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Coastal systems worldwide deliver vital ecosystem services, such as biodiversity, carbon sequestration, and coastal protection. Effectivity of these ecosystem services increases when vegetation is present. Understanding the mechanisms behind vegetation establishment in bio‐geomorphic systems is necessary to understand their ability to recover after erosive events and potential adaptations to climate change. In this study, we examined how seed availability affects vegetation establishment in the salt marsh–intertidal flat transition zone: the area with capacity for lateral marsh expansion. This requires vegetation establishment; therefore, seed availability is essential. In a 6‐month field experiment, we simulated a before and after winter seed dispersal at two locations, the salt‐marsh vegetation edge and the intertidal flat, and studied seed retention, the seed bank, and the seed viability of three pioneer marsh species: Salicornia procumbens, Aster tripolium, and Spartina anglica. During winter storm conditions, all supplied seeds eroded away with the sediment surface layer. After winter, supplied seeds from all three species were retained, mostly at the surface while 9% was bioturbated downwards. In the natural seed bank, A. tripolium and S. anglica were practically absent while S. procumbens occurred more frequently. The viability of S. procumbens seeds was highest at the surface, between 80% and 90%. The viability quickly decreased with depth, although viable S. procumbens seeds occurred up to 15 cm depth. Only when seeds were supplied after winter, many S. procumbens and some S. anglica individuals did establish successfully in the transition zone. Viable seed availability formed a vegetation establishment threshold, even with a local seed source. Our results suggest that, although boundary conditions such as elevation, inundation, and weather conditions were appropriate for vegetation establishment in spring, the soil surface in winter can be so dynamic that it limits lateral marsh expansion. These insights can be used for designing effective nature‐based coastal protection.  相似文献   
土壤微生物膜是由土壤细菌及其分泌物积聚形成的生物群落,是生物土壤结皮的初始形态和重要组成部分。作为土壤细菌生命过程中最典型的生存形式,土壤微生物膜不仅能保护基质内细胞生存,还可黏附于土壤颗粒和植物根系表面,发挥重要的生态功能。本文在解析土壤微生物膜结构与组成的基础上,从土壤质量与植物健康两个方面总结分析了土壤微生物膜生理生态功能:土壤微生物膜代谢活性高于游离细胞,可高效分泌胞外聚合物并且具有更强的有机物质转化速率,在提升土壤肥力,吸附、固持和降解土壤污染物和促进土壤团聚体形成方面具有重要意义;土壤微生物膜可通过多种微生物间协同作用、促进分泌多种促生物质与胞外聚合物以发挥固持作用等改善植物养分利用状况,增强植物抗逆性。揭示土壤微生物膜生态功能的微观机制、筛选和应用功能性土壤微生物膜是未来重要的发展方向。  相似文献   
为了解黑莎草(Gahnia tristis)在南方红壤侵蚀区的适应状况,测定了长汀县红壤侵蚀区的黑莎草叶片、根系的功能性状及土壤理化性质,并应用数理统计方法分析了黑莎草叶片与根系功能性状之间的相关性,及其对土壤因子的响应。结果表明,黑莎草叶片表型性状在冬夏季间存在显著差异,叶长、叶宽、叶组织密度和叶绿素表现为夏季显著大于冬季,根系表型性状则更具稳定性,冬季的根系养分含量均高于夏季,养分的分配上叶片养分高于根系养分。叶组织密度与叶绿素含量呈显著正相关,与比叶面积呈显著负相关;根组织密度与比根长和比根面积均呈显著负相关,叶片和根系养分间均呈显著正相关,土壤碳、氮、磷含量是影响黑莎草功能性状主要因子。因此,黑莎草可通过调节功能性状以适应环境变化,可作为地带性植物应用于南方红壤侵蚀区的植被恢复和水土流失治理。  相似文献   
The Longwood Complex wildfire in the Siskiyou Mountains of southern Oregon in August 1987 created an opportunity to study erosion and its effects on mycorrhizal fungus inoculum potential of a forest soil on steep slopes. As measured by the erosion-bridge method, most erosion occurred in a single, intense storm in December after the fire and amounted to an estimated 2 to 4 cm of surface soil. Captured eroded soil had a higher pH and P and Mg levels than residual soil. Seedlings ofLibocedrus decurrens andPseudotsuga menziesii were planted on eroded plots with additions of captured eroded soil (ET) or pasteurized eroded soil (PET) transferred to the planting holes. After one growing season,Libocedrus seedlings formed nearly 4 times the vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizae in ET treatments and more than twice as much in PET treatments than in controls. Survival and basal area growth were significantly better in ET than in the other treatments, and both ET and PET produced more seedling shoot growth than did controls.Pseudotsuga seedlings did not differ in measured characteristics between treatments; ectomycorrhiza formation was slight, evidently the result of reduced inoculum potential resulting from the fire.  相似文献   
The effect of sulphide on the growth of several species of salt-marsh plants was investigated. Relative growth rates were significantly reduced in two upper-marsh species, Festuca rubra and Atriplex patula, and in the lower-marsh species Puccinellia maritima. However the growth of Salicornia europaea, a species frequently associated with sulphide-containing sediments, was unaffected. In a separate experiment the wide ranging halophyte Aster tripolium, also appeared to be tolerant of sulphide at a concentration frequently encountered in salt marshes. Sulphide pretreatment inhibited the activity of two metallo-enzymes, polyphenol oxidase and external phosphatase, in plants from the upper marsh, but had no effect on enzymes from P. maritima or S. europaea. The rate of respiration by root tissue was significantly reduced in all of the species investigated but whereas the uptake of 86rubidium was markedly inhibited in the other three species, uptake by S. europaea showed a significant stimulation. Similarly, whereas sulphide-grown plants of F. rubra, A. patula and P. maritima had a considerably reduced tissue iron content, the total iron concentration in S. europaea tissues was comparable to that of the controls. When the sulphide-tolerant species A. tripolium was grown in sulphide-containing media there was no significant effect on the tissue concentration of any of the elements investigated. These results are discussed in relation to possible mechanisms of sulphide toxicity and resistance.  相似文献   
