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We assessed diet selection, impact on vegetation, and explored habitat relationships with marsh birds of coypus (Myocastor coypus) in a steppe lagoon in Argentinean Patagonia. In two consecutive springs, abundance and spatial use of the coypus and nesting marsh birds were estimated by direct counts. The coypu was a selective consumer with seasonal variations in food items, and Myriophyllum sp. and Schoenoplectus californicus dominated its diet. Coypus and marsh birds showed a differential spatial use when rushes cover was high. However, when rushes cover decreased by coypu browsing, there was a similar use of space, and marsh birds were displaced to nest on the open water and other poorly protected areas of the rushes. Our results suggest that high abundances of coypu can have a detrimental effect on wetland ecosystems. Systematic monitoring and evaluation of their effects on wetlands in recently colonized areas is recommended.  相似文献   
Bill size is often viewed as a species‐specific adaptation for feeding, but it sometimes varies between sexes, suggesting that sexual selection or intersexual competition may also be important. Hypotheses to explain sexual dimorphism in avian bill size include divergence in feeding niche or thermoregulatory demands, intrasexual selection based on increased competition among males, or female preference. Birds also show seasonal changes in bill size due to shifts in the balance between growth rate and wear, which may be due to diet or endogenous rhythms in growth. Insight into the function of dimorphism can be gained using the novel approach of digital x‐ray imaging of museum skins to examine the degree to which the skeletal core or the rhamphotheca contribute to overall dimorphism. The rhamphotheca is ever‐growing and ever‐wearing, varying in size throughout life; whereas the skeletal core shows determinant growth. Because tidal marsh sparrows are more dimorphic in bill size than related taxa, we selected two marsh taxa to investigate dimorphism and seasonality in the size of the overall bill, the skeletal core, and the rhamphotheca. Bill size varied by sex and season, with males having larger bills than females, and bill size increasing from nonbreeding to breeding season more in males. Skeletal bill size varied with season, but not sex. The rhamphotheca varied primarily with sex; males had a larger rhamphotheca (corrected for skeletal bill size), which showed a greater seasonal increase than females. The rhamphotheca, rather than the skeletal bill, was responsible for sexual dimorphism in overall bill size, which was particularly well developed in the breeding season. The size of the rhamphotheca may be a condition‐based character that is shaped by sexual selection. These results are consistent with the evidence that bill size is influenced by sexual selection as well as trophic ecology.  相似文献   
In order to increase our understanding of the interaction of soil-halophyte (Salicornia brachiata) relations and phytoremediation, we investigated the aboveground biomass, carbon fixation, and nutrient composition (N, P, K, Na, Ca, and Mg) of S. brachiata using six sampling sites with varying characteristics over one growing season in intertidal marshes. Simultaneously, soil characteristics and nutrient concentrations were also estimated. There was a significant variation in soil characteristics and nutrient contents spatially (except pH) as well as temporally. Nutrient contents in aboveground biomass of S. brachiata were also significantly differed spatially (except C and Cl) as well as temporally. Aboveground biomass of S. brachiata ranged from 2.51 to 6.07 t/ha at maturity and it was positively correlated with soil electrical conductivity and available Na, whereas negatively with soil pH. The K/Na ratio in plant was below one, showing tolerance to salinity. The aboveground C fixation values ranged from 0.77 to 1.93 C t/ha at all six sampling sites. This study provides new understandings into nutrient cycling—C fixation potential of highly salt-tolerant halophyte S. brachiata growing on intertidal soils of India. S. brachiata have a potential for amelioration of the salinity due to higher Na bioaccumulation factor.  相似文献   
Inter‐ and intrapopulation variability in six natural populations of the rare species Gentiana pneumonanthe was examined based on morphological and chemical data. Population size and linear morphometric parameters differed significantly among populations, but without a clear connection to habitat conditions, i. e. water supply and light availability. Leaf shape varied from ovate to lanceolate in all populations, and one population was distinctive in having the largest number of leaves of transitional shape. HPLC analyses of six secondary metabolites were performed separately for belowground parts, and aboveground vegetative and reproductive parts of individual plants (6 populations ×7 individuals ×3 plant parts, n=126) in order to examine differences at the population and individual levels. Three secoiridoids (swertiamarin (SWM), sweroside (SWZ), and gentiopicrin (GP)), one xanthone (mangiferin (MGF)), and two flavones (isoorientin (IO) and isovitexin (IV)) were detected and quantified in the analyzed samples: sweroside dominated in the aboveground reproductive part, mangiferin in the aboveground vegetative part, and gentiopicrin in the belowground part. At the population level, differences in contents of the analyzed chemicals among populations were significant only for a few metabolites. At the individual level, a pronounced organ‐dependent distribution of secondary metabolites was revealed. The results of this study contribute to a better understanding of natural variability within populations of the rare and threatened G. pneumonanthe, and provide data on the contents and within‐plant distribution of secondary metabolites, which are important as pharmacologically active compounds and may be useful for further biotechnological procedures regarding this species.  相似文献   
