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Achene size and shape, surface sculpturing, and pericarp and testa wall structure of 23 Korean Saussurea spp. were investigated using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and light microscopy to evaluate the infrageneric relationships and assess their systematic significance. Achene size categories and thickness of the testa epidermis were distinguished using biometric measurements. Four basic types of surface pattern were observed: (1) lineate; (2) striate; (3) reticulate; and (4) colliculate. Saussurea rorinsanensis was found to have some unique achene characteristics, such as a fusiform achene, uniform pappus, presence of epidermal hairs and tangentially elongated, narrow testa epidermal cells. The characteristic achene features for species were found to be achene size and shape, hilum position, surface sculpture, pappus composition, morphology of the pericarp wall and thickness of the testa epidermis. Based on 16 morphological and achene characters, a cladistic analysis resolved three well‐supported clades, with S. eriophylla as the first‐branching taxon. Saussurea pulchella and S. japonica, both belonging to Saussurea subgenus Theodorea, were distant from each other in the 50% majority rule consensus tree and the character distribution cladogram. This cladistic analysis of achene morphology and anatomy should be regarded as giving us a tentative picture of the phylogenetics of Saussurea, and this study may serve as a reference for future hypotheses and studies on the characterization and classification of Saussurea spp. in Korea.  相似文献   
The Smc5/6 complex facilitates chromosome replication and DNA break repair. Within this complex, a subcomplex composed of Nse1, Nse3 and Nse4 is thought to play multiple roles through DNA binding and regulating ATP-dependent activities of the complex. However, how the Nse1-Nse3-Nse4 subcomplex carries out these multiple functions remain unclear. To address this question, we determine the crystal structure of the Xenopus laevis Nse1-Nse3-Nse4 subcomplex at 1.7 Å resolution and examine how it interacts with DNA. Our structural analyses show that the Nse1-Nse3 dimer adopts a closed conformation and forms three interfaces with a segment of Nse4, forcing it into a Z-shaped conformation. The Nse1-Nse3-Nse4 structure provides an explanation for how the lung disease immunodeficiency and chromosome breakage syndrome-causing mutations could dislodge Nse4 from Nse1-Nse3. Our DNA binding and mutational analyses reveal that the N-terminal and the middle region of Nse4 contribute to DNA interaction and cell viability. Integrating our data with previous crosslink mass spectrometry data, we propose potential roles of the Nse1-Nse3-Nse4 complex in binding DNA within the Smc5/6 complex.  相似文献   
Eukaryotic Nramp genes encode divalent metal ion permeases important for nutrition and resistance to microbial infection. Bacterial homologs encode proton-dependent transporters of manganese (MntH), and other divalent metal ions. Bacterial MntH were classified in three homology groups (A, B, C) and MntH C further subdivided in C, C, C. The proteins from C. tepidum (MntH B) and E. faecalis (MntH C1, 2), divergent in sequence and hydropathy profile, conferred increased metal sensitivity when expressed in E. coli, suggesting conservation of divalent metal transport function in MntH B and C. Several genomic evidence suggest horizontal gene transfer (HGT) of mntH C genes: (i) The enterobacteria Wigglesworthia mntH C gene is linked to an Asn t-RNA, and its sequence most conserved with Gram positive bacteria homologs; (ii) all the C genes identified in oral streptococcaceae are associated with different potentially mobile DNA elements; (iii) Lactococcus lactis and Burkholderia mallei genomes contain an mntH gene prematurely terminated and a novel full-length mntH C gene; (iv) remarkable sequence relatedness between the unicellular alga C. reinhardtii prototype Nramp and some MntH C (e.g., Nostoc spp., Listeria spp.) suggests HGT between Eukarya and Bacteria. Other prototype Nramp genes (intronless, encoding proteins strongly conserved with MntH A and B proteins) identified in invertebrates represent a possible source for transfer of Nramp genes toward opportunistic bacteria. This study demonstrates complex evolution of MntH in Bacteria. It is proposed that prototype Nramp are ancestors of bacterial MntH C proteins, which could facilitate bacterial infection. Equally contributing authors (Etienne Richer and Pascal Courville).  相似文献   
1. Habitat structure long has been identified as a primary factor influencing local assemblage composition. Most evidence has been in the form of correlations of species occurrence and assemblage composition over a range of habitats, with experimental verification of relationships being relatively uncommon because of the difficulties of enacting precise manipulations of habitat structure. 2. Fallen timber (also known as coarse or large woody debris) is one of the few habitat-structural elements in forests and woodlands that can be manipulated with relatively high precision. We report on manipulations of wood-loads on 30 experimental 1-ha plots in floodplain forests of northern Victoria, Australia, over 4 years (one pre- and three post-manipulation). 3. We show that very high wood-loads (80 Mg ha(-1)) and intermediate wood-loads derived from tree crowns (40 Mg ha(-1)) increase species richness (all species and ground-foraging species) and numbers of birds (all species and ground-foraging species) relative to the control plots. 4. Three bird species consistently increased most following manipulations: white-plumed honeyeater Lichenostomus penicillatus (Gould 1837) (fam. Meliphagidae), brown treecreeper Climacteris picumnus (Temm. & Laug. 1824) (fam. Climacteridae) and yellow rosella Platycercus elegans flaveolus (Gould 1837) (fam. Psittacidae). The honeyeater is not considered as a ground or fallen timber dependent species, while the treecreeper and rosella both are regarded as being dependent on ground-layer structure. 5. Fallen timber management needs to be considered in a landscape and temporal context for improving conservation of avian biodiversity.  相似文献   
