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Calder  Dale R. 《Hydrobiologia》1991,216(1):221-228
Qualitative and quantitative collecting was undertaken in 1987 to determine the species composition, abundance, and distribution of hydroids in a mangrove system at Twin Cays, Belize. Of 49 species identified, the 5 most frequent were Ventromma halecioides, Nemalecium sp., Clytia hemisphaerica, Dynamena crisioides and Halopteris diaphana. Line-transect census data and qualitative observations showed that the hydroid fauna was sparse in sheltered, still-water areas of the mangal, but relatively abundant and diverse in areas exposed to waves and/or tidal currents. Species composition and relative abundance varied with depth at stations in exposed locations and in tidal creeks and channels. Although Turritopsoides brehmeri is known only from Twin Cays at present, it seems improbable that any of the species is restricted to mangrove ecosystems.  相似文献   
A technique is reported for the long-term application of surface electrodes for ambulatory electromyographic (EMG) recording. Prior to electrode application the surrounding skin is lightly painted with tincture of benzoin. This treatment improves adherence to the skin of disposable electrodes and electrode attachment collars, reduces skin trauma associated with electrode removal, and minimizes sensitivity to electrode adhesives.This research was supported in part by NIH grant No. NS25114.  相似文献   
The occurrence and distribution of lignicolous marine fungi in the Straits of Messina has been studied. Using submerged panels of pine, beech and poplar, twenty fungal species were identified. The lignicolous mycoflora of the Messina Straits was not significantly different from that reported in the literature for other temperate marine coastal environments, Ascomycotina being frequent, while Basidiomycotina were rare.  相似文献   
The concept of 'metabolic cold adaptation', namely that polar marine ectotherms are adapted in having an elevated basal metabolic rate, has been examined in the light of recent biochemical, physiological and ecological data for Antarctic marine organisms. It is now clear that marine invertebrates from Antarctic waters are characterized by slow growth rates, low basal metabolism and reduced annual reproductive effort, and there is thus no clear evidence of the traditional view of an elevated metabolic rate. By analogy with fish, protein synthesis rates are probably also low. This suggests that the major feature of cold adaptation is a reduction in the individual total annual energy intake in comparison with ecologically similar organisms from warm water. This allows a high standing crop of suspension feeders to develop, and low temperature is thus a significant factor in the successful widespread adoption of typical K-strategies in Antarctic marine invertebrates.  相似文献   
李宇亮  刘恒  陈克亮 《生态学报》2019,39(22):8346-8356
在提炼生态保护补偿概念内涵的基础上,综合考虑政策目标、海洋环境自然属性、自然保护区区域特殊性以及我国制度环境,明确了海洋自然保护区生态保护补偿的思路;根据相关法律法规,结合生态系统服务分析,对海洋自然保护区生态保护补偿机制的主体、客体和补偿标准进行了讨论。研究结果表明,海洋自然保护区生态保护补偿应该以持续的生态效益供给为目标,以正外部性内部化为基本原理;海洋自然保护区生态保护补偿的主体是国家,由相关政府部门代表国家履行补偿责任;补偿客体为保护区周边居民和保护区管理机构,对周边居民的补偿标准以其为保护区牺牲的生态效益价值来确定,对管理机构的补偿标准以其使保护区增加的生态效益价值来确定。在构建补偿机制框架后,探讨了保护区运营资金支持和补偿标准公信力等问题,为后续的研究实践提供参考与借鉴。  相似文献   
漠河地区养殖的北极狐冬季被毛性状与保温性能的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
程志斌  张伟  华彦  徐艳春 《生态学报》2010,30(11):2972-2980
