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Summary One natural population (F0 generation) of Beta maritima situated on the French Atlantic coast has been analysed. It was composed of 62% female, 30% hermaphrodite and 8% intermediate plants. The analysis of half-sib progeny (F1 generation) obtained from in situ open pollination demonstrates the cytoplasmic determination of male sterility in Beta maritima and the restoration of fertility by nuclear genes. The mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and the chloroplast DNA (ctDNA) of sixteen F1 plants, extracted from offspring of the three sexual phenotypes, were analysed using the restriction enzymes Sal I and Bam HI, respectively. Two cytoplasmic lines with their own peculiar genetic characteristics were distinguished using the restriction enzyme patterns of mtDNA: (i) the S cytoplasmic line was found in segregating progeny of two F0 plants; all three phenotypes were produced (that is, progeny including hermaphrodite, female and intermediate plants); (ii) the N cytoplasmic line was found in the progeny of one F0 hermaphrodite plant; this produced only hermaphrodites. Thus, segregating and non-segregating hermaphrodite F0 plants can be distinguished. The nuclear genes maintaining sterility or restoring fertility are expressed in line S. At the same time the analysis of Beta vulgaris material has been carried out at the molecular level: N cytoplasmic lines of B. vulgaris and B. maritima differed only by 3 fragments of mtDNA; but the S cytoplasmic line of B. maritima was very different from Owen's cytoplasmic male sterile line of B. vulgaris. No variation in the ctDNA pattern was detected within and between the two taxa.  相似文献   
The M42 aminopeptidases are a family of dinuclear aminopeptidases widely distributed in Prokaryotes. They are potentially associated to the proteasome, achieving complete peptide destruction. Their most peculiar characteristic is their quaternary structure, a tetrahedron-shaped particle made of twelve subunits. The catalytic site of M42 aminopeptidases is defined by seven conserved residues. Five of them are involved in metal ion binding which is important to maintain both the activity and the oligomeric state. The sixth conserved residue, a glutamate, is the catalytic base deprotonating the water molecule during peptide bond hydrolysis. The seventh residue is an aspartate whose function remains poorly understood. This aspartate residue, however, must have a critical role as it is strictly conserved in all MH clan enzymes. It forms some kind of catalytic triad with the histidine residue and the metal ion of the M2 binding site. We assess its role in TmPep1050, an M42 aminopeptidase of Thermotoga maritima, through a mutational approach. Asp-62 was substituted with alanine, asparagine, or glutamate residue. The Asp-62 substitutions completely abolished TmPep1050 activity and impeded dodecamer formation. They also interfered with metal ion binding as only one cobalt ion is bound per subunit instead of two. The structure of Asp62Ala variant was solved at 1.5 Å showing how the substitution has an impact on the active site fold. We propose a structural role for Asp-62, helping to stabilize a crucial loop in the active site and to position correctly the catalytic base and a metal ion ligand of the M1 site.  相似文献   
TM0077 from Thermotoga maritima is a member of the carbohydrate esterase family 7 and is active on a variety of acetylated compounds, including cephalosporin C. TM0077 esterase activity is confined to short‐chain acyl esters (C2–C3), and is optimal around 100°C and pH 7.5. The positional specificity of TM0077 was investigated using 4‐nitrophenyl‐β‐D ‐xylopyranoside monoacetates as substrates in a β‐xylosidase‐coupled assay. TM0077 hydrolyzes acetate at positions 2, 3, and 4 with equal efficiency. No activity was detected on xylan or acetylated xylan, which implies that TM0077 is an acetyl esterase and not an acetyl xylan esterase as currently annotated. Selenomethionine‐substituted and native structures of TM0077 were determined at 2.1 and 2.5 Å resolution, respectively, revealing a classic α/β‐hydrolase fold. TM0077 assembles into a doughnut‐shaped hexamer with small tunnels on either side leading to an inner cavity, which contains the six catalytic centers. Structures of TM0077 with covalently bound phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride and paraoxon were determined to 2.4 and 2.1 Å, respectively, and confirmed that both inhibitors bind covalently to the catalytic serine (Ser188). Upon binding of inhibitor, the catalytic serine adopts an altered conformation, as observed in other esterase and lipases, and supports a previously proposed catalytic mechanism in which Ser hydroxyl rotation prevents reversal of the reaction and allows access of a water molecule for completion of the reaction. Proteins 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
Morphological analysis of four populations of Suaeda maritima was undertaken in order to examine the variation between populations from inland and maritime saline area, as well as between the two subspecies. Variability and significance of morpho-anatomical differentiation were examined using principal component analysis (PCA), discriminant component analysis (DCA) and cluster analysis. Plants of each population exhibited halomorphic and xeromorphic characteristics. The results of PCA and DCA showed that S. maritima subsp. prostrata and S. maritima subsp. maritima could be clearly separated based on their quantitative anatomical characteristics. Based on our analysis, climate and the amount of salt and ions in the soil, are important factors that enhance the adaptive potential of S. maritima.  相似文献   
We investigated the morphological and genetic variations found inSuaeda maritima growing on sand dunes at Jogeum-naru, Muan-gun, in Korea. Our objective was to determine how plant density, biomass, and morphological characteristics were affected by habitat and environmental factors. Differences in elevation dictated that habitats for this species be divided into three positions: low, middle, and high areas. The higher the elevation, the lower the amount of available water, total nitrogen, phosphate, and organic matter. Correlations between biomass and environment were statistically significant For example, plant density and biomass declined as elevation increased. In low areas, the lengths of aerial stems and leaves were 17.98±0.46 and 7.83±0.12 mm, respectively; values measured at high areas were 0.70 and 0.83 times smaller, respectively. Likewise, lengths of main roots in low areas were 8.06± 0.21 mm; in higher areas, roots were 1.58 times longer. Leaf widths in low areas were 1.88±0.01 mm, and 1.16 times greater at higher elevations. Values for these parameters in middle areas were intermediate between those for the other two. Nevertheless, when we used an MVSP computer program to conduct a similarity coefficient analysis, we found that the morphological variations recorded at the three elevations were not matched by differences in DNA patterns, although genetic variations were observed within individual populations.  相似文献   
This paper describes the NMR screening of 141 small (<15 kDa) recombinant Thermotoga maritima proteins for globular folding. The experimental data shows that approximately 25% of the screened proteins are folded under our screening conditions, which makes this procedure an important step for selecting those proteins that are suitable for structure determination. A comparison of screening based either on 1D 1H NMR with unlabeled proteins or on 2D [1H,15N]-COSY with uniformly 15N-labeled proteins is presented, and a comprehensive analysis of the 1D 1H NMR screening data is described. As an illustration of the utility of these methods to structural proteomics, the NMR structure determination of TM1492 (ribosomal protein L29) is presented. This 66-residue protein consists of a N-terminal 3(10)-helix and two long alpha-helices connected by a tight turn centered about glycine 35, where conserved leucine and isoleucine residues in the two alpha-helices form a small hydrophobic core.  相似文献   
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