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Embryo survival and alevin emergence pattern of brown trout were studied in simulated redds with different homogeneous gravel sizes and different concentrations of peat material. Optimal survival (95%) occurred in 18 mm gravel and survival decreased with decreasing gravel size. High concentrations (40%) of peat material resulted in low survival (65%). The proportion of premature emerging alevins increased in finer gravels and at high peat concentrations. Premature alevins had a large yolk sac and are probably very vulnerable to predators.  相似文献   
“Bulk density” and “dry-matter content” are useful indices of dry-matter accumulation in plant organs. A theoretical equation describing the relationship between these two indices was put forward. To examine the reliability of this equation, the seasonal changes of these two indices were investigated in the leaves and stems of different ages ofAucuba japonica. In each organ both indices varied seasonally almost parallel to each other, but the seasonal changes of dry-matter content were less obvious than those of bulk density. The observed bulk density was always larger than that calculated from the observed dry-matter content by the theoretical equation. A drying experiment showed that this discrepancy was caused by the decrement of the volume of the plant material by water loss during the period from the weight measurement to the volume measurement. When the water loss was negligible, the equation described well the relationships between the two indices of the experimental materials. It was also shown that this equation was useful for the estimation of the amount of air space in plant materials.  相似文献   
The sperm head of the plains mouse, Pseudomys australis, has three curved hooks projecting from its anterior margin. The two ventral hooks have previously been shown to consist largely of an extension of the subacrosomal material. To characterize further the structure and composition of the ventral hooks, we have examined their formation during spermiogenesis using transmission electron microscopy, silver staining, and actin localization with NBD-phallacidin. The ventral hooks develop as an extension of the perinuclear space and postacrosomal dense lamina on the anteroventral margin of the sperm head. Bundles of 6-nm-thick filaments appear in the core of each hook; these are probably actin filaments based on staining of the hooks with NBD-phallacidin. Just prior to spermiation, electron-dense material condenses in the core of the ventral hooks and concurrently in the perinuclear space in the remainder of the sperm head. The two ventral hooks thus appear to consist of a core of perinuclear material and actin filaments, which is enclosed by a continuation of the postacrosomal dense lamina.  相似文献   
The synthesis of glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) was investigated in porcine thyroid cells under the influence or not of thyrotropin. After labelling with [3H] glucosamine and [35S] SO42?, enriched GAG-fractions prepared from culture media, cells, and eventually substrate adhering materials, were analyzed by cellulose acetate electrophoresis combined with specific degradations. They comprised heparan sulfate and hyaluronic acid together with an unknown sulfated component labile to endo-β-galactosidase. Whereas global labellings of newly made GAGs were not significantly modified by thyrotropin, we reproducibly observed with the hormone a substantial increase in the proportion of hyaluronic acid [3H] label and, when cells organized into follicles, of the proportion of cell-associated [3H] GAGs. This system thus offers an interesting model to study how the responsiveness to an hormone and the reorganization that follows might implicate specific glycoconjugates.  相似文献   
Summary The immunoglobulin-enzyme bridge technique, in association with rabbit antiporcine neurophysin-II has been applied to the median eminence of the dog and cat in order to study the distribution of neurophysin-like antigens throughout this area of the brain and correlate the findings with the corresponding distribution of neurosecretory material (NSM) as revealed by the crotonaldehyde fuchsin stain.Neurophysin and NSM were both present in the hypothalamo-supraoptico-neurohypophysial system—the pathway taken by oxytocin, vasopressin and neurophysin from the hypothalamus to the posterior pituitary lobe.Whereas the tuberoinfundibular tract of the median eminence was almost devoid of NSM, the presence of neurophysin-like material was clearly evident using immunoperoxidase histochemistry. The significance of a protein in the external median eminence possessing determinants cross-reactive against anti-neurophysin serum is discussed.This work was financed by a grant from the Medical Research Council of New Zealand.  相似文献   
Summary The epithelial cells in the retina of rats were examined by scanning and transmission electron microscopy.The apical surface of the epithelial cells is covered by a large number of microvilli, which are embedded in an extracellular material. Distinct holes remaining after detached photoreceptor cell segments are numerous. The cells are polyhedronal, usually hexagonal and holes are scattered in their plasma membrane. Many of the epithelial cells are binucleated. The borders between adjacent cells are always close to each other. Numerous cytoplasmic folds or foot processes occur at the base of the cells as well as an extracellular space.The characteristic surface structures are discussed in relation to the function of the retinal epithelial cells.Supported by grants from the Swedish Medical Research Council (B70-12X-2543-02) and Riksföreningen mot Cancer (69171, 265-B69-01X).  相似文献   
A method is described for the determination of mercury in human blood serum and packed blood cells employing neutron activation analysis. Great attention was devoted to the collection and manipulation of the samples. The accuracy and precision of the method were tested by analyzing biological reference materials and by comparing the concentrations measured in a number of serum samples to those obtained by another, independent technique (cold vapor atomic absorption spectrometry) in the same samples. The article reports the levels measured in blood serum and packed blood cells samples from 15 adult volunteers, as well as the figures determined in a “second-generation” biological reference material (freeze-dried human serum), prepared and conditioned at the University of Ghent.  相似文献   