Coastal systems worldwide deliver vital ecosystem services, such as biodiversity, carbon sequestration, and coastal protection. Effectivity of these ecosystem services increases when vegetation is present. Understanding the mechanisms behind vegetation establishment in bio‐geomorphic systems is necessary to understand their ability to recover after erosive events and potential adaptations to climate change. In this study, we examined how seed availability affects vegetation establishment in the salt marsh–intertidal flat transition zone: the area with capacity for lateral marsh expansion. This requires vegetation establishment; therefore, seed availability is essential. In a 6‐month field experiment, we simulated a before and after winter seed dispersal at two locations, the salt‐marsh vegetation edge and the intertidal flat, and studied seed retention, the seed bank, and the seed viability of three pioneer marsh species: Salicornia procumbens, Aster tripolium, and Spartina anglica. During winter storm conditions, all supplied seeds eroded away with the sediment surface layer. After winter, supplied seeds from all three species were retained, mostly at the surface while 9% was bioturbated downwards. In the natural seed bank, A. tripolium and S. anglica were practically absent while S. procumbens occurred more frequently. The viability of S. procumbens seeds was highest at the surface, between 80% and 90%. The viability quickly decreased with depth, although viable S. procumbens seeds occurred up to 15 cm depth. Only when seeds were supplied after winter, many S. procumbens and some S. anglica individuals did establish successfully in the transition zone. Viable seed availability formed a vegetation establishment threshold, even with a local seed source. Our results suggest that, although boundary conditions such as elevation, inundation, and weather conditions were appropriate for vegetation establishment in spring, the soil surface in winter can be so dynamic that it limits lateral marsh expansion. These insights can be used for designing effective nature‐based coastal protection.  相似文献   
Species are considered conservation-reliant when their continued existence is dependent on human assistance. Conservation reliance challenges the conservation community in terms of their ability to sustain the funding and public-private partnerships needed for indefinite management. Although increased funding for conservation is critical, reducing conservation reliance through adaptive management represents an attractive alternative. We used a large-scale ecological experiment as a case study in the use of adaptive management to reduce conservation reliance. For >40 years, the United States Fish and Wildlife Service has trapped and lethally removed an obligate brood parasite, the brown-headed cowbird (Molothrus ater), to protect the Kirtland's warbler (Setophaga kirtlandii) from the negative effects that brood parasitism has on its reproductive success. To determine if the conservation reliance of the Kirtland's warbler could be reduced through optimization of the cowbird control program, we used an adaptive management approach. In collaboration with stakeholders, we experimentally reduced cowbird trapping effort across nearly all of the Kirtland's warbler breeding range. We monitored the resulting cowbird abundance and rate of parasitism, and then adjusted the scale of trap reductions based on the previous year's results. Despite reducing (2015–2017) and eventually eliminating (2018) cowbird trapping, we detected only 20 cowbirds (2015–2017) and found that just 4 of 514 (<1%) nests were parasitized (2015–2018). Our results indicate that the cowbird control program can at least temporarily be suspended, thereby reducing conservation reliance in the Kirtland's warbler and freeing funds for other management. We urge the conservation community to consider the use of adaptive management to reduce conservation reliance in other threatened and endangered taxa. © 2019 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   
Dimethyl sulfide metabolism in salt marsh sediments   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Abstract Anoxic sediment slurries prepared from Spartina salt marsh soils contained dimethyl sulfide (DMS) at concentrations ranging from 1 to 10 μM. DMS was produced in slurries over the initial 1–24 h incubation. After the initial period of production, DMS decreased to undetectable levels and methane thiol (MSH) was produced. Inhibition of methanogenesis caused a 20% decrease in the rate of DMS consumption, while inhibition of sulfate reduction caused a 80% decrease in DMS consumption. When sulfate reduction and methanogenesis were simultaneously inhibited, DMS did not decrease. DMS contributed about 28% to the methane production rate, while DMS probably contributed only 1% or less to the sulfate reduction rate. Incubation of the sediment slurries under an atmosphere of air resulted in similar DMS consumption compared to anaerobic incubations, but MSH and CH4 were not evolved.
