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The genus Mystrium is revised for the Malagasy region. Six species, Mystrium barrybressleri sp. n., Mystrium labyrinth sp. n., Mystrium eques sp. n., Mystrium mirror sp. n., Mystrium shadow sp. n., and Mystrium janovitzi sp. n. are described as new. Two existing names, Mystrium fallax Forel and Mystrium stadelmanni Forel, are synonymized with Mystrium voeltzkowi Forel and Mystrium mysticum Roger, respectively. All recognized species, including species outside of the Malagasy region, are assigned to one of the three newly proposed species groups. The associations between existing names and males are reexamined, and males of eight of the ten Malagasy species are described or redescribed. The taxonomic history of Mystrium highlights the importance of using unique identifiers when designating type specimens and the use of deposited vouchers in phylogenetic and ecological studies. Keys to species for workers, queens, and males are provided. Furthermore, a neotype for Mystrium mysticum is designated, as well as lectotypes for Mystrium camillae Emery, Mystrium rogeri Forel, Mystrium fallax Forel, Mystrium oberthueri Forel, Mystrium stadelmanni Forel, and Mystrium voeltzkowi Forel. Stigmatomma gingivale (Brown) is reassigned to Amblyopone as comb. rev. and Amblyopone awa Xu & Chu, Amblyopone kangba Xu & Chu, Amblyopone meiliana Xu & Chu, and Amblyopone zomae Xu & Chu are transferred to the genus Stigmatomma as comb. n.  相似文献   

In this article, the more usual mandible fracture areas are located by identifying the highest stress lines using a three-dimensional (tetrahedral) finite element method. By taking into account the temporomandibular contact and the inertia effects, the mathematical model is considered to be a dynamic Signorini's problem, that is, a dynamic variational inequality which is discretized in time following Newmark's method. So, in each time step a stationary variational inequality is solved by a penalty-duality algorithm. Finally, some numerical results obtained by simulating the more usual fractures in the human mandible are presented and compared with clinical experimental information.  相似文献   
Insect head shapes are remarkably variable, but the influences of these changes on biomechanical performance are unclear. Among ‘basal’ winged insects, such as dragonflies, mayflies, earwigs and stoneflies, some of the most prominent anatomical changes are the general mouthpart orientation, eye size and the connection of the endoskeleton to the head. Here, we assess these variations as well as differing ridge and sclerite configurations using modern engineering methods including multibody dynamics modelling and finite element analysis in order to quantify and compare the influence of anatomical changes on strain in particular head regions and the whole head. We show that a range of peculiar structures such as the genal/subgenal, epistomal and circumocular areas are consistently highly loaded in all species, despite drastically differing morphologies in species with forward‐projecting (prognathous) and downward‐projecting (orthognathous) mouthparts. Sensitivity analyses show that the presence of eyes has a negligible influence on head capsule strain if a circumocular ridge is present. In contrast, the connection of the dorsal endoskeletal arms to the head capsule especially affects overall head loading in species with downward‐projecting mouthparts. Analysis of the relative strains between species for each head region reveals that concerted changes in head substructures such as the subgenal area, the endoskeleton and the epistomal area lead to a consistent relative loading for the whole head capsule and vulnerable structures such as the eyes. It appears that biting‐chewing loads are managed by a system of strengthening ridges on the head capsule irrespective of the general mouthpart and head orientation. Concerted changes in ridge and endoskeleton configuration might allow for more radical anatomical changes such as the general mouthpart orientation, which could be an explanation for the variability of this trait among insects. In an evolutionary context, many‐to‐one mapping of strain patterns onto a relatively similar overall head loading indeed could have fostered the dynamic diversification processes seen in insects.  相似文献   
Mandibular condyles translate back and forth during mouth closing and opening in primates and most other mammals. To account for the functional significance of this phenomenon, several hypotheses have been proposed. The sarcomere-length hypothesis holds that condylar translation provides a mechanical advantage by minimizing sarcomere-length changes in the masseter-medial pterygoid complex throughout a wide range of jaw openings. As the hypothesis is inherently associated with the locations of the instantaneous centers of rotation (ICRs) of the mandible, a more accurate determination of this variable would help test this hypothesis. This study investigated ICRs in the sagittal plane during human symmetrical mandibular opening based on a recently developed analytical method. The results confirmed that, with inter- and intraindividual variation, the natural opening was a simultaneous rotational and translational motion. In addition, the ICR was found to lie closer to the condyle during the first 10° than during the rest of the rotation. This suggests that for the condyles the rotational component is somewhat more significant at the early phase than at the late phase of the opening stroke. For the whole range of the natural opening, the grossly approximated centers of rotation (CRs) scattered below the palpable lateral condylar poles in the superior half of the ramus. This study supports neither the ICR path determined by Grant ([1973], J. Biomech. 6:109–113) nor the conclusions reached by recording manually operated jaw movements in human cadavers (Rees [1954] Br. Dent. J. 6:125–133). Moss's suggestion ([1960] Disorders of the Temporomandibular Joint (Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders), pp. 73–88) that the center of rotation lies at the lingula is also not confirmed. Although the new data cannot reject the sarcomere-length hypothesis, they do not strongly support it either. Another hypothesis is proposed in this study as plausible. With this hypothesis, translation is regarded as an adaptation to the use of the inferior head of the lateral pterygoid as a jaw depressor in noncarnivorous mammals. Potential functional advantages of this portion of the muscle are also discussed. Am J Phys Anthropol 106:35–46, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
