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Aim We aimed to redress a current limitation of local ecological studies (i.e. piecemeal information on specific taxa) by integrating existing ecological knowledge with quantifiable patterns in primary habitat (i.e. composition, distribution and cover) from local to continental scales. By achieving this aim, we sought to provide a biogeographical framework for the interpretation of variation in the ecology of, and threats to, subtidal rocky landscapes. Location The subtidal rocky coast of continental Australia, with longitudinal comparisons spanning > 4000 km of southern coast (115°03′ E–153°60′ E) between latitudes of 33°05′ S and 35°36′ S, and latitudinal comparisons across 26°40′ S to 37°08′ S of eastern Australia. Methods The frequency and size of patches of major benthic habitat were quantified to indicate contemporary function (ecology) and to establish patterns that may result from contrasting regional‐scale processes (biogeography). This was achieved by quantifying the composition and patchiness of key subtidal habitats across the continent and relating them to the known ecology of subsets of locations in each region. A nested design of several spatial scales (1000s, 100s, 10–1 km) was adopted to distinguish patterns at local through to biogeographical scales. Results We show biogeography (in terms of longitude and latitude) to have a fundamental influence on the patterns of abundance and composition of subtidal habitats across regional (1000s of kilometres) to local (10s of kilometres to metres) scales. Across the continent, the most fundamental patterns related to (1) the proportion of rock covered by kelp forests, as related to particular functional groups of herbivores, and (2) the small‐scale heterogeneity (metres) that characterizes these forests. Main conclusions We interpret these results within a framework of alternative processes known to maintain habitat heterogeneity across these regions (e.g. productivity versus consumption as shapers of habitat structure). These interpretations illustrate how regional differences in ecological patterns and processes can create contradictory outcomes for the management of natural resources. We suggest that researchers and managers of natural resources alike may benefit from understanding local issues (e.g. the effects of fishing and its synergies with water pollution) in their biogeographical contexts.  相似文献   
On humans and wildlife in Mediterranean islands   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Aim To investigate the effects of human‐induced landscape changes in Mediterranean islands on the ecological and evolutionary responses of bird communities and populations. The combination of mass extinction of large mammals and massive deforestation by humans was hypothesized to produce new selection regimes to which organisms were likely to respond. Habitat selection and niche breadth have been investigated at the scale of species, and phenotypic variation at the scale of local populations. Location The study was carried out along habitat gradients and in habitat mosaics at different spatial scales on the island of Corsica and in areas of similar size and structure in continental France. Methods Two sets of gradients have been used for investigating habitat selection and niche breadth: gradients of altitude, and gradients of vegetation structure. Population studies focused on the blue tit, Cyanistes caeruleus. Large samples of breeding attempts by this species in 10 habitats provided detailed data on phenotypic variation of fitness‐related traits both on Corsica and on the mainland. Results The extent of niche space used by birds differed substantially depending on which habitat gradient was considered. Many species have been found to contract their habitat niche along the elevation gradient on Corsica compared with the mainland, whereas all species in the vegetation gradient broadened their niche on the island. Breeding patterns of the blue tit differed considerably depending on whether they settle in deciduous oaks (Quercus humilis) or in evergreen sclerophyllous oaks (Quercus ilex). Phenotypic variation of breeding traits was much higher on the island, where more populations were correctly timed for the best breeding period than on the mainland, a pattern that is likely to result from lower dispersal of organisms on the island. Main conclusions The differences in observed niche breadth between the two series of habitat gradients is explained both by the species‐specific ecology of the species and the human‐induced environmental history of Corsica. Large‐scale landscape changes provided new opportunities for island colonization by non‐forest species, which are isolated as small, ‘fugitive’ local populations. In both gradients, forest species that are typical components of the Corsican bird fauna definitely expanded their niche and occupied a wider range of habitats on Corsica than on the mainland. At the population scale, landscapes included habitat patches with contrasted selection regimes, which resulted in high phenotypic variation for many fitness‐related traits. Reduced dispersal of birds on the island resulted in a much higher degree of local differentiation on Corsica than on the mainland.  相似文献   