宁夏南部旱区坡地不同粮草带比间作种植模式比较   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在宁夏南部旱区15°坡耕地上,于2007年5月至2008年10月连续2a研究了7种不同粮草带状间作(谷子和糜子间作苜蓿)模式与粮食单作(对照处理)模式下的作物产量、形态指标、水分利用效率及水土流失特征。结果表明,同粮食单作相比,4∶4、4∶6、6∶4、6∶6、6∶8、8∶6和8∶8等7个粮(谷子或糜子)草(苜蓿)条带间作种植模式的作物生育后期单株叶面积和单株质量明显增加,作物水分利用效率提高0.99-1.57kg/m3,产量增加3.02%-15.72%,地表径流减少6.86%-58.42%,泥沙流失量减少56.09%-100%。不同粮草带比间作种植模式比较,带距越窄,粮食增产效果和整体水土流失防治效果越佳。尤其是4∶4、4∶6和6∶43种带比间作种植模式的综合效果较好。  相似文献   
Global climate change is recognized as a threat to species survival and the health of natural systems. Scientists worldwide are looking at the ecological and hydrological impacts resulting from climate change. Climate change will make future efforts to restore and manage wetlands more complex. Wetland systems are vulnerable to changes in quantity and quality of their water supply, and it is expected that climate change will have a pronounced effect on wetlands through alterations in hydrological regimes with great global variability. Wetland habitat responses to climate change and the implications for restoration will be realized differently on a regional and mega-watershed level, making it important to recognize that specific restoration and management plans will require examination by habitat. Floodplains, mangroves, seagrasses, saltmarshes, arctic wetlands, peatlands, freshwater marshes and forests are very diverse habitats, with different stressors and hence different management and restoration techniques are needed. The Sundarban (Bangladesh and India), Mekong river delta (Vietnam), and southern Ontario (Canada) are examples of major wetland complexes where the effects of climate change are evolving in different ways. Thus, successful long term restoration and management of these systems will hinge on how we choose to respond to the effects of climate change. How will we choose priorities for restoration and research? Will enough water be available to rehabilitate currently damaged, water-starved wetland ecosystems? This is a policy paper originally produced at the request of the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands and incorporates opinion, interpretation and scientific-based arguments.  相似文献   
Cordgrasses in the genus Spartina are good examples of ecosystem engineers that modify habitat structure in estuaries throughout the world. In San Francisco Bay, California, USA, marshes containing native California cordgrass (Spartina foliosa) are being invaded by a hybrid (S. alterniflora × S. foliosa) formed after introduction of S. alterniflora. This study compared vegetation, sediment structure, and infaunal invertebrates in native and invaded marshes. We hypothesized that differences in the physical structure between S. foliosa and hybrid Spartina would be reflected in differences in density, biomass, diversity, and taxonomic composition of infauna. Hybrid Spartina modifies habitat structure more than S. foliosa by producing taller stems, and greater plant biomass both above- and belowground while occupying a much wider tidal range, thereby transforming open mudflats to a vegetated habitat. In general, S. foliosa areas contained significantly higher densities of benthic infauna than adjacent mudflats, while hybrid Spartina areas never contained greater infaunal densities than mudflats. This is because S. foliosa produces a moderate level of structure that can facilitate benthic invertebrates, whereas hybrid Spartina produces so much structure, particularly belowground, that it actually excludes invertebrates. Therefore, we suggest that these two closely related species both act as ecosystem engineers, but with opposing effects on invertebrate communities.  相似文献   
Erosion resulting from landslides is a serious problem in mountainous countries such as Nepal. To restore such sites it is essential to establish plant cover that protects the soil and reduces surface erosion. Mycorrhizal fungi growing in symbiosis with plants are essential in this respect because they improve both plant nutrient uptake and soil structure. We investigated the influence of organic matter and P amendment on recently produced biomass of bacteria and arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi in eroded slopes in Nepal. Eroded soil mixed with different types of organic matter or P was placed in mesh bags, which were buried around trees of Bauhinia purpurea and Leucaena diversifolia between June 2003 and December 2003 (the wet season) or between December 2003 and June 2004 (the dry season). Signature fatty acids were used to determine bacterial and AM fungal biomass after the 6‐month intervals. The amount and composition of AM fungal spores were analyzed in the mesh bags from the dry season. More microbial biomass was produced during the wet season than during the dry season. Furthermore, organic matter addition enhanced the production of AM fungal and bacterial biomass during both periods. The positive influence of organic matter addition on AM fungi could be an important contribution to plant survival in plantations on eroded slopes. Different AM spore communities and bacterial profiles were obtained with different organic amendments and this suggests a possible way of selecting for specific microbial communities in the management of eroded sites.  相似文献   
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