In this paper, we report on a craniometric analysis comparing the species of lion tamarins, Leontopithecus Lesson, 1840. Seventeen cranial and mandibular measures were taken on skulls of 59 adult crania: 20 L. rosalia (14 females and 6 males); 13 L. chrysomelas (6 females and 7 males); 23 L. chrysopygus (8 females and 15 males), and 3 L. caissara (1 female and 2 males). All specimens were from the Rio de Janeiro Primate Center (CPRJ‐FEEMA, Brazil), except the specimens of L. caissara. Statistical treatment involved a one‐way analysis of variance (the Bonferroni test) and discriminant analysis, comparing cranium and mandibles separately to determine variables which best distinguished groups and to group the specimens, using size corrected methods. The Mahalanobis distance was computed from the centroids of each group. Seven measures distinguished females of L. chrysopygus with L. rosalia, six to L. rosalia with L. chrysomelas, and L. chrysopygus with L. chrysomelas. In males, the numbers of measures statistically different were 5, 4, and 3 of the pairwise comparisons above mentioned. Cranial base length and orbital breadth were the only measures that were significantly different in all three dyads, considering both sexes. For the cranium, function 1 of the Discriminant Analysis accounted for 52.4% of the variance and function 2 accounted for 40.3%. Both functions exhibited a significant value for Wilks' lambda (P<0.0001) and 96.6% of specimens were correctly classified. For the mandible, the first two functions provided a significant discrimination 51.1% and 44.9%, respectively, and 69.5% of the correct classification. Orbital breadth and cranial base length contributed most in the cranial analysis, while mandibular length and mandibular body height to mandibular ones. The analyses performed in this study (univariate and multivariate) demonstrated that cranial and mandibular morphology is significantly different among species of Leontopithecus. Despite of sample size, L. caissara shows morphological distances to L. chrysopygus in cranial analysis. However, other investigations are necessary to confirm this. Am. J. Primatol. 48:185–196, 1999. © 1999 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
The hypothesis that the shape of the bony temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is functionally related to sagittal sliding of the condyle during mastication is tested, and a model of the relation of sagittal sliding to mandibular size, TMJ shape, and diet is developed. Sagittal sliding is defined as fore-aft motion of the condyle during mandibular translation and/or angular rotation. Ascending ramus height is used as a structural correlate of the distance between the condyle and the mandibular axis of rotation (CR). Cineradiographic data on sagittal sliding and gape during mastication in Ateles spp., Macaca fascicularis, Papio anubis, and Pan troglodytes in conjunction with comparative data on mandibular size and TMJ shape are used to evaluate the hypothesis. The results show that 1) linear and angular gape are highly positively correlated with sagittal sliding, 2) pure mandibular translation is rare during mastication, 3) the CR is rarely if ever located at the condyle during mastication, 4) angular gape should be standardized in interindividual comparisons of sagittal sliding, and 5) the height of the ascending ramus (and by inference the CR-to-condyle distance) is highly positively correlated with absolute sagittal sliding. Sagittal sliding relative to the length of the articular eminence was the variable used to explore the relation between TMJ shape and sliding. This variable standardized absolute sagittal sliding relative to joint size. The relative depth and orientation of the articular eminence were not correlated with relative sagittal sliding. The anteroposterior curvature of the condyle was highly negatively correlated with relative sagittal sliding. Flat condyles are associated with large amounts of relative sagittal sliding. A flat condyle increases joint contact area, which reduces joint stress. A flat condyle also increases joint congruence, and this may facilitate the combined sliding and rolling motion of the condyle when the sliding motion is relatively large. The shape of the entoglenoid process was also positively correlated with relative sagittal sliding. A relatively large entoglenoid process may help to guide sagittal sliding and prevent excessive mediolateral sliding of the condyle. The functional model makes a number of predictions about the correlations between food consistency and food object size, mandibular size, TMJ shape, and sagittal sliding of the condyle during mastication and incision. Am J Phys Anthropol 109:67–88, 1999. © 1999 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Feeding behaviour and bite force of sabretoothed predators   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The feeding behaviour of extinct sabretoothed predators (machaeroidines, nimravids, barbourofelids, machairodonts and thylacosmilines) is investigated using beam theory. Because bite force