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Aim Ecologists seeking to describe patterns at ever larger scales require compilations of data on the global abundance and distribution of species. Comparable compilations of biological data are needed to elucidate the mechanisms behind these patterns, but have received far less attention. We assess the availability of biological data across an entire assemblage: the well‐documented demersal marine fauna of the United Kingdom. We also test whether data availability for a species depends on its taxonomic group, maximum body size, the number of times it has been recorded in a global biogeographic database, or its commercial and conservation importance. Location Seas of the United Kingdom. Methods We defined a demersal marine fauna of 973 species from 15 phyla and 40 classes using five extensive surveys around the British Isles. We then quantified the availability of data on eight key biological traits (termed biological knowledge) for each species from online databases. Relationships between biological knowledge and our predictors were tested with generalized linear models. Results Full data on eight fundamental biological traits exist for only 9% (n= 88) of the UK demersal marine fauna, and 20% of species completely lack data. Clear trends in our knowledge exist: fish (median biological knowledge score = six traits) are much better known than invertebrates (one trait). Biological knowledge increases with biogeographic knowledge and (to a lesser extent) with body size, and is greater in species that are commercially exploited or of conservation concern. Main conclusions Our analysis reveals deep ignorance of the basic biology of a well‐studied fauna, highlighting the need for far greater efforts to compile biological trait data. Clear biases in our knowledge, relating to how well sampled or ‘important’ species are suggests that caution is required in extrapolating small subsets of biologically well‐known species to ecosystem‐level studies.  相似文献   
Ocean acidification may have far‐reaching consequences for marine community and ecosystem dynamics, but its full impacts remain poorly understood due to the difficulty of manipulating pCO2 at the ecosystem level to mimic realistic fluctuations that occur on a number of different timescales. It is especially unclear how quickly communities at various stages of development respond to intermediate‐scale pCO2 change and, if high pCO2 is relieved mid‐succession, whether past acidification effects persist, are reversed by alleviation of pCO2 stress, or are worsened by departures from prior high pCO2 conditions to which organisms had acclimatized. Here, we used reciprocal transplant experiments along a shallow water volcanic pCO2 gradient to assess the importance of the timing and duration of high pCO2 exposure (i.e., discrete events at different stages of successional development vs. continuous exposure) on patterns of colonization and succession in a benthic fouling community. We show that succession at the acidified site was initially delayed (less community change by 8 weeks) but then caught up over the next 4 weeks. These changes in succession led to homogenization of communities maintained in or transplanted to acidified conditions, and altered community structure in ways that reflected both short‐ and longer‐term acidification history. These community shifts are likely a result of interspecific variability in response to increased pCO2 and changes in species interactions. High pCO2 altered biofilm development, allowing serpulids to do best at the acidified site by the end of the experiment, although early (pretransplant) negative effects of pCO2 on recruitment of these worms were still detectable. The ascidians Diplosoma sp. and Botryllus sp. settled later and were more tolerant to acidification. Overall, transient and persistent acidification‐driven changes in the biofouling community, via both past and more recent exposure, could have important implications for ecosystem function and food web dynamics.  相似文献   
The daily vertical migration of five species;Microcystis aeruginosa (Kütz.) Trevis,Anabaena spiroides Klebahn f.crassa (L.) Elenkin,Aphanizomenon flos-aquae (L.) Ralfs,Melosira granulata (E). Ralfs, andCoscinodiscus lacustris Grun. was studied using a close-interval water sampler on a calm summer day in Lake Kasumigaura. Many colonies ofMicrocystis were observed at the middle of the water column (approx. 1.5 m depth) in the afternoon, and at the surface in the early morning.Anabaena occurred mostly in the upper layer whileAphanizomenon tended to be uniformly distributed. The difference in migration patterns suggests thatMicrocystis is superior toAnabaena andAphanizomenon in obtaining both light and nutrients from this lake. Among diatoms,Melosira remained at the bottom of the water column throughout day and night, but Coscinodiscus was uniformly distributed.  相似文献   
海洋贻贝粘附蛋白类的结构与功能   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
海洋贻贝粘附蛋白具有高强度、高韧性和防水性,以及极强的黏附基体的功能,这与其特殊的分子结构、多巴(DOPA)介导的链间交联和与底材之间的相互作用方式有关,并且,它还具有很好的生物相容性和可降解性,是一类极具优势和潜力的生物胶黏剂.本文主要就粘附蛋白分子的结构和功能、粘附蛋白的粘附机理以及有关粘附蛋白生物粘剂等问题对其进行综述  相似文献   
【目的】从深海沉积物微生物元基因组文库中克隆新的酯酶基因,并进行酶学性质研究。【方法】利用含有三丁酸甘油酯的酯酶选择性筛选培养基,从深海沉积物微生物元基因组文库中筛选得到酯酶阳性Fosmid克隆。对筛选得到的fosmid FL10进行部分酶切构建亚克隆文库,筛选得到酯酶阳性亚克隆pFLS10。PCR扩增目的片段后与pET28a连接构建酯酶基因原核表达质粒,转化大肠杆菌(Escherichia coli)BL21。纯化表达产物并对其进行活性测定及酶学性质研究。【结果】序列分析显示该pFLS10亚克隆质粒含有一段924bp的ORF(Open Reading Frame),与一海洋元基因组文库中筛选出的酯酶ADA70030序列一致性为71%。该酶为一新的低温酯酶,对C4底物(对硝基苯丁酸酯)水解能力最强。该酶最适作用温度为20℃,最适作用pH为7.5,20℃时较为稳定,pH8-10的范围内有良好的pH稳定性,K+、Mg2+对该酶具有一定的激活作用,Mn2+等对其具有不同程度的抑制作用。【结论】应用元基因组技术筛选到了新的酯酶基因fls10并进行了克隆表达,该酶在低温及碱性条件下较为稳定且活力较高,对于工业化生产具有一定的应用潜力。关键词:深海沉积物;元基因组文库;低温酯酶;酶学特征  相似文献   
