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The complex interactions between genetic diversity and evolution have important implications in many biological areas including conservation, speciation, and mate choice. A common way to study these interactions is to look at heterozygosity-fitness correlations (HFCs). Until recently, HFCs based on noncoding markers were believed to result primarily from global inbreeding effects. However, accumulating theoretical and empirical evidence shows that HFCs may often result from genes being linked to the markers used (local effect). Moreover, local effect HFCs could differ from global inbreeding effects in their direction and occurrence. Consequently, the investigation of the structure and consequences of local HFCs is emerging as a new important goal in evolutionary biology. In this study of a wild threespine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) population, we first tested the presence of significant positive or negative local effects of heterozygosity at 30 microsatellites loci on five fitness components: survival, mating success, territoriality, length, and body condition. Then, we evaluated the direction and shape of total impact of local HFCs, and estimated the magnitude of the impacts on fitness using regression coefficients and selection differentials. We found that multilocus heterozygosity was not a reliable estimator of individual inbreeding coefficient, which supported the relevance of single-locus based analyses. Highly significant and temporally stable local HFCs were observed. These were mainly positive, but negative effects of heterozygosity were also found. Strong and opposite effects of heterozygosity are probably present in many populations, but may be blurred in HFC analyses looking for global effects only. In this population, both negative and positive HFCs are apparently driving mate preference by females, which is likely to contribute to the maintenance of both additive and nonadditive genetic variance.  相似文献   
Male attractiveness can have tremendous effects on the fitness of his offspring via good genes, but also via enhanced maternal allocation of resources. Yet the proximate mechanisms influencing differential maternal allocation in relation to male sexiness are poorly known. Here, we studied the importance of visual stimulation for maternal allocation in the Houbara bustard, a vulnerable bird species bred in captivity to support wild populations. Artificial insemination allowed controlling for potential confounding factors, such as a male''s territory quality, social interactions or sperm quality/quantity, probably linked to mate attractiveness. We show that artificially inseminated females stimulated by highly displaying males increased their hatching success, owing to increased fertilization success. The females also increased the allocation of maternal androgens in their eggs, leading to an increase of circulating testosterone and growth rate in chicks. Hence, visual stimulation of the females can promote differential maternal allocation and favour offspring fitness. Our results further suggest that using artificial insemination for species conservation without appropriate stimulation of the breeding females probably has negative impacts on their breeding performance and therefore on population viability.  相似文献   
Reinforcement of species boundaries may alter mate recognition in a way that also affects patterns of mate preference among conspecific populations. In the fly Drosophila subquinaria, females sympatric with the closely related species D. recens reject mating with heterospecific males as well as with conspecific males from allopatric populations. Here, we assess geographic variation in behavioral isolation within and among populations of D. subquinaria and use cline theory to understand patterns of selection on reinforced discrimination and its consequences for sexual isolation within species. We find that selection has fixed rejection of D. recens males in sympatry, while significant genetic variation in this behavior occurs within allopatric populations. In conspecific matings sexual isolation is also asymmetric and stronger in populations that are sympatric with D. recens. The clines in behavioral discrimination within and between species are similar in shape and are maintained by strong selection in the face of gene flow, and we show that some of their genetic basis may be either shared or linked. Thus, while reinforcement can drive extremely strong phenotypic divergence, the long‐term consequences for incipient speciation depend on gene flow, genetic linkage of discrimination traits, and the cost of these behaviors in allopatry.  相似文献   
Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) exhibit extreme differences in coloration of skin, eggs and flesh due to genetic polymorphisms affecting carotenoid deposition, where colour can range from white to bright red. A sympatric population of red and white Chinook salmon occurs in the Quesnel River, British Columbia, where frequencies of each phenotype are relatively equal. In our study, we examined evolutionary mechanisms responsible for the maintenance of the morphs, where we first tested whether morphs were reproductively isolated using microsatellite genotyping, and second, using breeding trials in seminatural spawning channels, we tested whether colour assortative mate choice could be operating to maintain the polymorphism in nature. Next, given extreme difference in carotenoid assimilation and the importance of carotenoids to immune function, we examined mate choice and selection between colour morphs at immune genes (major histocompatibility complex genes: MHC I‐A1 and MHC II‐B1). In our study, red and white individuals were found to interbreed, and under seminatural conditions, some degree of colour assortative mate choice (71% of matings) was observed. We found significant genetic differences at both MHC genes between morphs, but no evidence of MHC II‐B1‐based mate choice. White individuals were more heterozygous at MHC II‐B1 compared with red individuals, and morphs showed significant allele frequency differences at MHC I‐A1. Although colour assortative mate choice is likely not a primary mechanism maintaining the polymorphisms in the population, our results suggest that selection is operating differentially at immune genes in red and white Chinook salmon, possibly due to differences in carotenoid utilization.  相似文献   
This study investigates whether females of Dysdercus maurus (Hemiptera) are considering male’s sizes in order to make their reproductive partner choice. Morphometric and biomass measurements were obtained from single males and copulating pairs. Positive correlations were identified for both sizes and weights between males and females in copula. The average ratios established between the couples sizes/weight were around 1.66. Female choice may operate in such a way that each female has her own optimal male size for mating, resulting from a trade-off between the negative influence of large partner size in female fecundity and the advantages of large male size for offspring fitness. Thus, the best choice for a D. maurus female may be a male of average size in relation with her own size.  相似文献   
