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Marine bivalves are sessile or sedentary as adults but have planktonic larvae which can potentially disperse over large distances. Consequently larval transport is expected to play a prominent role in facilitating gene flow and determining population structure. The sea scallop (Placopecten magellanicus) is a dioecious species with high fecundity, broadcast spawning and a c. 30-day planktonic larval stage, yet it forms discrete populations or 'beds' which have significantly different dynamics and characteristics. We analysed variation at six microsatellite loci in 12 locations throughout the geographic range of the species from Newfoundland, Canada, to New Jersey, USA. Significant differentiation was present and the maximum pairwise theta value, between one of the Newfoundland samples in the north and a sample from the southern portion of the range, was high at 0.061. Other proximate pairs of samples had no detectable genetic differentiation. Mantel tests indicated a significant isolation by distance, but only when one of the populations was excluded. A landscape genetic approach was used to detect areas of low gene flow using a joint analysis of spatial and genetic information. The two major putative barriers inferred by Monmonier's algorithm were then used to define regions for an analysis of molecular variance (amova). That analysis showed a significant but low percentage (1.2%) of the variation to be partitioned among regions, negligible variation among populations within regions, and the majority of the variance distributed between individuals within populations. Prominent currents were concordant with the demarcation of the regions, while a novel approach of using particle tracking software to mimic scallop larval dispersal was employed to interpret within-region genetic patterns.  相似文献   
In a recent article, Hachich et al. (2015, Journal of Biogeography, 42 , 1871–1882) studied the large‐scale biogeographical patterns of the species–area, species–island age and species–isolation relationships associated with marine shallow‐water groups (reef fish, gastropods and seaweeds) from 11 Atlantic archipelagos. We here express our concerns regarding the data accuracy used to compute the different models that tested the null hypothesis of species richness being independent of the selected variables. In our commentary, we focus mainly on the use of out‐of‐date checklists of gastropod and seaweed species from different archipelagos, but we also point out inaccuracies in some island age estimates and explain our disagreement with the use of the 200 m depth limit for the shallow‐water gastropods and seaweeds.  相似文献   
The Pacific marine biota, particularly species with long planktonic larval stages, are thought to disperse widely throughout the Pacific via ocean currents. The little genetic data available to date has supported this view in that little or no significant regional differentiation of populations has been found over large geographical distances. However, recent data from giant clams has demonstrated not only significant regional differentiation of populations, but routes of gene flow that run perpendicular to the main present-day ocean currents. Extensive surveys of genetic variation at eight polymorphic loci in 19 populations of the giant clam Tridacna maxima, sampled throughout the West and Central Pacific, confirmed that the patterns of variation seen so far in T. gigas were not unique to that species, and may reflect a fundamental genetic structuring of shallow-water marine taxa. Populations of T. maxima within highly connected reef systems like the Great Barrier Reef were panmictic (average FST < 0.003), but highly significant genetic differences between reef groups on different archipelagos (average FST = 0.084) and between West and Central Pacific regions (average FST = 0.156) were found. Inferred gene flow was high (Nem usually > 5) between the Philippines and the Great Barrier Reef, between the Philippines and Melanesia (the Solomon Islands and Fiji), and between the Philippines and the Central Pacific island groups (Marshall Islands, Kiribati, Tuvalu and Cook Islands). Gene flow was low between these three sets of island chains (Nem < 2). These routes of gene flow are perpendicular to present-day ocean currents. It is suggested that the spatial patterns of gene frequencies reflect past episodes of dispersal at times of lower sea levels which have not been erased by subsequent dispersal by present-day circulation. The patterns are consistent with extensive dispersal of marine species in the Pacific, and with traditional views of dispersal from the Indo-Malay region. However, they demonstrate that dispersal along present-day ocean surface currents cannot be assumed, that other mechanisms may operate today or that major dispersal events are intermittent (perhaps separated by several thousands of years), and that the nature and timing of dispersal of Pacific marine species is more complex than has been thought.  相似文献   
A metabolic model for the stoichiometry of acetate uptake under anaerobic conditions by an enriched culture of glycogen accumulating organisms (GAOs) was developed and tested by experimental studies. Glycogen served as the source of both reducing power and energy to drive the process of acetate uptake. The amount of glycogen consumed and poly-beta-hydroxyvalerate (PHV) accumulated in the cells increased with increasing pH, indicating that the energy requirements for acetate uptake increased with pH. The composition of the accumulated poly-beta-hydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) was adequately predicted using the assumption that acetyl-CoA and propionyl-CoA condense randomly to produce PHA. In addition, the rate of acetate uptake was strongly affected by the pH. The rate decreased with increasing pH and this dependence could be described with a saturation type of expression. A comparison of the rate of acetate uptake at low pH with the rates observed in enriched cultures of phosphorus accumulating organisms (PAOs) indicated that GAOs are able to compete effectively with PAOs in nutrient removal systems under certain conditions.  相似文献   