大连地区海泥样品中分离的五株海洋放线菌的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对从大连小平岛地区海面下10~20 m处的海泥样品中分离的5株海洋放线菌进行了生理特征和抗菌活性的研究。抗菌活性实验初步表明,菌株S097,S187和S233具有较好的拮抗革兰氏阳性菌、革兰氏阴性菌和真菌测试菌株的活性,尤其是菌株S233对绿脓杆菌和白色假丝酵母的抑制活性很强。16 s rDNA序列分析结果表明,5株放线菌(S097,S187,S233,S239,L180)分别与Streptomyces argenteolusCGMCC 4.1693、S.flavofuscusNRRL B-8036、S.variabilisNRRL B-3984T、S.lit-m ocidiniNRRL B-3635和S.sulphureusNRRL B-1627T显示出最高的序列同源性(99%),这是这些菌种首次报道在大连地区的海泥样品中得到分离。利用I型聚酮合成酶(PKSI)兼并引物从菌株S187中扩增出了PKSI片段,揭示了该菌株生产I型聚酮类化合物的潜在能力。本文的研究结果为进一步开发利用大连地区海泥中的海洋放线菌资源奠定了基础。  相似文献   
Cyanobacterial communities of the splash zone of two Croatian islands, Veruda and Ugljan, were surveyed. At each island, we studied eight localities with different aspects. From all 336 samples, a total of 42 cyanobacterial species, one green alga, and one red alga were found. In both islands Hyella spp. and Gloeocapsopsis crepidinum dominated and Entophysalis deusta, Solentia spp., Kyrtuthrix dalmatica and Mastigocoleus testarum were found frequently. Multivariate statistical analysis of species composition shows that the vertical gradient is the strongest determinant of species composition and that there are statistically significant but not very pronounced differences in species composition between the two islands. Species composition among individual sites within islands differed slightly, and between localities decreased rather slowly with the distance of individual samples (i.e. the similarity distance decay was very slow), showing that even close samples can have quite different species composition. The species accumulation curves do not reach their asymptote, indicating that many samples are needed to reasonably cover the species richness of a site. This study highlights the importance of in-depth species counts and high density sampling along vertical gradients for satisfactory cyanobacterial community assessments in marine coastal splash zones.  相似文献   
Despite concerns regarding the environmental impacts of microplastics, knowledge of the incidence and levels of synthetic particles in large marine vertebrates is lacking. Here, we utilize an optimized enzymatic digestion methodology, previously developed for zooplankton, to explore whether synthetic particles could be isolated from marine turtle ingesta. We report the presence of synthetic particles in every turtle subjected to investigation (n = 102) which included individuals from all seven species of marine turtle, sampled from three ocean basins (Atlantic [ATL]: n = 30, four species; Mediterranean (MED): n = 56, two species; Pacific (PAC): n = 16, five species). Most particles (n = 811) were fibres (ATL: 77.1% MED: 85.3% PAC: 64.8%) with blue and black being the dominant colours. In lesser quantities were fragments (ATL: 22.9%: MED: 14.7% PAC: 20.2%) and microbeads (4.8%; PAC only; to our knowledge the first isolation of microbeads from marine megavertebrates). Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT‐IR) of a subsample of particles (n = 169) showed a range of synthetic materials such as elastomers (MED: 61.2%; PAC: 3.4%), thermoplastics (ATL: 36.8%: MED: 20.7% PAC: 27.7%) and synthetic regenerated cellulosic fibres (SRCF; ATL: 63.2%: MED: 5.8% PAC: 68.9%). Synthetic particles being isolated from species occupying different trophic levels suggest the possibility of multiple ingestion pathways. These include exposure from polluted seawater and sediments and/or additional trophic transfer from contaminated prey/forage items. We assess the likelihood that microplastic ingestion presents a significant conservation problem at current levels compared to other anthropogenic threats.  相似文献   
Mangroves play an important role in carbon sequestration, but soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks differ between marine and estuarine mangroves, suggesting differing processes and drivers of SOC accumulation. Here, we compared undegraded and degraded marine and estuarine mangroves in a regional approach across the Indonesian archipelago for their SOC stocks and evaluated possible drivers imposed by nutrient limitations along the land‐to‐sea gradients. SOC stocks in natural marine mangroves (271–572 Mg ha?1 m?1) were much higher than under estuarine mangroves (100–315 Mg ha?1 m?1) with a further decrease caused by degradation to 80–132 Mg ha?1 m?1. Soils differed in C/N ratio (marine: 29–64; estuarine: 9–28), δ15N (marine: ?0.6 to 0.7‰; estuarine: 2.5 to 7.2‰), and plant‐available P (marine: 2.3–6.3 mg kg?1; estuarine: 0.16–1.8 mg kg?1). We found N and P supply of sea‐oriented mangroves primarily met by dominating symbiotic N2 fixation from air and P import from sea, while mangroves on the landward gradient increasingly covered their demand in N and P from allochthonous sources and SOM recycling. Pioneer plants favored by degradation further increased nutrient recycling from soil resulting in smaller SOC stocks in the topsoil. These processes explained the differences in SOC stocks along the land‐to‐sea gradient in each mangrove type as well as the SOC stock differences observed between estuarine and marine mangrove ecosystems. This first large‐scale evaluation of drivers of SOC stocks under mangroves thus suggests a continuum in mangrove functioning across scales and ecotypes and additionally provides viable proxies for carbon stock estimations in PES or REDD schemes.  相似文献   
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