In mating systems based on substrate‐borne vibrations, sexual communication often involves a reciprocal exchange of species‐ and sex‐specific vibrational signals and male is searching for a stationary female. In the leafhopper Aphrodes makarovi, female reply is essential for successful location of the female and its variable duration directly affects male's costs associated with signalling and searching. We studied male and female behaviour in a trio situation (two males and one female), and our results show that male–male competition had important effects on male mating success. Females replied equally to advertisement calls emitted by the winning and losing males and mated with the first male that located them, regardless of his investment in calling effort. Males eavesdropped to male–female duet maintained by the rival, and the winners were better at exploiting female replies to the rival's advertisement calls by silently approaching the female. To interfere with the ongoing male–female duet, males also emitted masking signals overlapping the latter part of the female reply. More overlapped female replies were registered in response to the losers and masking signals most likely delay the rival in reaching the female. Our study shows that a comprehensive understanding of male mating success and female preferences in vibrational duetting systems requires also investigations in more complex settings that more realistically represent the situation in nature.  相似文献   
Strong selection to secure paternity in polyandrous species leads to the evolution of numerous chemicals in the male's seminal content. These include antiaphrodisiac pheromones, which are transmitted from the male to the female during mating to render her unattractive to subsequent males. An increasing number of species have been shown to use these chemicals. Herein, I examine the taxonomic distribution of species using antiaphrodisiac pheromones, the selection pressures driving their evolution in both males and females, and the ecological interactions in which these pheromones are involved. The literature review shows a highly skewed distribution of antiaphrodisiac use; all species currently known to use them are insects with the exception of the garter snakes Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis and T. radix. Nonetheless, many taxa have not yet been tested for the presence of antiaphrodisiacs, in groups both closely and distantly related to species known to express them. Within the Insecta, there have been multiple cases of convergent evolution of antiaphrodisiac pheromones using different chemical compounds and methods of transmission. Antiaphrodisiacs usually benefit males, but their effect on females is variable as they can either prevent them from mating multiple times or help them reduce male harassment when they are unreceptive. Some indirect costs of antiaphrodisiacs also impact both males and females, but more research is needed to determine how general this pattern is. Additional research is also important to understand how antiaphrodisiacs interact with the reproductive biology and sexual communication in different species.  相似文献   
There has been considerable debate in the study of hybrid zones as to whether hybrids may be superior to parental types within the area of contact (bounded hybrid superiority). In birds, naturally occurring hybridization is relatively common, and hybridization within this group always involves mate choice. If hybrids are superior, females choosing heterospecific mates should be expected to show higher fitness under the conditions prevalent in the hybrid zone. Hybrid superiority under these circumstances would reduce reinforcement and thereby help to maintain the hybrid zone. To examine this issue, we studied reproductive performances of hybrids and parental species of gulls (Larus occidentalis and Larus glaucescens) at two colonies within a linear hybrid zone along the west coast of the United States. This hybrid zone contains predominantly gulls of intermediate phenotype. Previous studies indicated that hybrids were superior to one or both parental types, but provided no data on possible mechanisms that underlie this hybrid superiority. Using a hybrid index designed specifically for these species, we identified to phenotype more than 300 individuals associated with nests, including both individual males and females within 73 pairs in the central portion of the hybrid zone and 74 pairs in the northern portion of the hybrid zone. There was little evidence of assortative mating, and what little there was resulted solely because of pairings within intergrades. In the central hybrid zone, females paired with hybrid males produced larger clutches and hatched and fledged more chicks compared with females paired to western gull males. This was a result of heavy predation on eggs in sand habitat, where male western gulls established territories. In contrast, many hybrid males established territories in vegetated cover that was less vulnerable to predation. In the northern part of the hybrid zone, clutch size did not differ among pair categories, however, there were differences in hatching and fledging success, with females paired to hybrid males showing better success compared to females paired to glaucous-winged gull males. Hybrids showed better hatching and fledging success in the north because hybrids are more like western gulls than glaucous-winged gulls in foraging behavior, taking a higher percentage of fish in their diet, which enhances chick growth and survival. This is believed to be the first documentation of bounded hybrid superiority that delineates the mechanisms that underlie hybrid superiority.  相似文献   
Sperm competition and uncertainty of paternity hamper the evolution of male parental care. Thus, maternal care predominates in most taxa. What if males can, however, limit cuckoldry by guarding the eggs postmating? Here, we show that this provides a reason to reconsider an old and nowadays rather discredited hypothesis: that external fertilization is associated with male care because the parent who releases its gametes first can depart leaving the other in a “cruel bind,” having to care for the offspring. In our model, protection of paternity provides an additional incentive for the male to stay associated with its young. When we then assume that offspring survive better if guarded, paternity protection proves enough to kick‐start the evolution of male‐only parental care from a scenario with no care. This fits with data from fishes, where male‐only care is associated with external fertilization, whereas female‐only care almost always evolves after an initial transition to internal fertilization. Our model unifies disparate hypotheses regarding parental care roles and provides support for the idea that care roles can be influenced by sex differences in selection to be physically close to the offspring, including selection that is initially not based on offspring survival.  相似文献   
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