Argyrophilic nuclear proteins, known to be functionally associated with ribosomal genes, were localized, in four-, eight-, and 16-cell bovine embryo blastomere nuclei using two different silver-staining procedures. Within the eight-cell cleavage stage by the process of embryonal nucleologenesis in the cow embryo the full-capacity ribosome-producing machinery is established. In the four-cell embryo, many patches and islands of argyrophilic (Ag+) material were detected in the nucleoplasm. The nucleolus-precursor bodies (NPBs), composed uniformly of a homogeneous compact mass, were completely devoid of any silver staining. On the other hand, clear-cut localization of argyrophilic proteins was detected during the eight-cell stage either inside the transforming NPBs or in the close vicinity, or in the already differentiated nucleolus. In compact, nonvacuolated NPB, an intensive Ag+ area was detected, in the form of a lenticle, at the periphery of the NPB. During and following vacuolation of the NPB, no Ag+ was detected inside these vacuoles. It was seen, however, in the dense fibrillar nucleolar component surrounding the smaller vacuoles formed at the time of the establishment of nucleolar structure. Ag+ areas were seen repeatedly in the vicinity of NPBs, probably a part of the nucleolus-associated chromatin or, alternatively, representing the extranucleolar bodies. In blastomere nuclei of 16-cell embryos, already possessing reticulated nucleoli known from intensively synthesizing somatic cells, the silver-staining pattern corresponded to the usual situation in differentiated cells: slight staining of fibrillar centers, heavy labelling in the dense fibrillar component, and absence of silver deposits in the granular component.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Martha J. Powell 《Protoplasma》1994,181(1-4):123-141
Summary In development of the primitive fungi, chytridiomycetes, unwalled zoospores bearing single, posterior flagella are transformed into walled, round-cells which elaborate the thallus. Production, structural modification, or release of extracellular material are involved with each transition of developmental stage. This article reviews the variety and developmental changes of extracellular materials found at the cell surface of chytridiomycetes. A cell coat, produced from Golgi-derived vesicles during zoosporogenesis, is visible around free swimming zoospores of some chytridiomycetes. How the zoospore surface receives and transduces signals is not widely explored, but it is known that fenestrated cisternae and simple cisternae, which are integrated into the microbody-lipid globule complex, are spatially and structurally associated with the plasma membrane and flagellar apparatus. This spatial association, as well as the cytochemical localization of calcium in fenestrated cisternae, suggest a mechanism for signal transduction and for regulation of zoospore motility. Zoospores become encased in a new layer of extracellular material as the zoospore encysts. Among some chytrids the source of this material is preexisting vesicles which fuse with the plasma membrane. Among other zoospores, a readily identifiable population of encystment vesicles is not apparent, demonstrating that there is no single pattern or mechanism for zoospore encystment in chytridiomycetes. Encysted zoospores developing into thalli, typically produce cell walls with a microfibrillar substructure. Ultrastructural analysis of walls reveals distinctive architecture and remarkable sculpturing which have been used in systematics of some members of chytridiomycetes. Nothing is known as to underlying controls of cytoskeletal elements and plasma membrane enzyme complexes in wall biogenesis. Many changes in cell surface structures accompany thallus maturation. Septa, many traversed with plasmodesmata, are produced in most chytrid thallus types. As sporangia and resting spores prepare for the production and release of zoospores, additional extracellular layers of material are frequently produced. Polarized deposits of extracellular material become discharge plugs, discharge vesicles, or endoopercula. Interstitial material is also released into cleavage furrows. Circumscissile or localized digestion of walls produce operculate or inoperculate exit ports for zoospore release. Cryofixation preserves more extensive extracellular material than does conventional chemical fixation, and broader application of cryofixation may radically alter our current view of cell surface structure. Thus chytridiomycetes exhibit a range in patterns for the occurrence and subsequent modifications of extracellular materials, even for members within the same order. The most universally recognized role for these extracellular materials is protection. Although there is a reasonable view of the types of extracellular material involved in chytridiomycete development, we have only limited understandings of their biogenesis or roles in regulation and communication, areas awaiting more investigations.Abbreviations DIC Nomarski-differential contrast optics - TEM transmission electron microscopy  相似文献   
The main characteristics of the dominant economic system, including the increasing use of markets and money are described. The global system has expanded trade, including international trade, and production tremendously. While this system has the potential to favour nature conservation, in practice the opposite has occurred. Difficulties raised for conservation of biodiversity by short-term economic crises such as deficits in a country's international payments, the adoption of policies for structural economic adjustment, international capital flows, international loans and foreign aid as well as debt-for-nature swaps are discussed. As explained, it is politically difficult in market economies to support nature conservation at the expense of economic growth and as more economies develop and become market economies this problem spreads. Given global interdependence of nations, an important issue is the distribution of net benefits from biodiversity conservation between developed and less developed countries. Possible distributions of benefits and related issues are discussed. In conclusion, the importance of political lobbying by nature conservation groups in developed market economies is emphasised as a means of ensuring correction of market failures. Unfortunately, no economic system is likely to prove satisfactory in itself in conserving biodiversity so political action by conservationists is always required.  相似文献   
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