Sediments from the marsh released significant quantities of DMS when treated with cold alkali, indicating that potentially significant sources of DMS existed in the sediments. Values of base-hydrolyzable DMS as high as 190 μmol per liter of sediment were observed near the sediment surface, and values always decreased with depth in the sediment. Simple flux experiments with small intact sediment cores, showed that DMS was emitted from the marsh surface when cores were injected with glutaraldehyde or molybdate and 2-bromoethanesulfonate (BES), but nit when cores were left uninhibited. These results showed that DMS was readily metabolized by microbes in marsh sediments and that this metabolism may be responsible for reducing the emission of DMS from the marsh surface.  相似文献   
Vegetation changes in salt marsh communities of the Dee estuary, northwest England, were analysed with a combination of remote sensing techniques using data dating back to the 1950s. The distribution of communities in 1997 was classified using Airborne Thematic Mapper data and used to develop a methodology for the analysis of black and white photographs of the marsh. These methods were then applied retrogressively to a time sequence of monochrome photographs running from 1955 to 1975. At the apex of the salt marshes on the English shore of the Dee estuary, the marsh expanded dramatically to 1975, and consisted predominantly of pioneer and low marsh vegetation types. Between 1975 and 1997, however, there was only a slight increase in salt marsh area, but with an increase in mid and high marsh vegetation, replacing pioneer marsh. In a second area of the salt marsh on the English shore, a different pattern of salt marsh expansion was observed. The area occupied by marsh continued to increase right up to 1997, with extensive pioneer vegetation suggesting a process of continuing expansion. However, the pattern of marsh colonisation appeared to be different in 1997 compared to 1975. The significance of the changes in salt marsh distribution within the Dee estuary are discussed in relation to the historical pattern of salt marsh colonisation, the importance of Spartina anglica in the process and the implications for strategic management of the estuarine resources.  相似文献   
The major histocompatibility complex (MHC) genes are extremely polymorphic and this variation is assumed to be maintained by balancing selection. Cyclic interactions between pathogens and their hosts could generate such selection, and specific MHC alleles or heterozygosity at certain MHC loci have been shown to confer resistance against particular pathogens. Here we compare the temporal variation in allele frequencies of 23 MHC class I alleles with that of 23 neutral microsatellite markers in adult great reed warblers (a passerine bird) in nine successive cohorts. Overall, the MHC alleles showed a significantly higher variation in allele frequencies between cohorts than the microsatellite alleles, using a multi-variate genetic analysis (amova). The frequency of two specific MHC alleles, A3e (P = 0.046) and B4b (P = 0.0018), varied more between cohorts than expected from random, whereas none of the microsatellite alleles showed fluctuations exceeding the expectation from stochastic variation. These results imply that the variation in MHC allele frequencies between cohorts is not a result of demographic events, but rather an effect of selection favouring different MHC alleles in different years.  相似文献   
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