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Although nitric oxide (NO) was identified more than 150 years ago and its effects were clinically tested in the form of nitroglycerine, it was not until the decades of 1970-1990 that it was described as a gaseous signal transducer. Since then, a canonical pathway linked to cyclic GMP (cGMP) as its quintessential effector has been established, but other modes of action have emerged and are now part of the common body of knowledge within the field. Classical (or canonical) signaling involves the selective activation of soluble guanylate cyclase, the generation of cGMP, and the activation of specific kinases (cGMP-dependent protein kinases) by this cyclic nucleotide. Nonclassical signaling alludes to the formation of NO-induced posttranslational modifications (PTMs), especially S-nitrosylation, S-glutathionylation, and tyrosine nitration. These PTMs are governed by specific biochemical mechanisms as well as by enzymatic systems. In addition, a less classical but equally important pathway is related to the interaction between NO and mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase, which might have important implications for cell respiration and intermediary metabolism. Cross talk trespassing these necessarily artificial conceptual boundaries is progressively being identified and hence an integrated systems biology approach to the comprehension of NO function will probably emerge in the near future.  相似文献   
锰超氧化物歧化酶(MnSOD)催化两分子超氧自由基歧化为分子氧和过氧化氢。超氧自由基被Mn3+SOD氧化成分子氧的反应以扩散的方式进行。超氧自由基被Mn2+SOD还原为过氧化氢的反应以快循环和慢循环两条途径平行进行。在慢循环途径中,Mn2+SOD与超氧自由基形成产物抑制复合物,然后该复合物被质子化而缓慢释放出过氧化氢。在快循环途径中,超氧自由基直接被Mn2+SOD转化为产物过氧化氢,快速循环有利于酶的复活与周转。本文提出温度是调节锰超氧化物歧化酶进入慢速或者快速循环催化途径的关键因素。随着在生理温度范围内的温度升高,慢速循环成为整个催化反应的主流,因而生理范围内的温度升高反而抑制该酶的活性。锰超氧化物歧化酶的双相酶促动力学特性可以用该酶保守活性中心的温度依赖性配位模型进行合理化解释。当温度降低时,1个水分子(或者OH-)接近Mn、甚至与Mn形成配位键,从而干扰超氧自由基与Mn形成配位键而避免形成产物抑制。因此在低温下该酶促反应主要在快循环通路中进行。最后阐述了几种化学修饰模式对...  相似文献   
【背景】舌苔是指舌头上覆盖的由食物残渣、微生物、舌苔上皮角质细胞组成的物质。根据舌苔的厚度、颜色等苔质情况来鉴别病人的健康与疾病状况,是"望"诊的重要内容之一,是中医临床辨证施治的主要依据之一。但是舌苔苔质的形成和微生物菌群的关系还有待深入研究。【目的】探索黄腻舌苔和薄白舌苔菌群群落组成的差异及与舌苔苔质形成的关系。【方法】以薄白舌苔和黄腻舌苔为研究对象,用刮舌板刮取青年学生人群的舌苔表面,获得舌苔样品进行总DNA提取,PCR扩增微生物16S rRNA基因,通过高通量测序获得16S rRNA基因序列,然后通过交互序列分析软件分析样品中细菌菌群种类及差异。【结果】黄腻和薄白舌苔原核微生物群落组成具有明显差异。其中,在门水平上,Patescibacteria和蓝细菌门细菌在黄腻舌苔上明显比薄白舌苔多,具有极显著差异(P<0.01);在属和种水平上,放线菌(Actinomyces)的组成具有显著差异(P<0.05),黄腻舌苔中放线菌含量明显高于薄白舌苔;而薄白舌苔中的卟啉单胞菌属(Porphyromonas)和莫拉氏菌属(Moraxella)的含量明显高于黄腻舌苔,差异显著(P&...  相似文献   
【背景】目前对水库水体污染原因的研究往往专注于水体的富营养化、pH值、溶解氧、氨氮、菌落总数指标的变化,而重金属含量与环境因子的季节性变化相关性分析研究较少,同时对于典型季节原位微生物种群的多样性差异研究尚未见报道。【目的】研究浙江省台州市长潭水库底部水中正二价金属离子(二价锰离子Mn2+;二价铁离子Fe2+)浓度与不同环境因子的季节性变化规律,并对其相关性进行分析;富集平水期(2月)和丰水期(8月)水库底部水体中功能微生物菌群,分析其种类和丰度的差异。【方法】分别检测12个月的水库水Mn2+和Fe2+浓度及多种环境因子(水体溶解氧浓度、pH值、总磷浓度、浊度、水库环境温度及降水量),过滤并富集培养水库底部水体的功能微生物菌群,对其16S rRNA基因V3-V4区测序并分析其菌群结构。【结果】长潭水库水中Mn2+和Fe2+浓度呈季节性变化,每年的春夏交替季节水体中铁锰含量从零开始慢慢升高,至夏秋高温季节水体中Mn2+和Fe2+浓度达到最高值,然后慢慢降低,至秋末冬初检测不到含量。在检测的多种环境因子中,水体溶解氧浓度、水库环境温度及降水量呈明显的季节性规律变化。Mn2+和Fe2+浓度与温度、降水量和浊度有正相关性,与溶解氧浓度、pH值和总磷浓度有负相关性,其中在正负相关性分析中两种金属离子的浓度与溶解氧浓度的相关性最强,其次是环境温度及降水量。丰水期和平水期中富集获得的功能微生物菌群的种类和丰度差异很大,从属水平上分类,丰水期时菌群只包含不动杆菌(Acinetobacter)和鲑色沉积物杆状菌(Sediminibacterium)这2个属的菌株,含量各占约50%;平水期时菌群则主要由杆菌属(Bacillariophyta) (47.62%)和Limnohabitans(9.52%)等9个属的菌株构成。富集获得的平水期和丰水期的两个可培养的菌群均具有去除水库水中Mn2+的功能,去除率分别约为35.9%和11.4%。【结论】长潭水库底部水体中Mn2+和Fe2+浓度与不同环境因子均呈季节性规律变化,它们之间呈现不同的正负相关性,丰水期和平水期的功能微生物菌群结构差异很大。本研究为利用微生物进行重金属污染水体的治理储备了微生物资源,为实现国家“美丽乡村”的建设目标提供一定的参考价值。  相似文献   