丘陵区生态农业旅游的垂直景观生态研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
针对城郊丘陵区的地貌特征,生态农业旅游景观应按坡度和等高线布置,形成山顶水保林带、坡上桃树带、坡中枇杷带、坡下特种瓜果带、山底特色水域带的垂直生态景观模式。这种模式不仅具有良好的景观效果,也产生了很好的生态效益。试验区植被覆盖率显著提高,物种多样性得到了恢复,景观林带内的气温和土温降低、温度日变幅减少、空气相对湿度增加,这种效果由弱至强依次表现为农作地、水保林、经果林。果园自然生草、种植牧草后有利于降低土壤和空气温度、减少温度日变幅、增加空气相对湿度和防治水土流失的效果。  相似文献   
人工沟渠的生态环境效应研究综述   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
郗敏  吕宪国  刘红玉 《生态学杂志》2005,24(12):1471-1476
人工沟渠主要指以排水和灌溉为目的人工挖掘的水道.人工沟渠作为排水和引水的廊道改善了土壤的结构、促进了作物的生长,从而提高了农作物的产量;同时人工沟渠这种景观的存在对周围的环境也产生了巨大的影响.水文效应是被大家普遍接受的生态环境效应.在整个降雨期间或之后,观察显示出沟渠对出口径流的贡献:一些沟渠收集和向河流输送水;另一些沟渠收集水但是减慢了水流的速度.本文从水文效应、对元素地球化学循环、生物及其生境的影响到对生态环境整体影响方面总结了人工沟渠的生态环境效应,并对其进一步的研究提出一些建议,旨在最大限度发挥人工沟渠的生态环境效应,改善整个生态环境.  相似文献   
9F系列海洋真菌代谢产物分离纯化及稻瘟霉活性研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
自帕劳群岛的3株9F系列海洋真菌中分离得到4个化合物,采用MS,NMR等光谱技术,确定结构分别为trans-dehydrocurvularin(1),terrein(2),paxilline(3)和citreopyrone(4),其对稻瘟霉P-2b菌株的最小抑制浓度分别为:10,100,1.56,3.12μg/mL。其中化合物1是首次从海洋真菌中分离得到。  相似文献   
Summary Bioflocculation of bacteria isolated from the marine biomass acclimatized to textile wastewater has been achieved. Pseudomonas was the main genus found in the marine biomass. This bacterium showed an important hydrophobicity but slightly weaker than that of pilot plant genera adapted to the conventional sewage. This hydrophobicity provided the bacteria with hydrophobic characters, especially those of the polymeric extracellular substances (ECS) released in the sewage. Whereas some factors such as the divalent cations, calcium and magnesium had an effect on this bacterial hydrophobicity, glucose concentration did not have any impact. Furthermore, the physiological state of the cells hatched in the sewage had an impact on the hydrophobicity. Indeed, during the logarithmic growth phase, cell hydrophobicity increase enhanced floc formation, thus improving wastewater treatment.  相似文献   
Management agencies have increasingly relied on size limits, daily bag or trip limits, quotas, and seasonal closures to manage fishing in recreational and commercial fisheries. Another trend is to establish aquatic protected areas, including no-take reserves (NTRs), to promote sustainable fisheries and protect aquatic ecosystems. Some anglers, assuming that no serious harm befalls the fish, advocate allowing catch-and-release (C&R) angling in aquatic protected areas. The ultimate success of these regulations and C&R angling depends on ensuring high release survival rates by minimizing injury and mortality. To evaluate the potential effectiveness of these practices, we review trends in C&R fishing and factors that influence release mortality. Analysis of Marine Recreational Fishery Statistic Survey (MRFSS) data for 1981–1999 showed no statistically significant U.S. trends for total number of anglers (mean 7.7 × 106), total catch in numbers (mean 362 × 106), or total annual catch/angler (mean 42.6 fish). However, mean total annual landings declined 28% (188.5 to 135.7 × 106), mean total catch/angler/trip declined 22.1% (0.95 to 0.74 fish), and mean landings/angler/trip declined 27% (0.42 to 0.31 fish). The total number of recreational releases or discards increased 97.1% (98.0 to 193.2 × 106) and as a proportion of total catch from 34.2% in 1981 to 58.0% in 1999. Evidence indicates that the increased releases and discards are primarily in response to mandatory regulations and to a lesser extent, voluntary releases. Total annual catch and mean annual catch/angler were maintained despite declines in catch per trip because anglers took 30.8% more fishing trips (43.5 to 56.9 × 106), perhaps to compensate for greater use of bag and size limits. We reviewed 53 release mortality studies, doubling the number of estimates since Muoneke and Childress (1994) reviewed catch and release fishing. A meta-analysis of combined data (n=274) showed a skewed distribution of release mortality (median 11%, mean 18%, range 0–95%). Mortality distributions were similar for salmonids, marine, and freshwater species. Mean mortality varied greatly by