被毛是哺乳动物最主要的特征之一,其保温功能对动物适应寒冷环境意义重大。为了探讨北极狐(Alopex lagopus)在被毛性状上如何适应寒冷的气候条件,对大兴安岭漠河地区人工养殖北极狐的背中部直针毛、上层绒毛、下层绒毛的长度、毛根细度、毛干细度以及毛密度、单个毛束内的毛数量、毛束密度、复合毛囊最大横切面积、1mm2内复合毛囊最大横切面总面积等14个性状因子进行测量分析。结果表明,北极狐绒毛分为上下两层,下层绒毛的长度、毛根细度和毛干细度均小于上层绒毛,上层绒毛长度与直针毛接近,直针毛长度与上层绒毛、下层绒毛长度均不存在显著相关性;毛密度与毛束密度极度正相关(P0.01),但与毛根细度、毛干细度、单个毛束内的毛数量和1mm2内复合毛囊最大横切面总面积不存在显著相关性,且与复合毛囊最大横切面积的相关性较小;复合毛囊最大横切面积受毛根细度、单个毛束内的毛数量和毛束密度的影响较小。北极狐不是通过降低毛细度的方式来增加毛密度以加强保温功能,而是通过改变被毛在皮肤内的分布格局来增加毛密度,以及将有髓质的绒毛分为上下两层来改变被毛空间结构这两种策略提高被毛内静止空气的量以加强保温功能,进而适应高纬度地区的寒冷环境。  相似文献   
棉铃虫幼虫对人类呈味物质的取食反应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用叶碟法在室内测定了棉铃虫对人类酸、甜、苦、咸4种基本呈味物质和麻、辣味2种植物提取物的取食反应。正交试验结果表明,棉铃虫幼虫对用甜味、苦味和辣味物质(蔗糖、奎宁和辣椒提取物)处理过的烟叶取食选择率较高,对这3种呈味物质表现出有较好的适应性;而幼虫对咸味、酸味和麻味物质(氯化钠、柠檬酸和花椒提取物)处理过的烟叶取食量较少,这3种呈味物质表现出较强的拒食活性。在选择性条件下,幼虫的取食量与花椒提取物剂量显著相关;而在非选择性条件下,幼虫的取食量与氯化钠剂量显著相关。  相似文献   
海洋可持续发展目标与海洋和滨海生态系统管理   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
苑晶晶  吕永龙  贺桂珍 《生态学报》2017,37(24):8139-8147
海洋和海岸带可以为人类提供多种生态系统服务,保护与持续利用海洋资源以促进海洋和海岸带可持续发展已被正式纳入联合国可持续发展目标。实施海洋可持续发展目标面临几大挑战,包括如何减小陆基人类活动的影响、加强海岸带的综合管理、提高海洋资源效率、适应气候变化和提高沿海居民的人类福祉等。为应对这些挑战,需要将海洋和海岸带融合为一个大型生态系统,利用基于生态系统的管理方法,综合考虑各个部门和多种胁迫因素的累积影响,通过建立综合的海洋观测体系,合理划分海洋功能区,按照海洋环境承载力限制陆基人类活动,合理配置并有效利用海洋资源,提升海洋和海岸带生态系统的整体服务功能,从而进一步推进实施海洋可持续发展目标。  相似文献   
辛星  马子龙  覃伟权 《昆虫学报》2010,53(6):626-633
对寄生蜂交配行为的了解将有助于发展对其行为调控的技术,提高寄生蜂对害虫控制的效能。为探讨椰心叶甲啮小蜂Tetrastichus brontispae Ferrière的复眼和触角在交配中的作用,用水溶性黑色素和液体石蜡分别涂抹该蜂复眼和触角后观察其交配行为,并利用扫描电镜(SEM)观察其复眼和触角的超微结构,分析雌、雄蜂触角感器的分布与数量差异。结果表明:椰心叶甲啮小蜂雄蜂的复眼在交配过程中起重要作用,雌蜂复眼作用不显著。在椰心叶甲啮小蜂求偶识别和接受过程中,雄蜂触角柄节部位起主要作用,其次是棒节部位,再次是鞭节的索亚节部位,而雌蜂触角鞭节索亚节部位起主要作用,然后是棒节部位,最后是柄节部位。扫描电镜观察表明椰心叶甲啮小蜂触角上共有8种感器,其中毛形感器和板形感器是主要感器,雌、雄蜂触角有明显的性二型现象,表现为触角大小不同及触角感器类型、大小、数量、分布不同。  相似文献   
Aim Ecologists seeking to describe patterns at ever larger scales require compilations of data on the global abundance and distribution of species. Comparable compilations of biological data are needed to elucidate the mechanisms behind these patterns, but have received far less attention. We assess the availability of biological data across an entire assemblage: the well‐documented demersal marine fauna of the United Kingdom. We also test whether data availability for a species depends on its taxonomic group, maximum body size, the number of times it has been recorded in a global biogeographic database, or its commercial and conservation importance. Location Seas of the United Kingdom. Methods We defined a demersal marine fauna of 973 species from 15 phyla and 40 classes using five extensive surveys around the British Isles. We then quantified the availability of data on eight key biological traits (termed biological knowledge) for each species from online databases. Relationships between biological knowledge and our predictors were tested with generalized linear models. Results Full data on eight fundamental biological traits exist for only 9% (n= 88) of the UK demersal marine fauna, and 20% of species completely lack data. Clear trends in our knowledge exist: fish (median biological knowledge score = six traits) are much better known than invertebrates (one trait). Biological knowledge increases with biogeographic knowledge and (to a lesser extent) with body size, and is greater in species that are commercially exploited or of conservation concern. Main conclusions Our analysis reveals deep ignorance of the basic biology of a well‐studied fauna, highlighting the need for far greater efforts to compile biological trait data. Clear biases in our knowledge, relating to how well sampled or ‘important’ species are suggests that caution is required in extrapolating small subsets of biologically well‐known species to ecosystem‐level studies.  相似文献   
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