中国6株狂犬病病毒街毒株全基因组测序与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
实验研究中对分离于中国的6株狂犬病病毒街毒株进行了全基因组测序,对基因组的5个结构基因(N、P、M、G和L)的核苷酸和推断的氨基酸序列以及非编码区序列进行了分析与比较,并与来自GenBank的40株毒株从全基因组水平进行了分子进化分析。所测6株中国狂犬病病毒街毒株的全基因组核苷酸序列长度介于11 907 nt(CQ92)和11 924 nt(SH06和gg4)之间,基因组结构相同,用全基因组和不同的结构基因构建的进化树拓扑结构相似,基因组3′和5′末端高度保守而且末端11个核苷酸互补配对,5个结构基因的保守性依次是NLMGP,核苷酸同源性的最小值依次分别是81.9%、81.7%、80.7%、78.3%和76.7%。  相似文献   

Desmidothrips n.gen. is described from New Zealand, with walkerae n.sp. as type‐species. Aeolothrips inauditus Bianchi from New Caledonia is transferred to this new genus. Desmidothrips is related to the Australian genus Desmothrips, and is the only member of the Aeolothripidae native to New Zealand.  相似文献   
We used a longitudinal capture-recapture study to estimate the age-specific probabilities of first return to the breeding colony and annual survival rates for male gray seals ( Halichoerus grypus ), based on resightings of seals branded as young on Sable Island. We estimated that the average age of first returns for seals born in 1969–1970 to be 9.1 (SE 0.4) yr; for seals born in 1973–1974 it is estimated to be 9.8 (SE 0.2) yr. The estimated annual survival rate of these males was estimated to be 0.976 (SE 0.003).  相似文献   
The shell length, height, and width, live body weight, and edible tissue weight of Manila clam of 1, 2, and 3 years of age were measured, and their correlation coefficients were calculated. The shell morphological traits were used as independent variables, and live body weight or edible tissue weigh used as a dependent variable for calculating the path coefficients, correlation index and determination coefficients. The results showed that the correlation coefficients between each shell morphological trait and the live body weight or edible tissue weight were all highly significant (P < 0. 01). The shell height at 1-year old clams was highly correlated with the live body weight and edible tissue weight. The shell width of 2- to 3-year-old clams was strongly associated with the live body weight, while the shell length was closely linked to the edible tissue weight. The results of coefficients of determination for the morphological traits against weight traits agreed well with the results of path analysis. The correlation indices for all morphological traits against weight traits were approximately the same as determination coefficients regardless of clam age. The correlation indices (R2) of morphological traits against the live body weight of clams of all ages and edible tissue weight of 1-year-old clams were larger than 0.85, but R2 of morphological traits against the edible tissue weight of 2- and 3-year-old clams was smaller than 0.85, indicating that some other factors might be associated with the edible tissue weight of 2- and 3-year-old clams. Multiple regression equations were obtained to estimate shell length X1 (cm), shell height X2 (cm), shell width X3 (cm) against live body weight Y (g), edible tissue weight Z (g): for 1-year-old clams: Y = ?4.317 + 0.18X1 + 0.147X2, (X1 < 0.01, X2 < 0.01), Z = ?1.011 + 0.095X2, (X2 < 0.01); for 2-year-old clams: Y = ?15.119 + 0.249X1 + 0.176X2 + 0.688X3, (X1 < 0.01, X3 < 0.01), Z = ?4.248 + 0.198X1, (X1 < 0.05, X3 < 0.01); and for 3-year-old clams: Y = ?25.013 + 0.415X1 + 1.184X3, (X1 < 0.01, X3 < 0.01), Z = ?7.082 + 0.119X1 + 0.332X3, (X1 < 0.05, X3 < 0.01).  相似文献   
Bacterial communities in two shallow eutrophic aquatic ecosystems (eastern China) were studied using culture-dependent methods, and their correlations with the other water parameters were analyzed. Although the values of the comprehensive trophic state index in Xizi Lake and Hangzhou Canal were almost identical, the abundances of cultivable bacterial communities, such as protein-hydrolyzing bacteria (PHB), fecal coliforms (FC), nitrogen-utilizing bacteria, phosphate-mineralizing bacteria, and cellulose-decomposing bacteria (CDB), differed significantly. They were much less in Xizi Lake than in Hangzhou Canal. Correlation analyses indicated that the abundances of physiological groups of bacteria were determined mainly by the biomasses of phytoplankton and zooplankton, rather than by the utilized substrates. Xizi Lake was an algae-dominated aquatic ecosystem, a situation that mainly arose from the influx of inorganic nutrients, and the Hangzhou Canal was bacteria-dominated due to the influx of organic sewage. Molecular characterization and phylogenetic analysis of isolates showed that there were 6 phylogenetic lineages out of 15 isolates screened from Xizi Lake, including γ-proteobacteria (5), β-proteobacteria (3), α-proteobacteria (2), actinobacteria (1), firmicutes (4), and bacteroidetes (1). While in Hangzhou Canal there were only 4 bacterial groups among 22 isolates, γ-proteobacteria comprised about 82%, α-proteobacteria made up 9%, firmicutes and bacteroidetes made up only 4.5%, respectively, and no β-proteobacteria were found. Enterobacteriaceae were the principal bacteria components in the two aquatic ecosystems, especially in the sewage-polluted Hangzhou Canal. It can be concluded preliminarily that the bacterial diversity in Xizi Lake is richer than that in Hangzhou Canal. Handling editor: J. Padisak  相似文献   
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