species and within species, anatomical hooking location was the most important mortality factor. Other significant mortality factors were: use of natural bait, removing hooks from deeply hooked fish, use of J-hooks (vs. circle hooks), deeper depth of capture, warm water temperatures, and extended playing and handling times. Barbed hooks had marginally higher mortality than barbless hooks. Based on numbers of estimates, no statistically significant overall effects were found for fish size, hook size, venting to deflate fish caught at depth, or use of treble vs. single hooks. Catch and release fishing is a growing and an increasingly important activity. The common occurrence of release mortality, however, requires careful evaluation for achieving fishery management goals and in some cases, disturbance, injury, or mortality may conflict with some goals of NTRs. Research is needed to develop better technology and techniques to reduce release mortality, to assess mortality from predation during capture and after release, to determine cumulative mortality from multiple hooking and release events, and to measure sub-lethal effects on behavior, physical condition, growth, and reproduction.  相似文献   
海绵细菌B25W最佳产抗培养基及发酵条件的研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
从辽宁海域的繁茂膜海绵(Hymeniacidonperleve)中分离到1株解淀粉类芽孢杆菌(Paenibacillusamyloliquefaciens),定名为海绵细菌B25W。它产生的抗生素用白色念珠菌(Candidaalbicans)为指示菌,通过单因子和均匀设计实验,发现菌株最佳产抗摇瓶发酵培养基:玉米面0.34%,豆饼粉1.66%,葡萄糖0.1%,ZnSO40.04%,MgSO40.02%,KH2PO40.04%;发酵条件:种龄12h,接种量10%,发酵时间20h,初始pH6.0,250mL三角瓶内含25mL培养基,往复式摇床,116次/min,振幅11cm,培养温度28℃。应用二剂量法(以制霉菌素为标样)测定B25W抗生素的相对效价为13680u/mL,比优化前效价(8444u/mL)提高了62%。  相似文献   
Human activities have degraded riparian systems in numerous ways, including homogenization of the floodplain landscape and minimization of extreme flows. We analyzed the effects of changes in these and other factors for extinction–colonization dynamics of a threatened Bank Swallow population along the upper Sacramento River, California, U.S.A. We monitored Bank Swallow distributions along a 160‐km stretch of the river from 1986–1992 and 1996–2003 and tested whether site extinctions and colonizations corresponded with changes in maximum river discharge, surrounding land cover, estimated colony size, temperature, and precipitation. Colonization probabilities increased with maximum discharge. Extinction probabilities decreased with proximity to the nearest grassland, decreased with colony size, and increased with maximum discharge. To explore the implications for restoration, we incorporated the statistically estimated effects of distance to grassland and maximum discharge into simple metapopulation models. Under current conditions, the Bank Swallow metapopulation appears to be in continued decline, although stable or increasing numbers cannot be ruled out with the existing data. Maximum likelihood parameters from these regression models suggest that the Sacramento River metapopulation could be restored to 45 colonies through moderate amounts of grassland restoration, large increases in discharge, or direct restoration of nesting habitat by removing approximately 10% of existing bank protection (riprap) from suitable areas. Our results highlight the importance of grassland restoration, mixed benefits of restoring high spring discharge, and the importance of within‐colony dynamics as areas for future research.  相似文献   
Plant-mediated methane emission from an Indian mangrove   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Mangroves have been considered for a long time to be a minor methane source, but recent reports have shown that polluted mangroves may emit substantial amounts of methane. In an unpolluted Indian mangrove, we measured annual methane emission rates of 10 g CH4 yr?1 from the stands of Avicennia marina. This rate is of the same order of magnitude as rates from Northern wetlands. Methane emission from a freshwater‐influenced area was higher, but was lower from a stunted mangrove growing on a hypersaline soil. Methane emission was mediated by the pneumatophores of Avicennia. This was consistent with the methane concentration in the aerenchyma, which decreased on average from 350 ppmv in the cable roots to 10 ppmv in the emergent part of the pneumatophores. However, the number of pneumatophores varied seasonally. The minimum number occurred during the monsoon season, which reduced methane emissions largely. Ebullition from unvegetated areas may also be important, at least during monsoon season when measured bubble fluxes were occasionally about five times as high as pneumatophore‐mediated emissions.  相似文献   
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