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GI引导下的采煤塌陷地生态恢复优先级评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
冯姗姗  常江  侯伟 《生态学报》2016,36(9):2724-2731
生态恢复优先级评价是恢复生态学研究的热点之一,而退化生态系统被恢复为何种类型是确定生态恢复优先级的前提和重点。以徐州市为研究区,将城市绿色基础设施(GI)作为塌陷地生态恢复的目标,在GIS技术支撑下,从塌陷斑块恢复为GI的适宜性及其对维持GI景观连接度的重要性两个方面,综合评价了采煤塌陷地生态恢复优先级。研究结果表明,徐州市超过半数的采煤塌陷斑块具有较高的GI生态适宜性,相对集中在5个片区;各塌陷斑块维持景观连接度的重要性分布不均匀,贾汪片区中部及北部塌陷斑块对维持景观连接度的作用非常显著;二者叠加后各塌陷斑块的综合适宜度具有明显差异,将其划分为5个生态恢复优先等级,较高优先等级分布于贾汪片区中部、董庄片区北部、庞庄西片区中部,建议将其纳入城市绿色基础设施予以优先恢复并立法保护。  相似文献   
梁国付  卢训令  贾振宇  丁圣彦 《生态学报》2016,36(10):2896-2904
以黄河中下游郑州地区为研究区域,根据林地面积比例高低,把确定的260块景观区域划分为林地面积比例高(50%)、中等(50%—30%)、低(30%—10%)和非常低(10%)共4个不同类型;采用概率连接度指数(PC)表征林地栖息地可用性程度。利用R软件里的广义线性模型(GLM),分析了10、50、100、250、500、1000、2000 m和3000 m物种不同扩散能力下,反映林地景观组成和构型特征的林地面积比例(PA),以及林地面积比例(PA)与林地斑块数量(NP)、林地平均斑块大小(PS)、林地斑块隔离度(PI)组合作用对栖息地可用性的影响。结果表明:在林地面积比例高的区域,林地面积比例是决定栖息地可用性程度的重要影响因素;在林地面积比例中等的区域,除林地面积比例外,林地斑块隔离度和平均斑块大小是主要影响因素;在林地面积比例低和较低时,依据物种扩散能力的不同,需要考虑平均斑块大小和林地斑块数量的影响。景观中不同林地面积比例情况下,生物保护措施和管理要依据林地面积比例、林地斑块数量、林地平均斑块大小、以及林地斑块隔离度。  相似文献   
Species colonization in a new habitat patch is an efficiency indicator of biodiversity conservation. Colonization is a two‐step process of dispersal and establishment, characterized by the compatibility of plant traits with landscape structure and habitat conditions. Therefore, ecological trait profiling of specialist species is initially required to estimate the relative importance of colonization filters. Old planted parks best satisfy the criteria of a newly created and structurally matured habitat for forest‐dwelling plant species. We sampled species in 230 ancient deciduous forests (source habitat), 74 closed‐canopy manor parks (target habitats), 151 linear wooded habitats (landscape corridors), and 97 open habitats (isolating matrix) in Estonia. We defined two species groups of interest: forest (107 species) and corridor specialists (53 species). An extra group of open habitat specialists was extracted for trait scaling. Differing from expectations, forest specialists have high plasticity in reproduction mechanisms: smaller seeds, larger dispersules, complementary selfing ability, and diversity of dispersal vectors. Forest specialists are shorter, less nutrient‐demanding and mycorrhizal‐dependent, stress‐tolerant disturbance‐sensitive competitors, while corridor specialists are large‐seeded disturbance‐tolerant competitors. About 40% of species from local species pools have immigrated into parks. The historic forest area, establishment‐related traits, and stand quality enhance the colonization of forest specialists. The openness of landscape and mowing in the park facilitate corridor specialists. Species traits in parks vary between a forest and corridor specialist, except for earlier flowering and larger propagules. Forest species are not dispersal limited, but they continue to be limited by habitat properties even in the long term. Therefore, the shady parts of historic parks should be appreciated as important forest biodiversity‐enhancing landscape structures. The habitat quality of secondary stands can be improved by nurturing a heterogeneous shrub and tree layer, and modest herb layer management.  相似文献   
