ae. speltoides > T. boeoticum. Water stress significantly decreased root biomass, above-ground biomass, yield, and water consumption for transpiration by 47-52%, butremarkably increased WUE. Increasing the nutrient supply increased wheat above-ground biomass, grain yield,harvest index, water consumption for transpiration and WUE under different water levels, but reduced root biomass under drought conditions. Generally, water stress and low nutrient supply resulted in the lower nutrientuptake efficiency of wheat. However, water and nutrient application had no significant effects on nutrient utilization efficiency, suggesting that wheat nutrient utilization efficiency is mainly controlled by genotypes. Compared to theother two diploid wheats, Ae. squarrosa (DD) had significant higher WUE and nutrient utilization efficiency, Indicating that the D genome may carry genes controlling high efficient utilization of water and nutrient. Significant relationships were found between WUE and N, P and K utilization efficiency.  相似文献   
A hypothesis is presented suggesting that initiation of breast epithelial cell freezes the cell at least partly according to the development/differention of cell at the time of initiation. Tumour biology will mimic the physiology of normal cell development at the time of initiation and this is preserved at least partly onwards. Also preferentially, tumours will develop from the cell type that is proliferating at the time of initiation. This may explain the overrepresentation of different types of histology in breast cancer in relation to age of the woman. The development of each tumour may follow at least partly a distinct pathway of evolution.  相似文献   
生态系统水源涵养服务作为水资源得以持续的基础和保障,正持续遭受着人类活动的干扰和影响,土地利用变化作为主要的方式之一,对水源涵养的影响广泛而且深远。运用InVEST模型模拟了闽三角城市群2015年和2030年的水源涵养情景,发现到2030年闽三角城市群区域内水源涵养量总体会下降0.24×108 m3;对比发现:土地利用变化对水源涵养的影响主要主要表现在变化面积、变化方向、作用强度以及面积补偿作用四个方面。首先面积变化方面,水源涵养量同用地类型的面积大小正相关,但二者的变化量并不正相关;其次变化方向方面,相比变化为城市生态系统和水域生态系统而言,变化为自然生态系统和农业生态系统的土地利用变化更有利于生态系统水源涵养;再次,土地利用变化对水源涵养产生作用的强度由强及弱以此为林地、其他土地、草地、农田、建设用地、水域及滩涂;最后,面积变化后的补偿作用方面,由于不同用地类型水源涵养能力和面积变化量的差异,由农田、林地、草地及其他土地面积下降导致的水源涵养量损失并不能通过建设用地、水域及滩涂用地类型面积的增加得以完全补偿。  相似文献   
The elongate, functionally limbless flap-footed lizards(family Pygopodidae) are found throughout Australia, ranging into southern New Guinea. Despite their diversity and abundance in most Australian ecosystems, pygopodids have attracted little scientific study. An intensive ecological study of one pygopodid, Burton's legless lizard(Lialis burtonis Gray 1835), was conducted in Australia's tropical Northern Territory. L. burtonis eats nothing but other lizards, primarily skinks, and appears to feed relatively infrequently(only 20.8% of stomachs contained prey). Ovulation and mating occur chiefly in the late dry-season(beginning around September), and most egg-laying takes place in the early to middle wet-season(November–January). Females can lay multiple clutches per year, some of which may be fertilised with stored sperm. Free-ranging L. burtonis are sedentary ambush foragers, with radio-tracked lizards moving on average 5 m/day. Most foraging is done diurnally, but lizards may be active at any time of day or night. Radiotracked lizards were usually found in leaf-litter microhabitats, a preference that was also evident in habitat-choice experiments using field enclosures. Lizards typically buried themselves in 6–8 cm of litter; at this depth, they detect potential prey items while staying hidden from predators and prey and avoiding lethally high temperatures.  相似文献   
The relationships between increasing nitrogen fertilization and growth, maximum CO2 assimilation and the initial slope of the CO2 response curve were studied in 2 ecotypes of wild strawberry, Fragaria chiloensis (L.) Duchn. Nitrogen accumulation of CA11, an ecotype from a low-nutrient dune site, was greater at all nitrogen concentrations than that of RCP37, an ecotype from a higher-nutrient strand site. Maximum CO2 assimilation, total Rubisco activity, dry weight, and initiation of leaves and crowns were higher in CAI1 than RCP37 as nitrogen treatment was increased from 0 to 200 mg l-1, whereas these parameters were lower in CAl1 when fertilized at 300 mg T1, but not in RCP37. The mean leaf area of CA11 was greater than RCP37 when grown with no supplemental nitrogen, but mean leaf area of the 2 lines was similar under nitrogen fertilization. Maximum