Killer whales (Orcinus orca) have a global distribution, but many high‐latitude populations are not well studied. We provide a comprehensive review of the history and ecology of killer whales in the Canadian Arctic, for which there has previously been little information. We compiled a database of 450 sightings spanning over 15 decades (1850–2008) to document the historical occurrence, distribution, feeding ecology, and seasonality of killer whales observed throughout the region. Sighting reports per decade increased substantially since 1850 and were most frequent in the eastern Canadian Arctic. The mean reported group size was 8.3 (median = 4, range 1–100), but size varied significantly among regions and observed prey types. Observations of predation events indicate that Canadian Arctic killer whales prey upon other marine mammals. Monodontids were the most frequently observed prey items, followed by bowhead whales (Balaena mysticetus), phocids, and groups of mixed mammal prey. No killer whale sightings occurred during winter, with sightings gradually increasing from early spring to a peak in summer, after which sightings gradually decreased. Our results suggest that killer whales are established, at least seasonally, throughout the Canadian Arctic, and we discuss potential ecological implications of increased presence with declining sea ice extent and duration.  相似文献   
The distributions of bacterial form IA and form IC ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (RuBisCO) were investigated using Lowes Cove intertidal mudflat and Damariscotta Lake littoral sediments by PCR amplification of 492-495 bp fragments of the large subunit RuBisCO gene, cbbL. Genomic extracts for amplification were obtained from lake surface (upper 2 mm), mudflat surface (upper 2 mm), subsurface (5-7 cm), and soft-shell clam (Mya arenaria) burrow-wall sediments, as well as from a sulfide-oxidizing mat. Phylogenetic analyses of cbbL clone libraries revealed that Lowes Cove sediments were dominated by form IA cbbL-containing sequences most closely related to cbbL genes of sulfur-oxidizing bacteria or sulfide-oxidizing mats. In contrast, Damariscotta Lake cbbL clones contained primarily form IC cbbL sequences, which typify aerobic CO- and hydrogen-oxidizing facultative chemolithotrophs. Statistical analyses supported clear differentiation of intertidal and lake chemolithotroph communities, and provided evidence for some differentiation among intertidal communities. amova and libshuff analyses of Lowes Cove libraries suggested that M. arenaria burrow-wall sediments did not harbour distinct communities compared with surface and subsurface sediments, but that surface and subsurface libraries displayed moderate differences. The results collectively support a conceptual model in which the relative distribution of form IA- and IC-containing bacterial chemolithotrophs depends on sulfide availability, which could reflect the role of sulfate reduction in sediment organic matter metabolism, or the presence of geothermal sulfide sources.  相似文献   
Tool selection can affect the success of a tool-based feeding task, and thus tool-using animals should select appropriate tools when processing foods. We performed a field experiment on Piak Nam Yai Island in Laem Son National Park, Thailand, to test whether Burmese long-tailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis aurea) selected stone tools according to food type. We baited the island''s shores with stone sets (‘tool tests’) in an effort to attract macaques to use stones presented in a quasi-experimental design. Tool tests were placed at 344 locations for 126 days over a 2 year period, with each set containing four stones of different mass (categories: X, 40–60 g; S, 90–100 g; M, 150–200 g; and L, 400–1000 g). Tool tests were checked when we could access them. The number of times each tool test was checked varied (1–32), for a total of 1950 checks. We also studied 375 non-experimental stone tools that were found at naturally occurring tool-use sites. Our data were not collected by direct observation, but by inspecting stones after use. We found an association between stone mass and food type. In the tool tests, we found S-stones were chosen most often for attached oysters, and L-stones were chosen most often for unattached foods. L-stones were almost always chosen for larger unattached foods (greater than 3 cm length), while for smaller unattached foods (less than or equal to 3 cm length) selection was less skewed to L-stones and more evenly distributed between the M- and L-stone categories. In the non-experimental study, we found that mass varied significantly across five food categories (range: 16–5166 g). We reveal more detail on macaque stone tool mass than previous studies, showing that macaques select differing stone masses across a variety of tool-processed foods. Our study is the first step in investigating the behavioural and cognitive mechanisms that macaques are using during tool selection.  相似文献   
首次描述埋葬于长兴期海相地层中的一个高地植物群,计14属23种,包括4新种,2相似种和11未定种。概略论述植物群的性质及其埋葬特征和生态意义。以松柏植物和Taeniopteris等为代表的裸子植物在这一植物群中占61%,显示由古生代向中生代过渡的性质。这一植物群与华北同期的高地植物群在属种组成上很不相同,显示两地在区系性质上的差异。  相似文献   
李京梅  刘娟 《生态学报》2022,42(4):1241-1251
生态修复是我国生态文明建设的重要内容。在对生态修复相关概念梳理的基础上,从公共物品治理视角对海洋生态修复主体、修复标准、修复路径及修复措施保障等关键环节进行论述,研究表明:污染和破坏者作为赔偿型海洋生态修复的主体,可通过自行修复和委托修复等方式,将受损海洋生态修复到破坏前的基线水平;国家作为补偿型海洋生态修复的主体,依据边际成本收益分析法确定最优修复规模,通过政府市场采购和创建市场等经济激励型路径实施生态修复以增加公众福利。未来我国海洋生态修复应重点关注修复的资金保障、监督制度以及生态修复的技术研发和修复完成后的成本收益评估等。  相似文献   
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