研究了谷朊粉的酸法改性及其在新型水性涂料中的应用.改性谷朊粉除具有优良的粘结性、流动性和流平性外,还提高了与涂料乳液的相容性,解决了谷朊粉原胶在涂料使用过程中的开裂严重,使得涂料具有更优的流平性和涂膜外观.  相似文献   
Ca2+ and Mn2+ activate the conversion of 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) by root microsomes of Vicia lens as they do in other similar systems. The preparation of microsomes in the presence of Mn2+ greatly increases their ability to convert ACC into ethylene, without addition of Mn2+ in the reaction mixture. Ca2+ does not have this property. The effect could not be attributed to Mn2+ entrapping into membrane vesicles (sonication followed by repelleting had no effect) but, possibly, in part to Mn2+-mediated binding to microsomes of a soluble factor favouring the conversion of ACC to C2H4. Although no direct correlation could be established in vitro between ethylene-forming-enzyme (EFE) and peroxidase activities, some soluble peroxidases might be this soluble factor. Mn2+ favoured attachment to membranes of some peroxidase activity from the soluble fraction and from commercial HRP and lipoxygenase. This binding effect of Mn2+ cannot be readily distinguished from its role in the generation of a chain of free radicals and in redox mechanisms.  相似文献   
In producing power, humans move the nutrients nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) from their long‐term geological and biological stocks and release or emit them in soil, water, and the atmosphere. In Finland, peat combustion is an important driver of N and P fluxes from the environment to human economy. The flows of N and P in the Finnish energy system were quantified with partial substance flow analysis, and the driving forces of emissions of nitrogen oxides (NOx) were analyzed using the ImPACT model. In the year 2000 in Finland, 140,000 tonnes of nitrogen entered the energy system, mainly in peat and hard coal. Combustion released an estimated 66,000 tonnes of N as nitrogen oxides (NOx) and nitrous oxides (N2O) and another 74,000 tonnes as elemental N2. Most of the emissions were borne in traffic. At the same time, 6,000 tonnes of P was estimated to enter the Finnish energy system, mostly in peat and wood. Ash was mainly used in earth construction and disposed in landfills; thus negligible levels of P were recycled back to nature. During the twentieth century, fuel‐borne input of N increased 20‐fold, and of P 8‐fold. In 1900–1950, the increasing use of hard coal slowly boosted N input, whereas wood fuels were the main carrier of P. Since 1970, the fluxes have been on the rise. NOx emissions leveled off in the 1980s, though, and then declined in conjunction with improvements in combustion technologies such as NOx removal (de‐NOx) technologies in energy production and catalytic converters in cars.  相似文献   
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