漫湾库区景观破碎化对区域生境质量的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
水利工程的建设不仅改变了库区的景观格局,还会导致区域生物生境质量的变化。以澜沧江漫湾库区为例,在综合海拔高度、植被类型和水源地距离生境因子的基础上,考虑生物扩散过程,研究了建坝前后整个库区以及典型研究小区(库首、库中、库尾、对照)的重要生境斑块空间分布变化。结果表明:漫湾水电站建成后库区的猕猴总体生境破碎化程度增加,景观连接度减少且重要生境斑块的比例也有所降低,生境质量整体下降;4个研究小区的景观格局变化情况同整个库区相一致。空间上,生境质量明显退化的地区主要分布在库区的西部和南部,尤其是库尾地区,其生境斑块数量相较于建坝前增长了9倍,而景观连接度指数下降了81.48%。回归分析结果表明景观连接度指数与占景观面积百分比指数(PLAND)呈显著正相关(R~2=0.973),与斑块数(NP)呈显著负相关(R~2=-0.611);肯德尔系数表明斑块数(NP)、最大斑块指数(LPI)、占景观百分比指数(PLAND)、相似邻近百分比指数(PLADJ)、连通度指数(CONNECT)和香农多样性指数(SHDI)7个景观格局指数与景观连接度指数均表现出显著一致性。由此看出,库区景观破碎化越严重、区域景观连接度越低生境质量退化越明显;而提高生境主要植被类型的覆盖率、保护连接度贡献大的重要斑块和建设生态廊道,可以有效恢复库区生物生境质量。  相似文献   
京津冀城市群景观格局变化机制与预测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
"城市群"是我国新型城镇化的主体形态,对推进国民经济发展具有重大意义,但其聚集连片的快速扩张模式对资源环境的压力持续增加,已经成为制约未来可持续的瓶颈。以我国经济发展最为活跃,但生态环境问题十分突出的京津冀城市群为例,基于CLUE-S模型,模拟分析了1990—2010年京津冀城市群景观格局的变化特征及其驱动机制,并预测了未来景观格局的变化趋势。结果表明,(1)1990—2010年京津冀城市群景观格局变化显著。其中,人工表面持续增加,耕地明显下降,林地和草地格局的变化也存在明显的时序差异;(2)京津冀城市群景观格局的变化主要受自然和社会经济要素的综合影响,且不同景观类型之间的驱动机制存在明显差异。其中,林地更易在地势较高、坡度较大的西部地区分布,而河流、人工表面等更易在平坦低洼的区域分布;此外,不同景观类型变化的驱动机制存在显著的时序差异,例如,人工表面受地形的影响程度逐步降低,呈现更加离散的分布,且其分布特征由较早时期的向市中心集聚分布发展为逐渐远离市中心并向铁路、高速路周边集聚的趋势;(3)经检验,CLUE-S模型能够较好地动态模拟京津冀城市群的土地覆盖格局的变化特征,模型的Kappa指数达0.84。模拟预测结果显示,未来(2020年)景观格局演变的显著特征是人工表面将持续增加,耕地将继续显著减少。北京、天津、唐山和石家庄等核心城市的景观格局变化将最为显著。  相似文献   
Soluble methane monooxygenase (sMMO) and particulate methane monooxygenase (pMMO) gene clusters in the marine methanotroph Methylomicrobium sp. strain NI were completely sequenced and analysed. Degenerated primers were newly designed and used to amplify the gene fragments containing intergenic mmoX-Y and mmoD-C regions and a partial pmoC region. Phylogenetic analysis of amino acid sequences deduced from mmoX and pmoA, as well as of 16S rRNA gene sequences, indicated that this strain was most closely related to the halotolerant methanotroph Methylomicrobium buryatense. There were putative sigma(54)- and sigma(70)-dependent promoter sequences upstream of the sMMO and pMMO genes, respectively, and mmoG, which is known to be related to the expression and assembly of sMMO, existed downstream of the sMMO genes. These findings suggest that the major components and regulation of MMOs in this marine methanotroph are quite similar to those in freshwater methane oxidizers, despite the difference in their habitats.  相似文献   
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