CO2 assimilation and carboxylation efficiency increased with increasing leaf nitrogen in both clones. At equivalent concentrations of leaf nitrogen, RCP37 had higher CO2 assimilation and carboxylation efficiency than CA11 and the difference between the 2 clones increased as ieaf nitrogen increased. Thus, RCP37 had a higher photosynthetic nitrogen use efficiency than CA11. However, at a given applied nitrogen level, CA11 allocated more nitrogen to a unit of leaf area so that photosynthetic rates were higher than RCP37, except at the highest application of 300 mg l-1. The high nitrogen accumulation capacity and resource allocation to fruiting structures (crowns) in CA11 leads us to suggest that this clone may possess genes that could increase fruit yield in cultivated strawberry.  相似文献   
人工控制有限供水对冬小麦根系生长及土壤水分利用的影响   总被引:41,自引:0,他引:41  
试验在中国气象局固城农业气象试验基地的大型人工控制农田水分试验场进行。在底墒充足的条件下采用3种供水处理:拔节期一次性供水75mm(I1);返青供水37.5mm和拔节期供水37.5mm(I2);返青后生长期内无水分供给(Ick)。全生育期内用电动防雨棚遮去自然降水。试验结果表明,表层土壤(0~30cm)水多根多,根系反应敏感。上层干旱促使根系向深层发育,利用下层水量较多。I1处理减少表土层(0~30cm)的根量和根长密度,促进根系下扎,较多地利用深层土壤水分,并减少无效分蘖。虽然总穗数减少,但同I2、Ick相比籽粒数和籽粒重有较大幅度增加,提高了产量和水分利用率。根系吸水效率随土层深度增加呈下降趋势,I1在30cm以下其根系吸水效率超过了I2处理,并在100~200cm土层表现最为明显。Ick除0~30cm土层外,其余土层有效底墒供水率均较低;I1和I2两处理30~100cm有效底墒供水率均在84%以上,1~2m土层内I。大于I2。Ick由于土壤水分不足并未造成千粒重的明显下降,相反,3个处理中最高;土壤水分不足导致穗数、穗粒重、籽粒重和籽粒数的显著降低,从而造成了最终产量的降低。产量水平上的水分利用效率I1比其余处理提高了将近14%,其次为Ick,最低的是I2。在灌溉效率上,I1比I2提高了将近19%;在相同灌溉量的前提下,蒸腾效率I1比I2提高约7%。I1水分利用效率高于I2和Ick处理。可以认为:配合充足底墒,前期控水,有限的一定量的水分拔节期(关键期)一次供给比在返青和拔节分别供给,更为有效科学。  相似文献   
Abstract Since 1990 under the Eastern Habitat Joint Venture over 100 small wetlands have been restored in Prince Edward Island, Canada. Wetlands were restored by means of dredging accumulated sediment from erosion to emulate pre‐disturbance conditions (i.e., open water and extended hydroperiod). In 1998 and 1999 we compared waterfowl pair and brood use on 22 restored and 24 reference wetlands. More pairs and broods of Ring‐necked Ducks, Gadwall, Green‐winged Teal, and American Black Ducks used restored versus reference wetlands. In restored wetlands waterfowl pair density and species richness were positively correlated with wetland/cattail area, percent cattail cover, and close proximity to freshwater rivers. In addition, a waterfowl reproductive index was positively correlated with percent cattail cover. Green‐winged Teal pair occurrence in restored wetlands was positively correlated with greater amounts of open water and water depths. American Black Duck pairs occurred on most (86%) restored wetlands. Restored small wetlands likely served as stopover points for American Black Duck broods during overland or stream movements, whereas they likely served as a final brood‐rearing destination for Green‐winged Teal broods. We suggest that wetland restoration is a good management tool for increasing populations of Green‐winged Teal and American Black Ducks in Prince Edward Island.  相似文献   
Control of raw materials based on an understanding of their impact on product attributes has been identified as a key aspect of developing a control strategy in the Quality by Design (QbD) paradigm. This article presents a case study involving use of a combined approach of Near‐infrared (NIR) spectroscopy and Multivariate Data Analysis (MVDA) for screening of lots of basal medium powders based on their impact on process performance and product attributes. These lots had identical composition as per the supplier and were manufactured at different scales using an identical process. The NIR/MVDA analysis, combined with further investigation at the supplier site, concluded that grouping of medium components during the milling and blending process varied with the scale of production and media type. As a result, uniformity of blending, impurity levels, chemical compatibility, and/or heat sensitivity during the milling process for batches of large‐scale media powder were deemed to be the source of variation as detected by NIR spectra. This variability in the raw materials was enough to cause unacceptably large variability in the performance of the cell culture step and impact the attributes of the resulting product. A combined NIR/MVDA approach made it possible to finger print the raw materials and distinguish between good and poor performing media lots. © 2009 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 2010  相似文献   
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