applied along the mandible should be proportional to the external dimension of the mandibular corpus, patterns of variation in these dimensions at interdental gaps will reflect the adaptation of the jaw to specific loads, related to killing methods. Comparison of the mandibular force profiles of sabretooths to those of extant conical‐toothed carnivorans of known feeding behaviour reveals that sabretooths had a powerful bite, as strong or stronger than extant felids of similar mandibular length. Loads exerted at the lower canine were better constrained in the sagittal plane than in extant conical‐toothed carnivorans, indicating that prey was efficiently restrained when the sabre bite was delivered. The mandibular symphysis is generally better buttressed dorsoventrally in dirk‐toothed sabretooths than in scimitar‐toothed sabretooths, implying different killing strategies for the two ecomorphs: dirktooths delivered powerful sabre bites on prey they restrained with their forelimbs, while scimitartooths delivered slashing sabre bites and may have used their incisor battery to subdue their prey. The mandibular symphysis of Smilodon fatalis is less buttressed dorsoventrally than that of other dirk‐toothed sabretooths, possibly as a consequence of the greater torsional stresses induced while feeding rapidly on carcasses in response to intense competition. The mandibular symphysis of Thylacosmilus atrox is better buttressed dorsoventrally in juveniles than in adults, suggesting that young marsupial sabretooths underwent an extended period of parental care as typically observed in modern felids and inferred for eutherian sabretooths. Finally, machaeroidines and the nimravid Nimravus brachyops are exceptional in exhibiting a degree of dorsoventral buttressing of the mandibular symphysis that is intermediate between advanced sabretooths and conical‐toothed felids but similar to the extant Neofelis nebulosa, suggesting that the latter taxon may be close to the ancestral condition of a new sabretooth radiation. © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2005, 145 , 393–426.  相似文献   
The extent to which the mandibular corpus exhibits developmental plasticity has important implications for interpreting variation in adult and juvenile mandibular morphology in the archaeological and paleontological record. Here, we examine ontogenetic changes in mandibular corpus breadth, rigidity, and strength in two population samples with contrasting diets: late prehistoric Tigara from Point Hope, Alaska, characterized by a very demanding masticatory regime, and proto-historic Arikara from the Sully Site in South Dakota, with a less demanding regime. A total of 52 juvenile and 11 adult Tigara, and 32 juvenile and 10 adult Arikara were included in the study. Juveniles ranged in age from 1 to 17 years, with good representation of younger (1-6-year-old) juveniles (20 Arikara, 18 Tigara). Superoinferior and buccolingual external and cortical bone breadths of mandibles were measured at the Pm(4) -M(1) and M(1) -M(2) junctions using calipers and biplanar radiographs, respectively. An asymmetrical hollow beam model was employed to reconstruct cross sections and calculate bending rigidities and strengths in the sagittal and transverse planes. Among adults, Tigara have greater transverse corpus width, bending rigidity, and strength, and ratios of transverse to sagittal dimensions than Arikara. This shape difference develops gradually during growth, with only weak trends among young juveniles, increasing to near-adult contrasts among adolescents. These results support a role for functional mechanical loading of the mandible during growth in producing adult differences in mandibular corpus morphology.  相似文献   
The Mentawai and Batu Island groups off the west coast of Sumatra have a complicated geological and biogeographical history. The Batu Islands have shared a connection with the Sumatran ‘mainland’ during periods of lowered sea level, whereas the Mentawai Islands, despite being a similar distance from Sumatra, have remained isolated from Sumatra, and probably from the Batu Islands as well. These contrasting historical relationships to Sumatra have influenced the compositions of the respective mammalian faunas of these island groups. Treeshrews (Scandentia, Tupaiidae) from these islands have, at various times in their history, been recognized as geographically circumscribed populations of a broadly distributed Tupaia glis, subspecies, or distinct species. We used multivariate analyses of measurements from the skull and hands to compare the island populations from Siberut (Mentawai Islands) and Tanahbala (Batu Islands) with the geographically adjacent species from the southern Mentawai Islands (T. chrysogaster) and Sumatra (T. ferruginea). Results from both the skull and manus of the Siberut population show that it is most similar to T. chrysogaster, whereas the Tanahbala population is more similar to T. ferruginea, confirming predictions based on island history. These results are further corroborated by mammae counts. Based on these lines of evidence, we include the Siberut population in T. chrysogaster and the Tanahbala population in T. ferruginea. Our conclusions expand the known distributions of both the Mentawai and Sumatran species. The larger geographical range of the endangered T. chrysogaster has conservation implications for this Mentawai endemic, so populations and habitat should be re‐evaluated on each of the islands it inhabits. However, until such a re‐evaluation is conducted, we recommend that the IUCN Red List status of this species be changed from ‘Endangered’ to ‘Data Deficient’. Published 2013. This article is a U.S. Government work and is in the public domain in the USA, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 111 , 290–304.  相似文献   
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